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"It is a happy feature of English teaching, that the child is fed so largely with poetical fruit. A love of the good and the beautiful is thus entwined with the growing mind, and becomes a part of it."-REV. R. A. WILLMOTT.

This Manual has been compiled not only to facilitate the progress of Pupils in the most important Art of Expressive Reading, butby the variety of subjects, and the noble principles inculcated-to refine their tastes, elevate their sentiments, and excite in their minds an abiding interest in the study of our unrivalled Literature. It is believed that, within the same compass and at so moderate a price, never before were so many choice and varied selections* from British and American writers brought before the attention of schools and families generally. Whether regarded as subjects for exposition-for judicious criticism-for grammatical and logical analysis -for paraphrasing, or for tracing verbal analogies and derivations, the great value of such selections as aids to mental development must be quite obvious. Indeed, there is great reason to believe, that by the thorough study of the English language, most of the mental advantages can be obtained which are sought by the study of the Classics and Foreign Tongues.

Amongst the peculiar features of this Work, attention is directed to the Historical Pieces, in Chronological order, which form the first of the four Sections into which the subject-matter has been grouped. These pieces-if used in connection with the study of History-will tend to give much additional zest to it. The poetic selections are more numerous than those of prose, as suitable specimens of the latter are contained in so many other books. Some of the subjects introduced may at first be too difficult for the leastadvanced pupils-but by judicious explanations, these subjects can be brought level to their comprehension.+

No additional remarks are needed to give force and significance to the following highly suggestive passages from the works of distinguished Writers on Education:

"The taste for harmony, the poetical ear, if ever acquired, is so almost during infancy. The flow of numbers easily impresses itself on the memory, and is with difficulty erased. By the aid of verse, a store of beautiful imagery and glowing sentiment may be gathered up as the amusement of childhood, which in riper years may beguile the heavy hours of languor, solitude and sorrow; may enforce sentiments of piety, humanity and tenderness; may soothe the soul to calmness, rouse it to honourable exertions, or fire it with virtuous indignation."-MISS AIKIN.

• Permission has been kindly granted by several eminent Publishers, for the insertion of various extracts from our modern Poets-the copyright of whose works has not yet expired. If the Manual contains any other similar pieces which inadvertently have been included (from their appearance in several other collections of poetry for schools), it is believed that their re-appearance in this Work will not be in the least injurious to the interests of either Authors or Publishers. To adapt them the better for this Manual, many of the pieces have either been abridged or slightly altered in expression.

+"Divide and subdivide a difficult operation, until your steps are so short that the Pupil can easily take them."-Abbott's Teacher.

Pestalozzi led his pupils gradually-" du connu a l'enconnu."

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