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divesting His observations of the

skab siit CANTzerated fervor of the orator, we shall had that they contain a very collid framework of truth. #1 come now to that portion of his address which be more direct weight and bearing on the subject

before us, and in which, I am sure, you will see no need for any dissent or disappointment.

After commenting at considerable length on the evils inevitably connected with our democratic form of government, as are others, of even a worse and weightier character, with monarchical and aristocratic governments, he thus proceeds: —

"In a country like ours, then, where the democratic and commercial elements are so strong and intense, it cannot be expected that Religion will exert an adequate conservative influence, unless the intellectual tone of the people can be exalted. It is the office of Religion to diminish, by her views of eternal things, a too intense and absorbing devotion to the gross and material objects of life; but she will battle it unequally, unless she is aided by causes that shall excite and cherish a taste and respect for the higher and more intellectual objects and enjoyments of the present life. Let us, then, turn to Letters as the other conservative element of the State, and the necessary complement of the former. In this aspect of our country, we find, in some parts, public schools, a press teeming with popular works, and a body of teachers and writers actively engaged in communicating and diffusing existing knowledge. I will not stop to dwell at length on certain defects in all this. It might be shown how the system of education established among us, tends, in some important respects,

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ser contamasily coming fra I might point out some ideations of a mortid taste in the pres ent reading puulle, which req live a higher tone of Hterature 16 corrent them. But let whatever there

of lettere among us be accepted as good. in comparison with having nothing of the kind; or, even sonne azeoptions being made, with having less of it: for it tende to the diffusion of knowledge, -a thing cvential to the welfare of the country, so it be sound and wholesome knowledge. Still it is obvious to remark, that the diffusion of knowledge is not its advancement. Carrying the streams all over the hund is not keeping the fountains fresh and full.

The teachers, those engaged in simplifying and communicating existing knowledge, can have but little time for increasing the amount. They can have but little time, even if they have the intellectual power, to explore the fountain-heads, to enlarge them, to open new and fresh springs. But this is needed, otherwise the streams are likely to get dry and stale. We need, then, an order of men of lofty intellectual endowment, of original creative power, devoted to the highest departments of truth, beauty, and letters; an intellectual high priesthood, standing within the inner veil of the Temple of Faith, reverently watching before the Holy of Holies for its divine revelations, and giving them out to the lower ministers of the altar; thus teaching the teachers, enlarging their intellectual treasures, exalting their intellectual spirit, and, through them, instructing and elevating the whole body of the people. This lofty style of letters, as we have said, is good in itself. It is good as a component part of the common weal. It is good too, it is indispensably necessary, as a counteracting power to the predominant evils that have been displayed."

Of such an order of men, devoted to the highest departments of letters, and yet not wanting in the performance of a citizen's duty, on all great and necessary occasions, to their country and their kind, Edward Everett was pre-eminently a representative

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