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On April 22 occurred the quadricentennial of the landing of Cortez into Mexico. With universal consent his eleven ships were broken to pieces. The influence of Cortez must have been unbounded to be able to persuade his men to an act unparelleled in history. Six hundred men voluntarily cut off their means of escape and shut themselves up in an unknown country filled with warlike people, whose mode of warfare spared their prisoners only for torture or sacrifice.

Soon he defeated, made peace with, and added six thousand Tlaxcalan warriors to his force. At Cholula his forces destroyed six thousand natives without the loss of a man. This town was only sixty miles from the capital of Mexico. The capture and death of Montezuma soon followed. On Lake Tezcuco Cortez launched the first navy on American waters, and the fall of the Aztec dynasty soon ensued.

Prescott "Yet we cannot regret says: the fall of an empire which did so little to promote the happiness of its subjects or the real interests of humanity. They had ruled


their wide domains with a sword instead of a scepter. The empire of the Aztecs did not fall before its time. Its fate may serve as a striking proof that a government which does not rest on the sympathies of its subjects cannot long abide; that human institutions when not connected with human prosperity and progress must fall. And who shall lament their fall?" Buffalo, New York. G. R. GREEN.

SEEKERS FIND "One mawnin', honey, dere was a genelman what I opened de gate for w'en he ride by on hawseback an' he t'rew me a dime wropped up in a bit er paper.

"I seen dat ar paper come open an' de dime roll along towa'ds de gutta, and I stooped myself down and looked for de dinte on de groun'.

"Well, de genelman rode away, and I searched for de dime mos' ober de whole township, till I see de genelman comin' ridin' back in de atternoon. But dere wasn't no dime nor nothin' dere. Dere shore wasn't.

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"Ses de genelman, Well, Uncle Remus, you fine dat bill yet?' I says, "Thankee, Massa, for the dime. I didn't know you was goin' to send no bill of it.' The genelman stopped his hawse. Why, there it is right befo' your nose, Uncle Remus,' and sure nuff dar was a five-dollar bill, right in de middle of de road."

"But, Uncle Remus," said the little boy, "I thought you said there was nothing there. How was it you didn't find it when you looked for the dime ?"

"So there wasn't, honey, so there wasn't. There's never nothin' for you what you ain't looking for." BOLTON HALL.

The "East African Standard" describes a duel between a motor car and a lioness. The affair, it says, happened at night near Nairobi. The chauffeur noted a commotion in the bush near the road, then the gleaming eyes of an enraged wild animal. He accelerated his speed at the instant the lioness leaped. She struck the hood and was thrown far in advance of the car, whose wheels then passed over her. The dead lioness was finally loaded into the car and taken back to the town in triumph.

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The Remarkable Story of Sanford Bennett, a Former San Francisco
Business Man, Who Solved the Problem of Prolonging Youth

By V. O. HERE is no longer any occasion to go hunting for the spring of Eternal Youth. What' Ponce de Leon failed to discover in his world-famous mission, ages ago, has been brought to light right here in staid prosaic America by Sanford Bennett, a former San Francisco business man. He proved it, too, right in his own person. At 50 he was partially bald. At 70 he had a thick head of hair, although it was white. At 50 his eyes were weak. At 70 they were as strong as when he was a child. At 50, he was a worn-out, wrinkled, brokendown, decrepit old man. His cheeks were sunken, his face drawn and haggard, his muscles atrophied. Thirty years of chronic dyspepsia had resulted in catarrh of the stomach, with acid rheumatism periodically. adding its agonies. At 70 he was in perfect health, a good deal of an athlete, and as young as the average man of 35. All this he has accomplished by some very simple and gentle exercises which he practiced for about ten minutes before arising in the morning. Yes, many of the exercises are taken in bed, peculiar as this may seem. As Mr. Bennett explains, his case was not one of preserving health, but one of rejuvenating a weak, middle-aged body into a robust old one, and he says what he has accomplished anyone can accomplish by the application of the same methods, and so it would seem. All of which puts the Dr. Osler theory to shame. There isn't room in this article to go into a lengthy description of youth and the prevention of old age. All this he tells himself in a book which he has written, entitled "Old Age-Its Cause and Prevention." This book is a complete history of himself and his experiences, and contains complete instructions for those who wish to put his health and youth-building methods to their own use. It is a book that every man and woman who is desirous of remaining young after passing the fiftieth, sixtieth, seventieth, and as Mr. Bennett believes, the one hundredth mile-stone of life, should read. It is a truly remarkable contribution to health-building literature and is especially valuable because it has been written in a practical manner by a practical man.

Keeping young is simply a matter of knowing how. If you have vitality enough to keep alive, then you have enough to keep young, to keep strong and to be active. Sanford Bennett proves it to you in this book. His message is new. The point of view is unique. The style is fascinating. The pictures are plentiful. The lesson of physical rejuvenation is irresistible. This is a book for every man and woman-young or old.


Some idea of the field covered by the author may be gained by the following topics: Old Age, Ils Cause; How to Prevent It; The Will in Exer cising; Exercising in Bed-shown by fifteen pages

of illustration. Sun, Fresh Air and Deep Breathing for Lung Development; The Secret of Good Digestion; Dyspepsia; How I Strengthened my Eyes; The Liver; Internal Cleanliness-how it removes and prevents constipation and its many attendant ills; External Cleanliness; Rheumatism; Varicose Veins in the Legs; The Hair: The Obese Abdomen; The Rejuvenation of the Face, Throat and Neck; The Skin, and many other experience chapters of vital interest.



"Old Age-Its Cause and Prevention," with its 400 pages profusely illustrated and handsomely bound in cloth, contains as much material as many Courses of Instruction selling for $25 or more. But you can secure a copy of this book for only $3. Before committing yourself in any way, however, the publishers will send you "Old Age-Its Cause and Prevention " approval without deposit. Sanford Bennett's system, as fully described and illustrated in his book, increases nerve force and nerve energy, benefiting every organ of the body-the brain included-by keeping the vertebræ of the spinal column young, flexible, elastic, and in perfect alignment. If, after examination in your own home, you feel you can afford to be without youth and health, send the book 'back within five days and you will owe nothing. If you decide to keep it, send your check for $3. There are no strings to this offer. No money is required in advance. Merely fill out and mail the coupon and by return post " Old Age-Its Cause and Prevention" will be sent to you at once.


For having solved the problem of prolonging youth during life, the world owes Sanford Bennett a vote of thanks. Of course there are those who will scoff at the idea, but the real wise men and women among those who hear of Sanford Bennett, will most certainly investigate further and at least acquire a knowledge of his methods. This the publishers will allow you to do without cost or obligation, through their "send no money " offer. Mail the coupon

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DODD PUBLISHING COMPANY 601 Broad St., Suite 1041, Newark, N. J.


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Send me Sanford Bennett's Book-" Old Age-Its Cause and Prevention." I will either remail the book within five days after receipt and owe you nothing, or will send $3 in full payment.






....Outlook 4-23-19




The Outlook

FEW periods during the whole session

of the Peace Conference have been so critical and difficult as that comprising the last eight days of April.

In those eight days occurred the issuance of President Wilson's ultimatum to Italy concerning Fiume and Dalmatia; the consequent threat of the disruption of the Peace Conference by the retirement of Italy; renewed presentation of the difficulties involved in the relations of Japan to the Peace Conference with reference to China; the arrival of the vanguard of the German peace delegation at Versailles; the presentation of the report on international labor legislation; the publication of the arraignment of the Kaiser; and the adoption by the plenary Conference of the revised Covenant of the League of Nations.

That the controversy over the question of Fiume and Dalmatia broke out in public at the very time when the advance guard of the German delegation was coming to Versailles is due probably to the fact that it was no longer possible to continue the discussion of this question behind closed doors with the date for the conclusion of the drafting of the peace treaty approaching so near.


Elsewhere in this issue we give an account of the parties to the Fiume-Dalmatian dispute and the questions involved in it, and on another page discuss the bearing of this dispute, and particularly the President's ultimatum, upon the project for a League of Nations.

Exactly what happened to bring about a crisis over this question is a subject of disagreement. Just at the time when it was reported that the Italian delegates were prepared to make some compromise on their claims in the Adriatic, there was published here, as well as in Paris, a statement by President Wilson in which he declared himself and America as opposed to the assigning of Fiume to Italy and also opposed to the arrangement for the assignment of territory to Italy on the Dalmatian coast.

The President's statement was in brief as follows: Italy's arrangement with England and France upon entering the war is no longer valid because the circumstances have changed. New Powers have entered the war. Austria-Hungary has ceased to exist, and some of the constituent parts of

MAY 7, 1919

Austria-Hungary are now associated with the Allies. It is the business of the Peace Conference to protect these newcomers as well as the more powerful states and to make peace according to the "clearly defined principles" which he had enunciated when America entered the war. According to these principles Fiume cannot be assigned to Italy, and according to these principles also there is no further strategic reason for assigning Dalmatian territory to Italy. The President concluded his statement with an appeal to Italy to be magnanimous and to assume a leadership in the new order of Europe.

The Prime Minister of Italy, Vittorio Orlando, head of the Italian Peace Delegation, at once declared that it was impossible to continue participating in the Peace Conference because the President's statement was an appeal to the Italian people over his head, and that he could not continue negotiations until he had gone to Italy and ascertained whether this appeal against the Italian Government was or was not to be indorsed by the Italian people. He and his associate, Signor Sonnino, thereupon went to Italy and were received by an ovation in which all elements of the population united. Accompanied with this ovation were expressions adverse to President Wilson but not to the American people. Apparently the effect of the President's appeal has been to strengthen the Orlando Government very greatly.



While these disputatious matters were under discussion at the Conference, there was published one of the most important of the reports that have been prepared during the Peace Conference. This is the report of the Commission on International Labor Legislation. The subject with which it deals is of concern to a vast proportion of the population of the world and bears directly upon the chief problems following the war. It is possible here to consider only one point in that report.

It is proposed that labor legislation suggested by the Annual Labor Conference of the League of Nations shall be submitted to each nation separately, and that such measures as are recommended be submitted within a year to the national legis lature or other competent authority of every member of the League. There is of course no power that can compel the

adoption of such legislation, and there is no proposal, as we understand it, to make conditions of labor a subject for international action. Any such proposal would be impracticable.

It would seem perhaps at first sight that the plan of the Commission for International Labor Legislation provided for nothing that was not available now; but a little more careful consideration will show that the plan has great possibilities of usefulness.

At present there is no means by which standards for conditions of labor that are universally regarded as desirable can be formulated in a way to make a world-wide impression; and certainly no arrangement exists by which measures that have the approval of the working people of the world can be brought authoritatively before the various national parliaments. Now, by this plan, conditions of hardship affecting large numbers of people will be studied, and remedies proposed; and the recommendations made will have the support of a public opinion of international extent.


Largely counterbalancing the rather discouraging reports concerning some other matters in the Peace Conference comes the announcement of the proposed articles for the arraignment of the Kaiser.

There has been in the Peace Conference a difference of opinion concerning the action that ought to be taken against those responsible for the war or for the offenses against humanity perpetrated during the war. According to one view there was no law or authority under which the German High Command could be held accountable. Those holding this view argued that the very purpose of the arraignment of the Kaiser would be to uphold law, and if action were taken without authority of law, it would be a violation of the alleged object of the action. Therefore, it was argued, any criminal action should be taken by individual nations in whose territory plain and clear violations of law occurred.

According to the other view, there is a public law of nations, partly embodied in treaties and in written agreements, but also equally validly embodied in custom and practice. Those who hold this view regard it as important that if this public law of nations is to remain valid, international action should be taken avowedly under that international common law.

It is evident that in the Commission

charged with investigating responsibility for the war and in the Council of Four the second view has prevailed, for the very first of the articles submitted to the plenary Conference by the Council of Four arraigns William II of Hohenzollern, “not for an offense against criminal law, but for a supreme offense against international morality and the sanctity of treaties."

It is therefore proposed that Holland be asked to surrender the former Emperor, and that the German Government be required to hand over to the Allied and associated Powers persons accused of having committed acts in violation of the laws and customs of war, and to undertake to furnish all documents and information of every kind necessary to insure knowledge of the incriminating acts, discovery of the offenders, and "the just appreciation of the responsibility."

There is nothing which the Peace Conference has to do more important than to carry out the provisions of these articles.


Like a wise statesman, President Wilson has changed his mind regarding the proposed plan of a League of Nations. On March 4 at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City, in advocating the adoption of the first draft, he said:

I must say that I have been puzzled by some of the criticisms-not by the criticisms themselves-I can understand them perfectly even when there was no foundation for them-but by the fact of the criticism. I cannot imagine how these gentlemen can live and not live in the atmosphere of the world. . I have heard no counsel of generosity in their criticism. I have heard no constructive suggestion.

From thesame platform and on thesame occasion Mr. Taft said that he welcomed the criticisms, that some of them were constructive, and that debate and discussion would undoubtedly improve the Covenant of the League. Mr. Wilson has now come to Mr. Taft's view, and the result is that the Covenant has been amended and some of the suggestions which on March 4 the President felt were not constructive have now with his approval been incorporated into the revised version. In the amended version of the Covenant issued last week by the Paris Conference there has been some rearrangement of language and some clarification of expression. The vital and important additions or modifications are as follows:

1. The Monroe Doctrine is specifically recognized.

2. The right of member nations to withdraw from the League on two years' notice is stated.

3. Purely domestic questions are not

to come within the sphere of the League's decisions or control.

4. No nation is to be made a trustee or "mandatory" for colonial administration without its consent.

5. New nations in addition to the original members may be admitted to the League by a two-thirds vote of the Assembly (formerly called the House of Delegates), provided such new nations give effective guarantees of their intention and capacity to conform to the principles and regulations of the League.

6. In order that decisions of the League may be made effective (except in cases of procedure, administration, and the admission of new members) they must be adopted by unanimous vote.

In addition to these specific amendments the new covenant names: Geneva, Switzerland, as the capital of the League, and states that the following nations are the original or charter members of the League:

United States of America, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, British Empire, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New South Wales, India, China, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Ecuador, France, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Hedjaz, Honduras, Italy, Japan, Liberia, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Serbia, Siam, Uruguay;

and adds that these States have been invited to become members, namely:

Argentine Republic, Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Paraguay, Persia, Salvador, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Venezuela.

A significant thing about these lists is that Mexico is neither an original nor invited member of the League. Whether this is because the charter members do not regard Mexico as having at present a sufficiently stable government, or whether it is because the Carranza Administration has recently and publicly denounced the Monroe Doctrine, we do not know. Whatever the reason, Mexico is at the present moment in an unenviable position. The omission of her name from this worldwide organization is a conclusive answer to those who have felt that criticisms of the Carranza Government are prejudiced and unjustifiable.


The general amendments to the Covenant will, we think, be approved in the United States. They embody the important constructive suggestions made by such men as Mr. Taft, Mr. Hughes, and Mr. Root, already fully reported in these columns. They will doubtless meet the sincere objections of those Senators who felt that the original form of the Covenant did not sufficiently guarantee the National initiative and National authority of the United States. The amendments do not, however, mollify the antagonism of such irreconcilables as Senator Borah,

Senator Reed, and the New York "Tribune." The "Tribune," in a very pessimistic editorial, thinks the whole thing is hopeless. It calls Article X (which guarantees member nations against territorial aggression or conquest) “iniquitous,” and Senator Borah says it is a "breeder of war." The New York "Tribune" says that the Monroe Doctrine amendment "is plainly a fraud," and Senator Borah calls it "inadequate and inappropriate. Senator Reed says of the modified Covenant that, "on the whole, the document is worse than originally drawn."

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We do not think these pessimistic views, however, are representative either of the Senate or of the country at large. Our own judgment is that, after an ap propriate amount of discussion, the Senate will probably ratify the amended Covenant.

But intelligent men and women at home and abroad will not imagine that even a ratification by the United States Senate and the opening of the League's offices in Geneva are immedi ately going to bring about a millennium. The proposed League is a hopeful experiment, and we believe one worth trying. Its success or failure at the outset depends, if not wholly, at least in a very important respect, upon the character and ability of the appointees made to the two administrative bodies-the Assembly and the Council.

The first Secretary-General has already been named. He is Sir Eric Drummond, of Great Britain, well known in English official life, although not a man of international reputation. He has since 1900 held various responsible positions in the British Foreign Office and is at present private secretary to Mr. Balfour, Minister of Foreign Affairs. He is therefore thoroughly familiar with diplomatic procedure and administration.



Those who believe in the ultimate unity and freedom of Russia have been greatly encouraged by the reports last week of military successes on the part of the troops of the Omsk and co-operating Governments. Admiral Kolchak's Government, which has its seat at Omsk and controls Siberia, has evidently succeeded in organizing an army of considerable military efficiency. Its troops have been moving westward, and incidentally the Bolsheviki in the Archangel section are threatened with being cut off. That will simplify the situation in Archangel, where our troops have been all winter and from which they are now being withdrawn. It is said that the Czechoslovak and Allied forces have had no part in the western advance against the Bolsheviki. This



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The dissatisfaction throughout the country with the policies and methods of the Postmaster-General has become something more than a tempest in a teapot. Although fighting has ceased, the war is not technically over, and Mr. Burleson is therefore managing the telegraph and telephone systems of the country, as well as the transportation of mail, under war legislation which is still in effect. For the first time in the history of the telephone, we believe, a State-wide strike was declared in Massachusetts. It was so serious and got so far beyond the control of Mr. te Burleson that the State officials of Massachusetts asked if the management of the telephone in that State could not be delegated to them. It has now been settled by granting all the demands of the employees. Why the demands were not granted in the first place by Mr. Burleson without going through all the turmoil of a strike has not yet been explained.


There has been very general complaint that the efficiency of the Post Office has deteriorated. The last straw appears to have been laid upon the back of a suffering public by the suppression of some news telegrams offered for transte mission by the New York World." These telegrams contained criticisms of Postmaster-General Burleson, and the Western Union Telegraph Company would not accept them. The PostmasterGeneral now says that the suppression was done without his knowledge or approval, under a regulation which existed in the days of private management. It appears that there was a regulation against libelous matter; but criticism of public officials has not, until the present war period, been considered even by the telegraph companies as libel.

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Mr. Burleson has issued a tu quoque statement saying that the general criticism of his course is due to a conspiracy of the newspaper and periodical publishers, who object to the higher second-class rates and the zone system of postage, which he has advocated and introduced. He even goes further and attempts to shift the responsibility for the present unsatisfactory second-class regulations to the shoulders of ex-Justice Hughes, who, he says, he as chairman of a special commission, advocated an increase of second-class rates. He implies that advertising has become such a feature of American newste papers and periodicals as to be a detriment instead of a benefit to the public.

In this connection it is a little interesting to note that his fellow Cabinet member, Secretary Wilson, of the Department of Labor, has issued a proclamation publicly urging American merchants, and manufacturers to advertise, and saying that advertising is a public service.

It may be said in reply that the majority of newspaper and periodical publishers in this country do not oppose an increase of second-class rates if that is necessary to meet proper expenses. What they object to is the zone system of postage, which promotes sectionalism.

The chief dissatisfaction with the present administration of the Post Office Department has reached such a pitch that some influential members of Mr. Burleson's own political party have asked for his resignation. In contending that he has been a failure as a public official it is not necessary to prove that his administration of the mails, the telegraph, or the telephone has been either unjust or inefficient. His principles and theories may be as philosophically right as a mathematical demonstration, but the fact still remains that he has got the country by the ears and has created everywhere a sense of extreme irritation. One of the important functions of a Cabinet officer is to manage the country as well as manage his own Department. No matter how upright the general manager of a corporation may be, if he irritates his workmen so that they strike, his office employees so that they cannot do their best work, and his customers so that they dislike to deal with the company, the President and Board of Directors are pretty likely to ask for his resignation.



A committee of women of the city of New York, whose work, beginning modestly, has now attained the dignity of a National movement, proposes to buy the birthplace of Theodore Roosevelt at 28 East Twentieth Street, New York, and the adjoining property, 26 East Twentieth Street, for the purpose of establishing a permanent Roosevelt memorial in the city of his birth. The house No. 28 will be restored so as to appear as nearly as possible as it did in Colonel Roosevelt's boyhood. He describes the house and his life in it in a very readable chapter of his autobiography. It is proposed to make this particular building a sort of Roosevelt Museum, with memorabilia and objects of various kinds closely associated with the life of this great citizen of the State of New York. But it will be much more than a museum, for, with the adjoining house, it is proposed to make it a center of Americanization and citizenship. The Woman's Roosevelt Memorial Association

is endeavoring to raise a fund of a million dollars, not merely for the purchase of the property, but to provide an endow-. ment by means of which the two buildings composing Roosevelt House may be made, to use their own words,

a center of citizenship activities, a living thing, a place where the boys and the girls of America-and the men and women as well, foreign born and native alike-will come together in citizenship activities, in order that their understanding of America may become deeper and keener, and in order that the great ideal of practical service to our country, of indefatigable activity in its behalf, shall stir and move with vivid power all Americans that frequent or visit" Roosevelt House."

The Association deserves success, and as it is composed of some of the most active and influential women of the city, who are going about their work in a practical and efficient way, it doubtless will succeed. Its purposes have the approval of members of the Roosevelt family. Those interested are invited to write

to the Woman's Roosevelt Memorial Association, care of the New York Trust Company, 1 East Fifty-seventh Street, New York City. Full information about the project will be sent in reply.




Thirty-seven neighborhood houses in New York City, including the College, Henry Street, Union, and University Settlements, Greenwich House, Madison House, and the Hudson Guild, have formed a union to act for all of them and to increase their influence. The office of the new organization, known as the United Neighborhood Houses of New York, is at 289 Madison Avenue, and this is to be made the center of information about the work of settlements and community houses throughout New York.

Its plans include an appeal to city, State, and National authorities in cases where action is necessary to safeguard the public health, effort to promote improvement in public education, and work along lines which will make for the comfort, convenience, and good order of the community. A labor arbitration service is contemplated, and legislation is to be asked for and pressed. The constitution of the new organization provides that it may take steps to create a favorable public sentiment upon any matter falling within the sphere of activity of community houses.

The officers of the United Neighborhood Houses are: President, Mrs. Mary Kingsbury Simkhovitch; Vice-Presidents, Judge Thomas C. T. Crain, Mrs. Cyrus Sulzberger, and Mrs. Max Morgenthau, Jr. Among the members on the Service Committee, which will be con

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