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The figures in parenthesis refer to the List of Synonymes.

ā, ab (abl.), from, away from,

by; in compos., away, off (1). abdo, ere, didi, ditum, to put away, hide (2).

abeo, īre, ii, itum, go away (3).
abfero (aufero), ferre, abstuli, ab-
lātum, bear away.
abhorreo,' ere, uī, shrink away,
hold aloof.

abies, etis, F., fir-tree.
abjicio3 (ābicio), ere, jēcī, jec-
tum, throw away, cast down.
Aborīginēs, um, plur. M., the
early inhabitants of Italy.
abripio3 [rapio], ere, ripuī, rep-
tum, snatch or drag away.
abscedo, ere, cēssī, cēssum,
move off, withdraw.
absēns, tis (part. of absum),



absentia, ae, F., absence. absolvo, ere, solvī, solūtum, acquit, relieve of an obligation or burden, pay off, complete. abstinēns, tis, abstinent, temperate; part. of

abstineo2 [teneo], ēre, tinuī, tentum, to hold off, refrain. absum, esse, fui, to be absent; non multum abest quin, it is not far [from being the case]


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accendo,3 ere, dī, sum, kindle, inflame.

accido [cado], ere, cidi, befall, happen (4).

accingo,3 ere, nxī, nctum, gird, brace up.

accipio3 [capio], ere, cēpī, ceptum, receive, accept (25). accurro,3 ere, currī, or cucurrī, cursum, to run up to. accūsātor, ōris, M., accuser, public prosecutor.

accuso [ad, causa],1 āre, āvî, atum, to accuse.

acer, acris, acre, sharp, eager.
acerbus, a, um, sharp, sour.
acidulus, a, um, rather sour.
acidus, a, um, sour.

acies, ei, F., edge, eyesight; the
battle-array of an army (5).
acriter (acrius, acerrime), sharp-
ly, eagerly; acrius, too eagerly.
acus, ūs, F., needle.
acutus, a, um, sharp, keen.
ad (acc.), to, at, towards, about

(to the number of), for, near; in comp., in, upon, to, with. adclāmo,1 āre, āvī, ātum, to cry out at.

adcumbo,3 ere, cubui, cubitum,


recline or sit near (at table). addo, ere, didī, ditum, add. adduco, ere, xi, ctum, bring, draw to (a thing), induce. adeō, so (to that degree). adeo, īre, il, itum, go to, approach.

adeptus, a, um, gained, or having gained (part. of adipiscor3).

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adjumentum, ī, N., aid, help. adjungo, ere, nxi, nctum, to join, annex. adlātus, see adfero. adloquor,3 loqui, locūtus, speak to, address.

administro,' āre, āvī, āţum,

serve, supply, perform, direct. admirātio, ōnis, F., admiration. admiror,' ārī, ātus, to admire. admodum, to a degree, quite. admoneo,2 ere, ui, itum, admonish.

admoveo, ere, mōvī, mōtum, move towards. adolescēns, adolescentia, see adulescens, &c.

adorior, īrī, adortus, attack, accost.


adpeto, ere, īvī, ītum, aim at, attack, seek, long for, approach. adrēpo, ere, psi, ptum, creep towards.

adrīdeo,2 ēre, rīsī, rīsum, smile

at (in token of good humor). adscendo,3 ere, di, sum, mount, ascend.

adscēnsus, ūs, M., ascent. adsentior, īrī, sēnsus, agree with, assent to. adsequor,3 qui, secutus, follow close, come up with, reach (95).

adspectus, ūs, M., aspect, view. adspicio, ere, spexi, spectum, look at, view. [hand. adsum, esse, fui, be present, at adūlātio, ōnis, F., fawning, flattery.

adulescēns, tis, M., young man (properly, from 17 to 30). adulescentia, ae, F., youth, early manhood.

advento,1 āre, āvi, ātum, come to, approach.

adventus, ūs, M., coming, approach.

adversus (acc.), turned towards, against.

adversus, a, um, turned to, opposite, in front, adverse.

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adverto, ere, vertī, versum, turn to; animum adverto, turn the mind to, notice.

advesperascit,3 ere, āvit, to approach evening, grow late. aedēs, is, F., temple; plur., .house (39).

aedificium, ī, N., building, edifice.

aedifico,1 are, āvī, ātum, build, erect.

aeger, gra, grum, sick, weary; pedibus, lame.

aemulus, i, M., rival.

Aenēās, ae, M., Eneas, son of Anchises and Venus, a prince of Troy.

Aeolus, i, M., Eolus, god of Winds.

aequālis, e, of the same or equal age (6).

aequitas, ātis, F., equity, justice, calmness.

aequo,' āre, āvī, ātum, make equal.

aequor, oris, N., level, sea (67). aequus, a, um, level, even, equal, just (6).

āēr, aëris (acc. āëra), M., air. aerumna, ae, F., grief (38). aerumnōsus, a, um, full of grief. aes, aeris, N., copper, money. aestās, ātis, F., summer.

aestimo,1 āre, āvī, ātum, value, | esteem, reckon. aestīvus, a, um, summer (adj.), of summer.

aestuo,1 āre, āvī, ātum, to boil

up, seethe, surge, suffer heat. aestus, ūs, M., surge, tide, heat. aetās, atis, F., age, period of life (7).

aeternitās, ātis, F., eternity, immortality.

Aetna, ae, F., Mount Etna.

albeo,2 ere, to be white. albus, a, um, white (9). alea, ae, F., die (of a pair of dice), hazard.

āles, itis, C., winged creature, bird (21).

Alexander, drī, M., Alexander, king of Macedonia, conqueror of Asia.

algeo, ēre, alsī, to be or endure cold.

algor, ōris, M., cold (the feeling).

aevum, ī, N., age, period, lapse | aliās, otherwise, elsewhere, at

of time (7).

afficio3 [ad facio], see adficio. affirmo,1āre, āvī, ātum, confirm, strengthen.

affligo, see adfligo. Africānus, ī, M., a title of P. Scipio, as conqueror of Carthage, and of his grandson by adoption as its destroyer. Agamemnōn, onis (acc. ona), Agamemnon, king of the Greeks at Troy. ager, agri, M., field, territory (8). Agēsilāus, ī, M., a king of Sparta. aggredior, di, gressus, approach, attack, undertake. agito,1 āre, āvī, ātum, drive,

move, stir, agitate, pass, hunt. agmen, inis, N., band, troop (5). agna, ae, F., ewe-lamb. agnosco3 [ad, GNO], noscere, nōvī, nitum, to recognize. agnus, i, M. ; agna, ae, F., lamb. ago, agere, ēģī, actum, to lead,

do, drive; agere gratias, thank. agrestis, e, wild, rustic, rude. agricola, ae, M., farmer. agricultūra, ae, F., agriculture. ahēneus, a, um, brazen, of brass. āīn, for āisne, do you say so? āio (defect.), say, say yes (64). Ajāx, ācis, M., Ajax, a Grecian hero.

āla, ae, F., wing (61).

alacritās, ātis, F., activity, eagerness, alacrity. Albānus, a, um, of Alba, a town near Rome.

any other time.

aliēnus, a, um, belonging to another, foreign, others'. aliger, gera, gerum, winged. alimentum, i, N., food; pl. kinds of food.

aliquamdiu, for some time. aliquando, at some time, sometimes, at length.

aliquis, qua, quod, or quid (p. 21), some, some one. aliquō, to some place. aliquot, some, several, a number of. aliter, otherwise.

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alius, a, ud (p. 7), other, another; al.. al., one another. almus, a, um, cherishing, benignant.

alo, alere, alui, alitum, feed, keep (of animals).

Alpēs, ium, F., the Alps. altāria, ium, N. plur., altars. alter, tera, terum (p. 7), other

(of two), second, the other; alter.. alter, the one, the other. altercor,1 ārī, ātus, quarrel, dispute.

alternus, a, um, alternate. altitudo, dinis, F., height, depth. altus, a, um, high, deep (10). alumnus, i, M., foster-child. alveus, ī, M., river-channel. amābilis, e, lovely.

amāns, tis, loving, fond (amo). amārus, a, um, bitter. ambāgēs, um, F. plur., obscurity (dark hints); also in abl. sing.

ambitus, ūs, M., circuit, going around.

ambo, ae, o (p. 7), both. ambulatio, ōnis, F., a walk. ambulo,' āre, āvī, ātum, to walk. āmēns, tis, distracted, insane. amicitia, ae, F., friendship. amicus, a, um, friendly, fond. amicus, i, M., a friend. āmitto,3 ere, mīsī, missum, to lose (83).

amo,' āre, āvī, ātum, to love (11). amoenus, a, um, pleasant, charming (to the eye: 41). amor, ōris, M., love.

amplitūdo, inis, F., fulness, grandeur.

amplius, more (§ 54, 5. c). amplus, a, um, full, abundant, grand, large (65).

amputo,' āre, āvī, ātum, prune away, cut off.

Amulius, i, M., Amulius, king of Alba.

an, whether, or (sign of interr.). Anacharsis, is, M., a philosophical Scythian. anas, anatis, C., duck. Anchisēs, ae, M., Anchises, father of Æneas. ancilla, ae, F., handmaid (fem. of servus, slave). ancora, ae, F., anchor.

ango,3 ere, nxī, nctum, to choke, distress.

anguis, is, C., snake, serpent(12). angulus, i, M., corner. angustus, a, um, narrow. anima, ae, F., breath, life (13). animadverto3[animum adverto], ere, ti, sum, to perceive. animal, ālis, N., animal (14). animus, ī, M., mind, soul, courage (13); animum adverto (acc.), perceive. anniversarius, a, um, yearly. annōna, ae, F., the grain-crop (year's growth), grain (in market), price of grain (94). annus, ī, M., year. annuus. a, um, yearly.

ante (acc.), before (prep. and adv.); ante (rel. adv.); non ante

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quam, before

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quam, not .. until; ante duas horas, two hours ago. antecapio, ere, cēpī, captum, anticipate.

antecedo, ere, cēssī, cēssum, precede, walk in front, excel. antepōno,3 ere, posui, positum, set before, prefer.

Antiochia, ae, F., Antioch, a city of Syria.

antiquitās, ātis, F., antiquity. antiquus, a, um, ancient (100). Antōnius, ī, M., Antony, a Roman family name.

antrum, ī, N., cave, grotto. ānulus, ī, M., ring, bracelet. apage (def.), away! begone! aper, apri, M., boar.

aperio, īre, ui, apertum, open, uncover, disclose (80); aperi caput, take off your hat.

apertus, a, um (part. of preceding), opened, open. apiārium, i, N., bee-house, apiary. apis, is, F., bee.

Apollo, inis, M., Apollo, god of music and art.

appāreo,2 ēre, ui, itum, appear. apparo,' āre, āvī, ātum, to make ready.

appello,' āre. āvī, ātum, call. appeto,3 (see adpeto). approbātio, ōnis. F., approval. approbo,1 āre, āvī, ātum, approve.

apto,' āre, āvī, ātum, fit, adapt. aptus, a, um, fitted, fit. apud (acc.), at, near, among, with, in (of authors). aqua, ae, F., water, spring. aquaticus, a, um, of the water;

M. or F. plur., water-fowl. aquatio ōnis, F., watering-place. aquila, ae, F., eagle (the Roman standard).

Aquilo, ōnis, M., Aquilo (the North wind), the North. Arabs, Arabis, Arabian.

Arar, aris, M., a river in Gaul (the Saône). arātor, ōris, M., ploughman. arātrum, i, N., plough.

Arātus, Arātus, a Greek poet. arbitror,1 ārī, ātus, judge, think, suppose (92).

arbor (ōs), Ŏris, F., tree (15). arbustum, i, N., orchard (15). Arcadius, ī, a man's name. arceo,2 ere, arcui, to shut off, restrain.

Archelāus, ī, M., a man's name. Archiās, ae, Archias, M., a poet. arcus, ūs, M., a bow.

ardēns, tis (participle of ardeo), blazing.

ardeo, ere, arsī, arsum, blaze, burn.

ardor, ōris, M., heat, warmth. arduus, a, um, steep, difficult. ārea, ae, F., open space, area, court-yard.

argentārius, a, um, pertaining to silver or money; argentarius, a money lender; argentaria, (sc. res), banking business. argentum, ī, N., silver. argumentum, ī, N., argument. arguo,3 ere, uī, ūtum, to assert, declare, accuse.

arista, ae, F., wheat-ear, harvest. Aristotelēs, is, M., Aristotle, a Greek philosopher.

arma, ōrum, N., arms, weapons; ad arma, to war; in armis, under arms (16).

armātus, a, um, armed; pl., armed men.

aro,1 āre, āvī, ātum, plough. ars, artis, F., art, skill (17). artē (tius, tissime), closely. articulātim (tē), articulately. artifex, ficis, M., artist, artisan, workman.

artus, ūs, M., joint, limb (dat. pl. ubus).

arundo, inis, F., reed, stick. arvum, ī, N. [aro], a field for tillage (8).

arx, arcis, F., tower, citadel.

Ascanius, ī, M., son of Æneas. ascēnsus, ūs, M. (see adscensus).

asinus, ī, M., ass, donkey. aspectus, ūs, M., sight, view, aspect.

asper, era, erum, rough, harsh, sharp.

aspernor,1ārī, ātus, spurn, scorn. aspis, idis, F., asp (a poisonous serpent).

asporto1 [abs, porto], āre, āvī, atum, carry off.

astrologia, ae, F., astronomy (knowledge of the stars). astrum, ī, N., star, heavenly body.

asylum, i, N., asylum, refuge. at, but, but yet, still.

āter, ātra, ātrum, black (9). Athēnae, ārum,Athens, the most famous city of Greece. Atlās, antis, M., Atlas, a Titan, changed to a mountain. atque (ac), and, as, and even. Atreus, eos ori (p. 5), M., Atreus, father of Agamemnon. Atrīdēs, ae, M., son of Atreus. atrōx, ōcis, fierce, cruel (93). attendo, ere, di, tum, stretch towards, attend, listen. attentus, a, um, attentive. attingo [tango], tingere, tigī, tactum, touch on, touch, reach. attonitus, a, um, thunderstruck. auctōritās, ātis, F., authority. auctumnus, ī, M., autumn (from augeo, the increase of harvest).


audacia, ae, F., boldness (usually in a bad sense). audāx, ācis, bold, daring. audeo, audēre, ausus sum, dare, venture (18).

audio, īre, īvi, ītum, hear. audītio, ōnis, F., hearsay. aufero [ab, fero], auferre, abstulī, ablatum, bear away, re


augeo,2 augere, auxī, auctum, to increase, enlarge.

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