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Jan. 14.

"Burns and the Border "-Andrew M'Callum, Esq., Vice-President, Burns Federation.

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Jan. 26. Anniversary Dinner-" The Immortal Memory -Walter Weir, Esq., F.S.Sc. (Lond.).

Feb. 11.

"James Hogg, The Ettrick Shepherd "-J. Wilson Bain, Esq. (Albany Burns Club).

Mar. 11. "Som Irish Poets and their Influence "-J. A. Flanagan, Esq.

HUGH A. BEGG, Secr tary.

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To Heritable Bond over Property at Eaglesham

President's Medal and Chain


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Balance of Festivals and Excursion Account due by

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Note. The Balance at the Credit of Capital Account on 1st February, 1913, was £560 12s ld.

During the past year fourteen new members have been added to the Roll.


The Annual Excursion took place on Tuesday, 3rd June, to Ayr and Maybole. Thirty-seven ladies and gentlemen left St. Enoch Station for Ayr and proceeded by char-a-banc to Maybole, via Minishant, visiting en route Burns's Cottage and the Monument. The party partook of lunch in the King's Arms Hotel, Maybole, and after spending a little time in the town drove back to Ayr by the Shore Road via Dunure. High tea was served in the Hotel Dalblair, Ayr, and thereafter the party returned to Glasgow, having spent a most enjoyable day in excellent weather.


A medal

The Tattie and Herrin' Supper of the Club was held in the Royal Restaurant, on Tuesday, 11th November. Ninety-six gentlemen sat down to supper, after which the President presented a gold replica of the Club's Medal to the following Past Presidents of the Club: Ex-Bailie James Young, Daniel Duncan, D. L. Stevenson, Ex-Bailie Wm. Nicol, J.P., and Robert Miller, in recognition of their services to the Club during their occupancy of the chair. The gift was suitably acknowledged by each of the respondents. was also to be presented to Dr James Devon, but he was unable to attend. In the course of the evening Mr H. B. Sergeant, Headmaster of Baillieston School, gave a very interesting address on 'Hugh Macdonald, Rambler and Poet." A very pleasant evening was spent with songs and recitations contributed by Messrs Rankin, Watson, Thomas Cochran, Shaw, M'Carroll, M'Lellan, Hume, M'Nair, Robt. Reid, and Hendry.



Seven schools entered for the Class Competitions, viz. :Annfield, Calton, Newlands, Rumford Street, Strathclyde, Springfield and Tureen Street, and the prizes were distributed to the successful pupils in these schools. The number of pupils taking

part in the competitions was 938, and the number of prizes distributed was 35. Three choirs entered for the Choir Competition, representing Calton, John Street, and Strathclyde Schools. The judges awarded the Shield to Calton School, and the children received Certificates and Books of the Songs of Burns. The Choirmaster was presented with a Baton suitably inscribed. Thirty-four pupils entered for the Singing Competitions -eighteen girls and sixteen boys from Calton, John Street, Newlands, Strathclyde, and Tureen Street Public Schools. The judge awarded silver medals to the following pupils:-Jane Jarvie, Newlands School; Jeannie Hannah, Tureen Street School; Bella Adams, Strathclyde School; James M'Clure, and David Bowie, John Street School; and Thomas Saunders, Calton School.

The Directors again desire to express their thanks to Messrs George Newton and Peter White for acting as judges in the competitions.


The Anniversary of the Poet's Birthday was celebrated by a Dinner in the Grosvenor Restaurant on 24th January. Ninety gentlemen sat down to dinner with the President, James M. Campbell, Esq., J.P., in the chair. The Vice-President, Adam C. Hay, Esq., acted as croupier. Among those present were :—' -W. M. R. Pringle,

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M.P.; Bailie Thomas Paxton, Bailie Duncan Graham, Robert Miller, David Baird, Geo. H. Laird, Malcolm A. Hendry, Peter White, Thomas Potter, jr.; Councillor Wm. S. Campbell, D. M. Kennedy, George Newton, David S. Brown, James Wilson Shaw, William Reid, Treasurer; and J. Tullis Cochran, Secretary. The "Immortal Memory was proposed by the President. The toast responded to in solemn silence. The President then proposed the "Health of Mr John Gribbel, of Philadelphia," in recognition of his generosity in presenting to Scotland the Glenriddel MSS., and the following resolution was proposed and unanimously accepted, the Secretary being instructed to forward a copy thereof to Mr Gribbel :-" That the members of the Bridgeton Burns Club of Glasgow, assembled to celebrate the Anniversary of the Poet's birth, desire to express to Mr John Gribbel, Philadelphia, their deep appreciation and heartfelt gratitude for his great generosity in presenting to Scotland the Glenriddel MSS."



The Annual Concert and Presentation of Prizes was held in the Mechanics' Hall, on Friday, 13th March, 1914, at which the children who succeeded in the Singing and Class Competitions, and the successful choir, rendered an excellent programme. Mr Campbell

presided, and presented the prizes to the successful competitors. The hall was crowded, and a number had to be turned away through lack of accommodation. This indication of renewed interest on the part of the members, their friends, the school children and their parents, is very gratifying to the Directors, and the thanks of the Club are due to the Social Committee, and in particular to PastPresident Robert Miller, the convener, who did so much to make the functions of the Club so successful during the past year.

Club Notes must be sent to the Editor direct, not later than the last week of November. Entries for the Directory should be sent direct to the Hon. Secretary by the same date, otherwise insertion cannot be guaranteed





Mr John Gribbel has written to the Earl of Rosebery the following letter bearing on the disposition of the Glenriddel Manuscripts which he has gifted to Scotland :

Honoured Sir, I have delayed writing you further in the matter of the provisions for the custody of the Glenriddel Manuscripts on account of your recent indisposition. I join in the universal satisfaction expressed over your recovery.

I give the two volumes known as the Glenriddel Manuscripts to the people of Scotland for ever.

I have come to the conclusion that it would be very fitting that Edinburgh, with her historical qualification, should be represented in the trust to be formed for the custody of the Glenriddel Manuscripts.

Glasgow, by reason of the action taken in that city and the continued efforts put forth to prevent the loss of the Manuscripts from Great Britain when the sale by the Liverpool Athenæum became known, has shown unmistakably the proper appreciation and the capacity that qualifies her for participation in the trust.

I direct, therefore, that the trust consist of three trustees. In view of your pre-eminent fitness, I beg that you accept designation as one of these trustees; that the Lord Provost of Edinburgh, ex officio, accept the second; and the Lord Provost of Glasgow, ex officio, accept the third. The continuity of te trust to be secured by providing authority for the remaining trustees to fill a vacancy at any time occurring, except that the Lord Provost of Edinburgh for the time being and the Lord Provost of Glasgow for the time being, shall come into the trust by virtue of their office. The trust to continue upon the lines set forth until a national library shall be established in Scotland, whereupon such library, when and where established, shall become the ultimate and permanent trustee of the gift.

During the existence of the triple trusteeship, provided the cities of Glasgow and Edinburgh shall provide for the insuranco and suitable, safe, and fire-proof protection for the housing of the Manuscripts wherein they shall not deteriorate by any avoidable

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