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365 those particular persons whose obnoxious conduct had made them the avowe objects of the people's resentment. On the contrary, they refused money from all those who offered it, and said they wanted nothing but the blood of Squillacei. When the affair was over, the people went of their own accord, and shaking hands with the soldiers they had taken them from, returned them their arms. Others who were not known, went in companies to the different public houses, and paid for the liquor that had been consumed. It was a rare example, that an enraged, tumultuous, and numerous populace, during so many days disturbance in a great city, should preserve an order, conduct and attention to justice, which could scarcely be equalled by the best disciplined army. The behaviour of the Spanish guards, and the invalids, is a lesson to princes, that national forces are not to be depended on, when the service appointed them is against the common interest or opinion of their country."

The above account is taken from the History of Europe in the Annual Register of the time; written by the celebrated Edmund Burke: a history, which for fidelity, luminous arrangement, perspicuity, sound reasoning, beauty and simplicity of style, and above all, strict impartiality even in the discussion of these subjects in which the author was, as a senator and statesman, a warm partizan, is thought at least to equal if not to surpass any history that has been written in any age or language. For our own part, however, we cannot withhold the tribute of our humble opinion on the subject so elegantly handled by the illustrious personage last mentioned. We have lived among the Spaniards, and knowing their nature well, have no scruple in avouching, that whatever can be looked for from valour and discretion, may be expected from them. Their religious bigotry has been trumpeted forth against them, even by bigots; but the zeal and constancy they display in their religion, impart themselves to all their purposes and actions, and, far from palsying, give them augmented strength, while it tinctures all their opinions and feelings with an enthusiastic and chivalrous spirit. If we look to the abominable excesses committed during lord George Gordon's riots in London, in which though no sanguinary excesses were perpetrated, property was wantonly destroyed, and thefts and rapine stained the transactionand compare them with the riots in Madrid-the honour and integrity displayed in voluntarily paying for the liquor, which, in the

moment of thirst and fury, the mob had taken by compulsion-in their giving back the arms to the soldiery, and the moderation they exhibited in only doing so much as the case required, and there nobly stopping, we shall find it difficult to account for so material a difference between the two mobs, without assigning to the Spaniards a vast greatness of mind and moral excellence which they could not have derived from a pernicious bigotry, such as they are described by fools and knaves to be the slaves to. And when going further, our readers compare the Madrid riots with the massacres which in the late revolution disgraced the people of France, they will own that the former seem so far exalted in the scale of existence above the latter, as scarcely to appear of the same species; and will feel a correspondent wish for the success of the one and the defeat of the other; be their domestic political tenets what they may,

Communicated for the Mirror.

I AM gratified by perceiving in the advertisement by the Cincinnati that a monument is to be erected to our patriot statesman and father, Washington. Godwin, in his Essay on Sepulchres, makes the following judicious observations:

"Every state ought to have a mausoleum to contain monuments of the benefactors of their country:-let us erect a shrine to the great and good, let us indulge all the reality we can now have of a sort of conference with these men, by repairing to the scene, which as far as they are at all on earth, they still inhabit. We are in no danger, in the present temper of the public mind, of falling into idolatry towards them; but obdurate must be the mind of him, who will bring away no good feeling and no generous sentiment from such a visit."

"Men are apt to grow, in the apostolic phrase, too worldly; the propensity of our nature, or rather the operation of our state, is to plunge the lower orders of the community, in the concerns of the day, and the masters in the care of wealth and gain. It is good for us sometimes to be "in the mount." Those things are to be cherished, which tend to elevate us above our ordinary sphere and to abstract us from our common and every day concerns." "The affectionate recollection and admiration of the dead, will act gently

upon our spirits, and fill us with a composed seriousness and most honourable contemplations."

"Man is a creature who depends upon his feelings, upon the operations of sense; portraits may be imaginary, the scenes where great events have occurred, are the scenes of those events no longer; but the dust that is covered by his tomb is simply and literally the great man himself.''

"No species of composition can better answer the wishes of the friends to virtue than the inscriptive, and almost every polished nation has made use of it to impress the feeling mind and to excité to emulation."

If the following attempt is worthy of the prototype, you will admit it into your Mirror of Taste. I have avoided drawing any parallel.

Comparisons with men of yore,

It were an insult to maintain;
His like was never seen before,
His like we ne'er shall see again.


Let other nations look to Greece and Rome,
Columbia's bright examples are at home;
Whate'er is great or good, we find in one-
All virtues join'd to form a WASHINGTON.
His generous heart was given to make us free,
His mighty mind to fix our destiny.
These States in ceaseless unity shall roll,
Sway'd by the plans of his inspired soul.

Our powers, our interests, our affections join'd,
His social rules with Heavn's fix'd laws combin'd-
This done-the approving Father call'd him hence,
Rewards of bliss eternal to dispense.

That he was ours, exulting we proclaim,
Here is the mortal-every where his fame.



Addressed to Lord Barrington.

SORROW. A young fellow has stolen my wife.

REASON. Young men are prone to that species of robbery. I am sorry to observe that in this age I have very little influence over the mind of the youth of both sexes; I wish I may have some

influence over yours at present, for I see you are very much affected. You must consider this matter. Was she young and handsome?


REASON. Two great temptations. You married her for her beauty?

SORROW. I did.

REASON. You should have reflected, that the season of youth and beauty is short, and that both fly off together: the woman won your affections, was sensible, no doubt, that she could win those of another; and some of that frail sex are as ambitious of lovers after they have entered into the married state as before it. Was she fond of dress?

SORROW. Passionately; she would spend hours together at her toilet.

REASON. Every time she looked in her glass she thought she saw the face of an angel in it, and perhaps she thought that an angel ought not to employ her time in domestic affairs. Was she fond of romances?

SORROW. She would sit up all night reading them.

REASON. Then of course she slept all day?

SORROW. A considerable part of it.

REASON. Then, as to her temper.

SORROW. Capricious.

REASON. Extravagant?

SORROW. My purse was at her command.

REASON. And she exhausted it?

SORROW. Frequently.

REASON. Now let us cast up the account, and see what you have lost, and what you have gained. In the first place you married a woman for her beauty, a short lived flower; and she married you for your wealth, which could scarce gratify her vanity and extravagance; you thought you took an angel to your arms; but the result has proved that there are fallen angels. Instead of consulting your happiness she poisoned it: instead of pouring the balm of consolation into your mind when it was afflicted, she poured a torrent of words into your ears: she consulted her glass oftener than she consulted your countenance; her nights were spent in reading romances, so that her head was filled with imaginary adventures, and heroes that never existed: such a defenceless castle was easily besieged. Why, if you view all this with an indifferent

eye, instead of a loss, you have gained. If a physician cured you of a tertian fever, you would reward him with thanks and money; and what should be the reward of that physician who has rid you of a quotidian fever? Your mind will no longer be distracted with the caprices of a woman, whose temper was not even to be regulated by the weathercock, and whose tongue would run for hours together without winding up; you will be no longer besieged by a train of milliners and perfumers. Little you know how much you are indebted to him that carried off such a disease. If he was your friend, pity him; if he was your enemy, rejoice. You are now restored to your health, and a little time and reflection will restore you to your senses.

SORROW. I can't restrain my tears.

REASON. If carried away by force, forgive her; but if willingly?SORROW. Willingly: she stole off with her gallant in the dead of night.

REASON. Many a man would pray for such a night, and hail the annual return of it with feasting and music.

SORROW. My unhappy wife went off willingly.

REASON. If she loved you, she would not have done so: how then can you weep for a woman that is unworthy of your affection? SORROW. My unhappy wife!

REASON. Truly she will be unhappy, and he that stole her more so: repentance quickly treads on the heels of unlawful appetite. But you should remember, that this is an injury kings could not escape; for Massinissa stole away the wife of Philip, and Menelaus had two wives, and they were both stolen.

Extracted from a London Periodical Work.

THERE are few people of such mortified pretensions, as patiently to acquiesce under the total neglect of mankind: nay so ambitious are most men of distinction, that they choose to be taken notice of, even for their absurdities, rather than to be entirely overlooked and lost in obscurity; and, if they despair of exciting the attention of the world, by any brilliant or useful accomplishment, they will endeavour to gain it by some ridiculous peculiarity in their dress, their equipage, or accoutrements.

Many persons may remember a little foreigner, (Des Casceaux, VOL. IV.

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