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After a week of alternate hope and fear the welcome news was sent forth from Portsmouth on Tuesday noon of this week that, at the postponed session of that morning, the Japanese and Russian plenipotentiaries had arrived at complete accord on all the questions before the conference. It was added that a decision had been reached to proceed at once to an elaboration of the treaty, and it seemed to be beyond doubt that the signing of a treaty of peace had been substantially assured. Protocols had been drawn up relating to the several demands of the Japanese as each of them had been accepted in substance and principle by the conference. Similar protocols were agreed upon at this critical and decisive meeting of Tuesday morning regarding those questions upon which agreement had been theretofore impossible. It is understood that the formal treaty itself will be framed, as to all important matters, in accordance with these protocols, although there is room for discussion as to the exact terms to be used, and probably also with regard to minor concessions and conditions. The press despatches assert that Japan, with a magnanimity worthy of her heroic achievements in the war, met the Czar's ultimatum by abandoning her demands, not only for reimbursement for the cost of the war, but for the repurchase of the northern half of the island of Saghalien, while Russia agreed on her part to the division of the island." As had been expected, the Japanese also withdrew their demands for the surrender of the interned war-ships and for the limitation of the Russian naval power in the Far East. These latter conditions have all along been regarded as demands made without a determination to push them rigorously and as points as to which the Japanese would readily yield. The Outlook must postpone until its next issue any discussion of the fairness

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and justice of the terms of peace agreed upon, for fuller information is required before these things can be intelligently weighed; but that the only effective peace is that which will be stable because it is founded on justice is (as we say in an editorial in another column, written while the issue was still in doubt) fundamental and vital. It is not, however, in any way too early to congratulate sincerely and heartily the two great nations whose peace and future prosperity have been hanging in the balance. It is eminently proper also to extend the expression of congratulation to President. Roosevelt, whose wise and courageous efforts induced the two Powers to make an attempt to end the war even while each expressed its disbelief in the possibility of such an attempt being brought to a happy solution. Humanity and civilization have attained in this peace a triumph of inestimable value.

Lord Kitchener and Lord Curzon

Last week Lord Curzon of Kedleston, Viceroy of India, resigned his office, to which the Earl of Minto was immediately appointed. The correspondence leading up to this event, now published by the India Office, shows that Lord Curzon's dissatisfaction reached its climax with the refusal of the British Cabinet to appoint his nominee as Military Member of the Viceroy's Advisory Council. Through this Military Member, Lord Kitchener, as Commander-in-Chief of the forces, has been checked. Lord Curzon requested a reconsideration of the decision "in order to enable me to accept the responsibility which I infer his Majesty's Government still desire me to assume." Mr. Brodrick, Secretary for India, again refused, and Lord Curzon replied: "It is apparent that his Majesty's Government deny me that confidence which alone can enable me to serve them, and

attach a fundamentally different interpretation than myself to the modifications on the acceptance of which I alone consented to remain in office." Lord Curzon thereupon requested Mr. Balfour, as Prime Minister, to place his resignation in King Edward's hands. Mr. Balfour asked Lord Curzon to reconsider, but, in a final despatch, the latter declared: "The main question is not the choice of an individual, but of the principles underlying our administration. I am reluctantly driven to the conclusion that the policy of his Majesty's Government is based on principles that I could not conscientiously carry into execution." These principles have to do with the supremacy of civil government in India. The question is as to whether the Viceroy shall be supreme or the Commander-in-Chief. On the mere technical question of Lord Curzon's efforts to limit the freedom of the British Cabinet in its choice of a Military Member of the Indian Council, the Ministers were, perhaps, obliged to accept the Viceroy's resignation. But that seems no reason why the army should be entirely withdrawn from civil control, no matter how magnificent the military qualities of the present distinguished Commander-in-Chief. The event shows that England still thinks military control more important for India than civil government, presumably because of Russia's strategical advantages along the Persian and Afghan borders. Kitchener recently stated that Russia, even while grappling with Japan, was pushing forward her preparations for a contest in which the British Empire in India would have to fight for its existence. Mr. Balfour has now responded to this warning by giving to the Commander-inChief practically a free hand.

Cuban Finances


Last week President Palma signed the bill providing for the payment of $28,500,000 to the Cuban soldiers who took part in the war against Spain which resulted, through the interposition of the United States, in Cuban independence. This is only part of the entire amount devoted by Cuba to this purpose, the rest having

already been provided. While it certainly seems a large sum and a heavy debt for a struggling young republic to undertake, it must be remembered that patriotic sentiment in the island made liberal treatment of the old soldiers an absolute political necessity, while the difficulty of deciding justly and accurately as to the merits of individual claims may easily be understood by the citizens of the neighboring republic which is paying so many millions of dollars yearly in pensions to the soldiers of a war ended forty years ago. The Platt Amendment, which forms part of the treaty between Cuba and the United States, provides in effect that Cuba must not contract excessive public debtsuch, that is to say, as cannot be cared for as to interest and reasonable sinkingfund provision out of the ordinary revenues, and after current expenses are paid. It has been urged in this country that the bill just signed by President Palma carries just such an excessive expenditure as was forbidden by the Platt Amendment. The repetition of this charge has brought out a response from the Cuban Minister at Washington, Señor Quesada. The most pleasing and satisfactory part of this statement is that which deals with the growth of Cuban prosperity. Señor Quesada points out that there was a surplus of about twenty-two million dollars in the Cuban treasury just before this law was passed; that commercial and agricultural conditions have improved beyond the hope of the most optimistic; that production and investment are increasing at such a rate that the wealth of the country must be doubled within a few years; and that the notable sanitary revolution in Cuba has had a wonderful effect in attracting, not only pleasure-seekers, but business men and industrial investors. Appropriations for public works and improvements have been made on a large scale, and will not be hindered by the payment to the soldiers. On the other hand, the method now chosen for clearing off the perplexing financial problem of meeting the soldiers' claims will keep those claims from falling into the hands of speculators and usurers. Altogether, to judge from Señor Que

sada's statement, the Cuban Government cannot be accused of reckless financiering, and is not in danger of being unmindful of its national and international obligations.

While the work of preparaPanama Plans tion, organization, and sanitation is actively going on at Panama, the question as to how the actual digging of the canal shall be done is not to be forgotten. Everything that is done now and that will be done for a year to come will be of exactly as much use whether the sea-level plan is or is not adopted, and some engineers say that the final decision may properly be left open for a much longer period of time. Meanwhile it will be remembered that when the present Canal Commission was appointed there was appointed also an international body of expert advisers. This body will meet in Washington next week and compare and weigh a vast amount of material already gathered for this purpose. It is reported that the members of the board differ radically in their present beliefs as to the construction of the canal. They will take up the questions involved, not as partisans, but as experts engaged to reach definite conclusions by thorough study and judicial attitude of mind. If necessary, the board will make a visit to the Isthmus of Panama and look into some of the problems on the ground. The question of cost will be carefully scrutinized from data furnished by accountants and financiers. No one can tell what the result of this investigation will be, for the members of the board themselves do not know what it will be and cannot know it until the several propositions have been exhaustively examined and compared. The constitution of this board of advisers, is such that practical results seem certain. Its chairman is General Davis, formerly Governor of the Canal Zone, and among the eight American associates are such renowned engineers as Mr. William Barclay Parsons, of New York, Professor William H. Burr, of Columbia University, and General Henry L. Abbott. In addition, the British, German, French, and Dutch

Governments have each designated one distinguished engineer to serve on the board.


Senatorial Primaries in Virginia


Little by little there seems to be developing a constitutional change in this country not unlike that which affected the Presidential elections in the early days of the Republic. Virginia has joined that group of States in which, without any alteration of the written Constitution, United States Senators are practically chosen by the people. Last week the very active and at times acrimonious contest between Governor A. J. Montague and Senator Thomas S. Martin for election as the Democratic candidate for United States Senator culminated in the popular primaries. Senator Martin was successful. of course, the vote was a recommendation to the Legislature to re-elect Senator Martin. This recommendation the Legislature is at liberty to disregard, just as the Presidential electors are free to disregard the wishes of the party which has chosen them. As a matter of fact, however, not only is the party contest ended, but the State contest is practically over. The Legislature being overwhelmingly Democratic, Senator Martin is virtually elected United States Senator as truly as Mr. Roosevelt was virtually elected President, not in February, but in the preceding November. In this case the machine candidate won. Senator Martin is an organization man. Popular primaries do not cure all political ills, but do put the organization under scrutiny. Senator Martin has been forced to appeal to the people for approval as he never would have done if the choice had been left only to the Legislature. Governor Montague has performed a public service in bringing the issues involved in the Senatorial candidacy before the people. Virginia may have decided wrongly, but it has not been forced to submit to the decision of an irresponsible machine. At the same time the Democratic nomination for Governor was made, and resulted in the choice of ex-Congressman Claude A. Swanson. This year the contest for Governor has not been ended by the nomination of the Democratic

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