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Dr. Le Plongeon may have been too imaginative and romantic in his deductions and interpretations. But he did a vast amount of pioneer research, the results of which have since been abundantly verified. The buildings, the sculptures, the hieroglyphs, which he said were there, are there, and are now commanding the earnest study of To what extent his archæologists. revelations, and even his romantic theories, contributed to the great development of interest in the Mayas which has occurred since his time is matter of opinion. But I can well remember that when he made his first reports there was general incredulity as to there ever having been any such thing as Mayan civilization. The earlier works of Dupaix, Waldeck, Charnay, Stephen, and Norman were largely forgotten or ignored, and the notion widely prevailed that the Aztecs were the only ancient people of Mexico and Central America worthy of consideration. If, as Professor Spinden holds, Dr. Le Plongeon's writings were misleading, at any rate.they attracted attention to a neglected subject and were followed by the systematic and scientific research which is now disclosing some of the greatest wonders of pre-Columbian America. That, it seems to me, was no small serIvice to the world.



The Way to Go


via Cherbourg



via Southampton via Hamburg Write for "Booklet EJ" and full information

Passage to meet the requirements of every traveler

The beautiful and luxurious new steamers Resolute, Reliance, Albert Ballin, and Deutschland, offer every travel comfort, including spacious and attractive public rooms, dancing floor, verandah cafe, gymThe nasium, swimming pool, elevators. splendid one-class cabin steamers Cleveland, Mount Clay, Hansa, Thuringia and Westphalia, less elaborate but no less comfortable and complete in their equipment, provide excellent accommodations at moderate rates. A world-famous service insures prompt and courteous attention to the traveler's needs. The cuisine is unsurpassed.


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HAVE just finished the second reading of "Red Apples," in the issue for September 12. I read it the second time to make sure whether or no there was any evidence that Otto regretted stealing the apple. I found no evidence.

On reflection, why should he regret it? If his theft had not been discovered, he would have had one apple. His theft was discovered, and, therefore, he got two apples.

What kind of a moral are Outlook readers expected to draw from that story, anyway?

Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania.




Limited to 450 Guests (About Half Capacity) by Magnificent New
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EGYPT, PALESTINE, Madeira, Spain, Gibraltar, Algiers, Tunis, Constantinople,
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The "Scythia" is a veritable floating palace, with spacious decks, lounges, veranda cafés, 2 elevators, gymnasium, commodious staterooms with running water and large wardrobes; bedrooms and suites with private baths. The famous Cunard cuisine and service. (Only one sitting for meals.) Stop-over privilege in Europe without extra cost, returning via S.S. "Aquitania,"



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or any Cunard Line Steamer Rates, deck plans, itinerary and full information on request.

Also De Luxe Tours to Europe.


542 Fifth Ave., New York (Estab. 1875) 219. So. 15th St., Philadelphia

Robust Men Like


The cocoa of high quality.

Baker's Cocoa is invigorating, stimulating only in the sense that pure food is stimulating, it has a delicious flavor and aroma, is a great addition to meals and a wonderful between


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T. URSULA and her Eleven Thousand Virgins, who are traditionally regarded as martyrs to the savagery of Attila and his Huns, are calmly put into the limbo of historical myths by a writer in the London "Sphere," who says that "the Thousand was an interpolation and there were only Eleven-or some even say only Two, the Roman II having become in course of time 11." There must be a mistake somewhere, for one of the sights of the city of Cologne is the Church of St. Ursula, whose walls are lined with cases containing a vast number of human bones, supposed to be those of the Eleven Thousand. St. Ursula and her Two Virgins could never have supplied all those bones.

Does the man who counterfeits a thousand-dollar bill think that nobody. will question his counterfeit because it is so unlikely that anyone would imitate a bill of that denomination? Perhaps. At any rate, the "U. S. Official Postal Guide" warns us concerning a new counterfeit of a $1,000 Federal Reserve note: "Great care should be exercised in handling bills of this description, as only those skilled in the determination of the genuineness of currency will be able to detect this counterfeit. Only one of these counterfeits has been discovered so far."

From "Film Fun:"

Husband-"Yes, dear, you look nice in that dress, but it cost me a heap of money."

Wife "Freddie, dear, what do I care for money when it is a question of pleasing you?"

"Have You Any Archless Locomotives?" a full-page advertisement in a railway magazine asks in a displayed headline, the obvious adumbration of a popular song of to-day. "Progressive railroad men," the advertisement goes on, "are unanimous as to the value of the security sectional arch. They have O'Kayed it for 48,000 locomotives. How many of your locomotives still lack an arch?" The people who have any locomotives to-day that still lack an arch certainly ought to take notice.

The twelve greatest Jews in the world, according to a ballot by readers of the "Jewish Tribune," are:

Albert Einstein, Chaim Weizmann, Israel Zangwill, Louis Marshall, Louis. D. Brandeis, Lord Reading, Nathan Straus, George Brandes, Chaim N. Bialik, Stephen S. Wise, Henri Bergson, and Arthur Schnitzler.

Among the twelve Jews above listed four are from the United States (two are adopted sons), three are from England, and there is one each from

Germany, Denmark, Russia, France, and Austria. Einstein is a physicist; Weizmann a chemist and president of the Palestine Foundation; Marshall, Brandeis, and Reading are barristers; Zangwill, Brandes, Bialik, Bergson, and Schnitzler, authors, poets, and philosophers; Wise is a rabbi, and Straus a philanthropist.

A writer in an English magazine gives a list of quaintly named inns as follows:

"The Spinner and Bergamot," near Great Budworth, Cheshire.-A puzzle to many, but easily explained, being the names of two racehorses once owned by the lord of the manor.

"The Aleppo Merchant," Carno, near Newtown, Mon.-A strange name to find in the heart of an agricultural district, but Carno was at one time the trading centre for MidWales, and a certain trader from Aleppo used to bring his goods to this house by pack-horse from Aberdovey.

"The Snig's Foot," Ormskirk, Lancs. Obviously named on the lucus a non lucendo principle, "snig" being the local name for an eel, which, of course, has no foot.

"The Labour in Vain," near St. Helens, Lancs.-The sign represents a white woman scrubbing a black child.

"The Cat and Fiddle," near Buxton. -Supposed to be a corruption of "Katherine la Fidele."

"The Headless Woman," near Tarvin, Cheshire.-Presumably an ampli. fication of "The Silent Woman."

"The Cat and Lion," Stretton, near Warrington. The inscription of the sign reads:

"The Lion is strong,
The Cat is vicious,

My ale is good,

So are my liquors." (sic.)

The column of "Tonics and Sedatives" in the "Journal" of the American Medical Association is notable for its judicious selection of humorous paragraphs. Occasionally, however, it indulges in a serious thought. Here is one:

What is needed for the selection of future physicians is a test for sympathy, judgment, and intellectual integrity.

And here is one of the paragraphs "in lighter vein" which make "Tonics and Sedatives" interesting reading both to physicians and their patients: FROM THE DOCTOR'S CORRESPONDENCE

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The early response to our first announcement of the
Encyclopædia Britannica at half-price has been so
overwhelming that in fairness to all we publish this


ACT TO-DAY if you hope to secure



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HEN we announced this unprecedented Half-price Sale of our few remaining sets of the Handy Volume Issue of the new Britannica, we entirely under-estimated the demand. As this magazine goes to press, more than onequarter of these sets have already gone. At the present rate it is certain that our small stock will not go around. To prevent disappointment we print this frank warning-the only way to be sure of getting a set at half-price is to act

When our last Handy Volume set is sold, that will be the end. No more Handy Volumes will ever be produced. This is your last chance to get this marvelously convenient issue. Soon it will be out of print. Even now, only those who are quick in action can possibly secure one of these last few remaining sets.

The Christmas Gift Supreme. What a present the new Encyclopædia Britannica in the Handy Volume set makes! All the family, from youngest to oldest, will rejoice in it for years to come.. It solves the gift question now. A handsome mahogany-finish bookcase, with attractive leadedglass door, is included free with each set.

This is the complete 12th Edition, the latest, in 32 volumes, including the three new volumes prepared since the war. The most complete, up-to-date reference and fact book in the world. The world's standard authority on all matters of human activity and knowledge.


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The Handy Volume Issue, that marvel of book-making, must be discontinued. This is rendered necessary by enormously increased manufacturing costs. We absolutely refuse to raise our prices in order to keep the Handy Volume in print side by side with the Cambridge Issue. For the sake of the public, that the Britannica may be always easily available to all, we are standardizing on the Cambridge Issue. To-day you can buy the Encyclopædia Britannica at the greatest price reduction in all its history.

FAIR WARNING!! By or before-perhaps long be-
fore-December 23rd, every one of these sets will
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These sets at such a price are flying
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latest this sale must end on December 23rd.

Remember, when these sets are gone there
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AGAIN!! Here opportunity knocks, and as you
read these words, passes. Before you turn this
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we will send full particulars of this last-chance,
closing-out offer. DO THIS AT ONCE!!

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The Pratt Teachers Agency

70 Fifth Avenue, New York Recommends teachers to colleges. public and private schiople. Advises parents about schools. Wm. O. Pratt, Mgt. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES MASSACHUSETTS

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Preparing the Way for Peace.
The Power of the Purse.
Teachers and Ph.D.'s.
Francis Parkman

Oklahoma-A Test of Our Theory of

By David E. Lilienthal Lloyd George in America..

By Frank Dılnot

Wars Old and New.

We Visit the Alcalde.

By Melanie Earle Keiser Paragraphs from a Politician's European Note-Book...

By Frederick M. Davenport Three Poems by Hermann Hagedorn : Diana; The Eyes of God; Summer Dusk


Where Veterans Fell Among Friends 225 By Stanley Frost

The Salmon Run..

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Regular 10-Inch Records

Note List of

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I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble
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Glance at the list of songs. Remember that each is beautifully sung by an accomplished artist, accompanied by a splendid orchestra. Remember that each record is full 10 inches in size, made of highest quality material, free from scratch, and durable as any records made. How much are these 16 selections worth? In stores these records would cost you over $12.00. Yet our price is only $2.98 plus few cents delivery charges. How can it be done? Simply by manufacturing only in SETS, selling DIRECT to CONSUMERS and being satisfied with an extremely LOW PROFIT per set.

Let us mail these records to you for 10 days' trial. Send no money now. Give $2.98 plus delivery charge to the postman, when

Please send me for ten days' trial, your collection of 16 World Famous Operatic Songs on eight double-face ten-inch records, guaranteed equal to any records made. I will pay the postman only $2.98 plus delivery charge on arrival. This is not to be considered a purchase, however. If the records do not come up to my expectations, I reserve the right to return them at any time within 10 days and you will refund my money. Note: Mark X in square if you also desire Patented Record Album at special price of only 69c (store price $1.00). Attractive and durable: holds eight records.

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