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caution to the opponents of Calvinism,
339; author's exposition of the tenets of
Calvin, ib.; his reflections on them
illogical, 340, et seq.; his canon of
criticism examined and exposed, 341;
every religious system attended with
difficulties, 342; remarks of Bishop
Butler, on objections against the di-
vine government, 343; Dr. W.'s
statement of Calvinism inaccurate, ib.;
difficulty in the Armenian scheme,
344; author's opinions concerning
the human will examined, 345; his
misconceptions in regard to the pas-
siveness of the will, 346; Dr. W.'s
caution against preaching the peculiar
doctrines of Calvin, and thereby raising
the demon of assurance,' 347; his ar-
guments combated, 348, et seq.; and
proved to be unscriptural, 349; on
the danger of withholding any part of
the truth, 350; neutrality on contro-
verted points, impracticable, 351;
ardent desire of the inquiring mind to
obtain light, on these controverted.
points, ib.; the abuse of these doc-
trines a loud call to divines to vindi-
cate the whole Christian scheme from
any supposed evil tendencies, 352
Wilberforce's letter to Prince Talleyrand
de Perigord, on the slave trade, 65,

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Wilson's (Susannah) familiar poems,
501, et seq.; her origin, and station in
life, 502; extracts, ib. et seq.
Wollaston on the elementary particles

of certain erystals, 256; on a method
of freezing at a distance, 258; of

drawing extremely fine wires, 263;
description of a single lens micro-
meter, ib.

Words, Dr. Marsh's remarks on the
literal figurative use of, 85
Wordsworth's excursion, a poem, 13, et
seq.; man disqualified by sin for fully
enjoying the beauties and blessings
of nature, 13, et seq.; origin of crea-
ture worship, 15; Mr. W. a passion-
ate admirer of nature, ib.; instances of
his imaginative powers, 16, et seq.; ar-
dent love of nature, its tendency to
improve the better feelings of the hu-
man soul asserted, 18; and that the
soul possesses the power of self-regene-
ration, 19; defect of Mr. W.'s theory
exposed, ib.; doubtful nature of his
religious sentiments, 20; religious
themes, not unsuitable to poetry of the
highest order, 21; requisite essential
in a philosophical poem on man, na-
ture, and society, ib.; the Excursi
on,' part of a poem, 22; invocation,
from the preface, ib.; address to the
prophetic spirit,' 23; the author's
nowers, 24; illustration, ib.; sketch of
the work, 25, et seq.; the hero (a pedlar
described, 26, et seq.; pleasures and inde-
pendence of walking, 29; the 'Solitary'
described, 30; his grief for the loss of
his children, 31; origin of Grecian fables,
32; a termagant woman in her last hours,
34; extract from the tale of poor Ellen;
35; death of the priest and of all his fa-
mily, ib.; the deaf man, 97; sun set, 37;
Pastor's prayer, 38

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H. Bryer, Printer, Bridge-street, Blackfriars, London.


Page 324 line 14, for failings, read feelings.

354 line 2, for immortality for name, read immortality of a name. 356 line 22, for magic poem, read tragic poem.

363 line 17 from bottom, for suddenly, read sullenly.

404 line 10 from bottom, for Devra Damo, read Devra Damo.

415 line 7, for feasts, read feats.

In the review of Salt's Abyssinia, passim, for Yasons, read Yasous. 547 line 16, from bottom, for Landaff, read Bathurst,

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