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The Pratt Teachers Agency

70 Fifth Avenue, New York Recommends teachers to colleges, public and private schools. Advises parents about schools. Win. O. Pratt, Mgr. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES

Training for Authorship

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Dr. Esenwein

How to write, what to write, and where to sell.

Cultivate your mind. Develop your literary gifts.Master the art of self-expression. Make your spare time profitable. Turn ideas into dollars.

your Courses in Short-Story Writing, Versification, Journalism, Play Writing, Photoplay Writing, etc., taught personally by Dr. J. Berg Esenwein, for many years editor of Lippincott's Magazine, and a staff of literary experts. Constructive criticism. Frank, honest, helpful advice. Real teaching. One pupil has received over $5,000 for stories and articles written mostly in spare time-"play work," he calls it. Another pupil received over $1,000 before completing her first course. Another, a busy wife and mother, is averaging over $75 a week from photoplay writing alone.

There is no other institution or agency doing so much for writers, young or old. The universities recognize this, for over one hundred members of the English faculties of higher institutions are studying in our Literary Department. The editors recognize it, for they are constantly recommending our courses.

We publish The Writer's Library. We also publish The
Writer's Monthly, especially valuable for its full,reports of
the literary market. Besides our teaching service, we offer a
manuscript criticism service.

150-page illustrated catalogue free

Please address

The Home Correspondence School Dept. 58, Springfield, Mass.


The Senate Should Ratify, with Reservations 426
By Frederick M. Davenport

The Dedication of Mount Theodore

Staff Correspondence from Travers D. Carman.
Containing a Tribute by Major-General
Leonard Wood


Roosevelt as a Practical Politician..... 433

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By Brander Matthews

The Society of Nations in the Light of the Present Situation......

on the


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New York City

have brains.

Simply mail your check or a money order for $4 to The Outlook Com

pany, 381 Fourth Avenue, New York City.

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How I Discovered My
Own Character

One Evening's Experience That Changed the Career of
Donald Warwick and Gave Him the Big Job of His Dreams

SHALL never forget the light that flooded my mental vision when Dr. Blackford singled me out from that audience of 153 purchasing agents and said: "This gentleman is wasting his time in the wrong kind of work-for he is the blond type !" We were gathered at the Hotel Astor for a dinner and meeting of purchasing agentsand the men represented the greatest concerns of their kind in the United States.

Dr. Blackford had come to give us one of the famous demonstrations in Character Analysis about which I heard more than once and the eager audience by this time was leaning forward to catch every word of a remarkable message.

No wonder! For Dr. Blackford had begun with the startling observation:

"It is exactly as I told your president it would be-when he invited me to

address this company.

"All of you-with a half dozen exceptions are rather pronounced brunets.

"You will never fail to find this true of any group of successful purchasing agents-no matter where you meet them. "But, were this an organization of successful salesmen, you would find most of them to be blonds.

"The brunet is the man from Missouri. He must be shown.' He is thoughtful, analytical, conservative, deliberateeverything a buyer should be. The blond is usually quite the reverse. He is a man of moods, of imagination, impetuous, easy to sell, but remarkably qualified to influence other people and to make them buy things." And I am the blond type-thought I-one of the exceptions in this room! Can it be that I am in wrong"? I had felt that in that group of purchasing agents I could hold up my end quite well. And I was jolted!

But as Dr. Blackford went on I became more and more certain that this remarkable teacher of character analysis had called the turn correctly.

"There is more to this scientific fact than

Just 3 Letters

"My life began anew the day I discovered you. The money I spent was well earned by you and well spent by me. It pays to know yourself as others know you, and in my case the knowledge has laid for mea solid foundation upon which I am now building my temple of success."

"The investment is the best I ever made. The analysis of character, aptitudes, etc., is remarkably true and accurate, and is a very valuable possession. It enables one to realize and appreciate with certainty just what his abil ities are and you have brought to light things that would have taken years of experience to unearth."

"One glance at the Course was sufficient to tell me that it was exactly what I wanted and had been looking for.... the pages of that course I In found myself looking into a clear mirror and saw myself reflected there as

I have never seen myself reflected in a material sense. I now know myself for the first time in my life."

color of the eyes,
hair and skin-vastly
more," continued Dr.

"I observe that the
prevailing type of
features among you
gentlemen is what
science knows as
the 'concave type '-
prominent forehead
at the top, short nose,
prominent chin."

I found my hands playing about my face-and looking in embarrassment, I found many of my neighbors doing the same thing! Then I realized that my features were just the opposite-sloping forehead, prominent nose, receding chin. (The convex type, Dr. Blackford called


If I needed any more proof, I got it overwhelmingly

when Dr. Blackford asked the audience
to choose "subjects " from their fellow-
members, invited them to the platform, and
after a quick survey of their features told
them with startling accuracy what their

"And. I Am a Blond"

special capabilities were and where their
greatest powers lay.

I cannot remember when I have seen a
group of men more deeply or more seriously

But Dr. Blackford's revelation of the science of Character Analysis had done more for me perhaps than for any other man in the


The next day I got a set of Dr. Blackford's simple lesson's in "Reading Character at Sight," which I learned the Independent Corporation was publishing at a popular price, and it took me just one evening to


still be plugging along at the same old wrong job" with a salary check only a fraction of the rather big one that cheers up my bank balance every week in these happy and more prosperous days.

Perhaps you, too, have been jollying yourself about yourself and trying, as I did, to make your success by sheer courage and hard work, instead of analyzing your capabilities and fitting yourself into the kind of work you are naturally best fitted to do.

In that case, I beg of you to get that wonderful course of Dr. K. M. H. Blackford, the leading character analyst in the United States, and join the many thousands who have learned, in an amazingly short time, not only how to size up other people from outward signs, but how to size up one's own character, how to attract the friendship of other people, how best to strive for the success that your ordinary qualifications entitle you to achieve. DONALD WARWICK.

Dr. Blackford's development and application of the science of Character Analysis has been built on a solid foundation of direct professional study of all kinds of men and women. After years of extensive character work among business concerns, merchants, manufacturers, Chambers of Commerce, and trade associations, which sought assistance in solving human problems, Dr. Blackford made a trip around the world, observing widely different races, comparing notes with leading specialists in forty nations, and comparing theories with such famous authorities as Alfred Haddon, Metchnikoff and Giuseppe Sergi, and studying the exhaustive records of Bertillon. So Dr. Blackford's store of material and ideas in the realm of human relations has become probably the most carefully arranged exhibit of facts on Character Study in the United States.

It is not surprising, therefore, that many concerns will not employ a man without first getting Dr. Blackford to pass on him. Concerns such as Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, Baker-Vawter Company, Scott Paper Company, and many others pay Dr. Blackford large annual fees for advice on dealing with human nature.

So great was the demand for these services that Dr. Blackford could not even begin to fill all the engagements. So Dr. Blackford has explained the method in this simple seven-lesson course which meant so much to the business career of Donald Warwick. Even a half hour's reading of this remarkable course will give you an insight into human nature and a power over people which will surprise you.

Such confidence have the publishers in Dr. Blackford's Course, "Reading Character at Sight," that they will gladly send it to you on approval. Send no money. Merely fill in and mail the coupon. The complote course will go to you instantly, on approval, all charges prepaid. Look it over thoroughly. See if it lives up to the claims made for it. If you do not want to keep it, then return it and the transaction is closed. And if you decide to keep it as you surely will-then merely remit Five Dollars in full payment.

Remember you take no risk, you assume no obligation. The entire course goes to you on approval. You have everything to gain-nothing to lose. So mail the coupon NOW while this remarkable offer remains open.

[blocks in formation]

discover the practical application of all the Independent Corporation

wonderful things that Dr. Blackford had told
us at the meeting of the purchasing agents.

In one week I changed my job. Having
"sold_myself" on the big secret of my suc-
cess, I went out and sold goods. I sold in
quantities that surprised me. I sold myself
to our customers. And, best of all, from a
monetary standpoint, I sold myself to my

With the result that, first having achieved the coveted position of sales manager, I am today vice-president of our company.

You see, I am the blond type.

And my features are convex.

Publishers of the Independent Weekly Dept. B227,

119 W. 40th Street, New York

You may send me Dr. Blackford's Course of seven lessons entitled " Reading Character at Sight." I will either remail the course to you within five days after receipt, or send you $5 in full payment of the course.



And if it hadn't been for my chance meeting with Dr. Blackford I would probably

Out. 7-23-19.

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MASSACHUSETTS WALNUT HILL SCHOOL 23 Highland St., Natick, Mass. A College Preparatory School for Girls. 17 miles from Boston.

Miss Conant, Miss Bigelow, Principals.

Wheaton College for Women

Only small separate college for women in Massachusetts. 4-year course. A. B. degree. Faculty of men and women. 20 buildings. 100 acres. Endowment. Catalog. REV. SAMUEL V. COLE, D.D., LL.D., President. Massachusetts, Norton (30 miles from Boston).

SHORT-STORY WRITING A course of forty lessons in the history, form, structure, and writing of the Short-Story taught by Dr. J. Berg Esenwein, for years Editor of Lippincott's 150-page catalogue free. Please address



Springfield, Mass.

THE MISSES ALLEN SCHOOL Life in the open. Athletics. Household Arts. College and general courses. Each girl's personality observed and developed. Write for booklet. WEST NEWTON, Mass.

BATTLE CREEK NORMAL SCHOOL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION. Normal CourseSeptember 10. Three years. Broad, powerful training for a dignified profession of wholesome and happy service. Unrivaled facilities and equipment. C. Ward Crampton, M.D., Dean, Box 38, Battle Creek, Mich.


AUTUMN SCHOOL OF ARTS AND CRAFTS September 1 to November 1, 1919 Including courses in Drawing, Painting, Outdoor Sketching, Modeling, Theory of Color, Theory of Design, Leather Work, Gesso, Block Printing, Metal Work and Jewelry, Weaving, Basketry, Embroidery and Bead Work.


KENT PLACE Summit, N. J.

20 miles from N. Y. A Country School for Girls. College Preparatory and Academic Courses. Mrs. SARAH WOODMAN PAUL Principals.



The Clark School
For Concentration


Prepares for any college. By an intensive system of individual instruction, enables a bright pupil to complete a course in much less than the usual time, and trains pupils who have been backward elsewhere to cultivate alert, retentive minds and qualify in all subjects.

Write for records made by pupils at this school and for full descriptive catalog. Summer sessions.

Boys' School, 72d St. & West End Ave.
Girls' School, 301 West 72d St.
New York City

A School Where Records Are Made

Pratt Institute

School of Household Science and Arts


Courses training Teachers of Household Science or Household Arts (2 or 3 years), Institutional Workers-practical dietitians, housekeepers, lunchroom and cafeteria managers (1 year), Dressmakers (1 year), Dress Designers (1 year).

Also part time day and evening courses for

Circular of information sent on request.

A School that Studies Life

The Training School for Community Workers
Reorganized on the Cooperative Plan

John Collier, Director

In an eight months' course the School prepares students to meet the demand for trained workers and organizers in Communities, Industrial Welfare Organizations, Public Schools, Churches and Colleges. Also offers short courses for trained workers already in the field and for volunteers. Address, for full information,

A. A. FREEMAN, Room 1001, 70 Fifth Ave., New York City.

Glendale College for Women Glendale, Ohio

(suburban to Cincinnati) Fall semester begins Sept. 17, 1919. Unusual advantages offered High School graduates in secretarial, History of Art, academic courses. Preparation for all colleges. Music, Expression, Household Science. Beautiful location. Accessibility to the city utilized for liberal culture.

Oxford College for Women

Founded 1830. Standard college course with B. A. Degree. Music courses with B. M. Degree. Normal courses in Household Economics, Public School Music and Art. Rates $375. Write for "Seven Points." Address Oxford College, Box 62, Oxford, Ohio.

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