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The other day, while traveling through Michigan, I fell into conversation with a fellow-passenger. We happened to be discussing the recently enacted prohibition law of the State when the conductor, who was close enough to overhear us, joined in our conversation. Being a man of experience, his testimony as to the remarkable change wrought by the Michigan dry law will no doubt prove interesting to many of your readers and may possibly be used as an argument to hasten the advent of prohibition in other States of the Union, not to mention foreign countries.

"I have sometimes had," the conductor informed us, as many as one hundred and fifty drunks on my train. There have been times when we had literally a solid row of broken windows in one car. Frequently I have had to act the part of a prize-fighter, since there was nothing for me to do but to sail into the more violent drunks and subdue them. On such occasions I have often had the welcome assistance of commercial travelers. For me the dry law has indeed proved a blessing, for it has transformed my job into a gentleman's job." And as he spoke his words had the unmistakable ring of truth and personal gratitude.



We frequently read articles in which there is a refusal to with the words agree of Decatur: "In her intercourse with foreign nations may she always be right; but our country, right or wrong.'

These critics do not get the real meaning of his words. Many years ago I remember hearing a daughter apologize to a sheriff for paying the fine against her father and taking him home. She said, "Drunk or sober, he is my father." She recognized the. relationship as forever settled, and also her obligation to the father under any and all circumstances. Decatur had but one country. He could have no other. He wished it to always be in the right, but, right or wrong, it remained his country and his obligation to it fixed, unchangeably fixed, because of that relationship. I can see no reason for criticism of his words. L. M. GRIMES.

Des Moines, Iowa.

Your Tooth Brush

Can be Ten-Fold More Effective

All Statements Approved by High Dental Authorities

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You Omit the Film

Ordinary brushing, as millions
know, fails to save the teeth.

Teeth still discolor, still decay.
Tartar forms and pyorrhea starts.
From time to time, accumulations
must be removed by a dentist.

The trouble lies in a clinging film
which is constantly formed on the
teeth. That is the cause of most
tooth troubles. And that is what
you largely fail to reach.

This film is what discolors, not your teeth. It hardens into tartar. It holds food which ferments and

forms acid. It holds the acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay.

Millions of germs breed in it. They, with tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. So that film is the teeth's great enemy-the one which you must combat.

Dental science had for years sought a way to fight it. Now that way is found. Clinical tests have proved this beyond question.

It is now embodied in a dentifrice called Pepsodent, and we urge you to see what it does.

Try This Way Once

That film is albuminous, so we now apply pepsin to it-the digestant of albumin. The object is to dissolve the film, in crevices and elsewhere. Then to constantly prevent its accumulation.

Pepsin must be activated, and the usual agent is an acid harmful to the teeth.

A harmless method has been found to activate the pepsin. Five governments have already granted patents. That method is employed in Pepsodent alone. And many tests have proved its efficiency on film. It is endorsed by many able authorities. You can quickly see that Pepsodent

does what nothing else has done. One week will give you a new idea of what teeth cleaning means.

Send the coupon for a One-Week tube. Use it like any tooth paste and watch the results. Note how clean your teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the slimy film. See how teeth whiten as the fixed film disappears.

Do this for your teeth's sake. Compare the results with the old ways. You can judge for yourself. After that week you will never return to old methods, we believe. Cut out the coupon now.

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The tank and powerful pumps are used to lift water and filth from the trenches and pools and to perform other sanitary work

line. It often carries fresh troops forward and conveys the wounded to the rear. It is extensively used in the camps and cantonments for every conceivable purpose of transportation.

For example, United States road engineers in France are using thousands of motor trucks in construction work back of our lines. Hundreds of miles of highways have been built this past summer. Special trucks used in this work comprise dump trucks, road oilers, pressure sprinklers, printing-press trucks for making blueprints quickly, machine-shop trucks, blacksmith and tool-repairing trucks, etc.

In this country the motor truck has become a most important supplement to the National railway transportation system. Truck trains are operating between the large manufacturing and shipping centers, and thus a huge volume of Army and Navy supplies is kept constantly moving.

The Government is also rapidly establishing postal truck routes between important points, and rural parcel post delivery by motor truck is becoming quite general.

The accompanying photographs show a few of the many new war uses for motor trucks. These have been furnished us through the courtesy of the White Company of Cleveland.

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Reduce Your Weight


YOU can get rid of excess flesh as sure as sunrise tomorrow. If you do not possess a perfect figure, correct poise and abundant health, let me help you. You can accomplish these things in a simple way-in your room.

I know you can because I've helped 85,000 women and what I have done for so many I can do for you.

Don't reduce by drugs or diet alone. You'll look old if you do. You should have the proper exercise to reduce your figure just where you want it reduced.

I build your vitality, strengthen your heart and teach you to stand, walk and breathe correctly, as I reduce you.

If you send me your height, I'll tell you just what you should weigh. No charge-and I'll send you my 28-page illustrated booklet FREE. Write me. I'd like to tell you of my wonderful experience. SUSANNA COCROFT Dept. 8 624 South Michigan Avenue CHICAGO, ILL.

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Real Estate


HELP WANTED Companions and Domestic Helpers WANTED-Male nurse or attendant to assist trained nurse in care of young man; Outlook.

Lake Front Orange Groves private home, hour from New York. 6,316,

in bearing, near beautiful WINTER
HAVEN. FLA. $4,500 to $25,000. E. S.
WADSWORTH, Lakeland, Fla.


Teachers and Governesses WANTED-Competent teachers for public and private schools and colleges. Send for bulletin. Albany Teachers' Agency, Albany, N.Y. WANTED Experienced nursery governess. Mrs. J. S. Dye, 160 Prospect, St.,

Furnished Bungalows FOR SALE—20 ACRES Waterbury, Conn.

To Rent for Month or Season
Delightful high, dry climate. Table board if
required. GREENACRE, Aiken, S. C.
Health Resorts

Sanford Hall, est. 1841

Private Hospital

For Mental and Nervous Diseases

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Comfortable. Domelike surround-
ings; modern methods of treatment;
competent nurses. 15 acres of lawn,'
park, flower and vegetable gardens. 214, Carlisle, Pa.
Food the best. Write for booklet.
Sanford Hall Flushing New York

LINDEN The Ideal Place for Sick
People to Get Well
Doylestown, Pa. An institution devoted to
the personal study and specialized treat-
ment of the invalid. Massage, Electricity,
Hydrotherapy. Apply for circular to
(late of The Walter Sanitarium)

Dr. Reeves' Sanitarium

A Private Home for chronic, nervous, and
mental patients. Also elderly people requiring
care. Harriet E. Reeves. M.D., Melrose. Mass.

Real Estate

2 completely furnished cottages.
Garage, dock, Indian River frontage. $350-$150
season. Fishing. BLAIR, Cocoa, Fla. Box 32.

KNITTERS on infants' bootees, sweaters,
blankets. Work sent out of town. The R. R.
Barringer Co., 29 E. 31st St., New York City.
Companions and Domestic Helpers

WANTED-Mother's helper to help with
light housework and the care of two children.
Address Philip D. Elliot, 20 Clinton St.,
Newark, N. J.

WANTED-Working housekeeper and an
industrial teacher in country home for girls-
ages between 4 and 18 years. 6,304, Outlook.

WANTED, housekeeper. Capable and intelligent woman to supervise and manage large residence for a private Pittsburgh family. Permanent position for one fully qualified. Reply, giving references and housekeeping experience, to Post Office Box 1,139, Pittsburgh, Pa.

WANTED-Capable young Protestant woman as girls' caretaker in orphanage. Health essential. Salary $25 month. Comfortable home, laundry. References. 6,310, Outlook. WANTED - Refined young woman 8.8 mother's helper to assist in care of little girl aged six. Home in Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. 6,311, Outlook.

WANTED-Teacher for two boys, 6 and 5. Must understand physical care and be capable taking entire charge. Country all year. Write fully as to experience, salary, references. 6,305, Outlook.

TEACHERS desiring school or college positions apply International Musical and Educational Agency, Carnegie Hall, N. Y.

SITUATIONS WANTED Companions and Domestic Helpers WANTED, by a woman aged 43, position as housekeeper of institution or hotel. 6,309, Outlook.

COMPANION-Refined New England woman desires position as companion. Personal references. 6,314, Outlook.

Teachers and Governesses WANTED, by teacher of broad experience and training, position as teacher and companion to child needing individual care. Capable of taking entire charge. References. 6,308, Outlook.

COLLEGE graduate, home economics, B.S., executive, business ability, two years' teaching, county work, desires position at once. References. 6,312, Outlook.

TUTOR-Master Science, Paris University, discharged French Army, looking position New York. Experience French and American schools. Highest references. 6,313, Outlook. BEGINNERS and more advanced pupils for private classes in school work will be accepted by trained lady teacher of high ability and long experience. First-class references. 6,315, Outlook.


PATRIOTISM by Lyman Abbott, also 4 verses of America-The Pledge to the Flag2 verses of The Star-Spangled Banner, all in a little leaflet. Further the cause of Patriotisin by distributing in your letters, in pay envel opes, in schools, churches, clubs, and social gatherings. 200 sent prepaid for 30 cents. Arthur M. Morse, Montclair, N. J.

FORDS START EASY IN COLD WEATHER with our new 1919 carburetors; 34 miles per gallon. Use cheapest gasoline or half kerosene. Increased power. Styles for any motor. Very slow on high. Attach it yourself. Big profits to agents. Money back guarantee. 30-days' trial. Air Friction Carburetor Co., 240 Madison, Dayton, Ohio.

MOTHER will take motherless little girl or boy in refined, attractive home and give child a loving mother's care. 6,306, Outlook.


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DURAND Steel Lockers

LOCKERS must do more

than merely look well. Durand Steel Lockers do that; but they are also designed for utmost convenience; they are made of the best materials procurable, by skilled labor; they will last a lifetime or longer; they are fireproof, aseptic, indestructible.

Send for our catalogue before you do anything about lockers.

We are also manufacturers of steel shelving, steel bins and general steel factory equipment DURAND STEEL LOCKER CO. 1573 Ft. Dearborn Bk. Bldg. 973 Vanderbilt Bldg. Chicago New York

YOUR WANTS in every line

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for Christmas


This year, in spite of War conditions, our stock of Pure Linen Handkerchiefs for the Holidays is larger than ever before because we ordered very heavily two years ago, in anticipation of the present Linen shortage, and before the price of Linen advanced so sharply.

We are, therefore, in a position to offer our patrons unusual values in Holiday Handkerchiefs. All are of pure Linen, as McCutcheon Handkerchiefs have been for the past 63 years.

We counsel early selection while stocks are complete.


Initialed Handkerchiefs

For Women-$3.00, 4.00, 6.00 to 12.00 the dozen.

For Men-$6.00, 7.80, 9.00, 12.00 and 15.00 the dozen.

For Children-3 for 65 cents.

Embroidered Handkerchiefs From France, Ireland, Switzerland, Spain and Madeira. We have never had a more beautiful assortment, and the values have never been better. For Children-All white, and white with colored borders, 25c, 50c, 75c, and $1.00 each, and up.

For Women-All white, and with colored borders, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, and $1.00 each, and up.

Khaki Handkerchiefs Pure Linen, of good serviceable quality and generous in size, 65c and 75c each.

McCutcheon Pure Linen Handkerchiefs $1.00 each, postpaid

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