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instances depends on the quality of the powder; and, in the prefent inftance, it is not very potent.

Art. 35. An Addrefs humbly prefented to the Rev. Pious, and Learned D—r G****s, on Vol. I. Tome 1. of his excellent Tranflation of the Holy Bible; with Notes, By Abraham Ben-Yiz-aakeer. 4to. Is. Symonds. 1791.

We heard it once remarked, of an amiable and charitable Jew, that he was a very good Chriftian: but we cannot fay of this Chrif tian, that he is a very good Jew. His Judaism appears only in the title; and his poetry, intended to degrade and ridicule Dr. Geddes's New Tranflation of the Bible, has, without being altogether deftitute of merit, that compofing mediocrity in it, that we finished the Address without being able either to admire the Author, or to laugh at the learned Doctor.

We advise this writer to take the field against Dr. Geddes, as a fcripture critic, in ferious profe, and thus combat what he deems to be errors in his New Tranflation and Notes.


Art. 36. Dinarbas; a Tale: being a Continuation of Raffelas, Prince of Abyffinia. 12mo. pp. 336. 3s. Boards. Dilly. 1790. Where any confiderable degree of public applaufe has been excited by a literary production, there is always much hazard in attempting to continue it beyond the limits of the original defign. The author may mistake the ardours raifed in his mind, by approbation, for new emotions of genius, and for freth exuberance of fancy. He may therefore over-rate the merit of his own execution. Should this, however, not be the cafe; fhould his fecond attempt be executed with ability equal to that manifefted in his firft; there is ftill fomething to be dreaded from the expectations already raised by what has been previously done. The public mind is not now in a tone to be fo eafily contented, as when it was first addreffed. It has been taught to feek for fomething more than common; and if it does not find all that it feeks, it is generally too faftidious to be fatisfied with any thing fhort of it,-and finks into difguft.

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It will be readily fuppofed that the danger of mifcarriage muft be increased where the continuation is by a different hand; and yet, in fpite of all difficulties, we have read the little tale now before us with much pleasure. The author fays, he does not prefume to imitate the energetic ftyle, ftrong imagery, and profound knowlege,' of Dr. Johnfon. He difcovers, however, a comprehenfive acquaintance with human life, and conveys many valuable precepts for the regulation of it, in eafy and unaffected language; and the general impreffion which the perufal of Dinarbas leaves on the mind, is more pleafing and useful than that which refults from reading Raffelas. The former, by exhibiting the brighter fide of the picture, is calculated to enliven and invigorate hope; while the latter, by balancing fo exactly the good and the evil of life, tends, in fpite of the pleasure derived from the excellence of its compofition, to produce a painful uncertainty, and to excite a cheerlefs fcepticism and indifference.


Art. 37. Delineations of the Heart; or the Hiftory of Henry Bennet, A Tragi-Comic-Satiric Effay, attempted in the Manner of Fielding. 12mo. 3 Vols. 9s. fewed. Hookham. 1791.

The writer of this novel confeffes, in the preface, the difficulty of affuming the character of author: but had he been properly fenfible of the degree of difficulty attending an undertaking of this kind, we canrot fuppofe that he would have hazarded an avowed imitation of the manner of Fielding. He modeftly profeffes, indeed, rather to have attempted Fielding's ftyle of compofition, than the comic nature of the facts with which the works of that eminent writer abound:→ but what is the manner of Fielding, without his lively delineation of character, his comic humour and wit, and the originality and fhrewdness of his reflections? In all thefe, the prefent work is too deficient, to leave the author any title to the credit of a fuccessful imitation of a writer, who, in the general judgment of the public, fill poffeffes the first place among English novelitis.

Except the character of a faithful and able preceptor, which is well sketched in the first part of the ftory, and the introductory chapters of general reflections, placed, after the manner of Fielding, at the head of each book, we find nothing in this novel to diftinguish it from the ordinary run of love tales. The hero is a depraved libertine, whofe hackneyed plans of feduction are the principal fubject of the story.


Art. 38. Another Sketch of the Reign of George III. from the Year 1780, to 1790. Being an Antwer to a Sketch, &c. Part the First. 8vo. pp. 104. 2s. 6d. Ridgway. 1791.

This sketch is diffufively written, great part of it being employed in the difcuffion of fpeculative abftract pofitions; the principal object of which appears to be a vindication of what was termed the coalition miniftry. The author paffes many fevere cenfures on the occafion and mode of the difmiffion of this unpopular heterogeneous affociation; and it is a notable circumstance, that his cenfures are not limited to Mr. P. nor to any cabal that may be understood to fupport him, but extend to the great body of the people, who are reproached with deferting their reprefentatives on that memorable occafion :-but it may be juftly queried, whether fo wide an accu fation be not a felo de fe, by amounting to a juftification of the measure ?

Art. 39. A Review of the principal Proceedings of the Parliament of 1784. 8vo. PP. 178. 25. Edwards, Bond-treet. 1792.

This is one of the mott able vindications of the prefent ministry, from whom the parliament is always underflood to receive its tone and complexion, that has appeared for a long time. The importance of the fubjects difcuffed, will appear from the contents of the fections under which they are treated. Thefe are the India bills, and the impeachment of Mr. Haftings the Irish propofitions, commercial treaty with France, confolidation of the cuf

* See Rev. Enlarged, vol. iv. p. 224.


toms, American trade--commutation act, and other regulations against fmuggling, the auditing of public accounts, and application of the annual million to the public debts--interference in the affairs of Holland--difpute with Spain--teft and corporation acts--the flave-trade--and the regency. All these fubje&s are flated with good fenfe and liberality, and the arguments urged on both fides are fairly exhibited, and well contrafted :-but were a first rate champion of oppofition to undertake a counter review, he would, perhaps, aflonith us with his addrefs and plaufibility in inverting the whole representation!

Art. 40. Letters to the Right Hon. Henry Dundas, on his Inconfiftency as the Minister of India. 8vo. PP. 152. 38. Debrett.


Thefe letters, under the fignature of Afiaticus, have been attributed to Major Scott, by an authority which we will not undertake to controvert; and they contain reiterations of those charges against the party addreffed, in which we have no call to interfere.

Art. 41. Rights for Man: or Analytical Strictures on the Conftitution of Great Britain and Ireland. By Robert Applegarth. 12mo. PP. 45. 1s. 6d. Richardfon. 1792.

With intentions of which we are willing to believe all that is good, Mr. Applegarth here appears in defence of a conftitution which he fays is triune and confequently facred;' and labours to defeat what he calls the wicked attempts that have been made. lately to fubvert it.'

We have too great a regard for thofe divine fifters, Britannia and Hibernia,' not to hope that there are champions better armed and better skilled in the ufe of their weapons, (though we do not wish for one of a more valorous and undaunted fpirit,) who are ready to ftep forth in the facred cause. Otherwife, we should tremble for the fate of thefe divine and peerless beauties. Wicked villains would certainly have their will of them.

There is a fingularity in this gentleman, that we do not recollect to have before obferved; which is, that he fcarcely ever uses the word too, without printing it in italics. We know not the cause of this, unless it be, that, from the fimilarity between the emphatic found of this word and the discharge of a mufket, he would infinuate that he kills an adverfary whenever he utters the found. If it be fo, whatever we or others may think, he must have a great idea of his own execution. Too; kill 'em-twenty more, kill them—too!

Art. 42. A Vindication of the Revolution Society, against the Calumnies of Mr. Burke. By a Member of the Revolution Society. 8vo. PP. 59. Is. 6d. Ridgway. 1792.

Among the various topics into which the controverfy between Mr. Burke and his opponents has branched out, the fubordinate concerns of the two focieties, at the expence of which Mr. Burke diverted himself and his readers, feem now to be pretty nearly forgotten by the public: but it appears, from this pamphlet, that the members of thofe focieties have not all forgotten the treatment which they have received. The prefent vindication discovers fuf


ficient ingenuity and acutenefs to fecure a portion of our approbation, but it alfo manifefts too much afperity to obtain that full fhare of applause, which we ever wish to beftow on all who prefent themfelves before our tribunal.


Art. 43. An Hiftorical Report on Ramsgate Harbour; written by Order of, and addreffed to, the Trustees. By John Smeaton, Civil Engineer, F. R. S. and Engineer to Ramfgate Harbour. SECOND EDITION. 8vo. Large Paper. 18. Sewell. 1791. We gave an account of the first edition of this Report, in our Review for April;-and we notice this fecond edition, purely for the take of an important paragraph now added; viz.

I have the pleasure of informing the public, that on the 17th. July 1791, at a high fpring tide, the New Dry Dock, built in the Bafon, for repairing fhips, was tried in the prefence of the Chairman, for the first time fince it was found neceffary to build it with a timber floor, which is of a new and peculiar conftruction, on account of the fprings rifing from the chalk, fo powerfully under it, that the ftone floor with which it had been twice tried formerly, was forced up. The experiment anfwered in the completeft manner; the Dock remaining perfectly dry till low water, when the fluices of the Bafon were opened for fcouring the Harbour: fo that this very defirable object, that has been fo much defpaired of, is now fully obtained, and must prove of great utility to the public.'

In a paper, of four folio pages, diftributed gratis, (Obfervations and Facts relative to Ramsgate Harbour, &c.') we have an addition to the lift of fhipping that have been fheltered in Ramsgate harbour, from 1780 to 1790, inclufive; viz. in 1791, not fewer than 459 fhips took fhelter there in flormy weather; of which number 356 were bound to and from London. We are here farther informed, that the register-book of thofe veffels which have taken shelter in this harbour, proves that it has already been the means of faving property, to the amount of FOUR MILLIONS fterling, and near EIGHT THOUSAND LIVES, that might otherwife have been loft to their friends and country.'-In this fugitive paper, are feveral remarks and facts which merit the attention of the public. Art. 44. An Address to the Public, from the Philanthropic Society, inftituted in 1788, for the Promotion of Industry, and the Reform of the criminal Poor. To which are annexed, the Laws and Regulations of the Society, &c. 8vo. pp. 30. 6d. White, &c. 1792.

We are pleased to find that this new inftitution, for the fober and industrious education of vagrant children, is in a promifing ftate for

As I obferved a confiderable ftream of water continually iffuing from under the Apron, at low water, I ordered this water to be drained therefrom, by a chain pump, and found that this fpring (which was falt) vented at the rate of 160 barrels an hour; which vent exposed the bottom to the action of the tides water.'

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permanent establishment; it being a juft obfervation in this Aðdrefs, with reference to many of our public charities, that while the hand of liberality is expanded, too often the ftimulus to honest industry is relaxed.'

Art. 45. The Flights of Inflatus; or, the Sallies, Stories, and Adventures of a Wild-goofe Philofopher. By the Author of the Trifler. 12mo. 2 Vols. 55. fewed. Stalker.

1791. Stulta eft clementia-at leaft it would be fo in the prefent inftance. Indelicacy, improbability, and affectation of wit, fhould meet, from impartial and honest Reviewers, an unqualified condemnation. Let then Mr. Inflatus know, that we think his Flights do him no credit, and had better never have taken their flight from the prefs.

For our account of the Trifler, by this author, (for there are more publications than one with this title,) fee M. R. vol. liii. p. 269. Art. 46. An Apology for the Life of Major General G. Writ ten by himfelf. Containing a full Explanation of the G-nn-g Myftery, and of the Author's Connection with Mr. D-ber-y's Family. 8vo. pp. 114. 35. Ridgway.

A piece of authorship,-of which we find ourselves almost provoked to speak with fome degree of feverity: but, reflecting that, poffibly, the writer may have a wife, with a garret-full of children, depending, for their fubfiftence, on his industry and invention, we drop the pen.

Art. 47. The Fashionable Preacher; or Modern Pulpit Eloquence difplayed. 8vo. 6d. Symonds. 1792.

The author of this little effay offers fome juft and sprightly remarks on the prefent state of pulpit eloquence, which is certainly open to confiderable objections, and of courfe is capable of great improvements. Our preachers are rarely orators, though they have every advantage in point of fubject; which deficiency our author attributes, in general, to the learning and refinements which the fafhionable preacher is folicitous of difplaying, but particularly to the practice of reading his fermons, which he pointedly, and, perhaps, with justice, reprobates. The orators in the fenate and at the bar practice extemporaneous eloquence; and the effect which they produce on their audience is often aftonishing; fo that it seems to merit the confideration of the public advocate for religion, whether he ought not to adopt, in fome measure, this mode of addrefs. prefent, extempore preaching is rarely practifed in England, except by the most ignorant and illiterate; while men of learning and talents, instead of speaking immediately from the heart to the heart, content themfelves with reading the correct and frigid compofitions of their retired hours. Of this practice, our author thus contemptuously speaks:


He lays open his performance at large in the face of the whole affembly; like a boy at fchool, he reads and blunders, and blunders and reads: he ftands in the pulpit like a fpeaking ftatue, without life and motion; his eyes are fixed down to the space of a few square inches, as if he ftared at a ghoft: he hangs his logger-head over his dirty fcroll, like a thief receiving fentence of death. If the poor


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