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As a Christian, in public and private us his uncommon worth, and to show life, Gov. Dudley ever manifested a the mercy of Heaven in removing steady zeal for truth. In this part of him from a situation of independent his character, he was no less uniform retirement in his native country, to enand temperate, than in the duties of counter the fatigues and perils of the the magistracy. He was a faithful American, wilderness to become a advocate of the doctrines of grace,principal founder of the civil and ecand their firm supporter against all the clesiastical institutions of our country. errors of his time. The doctrines and the order of the New-England churches, which he contributed much to establish, he believed to be conformable to the inspired standard, they were his comfort in life, his joy and hope at the end of his days.-In his private character, he was sober and devout, discovering in his whole de-weeks from the Downs; she brought meanor a rational sense of immortality, and of his high obligations to the holy Saviour of sinners. His sense of divine things seemed to be the leading principle of his conduct.

Mr. Haynes came to New-England, in company with a considerable number of planters, many of whom were persons of note, in the year 1633Their arrival at Boston, in September of that year, is thus noticed by Governor Winthrop: "The Griffin, a ship of 300 tons, arrived having been eight

about 200 passengers. In this ship, came Mr. Cotton, Mr. Hooker, and Mr. Stone, ministers, and Mr. Haynes (a gentlaman of great estate,) Mr. Golfe, and many other men of good Gov. Dudley was a very ardent estates." Mr. Haynes was, at that time, friend to the interests of New England. I conclude, about forty-five years of Its welfare and prosperity were the age. He was from the county of Essubject of his persevering labors, his sex in England, where he possessed an constant solicitude, and his daily pray-estate called Copford Hall, valued at a er to God. In his latter years, he had much concern, lest the colonies would decline from their original purity; and bore a most earnest testimony against any relaxation in public sentiment or morals.

thousand pounds sterling a year. Soon after his arrival in New-England, he settled at Newtown with Mr. Hooker. His distinguished abilities and extensive information soon excited the attention of the colony, while his amiable In the year 1653, this venerable pil-manners endeared him to all his aclar of New-England, and one of its quaintance. In 1634, the spring after principal founders, was removed to be, his arrival, at the general election of we trust, a pillar in the temple of God. the colony, he was chosen one of the He died greatly lamented, in the seven-assistants. The able and dignified ty-seventh year of his age. Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life.

manner with which he discharged the duties of a magistrate, was so acceptable to the colony, that in the year following, 1635, he was elected govGOVERNOR HAYNES. ernor. Concerning his public adminJOHN HAYNES, the first Governor of istration, the following mention is the colony of Connecticut, was one made in an ancient writing: "To of the most eminent of the venerable" him is New-England many ways befathers of New-England. As a wise "holden; had he done no more but statesman, as a faithful patriot, as an "still a storm of dissension, which amiable man, he was highly respected" broke forth in the beginning of his and beloved. It is our misfortune that "government, he had done enough to the early writers have not given so "endear our hearts unto him, and to large an account of this venerable pat-" account that day happy when he riot as of some others of his time.-" took the reins of government into Sufficient however remains, to teach" his hands."

In the spring of the year 1637, Mr.throp. Of course, he was thought the Haynes removed with his family to most proper person to stand at the Connecticut, and lived at Hartford.head of the sister colony.

The friendship between him and Mr. As a patriot, the character of Gov. Hooker, warmed by a constant dis-Haynes is conspicuous. At his emicovery of each other's virtues, strength-gration for America, he left his chilened by common dangers and com-dren in his native country, to whom, mon cares in rearing the infant colo- at his decease, he transmitted his paterny, nothing but death could dissolve.||nal inheritance. He brought howevFor two or three years after the first er, a large property to New-England, settlement of the towns on Connecti- a great part of which was consumed cut river, they considered themselves for the support of the infant colony.as belonging to the jurisdiction of Having never left his native land for Massachusetts. At the first general the purpose of amassing wealth, but to election in Connectticut, in 1639, Mr. enjoy the uncorrupted religion of his Haynes was chosen governor. The Saviour, and to assist in rearing churchconstitution of the colony, at that time,es for his praise; his disinterestedness required that the office of govornor was ever a most distinguished feature should not be held by any one person of his character. During his short restwo successive years. Mr. Haynes idence in Massachusetts, he afforded was chosen to the office, whenever he that colony important services. At was eligible, that is, every second his induction to the office of governor, year, from that time to his death, inhe informed the legislature that he 1654. should receive none of the accustomed

He was, more than any other man, emoluments of office.--On his removthe father of the colony. He everal to Conuecticut, he found the colpossessed the highest confidence of ony immediately involved in a most the people, and the whole tenor of his dangerous Indian war. The war, public and private life convinced them though successful, left the people in that their confidence had never been unexpected embarassments, which misplaced. He was a mau of affable were soon succeeded by a severe scarmanners, of dignified deportment, of a city. The few that were rich, cheermost amiable disposition, and of un-fully devoted their property to the feigned piety. The honor of his Re-public necessity, and saved the infant deemer, and the prosperity of his king-plantation. The Govornor, first in dom, was the first object of his desire. influence, was first in personal exerThough called to act in a less ex-tions, and in unreserved devotion to tensive sphere than Justinian, Sully, the public welfare. The colony, for and Fitt, the happiness of his people many years, was small: they were under his administration, and the per-placed in the interior of the country; mauency of those institutions which he contributed primarily to establish, are a testimony to his talents and virtues which entitle him to a rank among the best of statesmen. History does not inform us, precisely, to whom, among the fathers of Connecticut, we are chiefly indebted for our constitution and our fundamental laws. From what appears, however, Gov. Haynes was the principal. During his residence in Massachusetts, he was considered the only man, who, in talents and influence, could equal Gov. Win

surrounded with many savage tribes, whose friendship was always doubtful; yet, by the wisdom, the liberality, and the nnwearied exertions of their illustgious Christian patriots, under the, favor of that God who had led them to the wilderness, they were preserved, they were prospered, and increased. Mr. Haynes possessed a most ardent desire for the prosperity of the colonies and churches of NewEngland, and for the advancement of that object, he could not make too great a sacrifice.

ceasing to the end of his days. In the beginning of the year 1654, this vener able servant of Christ was dismissed from his labors and entered into his rest. Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord,-that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them,


As a man, Mr. Haynes possessed a most amiable character, and was greatly beloved. Blessed are the peacemakers. Such, eminently, was he, and that blessing he now enjoys.The settlements and churches of Connecticut, for a number of years after their commencement, enjoyed great quietness and harmony. This is the more to be noticed as all new settlements are necessarily exposed to a Mr. EDWARD HOPKINS, descended great variety of difficulties, and to in- from a reputable ancestry, was born numerable unforeseen occurrences, at Shrewsbury, in England, in the year calculated to disturb the public tran- 1600. After enjoying the benefit of quility. By the example, the vigil- a good education in his childhood, he ance, and the constant exertions of the received a mercantile education in the govornor, with the cordial co-opera- city of London. He then became a tion of his illustrious coadjutors, these merchant in that city, and was employevils were in a great measure avoided. || ed, principally, in the trade to Turkey. To all the eminent virtues of Gov. While in this employment, he became Haynes, he added the humble, faith-associated with certain pious Non-conful piety of a Christian. He was a formists, with whom he contracted an man of pure morals, of incorruptible intimate acquaintance and cordial integrity, of ardent love to Christ and friendship. As he loved the religion his earthly kingdom, without that tinc- of the gospel, he became strongly atture of extravagance which appeared tached to those ministers of Christ, who in the characters of many eminent loved and taught his religion in its naChristians of his time. With the easy tive purity, As the Christian colonies manners of polished life, and the digni- of New-England were now rising to fied deportment of the magistrate, he view, as many persons of reputable united the characteristic meekness of character and eminent piety, unwilling a humble follower of Immanuel. To to submit to the burdensome ceremothe spiritual interests of his own soul, nies prescribed by the church of Engto the religious instruction and govern- land and now enforced by the arm of ment of his family, he was peculiarly persecution, were resolving to seek attentive. The public worship of God, an asylum on these western shores, his holy sabbath, and the ordinances and unite their efforts with those who of his church, while they were the had braved the first dangers of the great comfort of his pilgrimage in the wilderness, to establish a branch of American wilderness, commanded the visible church of the Redeemer his constant exertions for their sup-according to his own precepts, Mr. port. To the many rights of human Hopkins could not contemplate the invention, which incumbered the re- noble design without the deepest inligious services of the English estab-terest and solicitude. Finding that lishment, he could not submit. The many persons, both of the clergy and simple form of the New-England | laity, whose characters he venerated, churches he approved, as agreeable to whose virtues he tenderly loved, were the divine pattern; and, in anticipation engaged in this great enterprise, his of their future iucrease, he greatly re-spirit could no longer resist the sacred joiced. His efforts and his prayers impulse. Renouncing the delicacies that the churches might continue un- of affluent life, renouncing the proscorrupted, that they might not forget pects of gain in which he had been nurtheir first love, nor decline from their tered from his childhood, he engaged original purity, were ardent and un-with the sincerest ardor for the ser

vice of the infant colonies, and for the hardly have been attempted, In relinpagan natives of the American wil-quishing the employments of comderness; hoping, in the favor of the merce, Mr. Hopkins renounced the holy Redeemer, that this desert might|| pursuit of gain as a chief object ; to the rejoice in the excellency of Carmel and service of Christ in the American Sharon; -see the glory of the Lord, churches he devoted his services and and the excellency of our God. his wealth, and he never changed his purpose.

Mr. Hopkins left his native country, in company with Mr. Eaton, Mr. Da- As a magistrate, Mr. Hopkins was venport, and others, and arrived at|| greatly beloved. His manners were Boston in June, 1637. The arrival of pleasing, his deportment was marked so valuable a company greatly anima-with that engaging gravity which alted the people of the infant colonies. ways accompanies a rational and habitIt was about a year before this compa-ual fear of God. It was his constant ny fixed upon a place for their resi- endeavor to regulate all his official dudence. Mr. Hopkins, however, deter-ties by the rules of the divine law, and mined to unite with the Connecticut co-to conform the civil institutions of the lony, and early in the year 1638 remov-colony, as far as possible, to the revealed from his temporary residence ined precepts of God. He believed the Massachusetts, and settled with his fam- true Christian character to be the first ily in Hartford. He soon received that requisite qualification of a good magisrespect from the colony, to which, trate, and was unwearied in his efforts to for his worth, he was justly entitled.- infuse that principle into the fundamenThe people could not be insensible tal institutions of the colony.-By that after mature deliberation Mr. his extensive knowledge of business, Hopkins had selected their colony as by his large acquaintance abroad, imthe place to spend the remainder of proving a strong and well cultivated his valuable life. At the first Gener- mind, Mr. Hopkins was eminently al Election, in 1639, Mr. Hopkins serviceable to the colony in the manwas chosen one of the magistrates. agement of their foreign connections -In the following year, Mr. Haynes and external interests. In the disbeing constitutionally disqualified, Mr. charge of these important services, his Hopkins was appointed governor.- disinterestedness, his assiduity, and Excepting the year 1642, in which perseverance, were equalled only by Mr. Wyllys was governor, Mr. Hopkins his fidelity. When the Union of the held the place every second year, four colonies was effected, in 1643, an while he continued in the country.- event so important to the common Mr. Haynes and Mr. Hopkins general-welfare, Mr. Hopkins was one of the ly held the offices of governor and de-commissioners from Connecticut.puty governor, which were annually To the same office he was generally exchanged. appointed in the succeeding years. Mr. Hopkins brought a large prop- In the Christian character, few can erty into tho country, which he em-be found more deserving of imitation ployed in the most beneficial manner than Gov. Hopkins. He loved the for the interest of the infant colony.-New-England churches, the order in In the commencement of new settle-which they were established, the gos ments, he would frequently purchase pel truths which they confessed, and a place and begin a valuable improve- the discipline which they sought to ment. Without such efforts from maintain. To the private duties of wealthy and public spirited individuals, with the prospect of but a distant and uncertain return, in the feeble and embarrassed state of the colony, any enlargement of their borders could

the Christian life he was constantly attentive. It was his usual practice to rise very early in the morning, and spend some time in secret devotion. After which, he read and expounded the

scriptures and prayed with his family. ||ber of Parliament These employHe was much distinguished for uncom- ments, together with his private conmon fervor in prayer, and, at times, cerns, induced him to send for his famseemed almost on the verge of the ily, who returned to England.heavenly state. The private meetings Tho' re-established in his native land, of Christians, of the nature of religious he could never forget New-England, conferences, he often attended, and af- the country which he eminently loved. forded his cheerful assistance for their He was, probably, more useful to the improvement.The piety of this colonies, after his return to England, excellent servant of Christ was equal-than he could have been had he conly conspicuous in the duty of Christian charity. As God had favored him with the ability, so did he possess the disposition, always to remember the poor. In addition to the deeds of charity performed by his own hands, he often committed considerable sums to the disposal of friends, with an injunction to do good unto all men, espe-erted with the government and with incially unto them who are of the house- fluential characters, for the good of the hold of faith. Notwithstanding his colonies. great public liberalities, and his abounding charity, his estate did not become exhausted.

tinued to reside among them. The New-Haven Colony compiled a body of laws which they sent to Gov. Hopkins, that he might procure them to be printed. He procured the impression at his own expense, and sent the prescribed number of copies to the colony. His influence was constantly ex

But his valuable life was now drawing to a close. Soon after his return to his native country, he found his infirmities increasing, and his feeble constitution sinking under their weight.This was a principal cause of his relinquishing the design of re-visiting America. In his latter years his Christian character seemed to brighten with increasing splendor. He would often speak of the anticipated joy of meeting his Christian friends in America, in the realms of glory. "How often have

Mr. Hopkins was afflicted with very severe trials. His constitution was feble and attended with many infirmities. He had a severe cough, with frequent turns of raising blood, for thirty years. His wife, on whom his affections were peculiarly placed, who was a daughter of Gov. Eaton's wife by a former husband, was afflicted, for many years, with a distempered melancholy, which issued in an incu-I pleased myself with thoughts of a rable insanity. In reference to this affliction, he observed, "I promised myself too much content in this relation and enjoyment; and the Lord will make me to know that this world shall not afford it me."




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joyful meeting with my father Eaton. I remember with what pleasure he would come down the street, that he might meet me, when I came from Hartford to New-Haven. But with how much greater pleasure shall we shortly meet one another in heaven."

In the year 1654, on the death of his elder brother in England, from Early in the year 1657, his disorwhom a considerable estate fell to Gov. ders increased to severe sickness.Hopkins, he was under a necessity of He was now sensible that he was near going home, to attend to his affairs. the the close of life. For a time, his mind He left his family in this country and was clouded with a. distressing darkexpected to return. In 1654, thoughness. But after a few days, about the absent, he was chosen governor of the time that public prayers were offered colony. Soon after his arrival in Eng-for him on the sabbath, the holy Comland, he was appointed Warden of the Fleet, a place which had been held by his brother, and afterwards, Commis sioner of the Admiralty, and mem

forter dissipated the gloom, and let in
upon his soul the rays of promised
grace. His heart broke forth in the
most animated manner
“O Lord,

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