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HE first tang of Autumn in the air. Long cool evenings with open fires to take away the crisp chill. Entertainment within doors-formal or impromptu. But always U-AllNo After Dinner Mints.

Keep these creamy mints in the house for all occasions. Their delicate piquant flavor lasts because they are packed in airtight tin containers, never sold in bulk.

Two sizes ten and twenty-five cents. If your dealer hasn't them, send to us direct. Address Dept. F




The dread Pyorrhea begins with bleeding gums

PYORRHEA'S infecting germs cause.

many ills. Medical science has proved this.

Many diseased conditions are now known often to be the result of Pyorrhea germs that breed in pockets about the teeth. Rheumatism, anaemia, nervous disorders and other diseases have been traced in many cases to this Pyorrhea infection.

Don't let Pyorrhea work its wicked will on your body. Visit your dentist frequently for teeth and gum in spection.

And watch your gums yourself. Pyorrhea, which afflicts four out of five people over forty, begins with tender and bleeding gums; then the gums recede, the teeth de cay, loosen and fallout, or must be extracted to rid the system of the poisons generated at their base.

FOR THE GUMS progress-if used in time and BRUSH YOUR TEETH

Forhan's For the Gums will prevent Pyorrhea-or check its

used consistently. Ordinary den tifrices cannot do this. Forhan's keeps the gums hard and healthy -the teeth white and clean. Start using it today. If gum shrinkage has set in use For han's according to directions and consult a dentist imme. diately for special treatment.

35c and 60c tubes in U.S. and Canada.

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A Cash Offer

for Cartoons

A cash payment of one dollar will promptly be made to our readers who send us. a cartoon accepted by The Outlook. Cartoons will not be returned. Each one should be marked with name and address of sender to assure payment if accepted. They should be sent flat, not rolled.

We want to see the best cartoons published in your local papers.


New York

BY THE WAY (Continued) price. The dropping of secrecy is an unmistakable sign that a trade is established and modernized. Where the laboratory enters an industry, trade secrets vanish."


A locomotive engineer's duties require him to lean out of his cab window occasionally to inspect the road ahead, though passengers are warned against putting their heads out of the windows. Railways must so construct their roadbed that the engineer can look out with safety. At least that is the decision of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, as reported by the "Railway Age," in a case where an engineer was killed because his head struck a rock that projected from a cutting to within six inches of the cab window.

From the New York "Sun:"

"Haven't you any superstitions?" "No, I think they bring bad luck."

From the "Argonaut:"

"That youngest boy of yours doesn't seem to do you credit, Uncle Mose," remarked the darky pastor to one of his parishioners. "No, sah, no, sah," replied the old man sorrowfully. "He is de wurstest chile I eber had; in fact, he's de white sheep ob de family."

From "Outing:"

"Bulleye Hickson, of the West Vir ginia mountains, was asked if he had ever been lost. 'No, I ain't never been what you'd call lost. Of course sometimes it might take me two or three days to find out where I am, but I ain't never been lost.""

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On page 558 of the issue of The Outlook for August 8, beginning line 11, column 1, appears the following astonishing statement:

"The horses . . . were so exhausted that they breathed through their mouths."

Probably this is one of the results of the prevalence of the automobile. In the good old days when most of us were familiar with horses it was commonly acknowledged that since there is no passage between a horse's mouth and its windpipe, it is entirely impossible for a horse to breathe through its mouth.

The writer of the above letter makes a definite statement, and it is corroborated by a prominent veterinary surgeon, with the proviso, "There has been some controversy as to whether under unusual circumstances a horse can breathe through his mouth." The Encyclopædia Britannica says: "Under ordinary circumstances the horse breathes entirely by the nasal passages, the communication between the larynx and the mouth being closed by the velum palati."


Send for 30 Days' Examination

Do not send any money. Simply mail the coupon below, or a letter mentioning this advertisement. When the books and bookends arrive, give the postman only $2.98, plus the few pennies for delivery charges. Then, if you wish, examine the books thirty days. If you are disappointed in the slightest respect, if you do not agree that this is one of the most satisfactory purchases you have ever made, send the set and book ends back any time within thirty days, and your money will be instantly refunded. Can a fairer offer be made?

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Please send me the new set of 30 volumes of the Little Leather Library, and a pair of Lincoln Bas-Relief Book-Ends free. I will give the postimun $2.98, plus the few cents' delivery charges upon arrival. It is understood, however, that this is not to be considered as a purchase. I reserve the right to return them within thirty days and you agree to return my money..


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An American Biographer.....

Debate of Commonwealth Affairs.. Cartoons of the Week


Modern Science and the Man.. The ZR-1's Trial Trip..


Stricken Japan.

The Earthquake...

Not a League of Force..

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There are Missionaries and Missionaries 94 By Lawrence F. Abbott

Old Art Flows Where Money Grows 96-97 Out of the Ashes Japan-..


By Gregory Mason

The Europe of To-Morrow... By Jules Sauervein


"What's Wrong with the Movies ?": From a Theater Manager's Viewpoint 103 By Courtenay Savage What's а Sick Veteran Friends ?...



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A BIG PEN to see

you through a BIG four years

This is a great pen for college men and women! It is made by the makers of Eversharp pencil.

The Wahl Signature Pen writes the instant the point touches paper. The patented comb feed makes shaking unnecessary.

The everlasting nib is a wonder. It suits itself to any handto any style. It is extra heavy 14-karat gold, tipped with the hardest and finest grade of iridium.

The patented construction of the cap makes it impossible for the pen to leak in the pocket. The cap cannot split, for it is strengthened by the plain gold band. There are two sizes of the Wahl Signature Pen-one at $5 for women, and one at $7 for men! Other Wahl Pens, $2.50 up!

Made in the U. S. A. by
THE WAHL CO., Chicago

Canadian Factory

The WAHL CO., LTD., Toronto

What I Think of Pelmanism



Judge Ben B. Lindsey

ELMANISM is a big, vital, significant contribution to the mental life

of America. I have the deep conviction that it is going to strike at the very roots of individual failure, for I see in it a new power, a great driving force.

I first heard of Pelmanism while in -England on war work. Sooner or later almost every conversation touched on it, for the movement seemed to have the sweep of a religious conviction. Men and women of every class and circumstance were acclaiming it as a new departure in mental training that gave promise of end-. ing that preventable inefficiency which acts as a brake on human progress. Even in France I did not escape the word, for thousands of officers and men were Pelmanizing in order to fit themselves for return to civil life.

When I learned that Pelmanism had been brought to America by Americans for Americans, I was among the first to enroll. My reasons were two: first, because I have always felt that every mind needed regular, systematic and scientific exercise, and secondly, because I wanted to find out if Pelmanism was the thing that I could recommend to the hundreds who continually ask my advice in relation to their lives, problems and ambitions.

Failure is a sad word in any language, but it is peculiarly tragic here in America where institutions and resources join to put success within the reach of every individual. In the twenty years that I have sat on the bench of the Juvenile Court of Denver, almost every variety of human failure has passed before me in melancholy procession. By failure I do not mean the merely criminal mistakes of the individual, but the faults of training that keep a life from full development and complete expression.

Pelmanism the Answer

It is to these needs and these lacks that l'elmanism . comes as an answer. The "twelve little gray books" are a remarkable achievement. Not only do they contain the discoveries that science knows about the mind and its workings, but the treatment is so simple that the truths may be grasped by anyone of average education.

In plain words, what Pelmanism has done is to take psychology out of the college and put it into harness for the day's work. It lifts great, helpful truths out of the back water and plants them in the living stream.

As a matter of fact, Pelmanism ought to


Judge Ben B. Lindsey is known throughout the whole modern world for his work in the Juvenile Court of Denver. Years ago. his vision and cour

age lifted children out of the cruelties and stupidities of the criminal law, and forced society to recognize its duties and responsibilities in connection with the "citizens of tomorrow."

be the beginning of education instead of a remedy for its faults. First of all, it teaches the science of self-realization; it makes the student discover himself; it acquaints him with his sleeping powers and shows him how to develop them. The method is exercise, not of the haphazard sort, but a steady, increasing kind that brings each hidden power to full strength without strain or break.

Pelmanism's Large Returns

The human mind is not an automatic device. It will not "take care of itself." Will power, originality, decision, resourcefulness, imagination, initiative, couragethese things are not gifts but results. Every one of these qualities can be developed by effort just as muscles can be developed by exercise. I do not mean by this that the individual can add to the brains that God gave him, but he can learn to make use of the brains that he has instead of letting them fall into flabbiness through disuse.

Other methods and systems that I have examined, while realizing the value of mental exercise, have made the mistake of limiting their efforts to the development of some single sense. What Pelmanism does is to consider the mind as a whole and treat it as a whole. It goes in for mental team play, training the mind as a unity.

Its big value, however, is the instruc[Advertisement]

tional note. Each lesson is accompanied by a work sheet that is really a progress sheet. The student goes forward under a teacher in the sense that he is followed through from first to last, helped, guided and encouraged at every turn by conscientious experts.

Pelmanism is no miracle. It calls for application. But I know of nothing that pays larger returns on an investment of one's spare time from day to day.

(Signed) BEN B. LINDSEY.

Note: As Judge Lindsey has pointed out, Pelmanism is neither an experiment nor a theory. For almost a quarter of a century, it has been showing men and women how to lead happy, successful, well rounded lives. 650,000 Pelmanists in every country on the globe are the guarantee of what Pelman training can do for you.

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No matter what your own particular difficulties are poor memory, mind wandering. indecision, timidity, nervousness or lack of personality-Pelmanism will show you the way to correct and overcome them. And on the positive side, it will uncover and develop qualities which you never dreamed existed in you. It will be of direct, tangible value to you in your business and social life. In the files at the Pelman Institute of America are hundreds of letters from successful Pelmanists telling how they doubled, trebled and even quadrupled their salaries thanks to Pelman training.

How to Become a Pelmanist

"Scientific Mind Training" is the name of the absorbingly interesting booklet which tells about Pelmanism in detail. It is fascinating in itself with its wealth of original thought and clear observation. "Scientific Mind Training" makes an interesting addition to your library.

Your copy is waiting for you. It is absolutely free. Simply fill out the coupon and mail it today. It costs you nothing, it obligates you to nothing, but it is absolutely sure to show you the way to success and happiness. Don't put it off and then forget about it. Don't miss a big opportunity. MAIL. THE COUPON NOW.

2575 Broadway, New York City

Suite 39,

PELMAN INSTITUTE OF AMERICA Suite 39, 2575 Broadway, New York Please send me without obligation your free €4-page booklet, "Scientific Mind Training."



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