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their Works, in the Memories of Men. Their naked names, and a grand comprehensive sentiment of civic Gratitude, patriotic Love, or human Admiration; or the utterance of some elementary Principle most essential in the constitution of true Virtue; or an intuition, communicated in adequate words, of the sublimity of intellectual Power, these are the only tribute which can here be paid-the only offering that upon such an Altar would not be unworthy!

What needs my Shakespeare for his honoured bones

The labour of an age in piled stones,

Or that his hallowed reliques should be hid

Under a star-y-pointing pyramid ?

Dear Son of Memory, great Heir of Fame,

What need'st thou such weak witness of thy name?
Thou in our wonder and astonishment

Hast built thyself a live-long Monument.

And so sepulchred, in such pomp dost lie,

That Kings for such a Tomb would wish to die.

P. 250. Line 9.-" And spires whose silent Finger points to Heaven."

An instinctive taste teaches men to build their churches in flat countries with spire-steeples, which as they cannot be referred to any other object, point as with silent finger to the sky and stars, and sometimes when they reflect the brazen light of a rich though rainy sunset, appear like a pyramid of flame burning heaven-ward. See "The Friend," by S. T. Coleridge, No. 14. p. 223.

P. 338. Line 1.-" That Sycamore, which annually holds
Within its shade, as in a stately tent."

This Sycamore oft musical with Bees;

Such Tents the Patriarchs loved.

S. T. Coleridge.

P. 354. Line 7.-" Perish the roses and the flowers of Kings."

The "Transit gloria mundi" is finely expressed in the Introduction to the Foundation Charters of some of the ancient Abbies. Some expressions here used are taken from that of the Abbey of St. Mary's Furness, the translation of which is as follows.

"Considering every day the uncertainty of life, that the roses and flowers of Kings, Emperors, and Dukes, and the crowns and palms of all the great, wither and decay; and that all things with an uninterrupted course, tend to dissolution and death: I therefore," &c.

P. 364. Line 12.-" Earth has lent her Waters, air her breezes."

In treating this subject, it was impossible not to recollect, with gratitude, the pleasing picture, which in his Poem of the Fleece, the excellent and amiable Dyer has given of the influences of manufac turing industry, upon the face of this Island. He wrote at a time when machinery was first beginning to be introduced, and his benevolent heart prompted him to augur from it nothing but good. Truth has compelled me to dwell upon the baneful effects arising out of an ill-regulated and excessive application of powers so admirable in themselves.

P. 400. Line 19.-" Binding herself by Statute."

The discovery of Dr. Bell affords marvellous facilities for carrying this into effect, and it is impossible to overrate the benefit which might accrue to humanity from the universal application of this simple engine under an enlightened and conscientious government.


T. DAVISON, Lombard-street, Whitefriars, London.

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