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Gentlemen, with esteem, affection and gratitude to yourselves, I commend the church and people in Franklin, with their children and their children's children, through future generations until the world shall end, that they may dwell and reign with the Lord Jesus Christ and his redeemed family and the holy angels in the kingdom of glory, world without end, to the Almighty, the ever blessed, and ever gracious Jehovah, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Now unto God, of whom and through whom and to whom are all things, be glory for ever. Amen.










THAT portion of the Scriptures, which is called Ecclesiastes, was written by Solomon. For it is entitled, The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king of Jerusalem. In this discourse, the royal preacher has a definite and important object, which is to teach and show the duty of man. In the accomplishment of this object, he exhibits a perfect example of proper instruction. In the text, which respects himself, he declares what a wise preacher will do: he declares the end which ought to be pursued, and the means which ought to be used, by the preachers of divine truth. This end is the religious improvement of their people in divine knowledge. The means which they ought to use for this end, is the constant instruction of their people.

The words of our text, then, place before us the following doctrine, A wise preacher will constantly teach his people knowledge.

To illustrate this doctrine, it is proposed,

I. To show what all people need to be taught; II. To show what a preacher needs, that he may teach his people;

III. To show why a wise preacher will constantly teach his people knowledge. It is proposed,

I. To show what all people need to be taught.

Every people needs to be taught the same system of divine truth. Of divine truth there is but one system. The truth, on the same subjects, is consistent and permanent. Divine truth is suited to every people; and it is needed by every person. As there is but one system of divine truth, every people needs to be taught the same divine instructions. It is easy, then, to perceive what every people needs to be taught. For the only correct system of religious instruction is founded on the truth respecting God and man. The truth, in

respect to God and man, includes the doctrines and duties of religion. It teaches and shows what every people and every person ought to believe and to do.

1. Every people needs to be taught the true knowledge of God.

The divine existence is certain and evident, from the nature of mutable and dependent beings, that are not eternal, but are caused to exist; and are preserved and governed by an almighty and intelligent Creator. This being is JEHOVAH. The properties of his nature and the perfections of his character are as evident as his existence. His obligations and affections, his

purposes and offices, his exertions and enjoyments, agree with his nature and perfections. His greatness and goodness, which are manifested by his designs, his works and his word, require and bind his rational creatures to esteem, love, and serve him, with supreme and constant affection and delight. But the purposes and conduct of God, respecting mankind, afford peculiar reasons, for which they should regard him with peculiar affection and interest. Yet, without divine knowledge, their sentiments, affections, and actions towards God will not agree with his designs and conduct towards themselves. No human being ever has this knowledge without instruction; nor without instruction, either directly or indirectly, from teachers whom God appoints, that he may preserve on earth the knowledge of his name. But a people, who are not taught the knowledge of God, will not have the true knowledge of any being, or of any event. For "of him and through him and to him are all things." If a people are not to be left by their teacher in total darkness, they are to be taught by him the knowledge of God. This knowledge they need as constantly, as they need to think, feel, speak, and act. For, in their thoughts, feelings, words, and actions, they are bound to have a supreme and constant regard to God. But, with whatever constancy they may be taught the knowledge of God, they will learn only a small part of what it is important and desirable to know. Nor without instruction will they retain what they have been taught, or practise what they retain. Surely every people needs to be constantly taught the true knowledge of God.

2. Every people needs to be taught the true knowledge of man.

This branch of knowledge is connected with the knowledge of God. It is highly important for every people and every person to be taught the true knowledge of man. Without this knowledge, no one can perceive and perform what is necessary to his duty and safety, his honor and happiness. Human beings are the most important creatures, on account of the nature and object of their existence. By the conduct of God towards mankind, he intends, most perfectly, to manifest his natural perfections; to exercise and gratify his moral goodness; and to produce the greatest and best effects respecting other beings, as well as himself. If a people needs to be acquainted with subjects of the highest interest, they need to be taught the knowledge of man. This knowledge they will not obtain and possess, without instruction; nor without instruction by the teachers and preachers of divine truth; nor without their constant instruction. Every people needs to be taught the true knowledge of man, as well as the true knowledge of God.

II. It is proposed to show what a preacher needs, that he may constantly teach his people knowledge.

Knowledge, goodness, and wisdom are necessary for a person to conduct himself with propriety, in any station or office, relation or employment. Every preacher is required to have some degree of true knowledge, goodness, and wisdom, before he takes the charge of a people and enters on the difficult and laborious. office of a public teacher and preacher of the Gospel. It is now to be shown what a preacher needs, when he

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