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as second in the Competition, was awarded to the Choir of Tureen Street Public School, under the conductorship of Mr Alex. Scrymgeour. Gold Medals for Solo Singing were presented to Isa Doey, Calton School; and Annie Lochhead, John Street School. Silver Medals to Margaret Rule, Hannah Wallace, and William Withers, Newlands School; Isa Begg, Strathclyde School; and John M'Clure, Queen Mary Street School.

Twenty-four Prizes and Certificates were awarded to the members of the Newlands Public School Choir, and 63 handsome book prizes-Poetical Works of Robert Burns were presented to the scholars of the various schools who took part in the Literature Competition, as follows :--Calton, 16; Campbellfield, 4; Buchanan Institute, 4; Dalmarnock, 7; Hozier Street, 5; Newlands, 3; Rumford Street, 6; Strathclyde, 4; Springfield, 5; Tureen Street, 9.

Sir John Ure Primrose, Bart., was present and gave a stirring address on our National Poet.

A most successful Matinee and Auction Sale was held on 30th October, which realised a handsome sum for War Charities.

On the 25th January, our President took the opportunity of inviting the Directors to a dinner in the Grosvenor Restaurant, and after those present had done full justice to the good things provided, the following toasts were duly honoured :The King,"


The Queen," "The Prince of Scotland and the Royal Family," after which the Chairman, continuing, in an able speech, proposed the Immortal Memory."

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During the past year 27 new members have been added to the Club, making a total of 475.

In connection with the Rabbie Burns Matinee, promoted by the Bridgeton Burns Club, in aid of the Princess Louise Limbless Sailors' and Soldiers' Hospital, Erskine House, held in the Pavilion Theatre, President Adam C. Hay and Secretary John G. S. Sproll had pleasure in attending at the Municipal Chambers and handing to the Right Hon. The Lord Provost, J. W. Stewart, a cheque value £1147 2s, being the proceeds of the above Matinee.

JOHN C. S. SPROLL, Secretary.


The result of the Club's activities during the past session has been eminently satisfactory, while the attendance and membership have both been on a progressive scale. A feature of our Club is


the Ladies' Nights," of which there are two during the session, and which again brought about a very large turnout

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on both

occasions. The Immortal Memory address, on 25th January, was given by George Eyre Todd, Esq.

During the past session we have to record the death of Mr John Wilson, who was a member and ex-President of our Club. Mr Wilson was well known in Scotland among Burns Clubs and kindred Associations on account of his enthusiasm for Scottish song and for Scottish literature generally.

The following is our Syllabus for Session 1917-1918

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*Jan. 10. Chap-Book Literature "- -Dr James Devon.

Jan. 25.

"The Immortal Memory "-James W. Campbell, Esq., M.Sc., A.M.I.Mech. E., A.M.I.E.E.

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Feb. 7. Whistle Binkie "—Mr N. MacWhannell, F.R.I.B.A., I.A.
Mar. 7. Burns, the Ploughman "-Mr D. S. Macgregor.
April 4. Annual General Meeting at 6.45 p.m.

(Ladies' Night) at 7.30 p.m.

*Second Thursday in January.

Musical Evening

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Owing to the war no meetings of members of the Club have been held during the sessions 1914-15, 1915-16, and 1916-17. The Directors have held a number of meetings so that the Club may be kept in touch with all matters connected with Burns work. The Anniversary Dinner has been suspended until the end of the war.

The Annual Singing and Reciting Competition from the Works of Burns by the children of Provanside Higher-Grade School, was held on Saturday, 20th January, under the auspices of this Club. Owing to the lighting restrictions the competition was held in the afternoon. The large hall of the School was filled by the parents of the scholars and members of the Club. It is to be regretted that a large number were unable to gain admittance. The chair was occupied by Mr A. C. Riddall. The medals and volumes, which were the gift of Librarian William Dall and Past President T. M'Bride, were handed to the winners by Mrs Riddall. The winners of the medals were :--For Reciting, Agnes Berry and Alexander M'Lennan; and for Singing, Ernest M'Dougall and Mary Still. Great praise is due Mr Marshall, the headmaster, and the Teaching Staff of the school for the high degree of efficiency shewn by the children in their rendering of the songs and recitations.

The Annual Bowling Match of the Officials of the Albany was played on Willowbank Green on Saturday, 25th August. The game resulted in a win for the rink skipped by Past President M'Bride, the score being 14-13.

No Summer Outing of the Club was held this year.

The affairs of the Club-fiancially and otherwise-are in a sound position.

ROBERT CARMICHAEL, Vice-president and Acting Secy.


The year has been an uneventful one, but the usual meetings have been maintained. The Directors regret to record the death of a prominent member, Mr Peter Glasse. The Annual Dinner took place as usual, and was a great success. The Immortal Memory was fittingly proposed by Mr Andrew M'Callum, Pollokshields News, and a collection was taken for Mauchline House. Mr Gerard Morrison has been called to the Colonies. The Club took part in a Burns Anniversary Religious Service in St. George's

Parish Church, on 28th January, which was very successful. The Club also played in the Burns Bowling Competition.

A most successful Summer Outing took place on 2nd June, when a visit was paid to Castlemilk House, Carmunnock Church and Churchyard, great kindness being shown to the members by Mr Crawford Stuart, Rev. Mr Smart, and others.

Messrs Anderson, Ballantyne, and Renfrew represented the Club at the Burns Federation Meeting on 1st September, which was a very successful function. Messrs Anderson, Thomson, and Renfrew represented the Club at the Burns Clubs Association. The Club joined in the general protest of Burnsians against the proposed desecration of Highland Mary's Grave at Greenock.




We have pleasure in submitting our Annual Report for the Season 1916-1917. The Headquarters of the Club have been re-instated at the Grosvenor Hotel.

It is with great regret that we have to announce that death has removed two members of the Council in the persons of Mr D. C. Adam and Mr C. H. Kirton, two indefatigable workers for the welfare of the Club. We have also lost in the same way a very old member, Mr T. J. Bell.

In view of the still existent European Crisis, the Council followed last year's precedent and arranged a somewhat restricted Syllabus. The following papers were read :

Hiram P. Bailey, Esq.- "Humour."

Mrs E. J. B. Kirtlan- "Irish Poets and Poetry."

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W. Bolton, Esq.- Glimpses of Gounod's Life and Work."
Rev. J. Hanby-" Humour in War Time."

The Club is greatly indebted to the lady and gentlemen mentioned for their excellent services in connection therewith.

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At our last meeting a paper entitled Glimpses of the Past," by the late Mr W. Barry, was also read by Mr R. Spiers. This paper, practically a history of the Hull Burns Club, proved most interesting, and was greatly appreciated by the members present. It was decided by the Council to have this paper printed and a copy sent to each member.

The Burns Anniversary Celebration took the form of a Whist Drive, which was held at the Metropole. A collection was taken

for the British Red Cross Fund, and realised a sum of £12 13s 6d. The toast, "The Immortal Memory of Burns," was sympathetically proposed by Councillor Hubert Johnson, J.P.

Eight new members were elected, and the membership now totals 226, against 243 last year. Twenty-nine members are with His Majesty's Forces.

The thanks of the Club are due to the members who have in various ways assisted the Council and Officers towards the success of the Session, and particular mention must be made of the Local Press, who have generously reported the proceedings at all the meetings.



Hon. Secretaries.


The Club has had a very successful season. The place of meeting is now changed to the Masonic Hall, Burndyke Street, Govan. The membership, which is limited to 100, is almost full. The Annual Supper was held in the Masonic Hall, the meeting being confined to members of the Club. The "Immortal Memory was proposed in masterly style by the President, Mr Wm. Boyd. The Club is at present arranging for a Competition among School Children of the sixth standards, in a number of schools in the district, for the best Essay on Burns. The essays to be received by the first week in January, 1918. We intend giving three prizes. The first prize essay will be read at the Annual Supper, to be held in the Masonic Hall, on Friday, 25th January, 1918. At the Annual Meeting, held in June, Mr Boyd was re-elected President, and Mr Steele was elected Secretary in succession to Mr Hair. The ensuing season still promises well for the success of the Club.



I have pleasure in informing you that at the Annual Conference of the above, held at Geelong, on 20th September, the following resolution was carried unanimously :

"That the Union offer strong protest against any proposed

extension of the Greenock shipbuilding yards involving

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