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give vnto them the late Declaration emitted vpon the 9th day of this moneth; And lykewise their brethren shall represent vnto them the sense of this Comission of their impeding those sent to Sterling from keeping the dyet of the visitation of the Presbytries of Sterling and Dumblane appoynted by the late Generall Assembly.

conference with

Committee of

The Commission appoynts for a conference with these sent Committee for from the Comittee of Estates vpon the question concerning some of the seeking helpe from England, and concerning the employment of those that [wer] in the late vnlawfull Engagement, Messrs. Hew Mackaill, Patrik Gillaspie, John M'Clellan, Alexander Dickson, Patrik Colvill, James Ferguson, George Hutchesone, Sir George Maxwell, Glanderstoun, and they are to report the result of their conference.

The Commission appoynts Mr. Hew Mackaill and Mr. Patrik Complaint for plundering Gillespie to represent to the Comittee and to the Generall and and other Leivetennent Generall the great plunderings and other in- insolences. solencies of sogers, and to desire some course may be taken for punishing and censureing thereof.

accessorie to

The Commission recomends also to the said Comittee Conference concerning appoynted for conference with the Comittee of Estates to employing any consider what course shall be fittest for preventing the imploy- the Engagement of any in the Armie or in publik places of trust that are ment. not of knowne integrity and free of all jealousie and exception, and to report their opinions.

Brounstoun, 19 September 1648, ante meridiem.

Sederunt:-MINISTERS.-Mr. Robert Douglas, Moderator. Mr. John Smyth Mr. George Leslie: Mr. James Gutterie: Mr. George Hutcheson: Mr. James Nasmyth: Mr. David Elphistoun : Mr. James Hamiltoun: Mr. Robert Young: Mr. David Dickson: Mr. Mungo Law: Mr. John Weir: Mr. William Foullertoun: Mr. James Ferguson : Mr. John Gemell: Mr. John M'Clellan: Mr. Andro Lawder: Mr. Andro Duncason: Mr. Patrik Gillaspie. ELDERS.-Marques Argyle: Lothian: Cassills: Balmerino: Kircubright: Wariestoun: Niddrie: Dundas: Libbertoun: Sir John Cheislie: Mr. Robert Barclay: Robert Browne:

brethren vpon

This day the brethren sent to Woodside to speake with Report of the these Comissioners sent from the Noblemen, Gentlemen and Conference others in armes at Sterling, reported what they had done in with the Lords pursuance of the comission wherewith they were againe Sterline, intrusted, and shew the copie of a paper which they had given

and others in

Paper given in at the Confer


Letter to these at Sterline.

to the Lords and others that were there; as also the double of a letter which they sent to them from the Leager at Woodside, vpon the sight of the letters they sent to the Comittee, and the Lords and others in armes at Lythgow, which the Commission approved; Tenor quherof followes :


'Wee are comanded by the Comission of the Generall Assembly to deliver vnto your Lordships their Declaration of the 9th of this moneth, and withall againe to exhort your Lordships vnto repentance for pressing and pursueing that sinfull Ingagement, and for the blood that yow have lately shed. And the Comission, considering that your Lordships being still in armes is so dangerous to Religion, the vnion of the Kingdoms, and the peace of this Kingdome, by strengthning the Malignant Party, and carieing on their designes against the Covenant and worke of Reformation, Have also comanded ws to exhort and warne your Lordships to lay doune armes, and to desist from the pursuance of your present sinfull course; And if your Lordships shall still refuse to their so just and necessarie counsell and admonition, To signifie vnto yow that they will be necessitat in conscience of their dutie to proceed against your Lordships and all the active promoters of your course with the sentence of excommunication."

'RIGHT HONOURABLE,-Having seene your Lordships letter vnto those who are here, wee cannot but professe ourselves exceedingly vnsatisfied with your answer, because the altering of the way of procedure tends to the obstructing of one happie and peaceable agreement, towards which your Lordships seemed to ws to incline when we parted with yow vpon the conditions which were offered vnto yow. It has been our endeavour to perswad to peace, and wee know not a more equall and faire way to attaine it than these overtures; And therefore, as wee are sorie that your Lordships have fallen vpon a new way, so we intreat that yow will seriously ponder the sadd consequents of a civil warre, and timeouslie study everie thing that may prevent the same. Wee have faithfullie and freely these days past discharged our dewtie vnto yow, and wishes that as yow wold not have the guilt thereof charged vpon yow in a speciall way, you wold not foment the differences and distractions of this poore Kingdome, but to the vtmost of

your power endeavour a speedy settling thereof in such a way as may consist with the honour of God and good of Religion. And in the meane while we can not but regrate the exorbitant plundering and cessing that is vsed by your army, and desires yow in the Lords name to cause restraine the same.

[blocks in formation]

Direct-For the Right Honourable The Erles of Crafurd and Glencairne.

cerning assist

The question being moved from the Comittee of Estates Question and Whether it be lawful in case of a necessity to seek from the answer conParliamat and Kingdome of England assistance of such forces ance from England. as subscribe the League and Covenant, and are willing to prosecute the Propositions concerning Religion agreed vpon by both Kingdomes, for pursueing the comon enemies of the Cause and Covenant, after serious debate it is resolved by the Comission of the Generall Assembly-Affirmativé.

be employed by

England for


The Comission thinke that in the case of getting assistance Qualifications from England, that some qualificatiouns be required of these of such as shall that shall be so imployed, And for the present that these qualificatiounes be received, (1.) That they mantaine the Doctrine, Discipline, and Government of the Kirk of Scotland. (2.) That they have Ministers to dispense vnto them the ordinances such as are Presbyterians and approven by the Synod of Divines.

The 3 Articles concerning the taking off and employing of persons employed in the late Engagement to be further advysed vpon and debated before the members of the Comittee who are now absent.


The Commission appoynts Messrs. David Dickson, Robert Committe for Blair, John Muncreiff, James Gutterie, James Nasmyth, publik sinnes George Leslie, John M'Clellan, Mungo Law, Patrik Gillaspie, and dewties. Lord Angus, Nidrie, Libbertoun, George Porterfeild, with the

The 3 articles for taking off and employing of persones in the new modle.

Moderator, to be a Comittee to consider of the publik sinnes of publik instruments, and of their repentance for the same, and what course to take for preventing the like in tyme cufhing.

The Commission appoynts the same Comittee to thinke vpon the grounds of a publik Warning and Informatioun to be emitted.

After some of the Comittee of Estates had heard the 3 Articles before mentioned, concerning the employing and trusting of persons in the new modle, the Comission approves the said 3 Articles, and appoynt the same to be presented to the Comittee of Estates; Tenor thereof followes :

'Albeit wee have been and still are farr from interessing our selves in the modelling of any Armie by designation of officers, yet takeing to consideration of how great importance it is to Religion and the Cause of God, and to the peace of the Kingdome, that persones rightly qualified be imployed, we thought it necessarie to present vnto your Lordships these our humble desires.

1. That none of these officers who have taken imployment in the late Ingagement, against so many free and faithfull warnings by the Kirk, be entrusted with any charge in the Army now to be modelled.


2. That none be imployed in the same who are disaffected and malignant, or openly profane persones, but that care be had to choyse such officers as are of knowne integrity and affection to the cause, against whom there is no just ground of exception or jealousie, and who are of Religious and Christian conversation.

3. That for encouraging the hearts and strengthning the hands of God's people, your Lordships wold thinke vpon a way of mutuall confidence and assurance amongst them who are or shall be engaged in this businesse."

The nixt meeting the morne at 7 houres.

Edinburgh 20 September 1648, mane.

Sederunt:-MINISTERS.-ELDERS.-Mr. Robert Douglas, Moderator, Mr. David Dickson, and the rest in the former Sederunt except the Noblemen.

The Commission appoynts a letter to be written to the Ministers of Dundie and Perth; Tenor quherof followes :

Ministers of

'REVEREND AND LOVING BRETHREN,-Yow shall perceive by Letter to the our Declaration lately emitted, and by the present postur of Perth and the well affected in this Kingdome, how necessary it is at this Dundie. tyme that every on in their severall places and callings concurr in the pursuance of the ends of the Covenant against those who, in prosecution of the late Engagement in warr against the Kingdome of England, doe still with armes presse and oppresse the honest and faithfull people of this land. We doe, therefore, earnestly desire and expect that yow will continue to give proof of your wonted stedfastnes and faithfulnes in the cause, by stirring vp the people to all the dewties wherevnto they are obliged by Covenant, by laying open all the sinfull courses of those who are now in armes against the same, and dehorting the people to joyne with them or be ensnared with their specious pretexts, and discharging your selves faithfullie in everie thing according to the exigency of the times. Yow will be pleased to make the best vse of the Declaratione for the informatioun of your people, and communicat this letter to all the brethren of your Province. So comending yow to the Lords speciall grace, Wee remaine,


20 September 1648

Your loving brethren,

The next meeting at 10 houres.



Eodem die, ante meridiem.

Sederunt:-MINISTERS.-Mr. Robert Douglas, Moderator. Mr. David Dicksone: Mr. Thomas Wassie: Mr. Mungo Law: Mr. James Gutterie : Mr. John M'Clellan : Mr. George Hutcheson: Mr. John Home: Mr. David Calderwood: Mr. James Hamiltoun: Mr. John Smyth: Mr. John Weir: Mr. Andro Duncason: Mr. Andro Lawder: Mr. Robert Young: Mr. George Leslie : Mr. James Nasmyth.--ELDERS.

The Commission appoynts the Moderator, Messrs. Robert Douglas, David Dickson, John Smyth, Mungo Law. and James Gutterie to desire to know of the Comittee of Estates vpon what termes the English Army comes to this Kingdome, and to report.

The nixt meeting afternoon.

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