Obrázky na stránke
[blocks in formation]

mochi Saionji..

Chimney-Pot Papers (Brooks).

City, What of the ? (Moody)

Cobden, Richard (Hobson)....

Conscience, Our Common (Smith)

Cynic, A Gentle (Jastrow).

Czar, From, to Bolshevik (Stebbing)..

Dardanelles Campaign, The (Nevinson)..

Disabled, Redemption of the (Harris).

Barbless Hook, On a.

Bolshevism, Back-Firing Against.....J. M. Oskison 510
Bolshevism Testing Canadian Common Sense.

Frank Maitland 282
Bolshevists, In the Grip of the........A. H. Carasso 148
Bolshevists, What the, Have Done to Russia.

A. H. Carasso 193
Breshkovsky, Catherine, A Personal Impression of.

Cardinal's Gatekeeper, The...........E. F. Baldwin 402
Chicago, Race Riots in..
...C. W. Holman 566
Children and Toys..
..Nora Atwood 27
China Refused to Sign, Why: An Interview with
Wu Chao-chu.
J. W. Jefferis 502

China, The Case of. Interview with Dr. C. T. Wang.

Gregory Mason 324

China, The Injustice to........Elizabeth W. Wright 601
Churches. A League of-Needed: Interview with
Dorotheos, Greek Patriarch.......Gregory Mason 407
College Men in the War........... .F. M. Davenport 323
College, The, and the Camp.
.Anna W. Coale 263

Colors, When the, Came Down.......W. E. Brooks 63.

Connor Charge, The..

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I-Disintegrating Germany. ..Gregory Mason

II-Germany: Slacker Among Nations.

Alexander Green 19

.E. F. Baldwin 508

Natalie Curtis 197
Hays, Will, and the Human Spirit in Political Lead-
..F. M. Davenport 569

Hermit of Amerongen, The... Vicente Blasco-Ibáñez 469

Hired Man, Comes the....

...J. S. Pardee 504

Germany Yielded, When..

Hampton's Fifty Years, The Significance of.

History, Current Weekly Outline Study of.

J. M. Gathany 30, 76, 120, 160, 206, 256, 294, 338, 380,

410, 442, 480, 518, 550, 582, 614, 646

.Helen Kimball 365

Honolulu, War Work in...
Income Tax in New York, More About the.

F. M. Davenport 254
Natalie Curtis 327
Caroline D. Appleton 110
Ireland, Common Sense About.......E. P. Wheeler 397
Irish and the English, The, at Close Quarters.
Frank Dilnot 67

Italy and the Next War..

...Gregory Mason 542

Japan and the Peace: Interview with Marquis Kim-

.Gregory Mason 377

Japan's Gains from the War.......Sydney Greenbie 501

Japan, Visit..

..Marguerite A. Salomon 516

Jugoslavs-What They Want: Interview with Nicho-

..Gregory Mason 283

Kaiser, The Responsibility of the.... Vernon Kellogg 505
Kilmer, Joyce, Poet and Patriot....Katherine Brégy 467
Landscape, Friends of Our Native... Ragna B. Eskil 296
La Parmachene Belle!.

Indian Reservation, The Winning of an.
Indian, The American, in the War.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Russia, What the Bolshevists Have Done to.
A. H. Carasso 193
Salesman, Traveling, From the Diary of a..J. Annan 606
Senate, The, Should Ratify the Treaty, with Reser-
..F. M. Davenport 426

Shantung: A Discussion Pro and Con:

I-The Injustice to China...Elizabeth W. Wright 601

II-The Case for Japan..

.E. P. Wheeler 602

Siege of Berlin, The.
Alphonse Daudet 440
.Lucy S. Bainbridge 155

Society of Nations, The, in the Light of the Present

F. M. Davenport 191
Ladd Plumley 189
Summer's Prelude, A.
.Julia M. Sloane. 251
Vacations with a Camera...
...H. H. Moore 238
Venizelos Kingdom-Maker and King-Breaker, the
Fugitive Who Became a Great Statesman :
I-Impressions of Venizelos......C. W. Barnes 105
II-The New Greece and the New Balkans.
E. K. Venizelos 108


I've Come to Stay (Vorse)...


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Put Your "Creator



IN LESS THAN ONE MINUTE, can easily quickly demon

strate to yourself that you are only half as dynamic, vital, well, strong, energetic, and vigorous, and that you are but half as authoritative, forceful, dominant, self-reliant, daring, and courageous, and that you are merely half as progressive, masterful, aroused, powerful, and creative as you may easily become through putting your "creator" to work for you to create for

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Only the "Supreme Know the

Pleasures of Supremacy Everywhere intelligent and smart men and women, in every walk of life, are secretly and privately advancing themselves in life, happiness, joy, power, health, and personality, through consciously employing the principles of evolution, by compelling their "creators" to work for them, strive for them, plan for them, evolutionize for them, and create for them, and to give them better and more vital and energetic bodies, and more intense and conscious personalities.

Only the "Masterful" Know the

Joys and Pleasures of Life Whether you are a doctor, farmer, lawyer, laborer, banker or soldier, business or sailor, philosopher or scientist, greater success is waiting for you, through compelling your internal "creator to


Daily Results

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"I owe my rise from the position of a country insurance agent to virtual head of one of the largest insurance companies of the world entirely to the power of personality Conscious Evolution has given me."

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My weak will and personality for years made it possible for my business partners to rob me of my proper share of the profits. Conscious Evolution gave me courage, selfreliance and power of personality, and I made my partners pay me $160,000.00 out of which they had bulldozed me during my feeble and powerless days.

"I became aware of the beneficial power of Conscious Evolution at the end of the first ten seconds."

"What more can I say except to express my appreciation of your method and sincere thanks for your interest and co-operation? What more can one want for so little? What more does one get in this world?"

"Conscious Evolution has taken away that tired, lazy feeling and replaced it with a feeling of energya feeling to do something and to take an interest in doing it. Truly, Conscious Evolution is a wonderful discovery. My experience with it enables me to say that it is all that is claimed for it and more."

"I am happy to say that I received your instructions, and that in spite of traveling a good deal my health is remarkable at ninety years of age.

"Conscious Evolution made me feel twenty-five years younger. I can run up and down stairs, and walk six or seven miles at any time. Irest and digest as I did in my youth. I have no worry and I feel happy. My arms and legs are getting strong, and I thank your System for it all. I have got along so well, I constantly think of going into the shipyard, to see what I can do. I want to stir around at something even though I am eighty-three years of age. Conscious Evolution is bringing me back to life. Conscious Evolution is bringing me back to youth. And I thank you, Mr. Swoboda."

"I would not take fifty thousand dollars for the power which in six weeks Conscious Evolution has given me.

"I am certain I am gaining in every way, for I feel as full of 'fight' and energy as a wild cat."


Problems that formerly worried me are now as easy as to seem almost unreal, since I gained power of personality through Conscious Evolution."

build, construct and
create for you,

Only the "Vital"
Know the Pleas-
ures and Joys of
Real Success

Mentally and
physically, you are
the result of blind
evolution. You can
amazingly advance
yourself beyond your
blind evolution
through compelling
your internal crea-
tor to create for you
a better mind and per-
sonality, better brain,
a better nervous sys-
tem, a better diges-
tive system, a better
heart, better arteries,


Conscious Evolution

Conscious Evolution must not be confused with Darwinian evolution or Physical Culture, nor should Conscious Evolution be confused with Hindoo philosophies, auto-suggestion, self-hypnosis, gymnastics, or mere. physiology, anatomy, histology, theosophy, morphology, medicine, pathology, exercise, New Thought. Christian Science, calisthenics, embryology or psychology.

Conscious Evolution is not an occult science, nor a metaphysical science, nor a divine science, nor a spiritual science, nor a material science, nor is Conscious Evolution a symbolic science, nor a hoping, wishing, longing and dreaming philosophy.

Conscious Evolution must not be confused with any of the conceptually symbolic systems of the secondary and tertiary type, and Conscious Evolution cannot be comprehended in any of the present day concepts in science and philosophy, including the science of biology.

Conscious Evolution must not be confused with any present-day philosophies or sciences of a material or mental character.

Conscious Evolution cannot be understood by physicians, psychologists, physical culturists, philosophers, chemists, cosmologists or biologists of the present day.

Conscious Evolution is a new and original science, an exact science, a demonstrable science-a science of the evolution of and through Conscious Energy-a science of the Ultimate.

Conscious Evolution is the beginning of a new evolutionary era for the human


better lungs, better liver, better blood,
better protoplasm, better every cell, tissue,
gland, organ, and every part of your body,
as well as a higher and more wide-awake
and more able mind.

Only the "Mighty" Know the
Pleasures of the Mighty

Your "creator" is ready to furnish you
with higher power of mind and body, if you
only make the demand in the way your
internal "creator" understands and recog-
nizes. Conscious Evolution uses the means
and avenue through which the internal
"creator is reached positively, success-
fully, easily and conveniently, and with-
out loss of time, compelling the internal
"creator" to create for you just what
really desire, and really need, and really

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want. Your "creator" gives you the mind, Swoboda

the ideas, and the power to obtain what
you want, if you activate your "creator"
through the proper medium.

Only the "Evolutionarily Perfect"
Know the Joys of the

Why deny yourself the super-joys, the
super-pleasures and the super-happiness?
Why deny yourself the best there is in
existence? Why deny yourself these ad-
vantages when they are so easily available,
and when it is so absolutely certain that
you can attain them? Why, in other

26 Years Ago

From a sickly youth Swoboda made of himself a magnificent physical specimen of the human race. This was just the beginning his greater evolution was yet to come.

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To Work for You

words, live the inferior life in preference to the superior-the genuinely successful life? Why cheat yourself of the advantages of life? Why deny yourself this super-energy, this super-power, and this super-activity of personality and mind, which is made easily and absolutely possible through progressive evolution-self-evolution-scientific evolution-personal evolution.

How to Gain What You Want

The way for you to gain what you want is by increasing your power of mind and body evolutionarily, so as to compel conditions to yield to your superior and irresistible energies. Conscious Evolution is the easy and sure means of making yourself

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More Daily Results

"A year ago I was down and out financially and physically. I was a wreck. Conscious Evolution gave me power of mind and health. I am to-day better than ever and I am more prosperous than ever. Naturally I am a believer in the Swoboda idea."

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"Your system makes me feel like a different
person. Every one whom I have ever met who
has tried it out, has the same thing to say about
it. Was talking to a man to-day whose wife is
a Swoboda enthusiast.
"Your system is direct, simple, scientific, effective,
and makes one feel so invigorated. As an athlete and a
physician, I endorse Conscious Evolution unreservedly. It
is, and more, what is claimed for it."

"Conscious Evolution has given me_surpris-
ing results. I expected good results, but I am

"Conscious Evolution sent a message of energy, health and power through me in twenty seconds, which has been increased from day to day."

Your course has been of great benefit to me. I am able to do a great deal more work with less fatigue. My pleasures are also increased; all work seems a pleasure now.

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"I indeed realize what physiological gladness means. My sensation of physical enjoyment is wonderful. It seems

too good to be true. It is something as I felt when I took my first trip to Bermuda, where nature has combined the blending of dainty coloring so exquisite that nothing short of fairy land can describe it. This is how Conscious Evolution causes me to feel.''

"I can honestly say that the benefits I have received from Conscious Evolution cannot be measured by any payment of money, and I can say unhesitatingly that your system far exceeded my fondest hopes."

'I could see the tremendous reality and possibilities of Conscious Evolution in less than half a minute's direction of my energies into creative channels."

"Conscious Evolution has changed me from an invalid into a tireless human machine."

"I would not consider trading the benefits I have received from Conscious Evolution for gold."

"As a student of physiology and histology, I at once recognized the feasibility of Conscious Evolution.

"Ten seconds from the time I started Conscious Evolution, I felt myself more alive and energetic."

"I have used Conscious Evolution for a few weeks, and I find myself marvelously improved in both body and mind. Conscious Evolution is wonderful, and the world will be brighter when men and women everywhere graspit."

These Rare and Amazing Books Are For You Swoboda has published for distribution two remarkable books which explain his system of Conscious Evolution and what it has already done. Write for these books-not because Conscious Evolution has meant so much to 262,000 other men and women, not because there is scarcely a prominent family in the country that hasn't at least one member a pupil of Swoboda, but because they contain valuable ideas for you. Conscious Evolution is being personally used by many of the most prominent physicians and such men as Woodrow Wilson, Charles E. Hughes, the Rockefellers, the Vanderbilts, the Goulds, the Huntingtons, the Cudahys, the Armours, the Swifts, and McAdoos for advancing themselves in energy, health, vitality and power of personality. Write for these books, because they mean so much to YOU in multiplied living power, earning power and personal power. They are filled from cover to cover with the vital facts about yourself and how you can acquire the degree of power in body and mind that you so consciously or unconsciously desire. They explain the dangers of excessive deep breathing, excessive exercise, and excessive muscular development, also the fallacy of conscious control of physiological processes.

Swoboda himself, is perhaps the most perfect example of what Conscious Evolution can accomplish. As Swoboda gains in years,, he grows younger in enthusiasm, younger in vitality, younger in health; he is becoming stronger, more energetic, more confident, more dominant and more alive by capitalizing his creative powers through Conscious Evolution. What Swoboda is accomplishing for himself, you too can accomplish-every individual can accomplish, for every individual is governed by the same laws and principles, and every individual has it within himself to make use of these laws and principles. Swoboda's mind and body are so alert and so active that in his presence one feels completely overpowered. His personality dominates everything with which it comes in contact; yet Swoboda is real!-there is absolutely nothing mysterious about him. He knows not what fatigue is he is a tireless worker. He delights in making sick people well and weak people strong. He loves his work because he feels he is of benefit to humanity-making a better, more vital, more potent race of men and women, Swoboda is not only a mental superman, but a high-powered physical dynamo, an unheard of combination.

CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION and THE SCIENCE OF LIFE show how to double or even treble your power of mind and body; not by tedious, prolonged study, but by a process of energization which raises the very level of your life and mental power.

CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION and THE SCIENCE OF LIFE supply the key to dominant personal power, dominant business power, dominant success power, dominant mental power and dominant will power. They show how to change your aimless and fruitless life and attitudes into ambition, inspiration, enthusiasm and the higher success.

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These books show how to amazingly in. crease your power of will and personality, as well as your power of body for every action, for every purpose and process.

Conscious Evolution is a new science,
and no one can afford not to know at
least the simple facts about it. These
facts show how Conscious Evolution
overcomes weak will, poor health, feeble-
ness of mind and body.

They show how to overcome the in-
ferior, pleasureless, feeble and unsatis-
factory life by giving the means to the
successful, superior and abundant life.
Conscious Evolution also shows how
to arrest the aging of the body, and how
to remain young, energetic, vigorous and
active all the days of life.

These books are absolutely free and
there is no obligation now or after. These

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books are yours to keep, that you may attain a higher
understanding of yourself and of Evolution and the
means to a higher existence.

Even if you gain but one idea or the realization
of the one principle of life through CONSCIOUS
these books will be of eternal advantage to


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ALOIS P. SWOBODA, 2301 Berkeley Bldg., New York City Please send me your free copyrighted books, "Conscious Evolution" and "The Science of Life."





Just write your name and address on the coupon,
tear it out and mail it to Swoboda, or draw a ring
around your name on your letterhead, or merely
send a postal, giving your name and address.
Do it to-day! This is your opportunity!
Now is your turn! This is your day!
This is your hour! Write now!

2301 Berkeley Bldg. New York City


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The New Covenant of the League of

American Opinion on the League.
The Bolsheviki on the Defensive.
Postmaster-General Burleson...
An Appropriate Roosevelt Memorial.
Thirty-seven Neighborhood Houses Unite 9
The Music School Settlement..
What a Hotel-Keeper Thinks of
"Booze "" 10
A Good Example..


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The Summer Quarter 1919 will receive the added inspiration of professors and instructors returning from war service in many lands. Students and teachers, interested in keeping abreast of the times or in completing work already begun, appreciate the opportunity of instruction in a regular season of study under members of the University staff. Scholars desiring to prosecute research in the libraries and labo ratories will find facilities for work under the most favorable conditions.

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St. John's Riverside Hospital Training School for Nurses


Registered in New York State, offers a 3 year's course general training to refined, educated women. Require ments one year high school or its equivalent. Apply to the Directress of Nurses, Yonkers, New York.



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Sargent Camps for Girls

Dr. D. A. SARGENT, President

For illustrated catalog, address

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