Obrázky na stránke


the Atlantic Ocean, the less is the
heat of the climate experienced. The
country becomes elevated by succes-
sive terraces. At first a few moun-

tains only are seen, but, shortly after
leaving the coast, a ridge is distin-
guished, taking a north-east direction,
and called the Zambi range. Nearly
under the equator, and on the meri-
dian of 241 E. is the summit of this
range, where the rivers which take
their rise in it flow to the east into
the Indian Ocean, and to the west
into the Atlantic. The height of this
mountain is estimated by M. Douville,
at 2400 toises above the sea.
this range that the tributaries of Con-
It is in
go or Zaire take their rise, on the
right bank of that immense river.
Of the several parts of the country
through which M. Douville passed,
that called Molouas, in the latitude
and longitude above mentioned, he
considers the finest. The productions
of this part of Africa, are rich and va-
rious. The forests contain valuable
timber, and the plains are covered
with aromatic plants; coffee, pepper,
sugar-cane and indigo, flourish in pro-
fusion. On the heights the climate
and vegetation are of the temperate
contained in these heights, among
A great variety of minerals are
which are copper, iron, and zinc.



CIDENTS IN THE FLEET. Portsmouth.-Nov. 27th. Arrived the Isis, 50, Capt. J. Polkinghorne, from the Downs (fitted for the flag of Rear-Admiral S. Fred. Warren, C.B. appointed Commander-in-chief on the Western Coast of Africa and the Cape of Good Hope).

Dec. 2nd. Arrived the Brisk, Lient. Butterfield, from the Downs.

Dec. 3rd. Sailed the Brisk, Lieut. Butterfield, for the Coast of Africa.

Dec. 15th. Sailed the Revenge, 74, Capt. Mackay, for Lisbon.

Dec. 19th. Arrived the Childers, 18, Commander Deans, from the Cape of Good Hope, St. Helena, and Ascension.

Dec. 23rd. Sailed the Revenge, 78, Capt. Mackay, for Lisbon.

At Spithead. Isis.

In Harbour.-Victory, Britannia, Royal
George, Melville, Madagascar, Pantaloon,
Confiance and Pluto steamers.
Downs.-Dec. 22nd.

Sailed the Wel

lesley, 74, Capt. Rowley, for Plymouth; Talavera, 74, Commander Herringham, for Sheerness; Stag, 48, Capt. Sir T. Troubridge, Bart. and Galatea, 42, Capt. Napier, C.B. for Sheerness and Leith; Curaçoa, 21, Capt. Dunn, for Portsmouth, 20, Commander Bertram, also for Portsthence to the East Indies; and Tweed, mouth, and thence to the West Indies. Imogene, 28, Capt. P. Blackwood, for Plymouth. South America and India. 120, Capt. Hillyers, C.B. and the Kent, Nov. 27th. Arrived the Caledonia, 74, Capt. Pym, C.B. from Portsmouth.


Nov. 26th.

Sailed the

Dec. 10th. Sailed the surveying vessel,
America, but not being able to get down
Beagle, Commander R. Fitzroy, for South
Channel, put back into Barnpool.

Fly, Harrier, Leveret, Pike, Hermes
Remaining in Hamoaze.- San Josef,

steam-vessel, Diligence, naval transport.
Bennet, transport.
In Barnpool.-Beagle.
In the Sound.

Caledonia, Marshal

Foreign. The Alert arrived at Lima sailed from the Cape of Good Hope, for from Payta, 31st of July. The Childers the Mauritius, previous to the 10th Sept.; the Curlew sailed from the Mauritius on from the Cape for the Mauritius, 29th a cruise, 24th July; the Talbot sailed August.

thence to the river Gambia, where their
The Plumper, 10, sailed from Sierra
Leone on the 6th Oct. with troops, from
presence was considered necessary to sub
due a disturbance which had broken out
there among the Mandingos and the co-

The Winchester, 52, sailed from Ha-
North Star, 28, has been cruising during
lifax for Bermuda on the 26th Oct. The
the summer months on the Coast of La-

Good Hope for Mauritius the 9th SepThe Childers, sailed from the Cape of tember.

The Nightingale, arrived at Vera Cruz
arrived at Madeira from Plymouth 20th
from Falmouth 23rd Sept. The Arachne
The Tyne arrived at Pernambuco, from
Oct. and sailed same day for Teneriffe.
Sydney, N.S.W. from Pitcairn's Island
Bahia 13th Oct. The Comet arrived at
and Tahiti 23rd May.

arrived at Gibraltar from Plymouth on
The Hermes steamer, Lieut. Kennedy,
the 13th Nov. and sailed thence for Corfu
52, Capt. Pigot, with Sir Walter Scott on
and Malta on the 15th. The Barham,
board, arrived at Gibraltar on the 14th

The Favourite, arrived at Ascension on

the 3rd Nov. and sailed a few days after for the Bight of Benin. The Athol left Ascension for Sierra Leone and England on 13th October.

The Algerine sailed from Rio Janeiro for Cape of Good Hope 18th Sept.; Tyne, for Bahia, 22nd; and Volage, for Buenos Ayres, 23rd. The Lyra arrived at Rio from Falmouth, 27th Sept. The Frolic

brig, and Pluto steam-vessel, proceed in company with the Isis to the Coast.

The Victory, 110, hoisted the flag of Admiral Sir Thomas Foley, G.C.B. the Commander-in-chief, at Portsmouth, on the 23rd ult.

arrived at Buenos Ayres from Falmouth GENERAL ORDERS, CIRCULARS,

22nd Sept. The Comet arrived at Sydney, New South Wales, from a cruise, 20th July. The Blanche and Sapphire sailed from Halifax for Bermuda, 6th November.

The Champion arrived at Barbadoes from Bermuda on the 15th Oct. and the Ranger on the 2nd Nov. The Algerine arrived at the Cape of Good Hope from Rio on the 13th Oct. and sailed on the 15th for the Mauritius. The Donegal arrived at Malta on the 31st Oct. and the Barham, with Sir Walter Scott on board, on the 21st, and the Cordelia from Mar: seilles on the 27th. The Rainbow sailed from Malta for Alexandria on the 21st. The Alban steamer for Trieste on the 24th. The Alfred on the 25th for Tripoli, and the Rapid on the 28th for Napoli di Romania. The squadron under the command of Sir Henry Hotham, consisting of the St. Vincent, Ganges, Alfred, and Philomel were cruising off Sicily on the 20th November.

Admiral Sir Manley Dixon, K.C.B. struck his flag on board the Foudroyant, at Plymouth, on the 1st of Dec. and hoisted it on the following day on board the San Josef.

The Madagascar, Capt. E. Lyons, was paid off at Portsmouth on the 1st Dec. and re-commissioned.

The Pike schooner, has been commissioned for the Irish station.

The Harrier, new sloop-of-war, was commissioned at Plymouth on the 3rd December.

The Ocean, 80, has been commissioned as a flag-ship, for Admiral Sir J. P. Beresford, at Sheerness.

The Fairy brig was commissioned at Chatham on the 10th Dec. for a surveying vessel.

The Kent, 78, Capt. S. Pym, was paid off into ordinary at Plymouth, on the 13th December.

The Success, 28, Capt. W. C. Jervoise, was paid off and laid up in ordinary at Portsmouth, on the 16th December.

Rear-Admiral Warren hoisted his flag on board the Isis, at Portsmouth, on the 22nd ult. to proceed to the Coast of Africa, and Cape of Good Hope. The Charybdis U. S. JOURN. No. 38. JAN. 1832.




War-Office, Nov. 23rd, 1831. SIR, With reference to the Secretaryat-War's instructions of the 25th of November 1829, for keeping the regimental records of soldiers' services, I have the honour to transmit for your information and guidance, five copies of a supplementary article relating to the manner in

which the former service of soldiers who may

have re-enlisted into the army subsequently to the 25th of March 1830, or who shall hereafter re-enlist, is to be entered in the regimental register.

This supplementary article is printed uniformly with the instructions abovementioned, and is to be inserted at the end of each of the regimental copies of the instructions.

I have the honour to be, Sir,
Your most obedient humble servant,

Officer commanding
Regiment of

War-Office, Nov. 23rd, 1831. Supplementary article to the instructions, dated Nov. 25th, 1829, for keeping the regimental records of soldiers' services.

The former service of a man re-enlisting into the army, subsequently to the 25th of March 1830, when the new form of attestation came into use, is in no case to be recorded in the regimental register, unless it be claimed by the man on his attestation.

If a recruit, on being attested, should claim former service, he shall produce his discharge, or certificate of discharge, when, if it shall appear that he has been out of the army less than three years, and that the cause of his discharge does not preclude him from reckoning his former service, and that he had not the opportunity of re-enlisting immediately after such discharge, the commanding officer will cause the recruit's former service to be recorded; but if the man shall not be


in possession of his discharge, the commanding officer will communicate with the War-Office, stating the particulars of the service claimed, and will not make any entry thereof in the register until the said claim shall have been confirmed by the Secretary at War.

Whenever former service is recorded, the cause of the soldier's discharge is to be stated in the register immediately under the entry.


War-Office, Nov. 25th, 1831. SIR,-Referring to the ninth article of the explanatory directions issued from the office on the 20th of November last, I have the honour to acquaint you, that in consequence of the very numerous applications which have been made to the Secretary-at-War, by officers in the receipt of a higher rate of half-pay than that of first lieutenant, and with a view to lessen the amount of the public expenditure, His Majesty has been pleased to direct that, until further orders, the colonels of regiments shall not recommend any officers for the situation of regimental paymaster, whose half-pay does not amount to at least 7s. per day.

I have the honour to be, Sir,

Your most obedient humble servant,
HENRY PArnell.

Colonel of the Regiment of


The Court Martial on Colonel Brereton will commence its proceedings at Bristol on Monday the 9th instant.

Robert Gordon, to the Pearl;

-Wyvill, to the LIEUTENANTS-W. Dawson, re-appointed to the Yacht Royal George, and to command the Pantaloon Tender. Arthur Brooking, to the Schooner Pike; H. T. Twysden, to the San Josef;

Bastard, to the Flamer Steamer; C. Daw kins, to the Talbot; A. Kortwright, to the Etna, (Assist. Surveyor); T. Baldock, to the Firebrand, Steamer; S. Griffith, to the Swallow Packet; W. C. Browne, to be Flag-Lieutenant to Vice-Admiral Sir John Gore, K.C.B. Commander-in-chief on the East India Station; H. Crauford, to the Melville, Hon. H. A. Murray, and Courtenay, to the Revenge; T. A. Eden, and Hon. C. R. A. Clements, and Kenny, to the Madagascar; H. Goldsmith, J. Lunn, and G. Butler, to the Caledonia; J. Barnes, to the Coast Guard Service; rey, and E. H. Hallet, to the Asia; to the Victory; C. M. Wright, to the Harrier. MASTERS-W. R. Mattacote to the Pike Schooner; J. Jenkins, to the Ocean; T. Peyton, to the Caledonia; T. Withenberry, to the Harrier; White, to the Asia; Saddler, to the


Par Purcell,

SURGEONS-J. E. Risk, to the San Josef; J. Gooch, to the Ocean; J. Drummond, to the Prince Regent; J. Steret, to the Curaçoa; J. Smith (c), to the Harrier; F. Sankey, to the Madagascar ; Cunningham, to the Britannia.

ASSISTANT-SURGEONS-W, W. Wright, to the Firebrand Steamer; J. W. Elliott, to the Ocean; J. Hudson, to the Harrier; Dr. J. Munro, to the Stag; J. McAllister, to the Columbia Steamer J. L. Rees (sup.) and J. Watson, (sup.) to the Victory; D. Jardine, to the San Josef; - Stevenson, to the Plumper; Dr. W. J. Idington, and Miller, to the Madagascar ;

the Melville; Steam-vessel.

Cottam, to Callaghan, to the Flamer

PURSERS-W. Bailey, to the Britannia; J. Scott, to the Ocean; John Brown (e), to the San Josef; - Herbert to the Harrier; G. Waller, to the Madagascar.

CHAPLAINS-Rev. - Harrison, to the Dryad ; Dodd, to the Madagascar.



FIRST-LIEUTENANT-Charles Clarke, to the



CAPTAINS William Broughton; Ellice.


LIEUTENANTS-W. C. Alten, late of the Mada. gascar; Hon. Dudley Pelham, of the Scylla. APPOINTMENTS.



LORD CHAMBERLAIN'S OFFICE, SEPT. 28. The King has been pleased to appoint Sir Robert Gill, Lieutenant of His Majesty's Guard: of Yeomen of the Guard, with the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army, so long as Sir Robert Gill shall continue to hold the said appointment.

CAPTAINS S. Chambers, to the Ocean; Right Hon. Lord Adolphus Fitzclarence, re-appointed to the Yacht Royal George; R. Curry, C.B. to the San Josef; E. Lyons, re-appointed to the Madagascar; P. Richards, to the Asia; Hyde Parker, to the Victory. 6th Regt. Drs. Cor. Thomas Westropp M MaCOMMANDERS-S, L. Vassal, to the Harrier; hon, to be Lieut. by p. vice Jerningham, prom. ;


Frederick Thompson, gent. to be Cor. by p. vice


2nd Regt. of Foot.-Lieut. Archibald Campbell, from 47th Regt. to be Lieut. vice Lloyd, who


4th Foot.-Capt. Foster Fyans, from 20th Regt. to be Capt. vice Campbell, who exc.

5th Ditto.-Lieut. Charles Wood, to be Capt. by p. vice Walsh, who ret.; Ens. John Jones, to be Lieut. by p. vice Wood; Gent. Cadet Robert Hawkes, from the Rl. Mil. Col. to be Ens. by p. vice Jones.

12th Ditto.-John Taylor Winnington, gent. to be Ens. by p. vice Walls, who ret.

15th Ditto.-Lieut. Lionel Tollemache, to be Capt. by p. vice Shirley, who ret.; Ens. Thomas Cronyn, to be Lieut. by p. vice Tollemache; Richard Archer Houblon, gent. to be Ens. by p. vice Cronyn.

20th Ditto.-Capt. William Huntly Campbell, from 4th Regt. to be Capt. vice Fyans, who exc.

37th Ditto.-Lieut. Joseph Bradshaw, to be Capt. by p. vice Fitzgerald, who ret.; Ens. Thomas Edmund Le Blanc, to be Lieut. by p. vice Bradshaw; Francis Blake, gent. to be Ens. by p. vice Le Blanc.

45th Ditto. Ens. Donald William Tench, to be Lieut. by p. vice Potts, who ret.; Harry Altham Camberlege, gent. to be Ens. by p. vice Tench.

47th Ditto.-Capt. John Gordon, from h. p. to be Capt. vice Hon. Stanhope Hawke, who exc. rec. the diff.; Lieut. Robert P. Lloyd, from 2nd Regt. to be Lieut. vice Campbell, who exc.

52nd Ditto.-Harry Sneyd French, gent. to be Ens. by p. vice Atty, who ret.

63rd Ditto.-Henry Joseph Swyney, gent. to be Ens. by p. vice Elton, app. to 4th Regt.

64th Ditto.-Capt. Severus William Lynam Stretton, to be Major, by p. vice Bennett, who ret.; Lieut. George Goring, to be Capt. by p. vice Stretton; Ens. George Bagot Gosset, to be Lieut. by p. vice Goring; William Forbes, gent. to be Ens, by p. vice Gosset,

70th Ditto.-Capt. William Locke, from h. p. unatt. to be Capt. vice James Laing, who exc. rec, the diff.

72nd Ditto.-Ens. James Mossman Oliver, to be Lieut. by p. vice Scott, prom.; Charles Moylan, gent. to be Ens. by p. vice Oliver.

84th Ditto.-George Priestley, gent. to be Ens. without p. vice Porter, dec.

91st Ditto.-Major Robert Anderson, to be Lieutenant-Colonel, by p. vice Sutherland, who ret.; Capt. Norman Lamont, to be Major, by p. vice Anderson; Capt. Aaron Warlock, from h. p. unatt. to be Capt. vice Lamont.

98th Ditto.-Lieut. Harcourt William Venables Vernon, to be Capt. by p. vice Duberly, who ret.; Ens. Stephen Bawtree Adye, to be Lieut. by p. vice Vernon; Michael Gavin, gent. to be Ens. by p. vice Adye.

Unattached. To be Capts. by p.-Lient. Alexander Scott, from 72nd Regt.; Lieut. Hon. Charles William Stafford Jerningham, from 6th Drs.

Brevet. Capt. Peter Tripp, of the 98th Regt. to be Major in the Army.

Memoranda. Capt. Walter Radford, b. p. 6th West India Regt. has been allowed to retire from the service, by the sale of an unatt. com.

Capt. Vere Webb has been app. by a com. signed by the King, and dated 29th Aug. 1831, Adjutant to the Royal Cardigan Militia.


The h. p. of the under-mentioned officers has been cancelled from 6th Dec. 1831, inclusive :— Ens. Francis Barlow, h. p. 30th Foot; Lieut. C. L. Wykerd, h. p. 83rd Foot; Capt. N. Duchesney, h. p. Canadian Voltigeurs; Ens. Charles Lewin, h. p. unatt.


3rd Regt. Dr. Gds.-Cor. Charles Carden Mansergh, to be Lieut. by p. vice Montgomery, who ret.; John Daniel Dyson, gent. to be Cor. by p. vice Mansergh.

4th Dr. Gds.-Lieut.-Col. James Chatterton, from h. p. to be Lieut.-Col. vice Robert Ross, who exc. rec. the diff.

16th Regt. Light Drs.-Capt. Thomas Hooke Pearson, from 59th Regt. to be Capt. vice Enderby, who exc.

2nd Regt. of Foot.-Capt. William Greenville, from 69th Regt. to be Capt. vice Lindesay, app. to 48th Regt.

3rd Foot.-Capt. Frederick William Frankland, from h. p. to be Capt. vice William Towers Routledge Smith, who exc. rec. the diff.

26th Foot.-Ens. Richard Henry Strong, from 30th Regt. to be Lieut. by p. vice Kelly, who has been allowed to rec. the value of his com.

27th Ditto.-Capt. Samuel Thorpe, from h. p. 8th Regt. to be Capt. vice John Landon, who exc. rec. the diff.

30th Ditto.-Edward John Grant, gent. to be Ens. by p. vice Strong, prom. in 26th Regt.

43rd Ditto.-Ens. George Priestley, from 84th Regt. to be Ens. vice Hugh Seymour Kerr, who ret. on h. p. of 39th Regt.

48th Ditto.-Brevet Lieut.-Col. James Scott Lindesay, from 2nd Regt. to be Capt. vice Stuart, app. to 69th Regt.

59th Ditto-Capt. Samuel Enderby, from 16th Light Drs. to be Capt. vice Pearson, who exc.

66th Ditto.-Qr.-mas. William Hornby, from h. p. of Rl. African Corps, to be Qr.-mas. vice John Stephens, ret. upon h. p. of Rl. African Corps.

69th Ditto.-Capt. Henry Stuart, from 48th Regt. to be Capt. vice Greenville, app. to 2nd Regt.

73rd Ditto.-Ens. Oliver Barker D'Arcey, to be Lieut. by p. vice Dawson, who ret.; Edward George Cubitt, gent. to be Ens. by p. vice D'Arcey.

74th Ditto.-Ens. Alexander Hope Pattison, from 2nd West India Regt. to be Ens. vice Wolley, prom.

75th Ditto.-James Brabazon, gent, to be Ens, by p. vice Blake, who ret.

84th Ditto.-Ens. Thomas Wilson Nicolls, from b. p. of 69th Regt. to be Ens. vice Priestley, app. to 43rd Regt.

99th Ditto.-Lieut. William Bletterman Cald

well, to be Capt. by p. vice Gill, who ret.; Ens. Edward Maurice O'Connell, to be Lieut. by p. vice Caldwell; Philip Hamond, gent. to be Ens. by p. vice O'Connell.

2nd West India Regt.-Alexander Edgar, gent. to be Ens. by p. vice Pattison, app. to 74th Regt. Hosp. Staff.-Ass.-Surg. Edward Hollier, from h. p. of 62nd Regt. to be Staff Ass. Surg.

Memorandum.-The date of Staff Ass.-Surg. O'Reilly's restoration to full pay, is the 18th Aug. 1831, and not the 30th Dec. 1830, as formerly stated.

OFFICE OF ORDNANCE, DEC. 10. Memorandum.-The com. of Sec. Capt. George Keating Pemberton, Rl. Art. is dated 3rd Oct. 1831, and not 2nd Jan. 1830, as stated in the Gazette of 21st Oct. last.

The name of the Ensign lately appointed to the 63rd Regt. is Swyny, and not Swyney.


Corps of R1. Engineers.-Sec.-Capt. John Sykes Kitson, to be Capt. vice Tapp, dec.; First-Lieut. Charles Carson Alexander, to be Sec.-Capt. vice Kitson; Sec.-Lient. Thomas R. Mould, to be First-Lient. vice Alexander; Brevet Col. Charles William Pasley, to be Colonel, vice Morshead, dec.; Brevet Major John Oldfield, to be Lieut.Col. vice Pasley; Sec.-Capt. Edward Matson, to be Capt. vice Oldfield; First-Lieut. James Hunter Rutherford, to be Sec. Capt. vice Matson; Sec.Lieut. George Wynne, to be First-Lieut. vice Rutherfurd; Sec. Lient. James Lynn, to be FirstLient. vice Knocker, dec.

RI. Regt. Art.-Sec.-Lieut. George Sandtram, to be First-Lieut. vice May, dec.


14th Regt. Light Drs.-Cornet Henry Bowyer, to be Lieut. by p. vice Straubenzee, who ret.; Edmund Royds, gent. to be Cornet by p. vice Bowyer.

21st Regt. Foot.-John Kenneth Mackenzie, gent. to be Sec.-Lieut. by p. vice Stronge, prom.

38th Ditto.-Major Hugh Piper, to be Lieut.. Col. without p. vice Frith, dec.; Capt. Matthew Semple, to be Major, vice Piper; Lieut. George Browne O'Brien, to be Capt. vice Semple; Ens. Theophilus Jenkins, to be Lieut. vice O'Brien ; James Frith, gent. to be Ens. vice Jenkyns.

39th Ditto.-Lieut. Thomas Meyrick, to be Capt. without p. vice Barker, dec.; Ens. Charles Benjamin Lloyd, to be Lieut. vice Meyrick; Ens. Lauderdale Maule, to be Lieut. without p. vice Berkeley, dec.; Robert Spencer Boland, gent. to be Ens. vice Lloyd; George Hughes Wilkins, gent, to be Ens, vice Maule.

50th Ditto.-Ens. Thomas Wilkinson Edwards, to be Lieut. by p. vice Wainewright, who ret.; Charles Francis Gregg, gent. to be Ens. by p. vice Edwards.

53rd Ditto.-Capt. Alexander Scott, from b. p. to be Capt. vice Cope Williams, who exc. rec. the diff.

54th Ditto.--James Charles Ellard D'Esterre, gent. to be Ens. without p. vice Wheatstone, dec. 75th Ditto.-Lieut. William Sutton, to be Adj. vice Boys, who res. the Adjutancy only.

Unatt. Sec.-Lient. James Matthew Stronge, from 21st Regt. to be Lieut, of Inf. by p.

Hosp. Staff. To be Deputy Inspectors-General of Hospitals-Dep. Inspector-Gen. James Arthur, M.D. from h. p.; Deputy Inspector-Gen. John Maling, from h. p.; Ass.-Inspector of Hospitals David Barry, M.D.

To be Ass.-Inspector of Hospitals.—Ass.-Inspector David Barry, from b. p.

Brevet. Capt. Samuel Thorpe, of the 27th Regt. to be Major in the army.

Memoranda.-Lieut. Edward Rawling, h. p. 42nd Foot, has been allowed to retire from the service, by the sale of an unatt. commission.

The Christian names of Ens. Dyke, of the 54th Regt. are Reginald Hart.


1st Regt. Foot.-Capt. Richard Beverley Ussher, from h. p. to be Capt. vice James Bland, who exc. rec. the diff.; Anthony Alexander Macnicol, gent, to be Ens. by p. vice Hope, app. to 43rd Regt.

24th Ditto.-Capt. Charles Stewart, from h. p. to be Capt. without p. vice Barton, dec.

43rd Ditto.-Capt. Edward G. Walpole Keppel, to be Major by p. vice Johnson, who ret.; Lieut. William Bell, to be Capt. by p. vice Keppel ; Ens. Thomas Aylmer Pearson, to be Lieut. by p. vice Bell; Ens. Alexander Hope, from 1st Foot, to be Ens. vice Pearson; Ens. George Priestley, to be Adj. vice Thomas, who res. the Adjutancy only.

46th Ditto.-Lieut. Edward H. D. E. Napier to be Capt. by p. vice Taylor, whose promotion is not to take place.

49th Ditto.- Capt. Lee Porcher Townshend, to be Major by p. vice Croasdaile, who ret; Capt. Robert Wood Bagot, from h. p. 47th Regt. to be Capt. vice Townshend; Ens. Cornelius O'Callaghan, from 91st Regt. to be Lieut. by p. vice Browne, prom.

55th Ditto.-Capt. Sir John James Scott Douglas, Bart. from h. p. of 22nd Light Drs. to be Capt. vice Christopher Thomas Bird, who exc.

58th Ditto.-William Edward Grant, gent. to be Ens, by p. vice Napier, who ret.

70th Ditto.-Capt. Charles O'Neill, from h. p. to be Capt. vice Locke who ret.

78th Ditto.-Ens. John Shields, to be Lieut. by p. vice Wilson, prom.; Henry Jarvis White, geat. to be Ens. by p. vice Shields.

91st Ditto. Norman Berners M'Leod, gent. to be Ens, by p. vice O'Callaghan, prom, in the 49th Regt.

2nd West India Regt.-Staff Ass.-Surg, Jobn Reid, to be Ass. Surg. vice Watts. dec.

Unattached. To be Captains by purchase.Lieut. Wogan Browne, from 49th Regt.; Lieut. Thomas Maitland Wilson, from 78th Regt.; Lieut. John Auldjo, from 34th Regt.

Memorandum.-Capt. James Gibson, h. p. 2nd Gar. Batt. has been allowed to retire from the service, by the sale of an unatt. company.

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