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SCAR LEWIS has just returned from a year spent in Europe and North Africa, one of the results of which is the article from his pen which appears in this issue. He writes in a letter to the editors:

I have come back with two ambi tions: to live in a villa in Fiesole and to ride on a camel from some oasis in southern Algeria to Timbuctu. Pending the realization of these ambitions I live in a bungalow in Berkeley, California, and ride on the street cars.



A Journal of Religion


Published Weekly


Four Dollars a Year

The Religious Revolution

REAT and vital changes taking place in men's thought as to what religion is and what its function is in personal and social life-new assessment of old doctrines-fresh conceptions of God and destiny and duty demanding room in the realm of faith-Jesus Christ assuming a new role in the lives of his followers the ancient Bible undergoing revision and reinterpretation-the church challenged as to its competence to carry on the spiritual business of mankind-the missionary enterprise at a crisis-denominationalism losing its hold and confessing its futility-science and social passion saturating traditional creeds and churchly virtues with new convictions and ideals-religion under our very hand and eye is passing through an epoch of change more profound and revolutionary than the Protestant reformation of the sixteenth century!

The most interesting subject in all the world


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—and never in history so interesting as right now!

HE Christian Century is a free It is under obligation to no denomination, no society, no board, no ecclesiastical or other interest of any sort, and is therefore in a position to speak its convictions concerning events, or personalities, or doctrines, or institutions without let or hindrance from any established interest what


Within the past five years The Christian Century has come into a unique position in the journalism of America. Its influence now extends into all the communions of the American church. It is equally at home among Congregationalists, Presbyterians, Methodists, Disciples, Baptists, Episcopalians, evangelical Unitarians and liberal Jews; and not a few of the liberal leaders of the Roman Catholic church are among its readers. Its readers now extend to every country on the globe.

Besides, it is gripping the minds of thinking men and women who have no church connection. They are astonished that from within the church, which many supposed had become moribund and incurably denominational in its vision, there should emerge a journal in earnest with the church, devout and evangelical, and at the same time as free as a university classroom. Such people stand amazed to find themselves actually enjoying a religious paper!

A glance at its pages will reveal the fact that it conceives its field and function as something quite different from other religious papers. It seeks-and it finds the leaderlike minds in all walks of life. There probably does not exist anywhere a more remarkable and adequate roster of America's religious and moral leadership than the present subscription list of The Christian Century. The most vital

minds in church life, in social action
and in educational service make up
its readers. It does not solicit sub-
scriptions from the thoughtless or
superficial-such persons would not
long remain subscribers to a period-
ical that deals as earnestly and
candidly with moral and religious
issues as does The Christian Cen-

And besides, the very presence on
its subscription list of readers of a
dependent type of mind would in-
evitably color and tone down its
treatment of living issues. If its
editors had to consider the reader
whose faith is likely to be injured
by a frank facing of the issues which
today try the souls of all of us, they
would have to produce a paper quite
unlike The Christian Century.
such minds plenty of other religious
reading matter is available.

But it definitely and purposely restricts itself to another field. The constituency which it seeks to serve is that of the thoughtful, mature and independent leaders, particularly from the laity, inside and outside the churches, who desire to follow the free and untrammeled discussion of living issues in the light of the mind of Christ.

This is a field which no other
weekly journal of religion has under-
taken to cultivate. The Christian
Century is not made for children,
it uses no pictures, and its editors
and contributors feel no need of
toning down their utterances lest
the "weak brother" be offended.
Our invitation is for a reading
constituency of strong minds which
grow stronger by participation in
free discussion.

Yet this journal of religion is no
high-brow, technical, academic
fair. It grips the interest of the aver-
age man and woman of intelligence.
Its genius is that it makes ideas in-
teresting. And religious ideas, at


Its discussions and editorials are not intended merely for professionals, but for the man in the street and pew-lay leaders from the rank and file. The intelligent layman and woman are in the editorial mind continually, and the paper is produced for them. Perhaps it is just this fact that explains why The Christian Century is so widely read by teachers and ministers and other professional folk.

And its readers have been grateful
to find that The Christian Century
speaks not as a detached and irre-
sponsible outsider, but as a sympa-
thetic and loyal insider from the
bosom of the church itself. This dis-
covery of a journal that is free
without being a freelance, that is
loyal without being servile, and that
is always interesting and vital with-
out being sensational, is the secret
of the great joy our readers take in
The Christian Century.

Consider the names of some con-
tributors: Charles E. Jefferson,
Frederick W. Norwood, Joseph Er-
nest McAfee, William E. Barton,
Jane Addams, Robert A. Millikan,
Ernest F. Tittle, Robert E. Speer,
Vida D. Scudder, John Dewey, Shai-
ler Matthews, Roger Babson, Ed-
ward A. Steiner, Charles A. Ell-
wood, Albert Parker Fitch, Dean
Inge, Canon Barnes, Maude Roy-
den, Sherwood Eddy, Henry Church-
ill King, H. D. C. Maclachlan,
Harry Emerson Fosdick, Rufus M.
Jones, Edgar DeWitt Jones, Lloyd
C. Douglas, Frederick F. Shannon,
Cleland B. McAfee, Harry F. Ward,
Ozora S. Davis, Bishop McConnell,
Peter Ainslie,
these are just a few of the master
writers whose messages appear in
The Christian Century's pages. They
with the editors write on such vital
topics as:

International Affairs-The World
Court, Outlawry of War, etc.

Take your choice of these coupons

A Great Book with a New Subscription


508 S. Dearborn St., Chicago.


Dear Sirs: Please enter my name (a new subscriber) for a year's subscription to The Christian Century at your regular rate of $4.00 (ministers $3.00). I will remit upon receipt of bill and you will please send me without extra charge a copy of "Seeing Life Whole," by King, "Christianity and Social Science," by Ellwood, or "Toward the Understanding of Jesus," by Simkhovitch, or "What Christianity Means to Me," by Abbott, or "Religious Perplexities,' by Jacks, or "Ambassadors of God," by Cadman, or Goodspeed's New Testament.


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The Mind of Jesus and Modern Science.

Modern Sex Morality.

What Is There Left of the Bible? Is Evolution Inconsistent with Religion?

The Future of the Community Church.

Is the Denominational Church a
Competent Organ of Religion?

The High Art of the Spiritual Life.
Do We Need a New Religion?
Is Sin Obsolete?

The Menace of Millenialism.
Jewish Fundamentalism.

The Chicago Tribune as a Breeder of Anarchy.

and a hundred other subjects covering the delicate but urgent problems involved in the modern attempt to discover the mind of Christ and to apply his ideals in our actual workaday world.

Space forbids calling attention to certain interesting features for the immediate future. We can only mention the vigorous and illuminating discussion of the modern sex debacle, just beginning. Or take that remarkable series of articles by a dozen or more social service leadof all the churches of which Bishop McConnell fires the opening The argun in the current issue. ticles are dealing with this question: After nineteen hundred years has Christianity seriously modified the pagan character of human society? These articles, we promise, will lay the axe at the root of the tree.


You are heartily invited to join The Christian Century's far extending circle of readers. Note the attractive books-modern, up-to-theminute books, every one-offered free with a new annual subscription.

Twelve Weeks for One Dollar


508 S. Dearborn St., Chicago.

Dear Sirs: Enclosed please find $1, for a twelve weeks' acquaintance subscription to The Christian Century.



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The Creed of John Martin's Book

To be pure but merry, wise but not priggish. To be happy and to diffuse happiness. ✦ To teach without preachment and guide without coercion. To credit the child with the qualities of humor, imagination, and divination. To provide the best that the heart and mind can give without affectation or patronizing sentimentality. To be to the child a perfectly natural friend who loves and understands him. To work blithely and to play joyously, to live hopefully and healthfully, and to love all childhood in spirit and sincerity.

Finally, never to lose sight of its aim to influence the formation of the manners, tastes, and ideals of our future men and women.

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A Boy and His "Ad

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Look through the "Help Wanted" columns in the newspapers and read advertisement after advertisement beginning "Expert", "Competent", "Educated", and then ending up with either "big pay" or "high salary for the right man"-The big jobs and big money are offered to the man with training.

You do not want your child to take a back seat in life. You do want him to be a leader in his chosen line. Other fathers and mothers want exactly the same thing, and yet how few-oh, how few!-realize their high hopes. Why?

When you look at that dwindling line of school boys pictured below, you will probably guess-and guess correctly that just about one family in three can afford to enter their boy in high school and only one family in fifty can see him clear through college.

Most of the other boys dropped out because their families just hadn't the money. They couldn't afford to keep their children at school because they trusted to luck that

when the time came, somehow, some way, the money would be found. But it wasn't.

Now what are you doing to make it possi
ble for your boys and girls to get a good
education? How are you going to have
the money ready when you must have it
-in 15 or 10 years, or sooner?
It's all right to be hopeful and optimistic,
but it is far better to prepare for the
day that is on the way.

High schools-Normal schools-Techni cal schools-Business colleges-Univer sities Seminaries Art and Music schools-Training schools of all kinds-cost money -real money.

Then why not do these essential things and do them now? 1st- Find how much it will cost to give your children the kind of higher education you want them to have.

2nd-If you have the money now, put it aside and use only the interest upon it for yourself. 3rd-If you haven't the money, figure out a way of saving so that your Education Fund will be ready when needed.

4th-Begin now-this week, not next week-to lay aside the first small payment on the necessary sum. Let nothing interfere with the regular. putting aside of that amount.

The mere fact that his father and mother are making a sacrifice for him, is likely to inspire any redblooded boy to make good and get ready for his big opportunity. The pride of knowing that your children are to have their chance will more than pay you for what you do. Plan now and carry out your plan.


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