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9. Addison says

(a) Edward the Confessor was the first that touched for the Evil.

(b) An ounce of mother is worth a pound of clergy. (c) The third (couple were) the genius of a commonwealth, and a young man of about twenty-two years of age, whose name I could not learn.

Write a note on each passage, explaining the meaning and allusions."

10. What was the nature of the inscription on the Monument?

11. Explain fully these words from Addison-burgesses, gules, ignoramus, Mews, plum, tawdry; and these from Macaulay-dragoon, excise, Janissaries, jennet, moss-trooper, musket.

12. What is the meaning of

When the Treasury was in commission.

The weaker was shoved towards the kennel.

A fourth Estate of the Realm.

The Verulamian doctrine.

Controversies of the Rota.

13. Where are Gadshill, Charing Cross, Lombard Street, Ratcliffe Highway? Add a few words of description to each name.



The Board of Examiners.

1. Who were the authors of the following works :Abou Ben Adhem, The Arcadia, English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, The Excursion, The Hermit, Hiawatha, Representative Men, Seven Lamps of Architecture, Sigurd the Volsung, Sonnets from the Portuguese, Toxophilus, The Vision of Sir Launfal.

Give a full account of two of the works.

2. What works were published in the last Decade of the Sixteenth Century? Estimate their value in Literature.

3. Sketch briefly the characteristics of the poetry of George Herbert, Gray, Scott, and Swinburne.

4. Give an account of the style and the contents of each of the following books:-Burton's Anatomy, Lyly's Euphues, the Essays of Elia.

5. Trace the influence of the French Revolution on English Poetry and Poets.

6. Bacon's New Atlantis is often compared to the Utopia and the Oceana. Show the difference between the objects with which these books were written.

7. What allusions are made to Marlowe in his contemporaries?

8. Comment on the following passages from Hooker:(a) a number of axioms in philosophy.

(b) as hitting jump that indivisible point.

(c) all things that are have some operation not violent or casual.

(d) the Arch-philosopher.

9. Explain the following passages from Tennyson's Idylls:

(a) The dragon-boughts and elvish emblemings. (b) That smells a foul-fleshed agaric in the holt. (c) Like sparkles in the stone Avanturine.

(d) He felt, were she the prize of bodily force, Himself beyond the rest pushing could move The chair of Idris.

(e) Diet and seeling, jesses, leash and lure.


In one,

Red after revel, droned her lurdane knights

10. Give some account of the Dedication and Epilogue of the Idylls.

11. The Mort d'Arthur ends with the line

"And on the mere the wailing died away."

The Passing of Arthur has some thirty lines added to this. What is this new conclusion? Comment on the addition.

12. Of the 13 poems by Browning preserved under

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the title Men and Women some are mere

pictures, others convey the poet's lessons. Criticise this statement.

13. Comment on the following:-

(a) That day the daisy had an eye indeed.

(b) Already not one phiz of your three slaves Who turn the deacon off his toasted side,

But's scratched and prodded to our heart's


(c) This low-pulsed forthright craftsman's hand of mine.

(d) No gaudy ware like Gandolph's second line. (e) First cut the Liquefaction, what comes last?

14. Write an Essay on "The Style is the Man."


1. Translate

(a) Cinna. C'en est encor bien moins alors qu'on s'imagine

Guérir un mal si grand sans couper la racine;
Employer la douceur à cette guérison,

C'est, en fermant la plaie, y verser du poison.
Maxime. Vous la voulez sanglante, et la rendez

Cinna. Vous la voulez sans peine, et la rendez honteuse.

Maxime. Pour sortir de ses fers jamais on ne rougit.

Cinna. On en sort lâchement, si la vertu n'agit. Maxime. Jamais la liberté ne cesse d'être aimable ;

Et c'est toujours pour Rome un bien inestimable.

(b) Auguste. En est-ce assez, ô ciel! et le sort, pour me nuire,

A-t-il quelqu'un des miens qu'il veuille encor séduire ?

Qu'il joigne à ses efforts le secours des enfers.


2. Translate, adding short notes—

(a) Mar. Qui m'a ôté jusqu'au lit que j'avais ! Sgan. Tu t'en lèveras plus matin.

Mar. Enfin, qui ne laisse aucun meuble dans toute la maison !

Sgan. On en déménage plus aisément.

(b) Lu. Un petit enfant de douze ans se laissit choir du haut d'un clocher, de quoi il eut la tête, les jambes et les bras cassés; et vous, avec je ne sais quel onguent, vous fites qu'aussitôt il se relevit sur ses pieds, et s'en fut jouer à la fossette. (e) Lu. Ah! palsanguenne, monsieur, voici bien du tintamare; votre fille s'en est enfuie avec son Liandre. C'était lui qui était l'apothicaire; et vlà monsieur le médecin qui a fait cette belle opération-là.

-MOLIÈRE.-Le Médecin Malgré Lui.

3. Describe very briefly the plot of Les Demoiselles de Saint-Cyr.

4. Translate the following passages from Les Rayons et Les Ombres :

(a) Le premier avait l'air fatigué, triste et grave, Comme un trop faible front qui port un lourd projet.

Une double épaulette à couronne chargeait

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