Obrázky na stránke
[blocks in formation]

Well-found, well-skilled,
Well-given, well-disposed,

[blocks in formation]

viii. 180; xiv. 21
Well-liking, in good condition, ii. 87
Well-seen, well-versed,
ii. 167
i. 223
vi. 107 White and green, Fool's colours,
xi. 62

Wells, holy, what they were,

Welsh flannel, the,

Welsh hook, halberd,

xiii. 157

Whistle, I have been worth the, xv. 112
Whistle off, hawking-term,
White liver, a coward's,
White-liver'd, cowardly,

xvii. 235

iii. 172

ix. 264; xii. 52

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Window-bars, lattice-work,

Window of lattice, Parolles,

Windpipe's dangerous notes,

Wine of life is drawn, &c.,
Wink, jot, atom,

Wink, to sleep,

Wink, to close the eyes,

Witty, knowing, sagacious, ix. 19, 239

xvii. 51 Woe, grieved, sorry,

vii. 49

vii. 99; viii. 194; xvi. 132
ii. 7; xx. 29 Woe forerun with woe,

X. 207

xiii. 189; xix. 251
xvii. 28

Woman-tired, henpecked,
Wonder, case you in,

vii. 179

xiv. 29

Wink at, to encourage,
Winking, connivance,
Winter mars our hay,

xiv. 196

Wood, frantic, mad,

i. 184; iii. 31; viii. 90; xix. 310
ix. 99 Woodbine and honeysuckle, iii. 67

Wind, to have in the,
Wind, south-west, its effects,
Wind, bate it with the,
Wind, to scent, to get wind of,
Wind, recover the, of me,
Wind, I'll give thee a,
Wind drown'd with tears,
Wind-shaked surge, the,
Wind, to turn, to bend,
Wind me into him,
Windlaces, windings-about,
Windmill, living in a,

xiv. 239
xvii. 17 With, of,

xvii. 35 With a word, in short,
xvii. 193 With that face?

xiv. 87 Wi' th', with the; double elision,

iv. 19; vii. 13
Without, unless; with pun,

XV. 26

xiv. 187

i. 177

xi. 77

Without, beyond,

[blocks in formation]

iii. 72; iv. 54; vii. 104; xvii. 64

XV. 259

Wit-old, an equivoque,

ii. 73

[blocks in formation]

vi. 49

xv. 210

[blocks in formation]

xvi. 151; xviii. 282

vi. 88

xi. 59

ii. 21

V. 188

Woodcock, simpleton, witless,

ii. 59; iv. 239; v. 219
Wooden thing, tush, that's a, viii. 99
Woodman, hunter; with pun, vi. 218
Woodman, forester, vi. 101; xviii. 88
Woollen vassals, loafers,
xviii. 264
Woolward, I go, for penance, ii. 104
Woo't, wilt thou, wouldst thou,

xi. 178; xiv. 298; xvi. 136
Word, mot, motto,
xix. 39
Word of war, you were the, xvi. 38
Words made rascals,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Wrongs, crimes, evil deeds,

ix. 268

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Work, to persuade, to move,



Wrongs, he'll not feel; ignore, xv. III

World, a woman of the,

V. 103

Wrongs, wear thou thy,

xvii. 94

[blocks in formation]

Wroth, suffering, pain,

iii. 162

[blocks in formation]

Wrought with, induced,

X. 210

[blocks in formation]

Wrought thin, worn out,

[blocks in formation]

Wrought with things forgot,

xi. 247
xvii. 25

[blocks in formation]

Wry, to go wrong,

xviii. 117

XX. 118

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Yare, handy, manageable,
Yarely, nimbly, briskly,

xvi. 86

vii. 9

vi. 179; viii. 201; xvi. 155;

xix. 317

Yarely frame, nimbly perform, xvi. 47

Worm, the eyeless venom'd,
Worse of worst extended,
Worship, title of address,

xv. 263

Yaw, to reel, to stagger,

xiv. 305

iv. 43

Ycleped, cleped, named,

ii. 14

Year, a dissyllable,

vii. 16

[blocks in formation]

Yearn, to grieve, to mourn,

[blocks in formation]

vi. 74; x. 242; xii. 39; xiv. 56

vii. 178 Yellow, badge of jealousy,

xviii. 191

[blocks in formation]

iv. 181; vi. 24; vii. 181
Yellows, a horse-disease,
Yeoman, bailiff's aid,
Yerk, to strike, to smite,
Yesty, frothy,
Yet, now, still, as yet,

ii. 193
xi. 176

xvii. 170

[blocks in formation]

Press-work by Rockwell & Churchill.

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