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their instructions, beat their chests and named themselves "miserable sinners." "Crawthumpers " he and his brothers used to call them. But now, as he gave the subject more and more individual thought, Christ no longer stood to him as the head of a cult that announced bewildering self-contradictions and endless punishment of sin, but became the man of men, a teacher of peace and happiness.

From that time Saint-Gaudens began to express a genuine faith in his conception of the physical image of Christ as a man, tender yet firm, suffering yet strong. It scarcely coincided with other representations in the past, though, of course, a few of them proved the exception to the rule, the "Bon Dieu" at the Cathedral

Life of Lyman Trumbull. By Horace White. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston. $3. Who was Lyman Trumbull? will now be asked by many, for it is twenty-seven years since he died, full of years and honors. That he was one of the very great men of the Nation, worthy of unfading remembrance for his illustrious services during the most critical period of its history, no thoughtful reader of this record can fail to acknowledge. Strange though it may seem that it has not sooner appeared, it is quite as well that, like Secretary Welles's recently published "Diary," to which it is a helpful companion, it has waited for this passing of the passions and prejudices of the storm-epoch through which Trumbull's public career con. tinued from 1854 to 1873. Like Welles's " Diary," it reveals the undercurrents and cross-currents of ambition, prejudice, and policy that thwarted statesmanship and cost the country dear. The materials of this volume are drawn mainly from Dr. White's intimate personal knowledge, the public record of Trumbull's speeches in Congress during his three terms as Senator from Illinois, and several thousand letters to him, now in the Library of Congress. For many years the editor-in-chief of the Chicago "Tribune," Dr. White was in close relations with Trumbull, cordially agreeing with his views and course, and now their fittest representative. A loyal supporter of Mr. Lincoln, notwithstanding differences of judgment, Trumbull's estimate of the great President in a letter to his son Walter, here published for the first time, is of outstanding importance among the papers preserved in this volume for its impartial retouching of the popular ideal in the interest of historical truth. Much evidence of this comes out in Trumbull's narrative of various events. The greatest public service he ever rendered he performed as one of the then called "seven traitors" who, at the cost of vilification and banishment from public life, barely defeated the attempt of their party to oust President Johnson from office-an attempt now universally condemned as a revolutionary assault on the Constitution. Trumbull's course

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Christ," " and

of Amiens, Dagnan-Bouveret's Rembrandt's Christ in the "Supper at Emmaus." Rather the greater share of influence from pictorial work came, as I have said, from Tissot's "Life of Christ," so well illustrated by the author.

Few American biographies have the interest and importance of this autobiography of a great sculptor who has given American art a new standing in the world. Mr. Homer Saint-Gaudens has edited his father's memoirs with admirable taste and skill, supplementing them by letters and the recollections of friends.

in that crisis was said by a noted political seer to have cost him a place in the roll of Presidents. This centenary year since the birth of the author of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which put the seal of finality on the Emancipation Proclamation, is appropriately commemorated by this story of his life, a valuable source book of National history, in whose making he bore an influential part. Writings of John Quincy Adams.

Edited by

Worthington Chauncey Ford. Vol. II, 1796-1801. The Macmillan Company, New York, $3.50. Special interest attaches to this volume for its light upon our international problems and their handling at a critical time in our history. The election of Adams as successor to Washington had been hotly resented by France as a continuation of Washington's refusal to make common cause with her quarrel against Great Britain as pledged for her aid in our war for independence. John Quincy Adams, as our Minister at The Hague and afterward at Berlin, had his hand in all matters relating to this controversy and its results in the short naval war which in 1799 ended French depredations on our commerce. His correspondence with President Adams, Pickering, the Secretary of State, and others, fills this volume. It vindicates Washington's judgment that he was the ablest man in our diplomatic service. His comments on European politics, his incisive remarks on "the pestilential principles of the terrible Republic" of France, and on the aid and comfort given it by the machinations of French partisans in the United States, are a valuable contribution to the history of that perilous time. Many letters of Adams to his mother treat these and other topics more freely than his official correspond


Roads from Rome. By Anne C. E. Allinson. The Macmillan Company, New York. $1.25. Mrs. Allinson tells us in her preface to this delightful volume that its main purpose is to show that the men and women of ancient Rome were like ourselves; and she compasses her end in half a dozen chapters which deal with Catullus, Lucretius, Virgil, Horace, Ovid, and

other Romans whose conditions, lightly sketched, bring into view the social and political circumstances in which they lived and wrote. The portraits are drawn with easy stroke, and the pseudo-classical manner is conspicuously absent from this volume, which has the leisurely quality of the essay and the point and verisimilitude of the biographical study. Something of the atmosphere of "Marius" envelops these Romans, because Mrs. Allinson, like Pater, lets the Roman temper and spirit escape from material forms and facts. The biographical facts are drawn from the writings of the men who appear, and are cast into imaginative forms; the chapters are, so to speak, steeped in literature. There are many valuable books written in these days, but books of meditative quality, of literary feeling, of the quiet mood in which sensitive things ripen, are not common, and to this class of books Mrs. Allinson has made a happy contribution. On this soft autumn afternoon among the Italian hills," she writes, "Horace could still remember his startled amazement when he first saw the radiance of Greek coloring. He had not realized that the physical aspect of mountains and sky would be so different from the landscape about Rome, and he never lost his delight in the fresh transparency of the Athenian air. One of his earliest experiments in translation had been with Euripides's choral description of the 'blest children of Erechtheus going on their way, daintily enfolded in the bright, bright air.'" Mrs. Allinson understands the difference between writing about things and giving things the stage and letting them show themselves in natural relations and under normal conditions.


Romance of the American Theatre (The). By

Mary Caroline Crawford. Little, Brown & Co., Boston. $2.50.

This pleasantly written book gives much interesting information concerning our first playhouses, old-time stars, and the relation these bore to the English drama in the days of Nance Oldfield, David Garrick, Peg Woffington, and others. It will interest all lovers of the theater, and will enlighten those who are inclined to look upon the theater as an evil place rather than, as it ought to be, a place for healthful recreation and an educational institution for the dramatic presentation of the problems of every race and country. The chapter entitled The Rise of the Theater as an American Institution" is particularly interesting to students of American drama; for, as the author says:

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Lovers of liberty no less than lovers of the theater should give devout thanks that the British officers who served in America during the Revolution were exceedingly fond of "stage performances." ... On the one hand, this absorption increased the non-preparedness which made it possible for the Yankees to win; and . . . by giving good plays... these officers notably advanced the progress of the stage as an American institution.

The book is illustrated with portraits and many reproductions of rare old prints; and the final

chapter, "The Theaters of New York and the Drama To-Day," contains information nowhere else accessible in book form. This volume pleasantly supplements books like William Winter's "Wallet of Time" and Dr. Burton's "The New American Drama," as a part of a literary tripod to uphold the history and traditions of the American stage.

Constructive Natural Theology. By Newman Smyth. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. $1. Dean Stanley half a century ago remarked, "Whatever is good science is also good theology." These four lectures, recently given at Yale, stimulate religious teachers to go to school to nature as interpreted by science for fresh inspiration and larger, serener faith. The interpretation of nature, says Dr. Smyth, "is a question of formative creation at the beginning and of human values at the present end of evolution." What, he asks, is the personal value as it is realized in the ideal personality of Christ?— who is, he adds, " the final fact of nature " and "the spiritual dynamic of the world." The most important of the physical sciences for the theologian is biology, and Dr. Smyth holds that "examination in general biology should be required of candidates for the degree of Bachelors in Divinity," as it is at New College, Edinburgh. Our theological seminaries, generally speaking, have been seriously deficient in the field of constructive natural theology.

Children of the Wild (The). By Charles G. D.

Roberts. The Macmillan Company, New York. $1.35. A lucky nephew is taken off camping by his Uncle Andy. Their wilderness adventures bring up in various ways stories (told over the campfire and elsewhere) about young animals, "the children of the wild." Mr. Roberts knows. animals, and he also evidently knows boys. His stories are well written, sound in their nat ural history and stirring in their incidents.

Tales from Washington Irving's Traveller. Illustrated by George Hood. The J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia. $2.50.

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Washington Irving's "Tales of a Traveller appears this year in a very attractive illustrated edition, the illustrations being by George Hood.. The book will doubtless be a holiday favorite. Trade of the World. By James Davenport Whelpley. The Century Company, New York. $2. Mr. Whelpley's volume is valuable because it is a reflex of first-hand investigation. If he tells us about Austria or Germany or Belgium or Italy or Japan or China, it is because he has visited practically every country about which he writes. Particularly at the present time, when the new tariff has called forth a new interest in international trade, this volume is timely. It would have been easy to make such a volume too encyclopædic and too statistical. But Mr. Whelpley has known how to set forth his facts in a way to appeal to the ordinary reader.

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"Stevenson's 'A Child's Garden of Verse' is our best Christmas seller," said a leading New York bookseller the other day. Special editions of standard works, illustrated by popular artists, come next; then the old favorites, the Dickens and Washington Irving stories."

David Warfield does not believe in the stereotyped repetition of a rôle—at least not in "The Auctioneer." "As to set methods," he says, "I don't know what I do. When on the stage I am apt to change my plans entirely around. I do the things that come to me naturally." It seems that it's burlesque that gives an actor the privilege of taking these liberties-" Burlesque taught me to never mind cues, to put on my own feelings at the moment."

Mr. F. Hopkinson Smith, in an interview about his new book, "In Dickens's London," was asked which he preferred-Dickens or Thackeray. "He grinned a little as he answered, 'I like Thackeray best. When I get blue,' he said, 'I just get out my Thackeray-this book oftenest-each page, each paragraph, is a gem.'' His cure for the blues was "Vanity Fair.'

The Imperator will hereafter sail direct for Cherbourg, France, instead of making a call at Plymouth, England. Leisurely travelers will regret the change, for a glimpse of Plymouth on a bright spring day makes one wonder why the Pilgrim Fathers ever left that charming place for the "bleak New England shore."

The citizens of Imperial Rome, in the year A.D. 300, says the "Scientific American," were favored with a supply daily of over 400 gallons of water per capita, as against a daily supply of about 100 gallons per capita for the citizens of New York at the present writing. No doubt much of this overplus of water in Rome was wasted; the rest went to supply the splendid public and private fountains and the magnificent public baths, for, as the "Scientific American " remarks, the Romans of those days had a passion for cleanliness."

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The three great contributions made during the nineteenth century to the power of the world-the dynamo, the gas engine, and the steam turbine-were all made by Europe, says William Hard in "Everybody's Magazine,” writing of" Better Business." Our estimate of how much we can learn from the foreigner, says Mr. Hard, is too frequently indicated by the aphorism quoted in the foreign export trade, "If the foreigner does not understand English, speak louder." We need more receptiveness to the fresh ideas of other nations, is the editorial comment of "Everybody's."

The yield per acre of cereals in the United States, according to Mr. Howard H. Gross, President of the National Soil Fertility League, is approximately only forty per cent of the

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European yield. Man per man, however, the American farmer produces more than twice as much as his European contemporary, but he requires practically five times the area upon which to do it. "If the American farmer will cultivate one-half the area and do it well, it will increase his total production and net him dollars where he now makes quarters."

In a talk to store employees Mr. J. W. Hinrath, an efficiency engineer, says in the December bulletin of the National Retail Dry Goods Association: "Remember that everything you do in the store, and outside of it for that matter, has some influence on making a customer decide either to come again or go elsewhere to trade." This is a golden motto which might well be inscribed on the pay envelope of every department store employee in our great cities. It might result in fewer resolutions on the part of customers never to go in that place again.'

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The Century Opera House in New York City is to be remodeled after the close of the present season so as largely to increase the number of the cheaper seats. Under the new arrangement the house will seat 3,500 instead of, as now, 2,100.

Under the heading "Madonna Yet to Be Painted," a Roman Catholic contemporary says: "There is a picture yet unpainted. It is the picture of the Madonna in her declining years." It may also be said that a Madonna yet unpainted is the Jewish Madonna. Painters of every nationality have painted the Madonna as an idealized type of their own race, but what great painting portrays her as of the race to which she really belonged?

Six hundred and forty-four Yale studentsabout a seventh of the total enrollment-are said to be earning at least a part of their way through the University. Their total earnings are reported as amounting to $72,000 a year. Though this does not make a high average, these facts may well be set off against the stories of extravagant living on the part of wealthy students, some of whom spend thousands of dollars a year while supposedly getting their education.

A Kentucky humorist declares that for simplicity of living his people deserve the blue ribbon. Discussing the matter of breakfasts, he says: "The standard Kentucky breakfast has been from immemorial times fixed by Lexington. It is simple, manly, stimulating, and above all free from ostentation: Rise at 5:30 A.M.; three cocktails; a chew of tobacco; coffee." Needless to say, this humorist must belong to the almost extinct race of " Colonels " and probably resides at a tavern."


Wall Street recently had a record "dullest day" in stocks; on November 24 only 57,274

shares were dealt in. Previous low records were February 14, 1888, when the transactions amounted to 47,209 shares, and "blizzard day" in the same year, when only about 1,500 shares were sold.

This is apparently an off year among the budding dramatic geniuses. For the first time since it was offered, it is reported, the John Craig dramatic prize at Harvard will not be awarded, for the reason that none of the plays submitted is deemed of sufficient merit to deserve such distinction.

New York City now takes first place among the cities of the country as to the amount of postal savings deposits. On October 31 of this year there were 33,839 depositors, with a total of $3,092,099 on deposit, in the New York postal district. More than 61 per cent of the depositors were of foreign birth, and they held over 80 per cent of the deposits.

It is always difficult for theatrical managers to fill rôles that call for exceedingly small persons; and in trying to find a heroine for a recent production in London of "Hänsel und Gretel" the search extended to Wales, where a young lady, Miss Sybil Vane, was found, who is only four feet nine inches in height, but whose voice is of three octaves compass. She is said to be the smallest prima donna ever seen in London.

Items of current interest as found in newspaper headlines are: "Not Even in Charity May Catholics Dance the Tango" (according to Cardinal Farley's ruling), "Mrs. Pankhurst Sails with $20,000 Raised for Militants' Campaign," "Bramwell Booth and Ballington Booth United After Seventeen Years' Estrangement,' Dudley Field Malone Sworn in as Collector of the Port of New York," Gianakopulos the Greek Wins the Yonkers Marathon."

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Unmarried persons are to be subject to an extra levy of twenty per cent in the new French income tax, a despatch announces. Another newspaper despatch, however, affords some consolation to bachelors; it is that Sir Thomas Lipton, in building his new yacht, Shamrock IV, has employed only unmarried men, for the reason that "married men might betray the secrets of her construction to their wives." Sir Thomas, it may be added, is a bachelor himself, and is perhaps prejudiced in favor of similar unfortunates.

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fellows, do you? We always used to throw back any under two feet. Oh, I tell you fishing isn't what it was when we were boys!"

Few people, says the "Progressive Farmer," are careful enough in writing their names and addresses. Printed stationery, it says, should be used by the up-to-date farmer. This would not only be of advantage to the farmer's business standing, but would prevent trouble, confusion, and loss. The " Progressive Farmer" advises every farmer to name his farm and have this and his own name printed on letters and envelopes. A sensible idea.

Raisuli, the Moroccan chieftain who was at one time famous by reason of his kidnapping exploits, was recently visited by Mr. George E. Holt, who describes his experience in "Travel." Raisuli was found in his stronghold, the walled town of Arzila, and readily granted an interview to the traveler. He was invited to come to America. "Allah forbid!" was the quick reply. "I fear my welcome would be too cor-. dial." Raisuli realized the fact that the Perdicaris kidnapping was not forgotten.

The "American farm-house " type of architecture, with improvements suggested by clever architects, seems to be growing in favor with suburban residents. "House and Garden" for December prints some exceedingly attractive pictures and plans of such houses. The gambrel roofs, spacious porches, and general aspect of solid comfort of these houses make them most alluring.

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"I am an exceedingly clever man," said Mr. Bernard Shaw in a speech reported in the "Metropolitan magazine. "You laugh; but I presume you are not laughing at the fact, but only because I do not bore you with the usual modest cough. Now pick out somebody not quite so clever. How much am I to have, and how much is he to have?" Mr. Shaw argued that equality of income is socially desirable, and that public education, sanitation, municipal dwellings, old age pensions, inheritance taxes, etc., are all plans for redistributing the national income on a basis of equality, and that this tendency is to continue until incomes are practically equal throughout the community.

The last four per cent grade of any considerable length on any transcontinental main line, according to the "Railway Age Gazette," that on the Denver and Rio Grande Railway over the Wasatch Mountains, has just been replaced by a two per cent grade. A saving in operating expense of several hundred dollars a day will be effected by the change.

"What is the meaning of the word adage ?" the schoolmaster asked. "A place to put cats into," was the boy's answer. "What put such an idea into your head?" Well, sir, doesn't it say in Shakespeare, Like the poor cat in the adage'?"

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