The single dress of a woman of quality is often the product of a hundred climates. The muff and the fan come together from the different ends of the earth. The scarf is sent from the torrid zone, and the tippet from beneath the pole. The brocade petticoat... The Spectator - Strana 1121853 - Počet stránok 742Úplné zobrazenie - O tejto knihe
 | 1737 - Počet stránok 582
...Diamond Necklace out of the Bowels of Inddftan. " If We confider our own Country in its natural Profpect, without any of the Benefits and Advantages of Commerce,...barren, uncomfortable Spot of Earth falls to our Share? Natural Hiftorians tell us, that no Fruit grows originally among us, be.ldes Hips and Haws, jfcorns... | |
 | Alexander Chalmers - 1802 - Počet stránok 366
...of quality is often the product of an hundred climates. The muff and the fan come together from the different ends of the earth. The scarf is sent from...barren uncomfortable spot of earth falls to our share ! Natural historians tell us, that no fruit grows originally among us, befides hips and haws, acorns... | |
 | British essayists - 1802 - Počet stránok 342
...of quality is ofien the product of an hundred climates. The muff and the fan come together from the different ends of the earth. The scarf is sent from...barren uncomfortable spot of earth falls to our share! Natural historians tell us, that no fruit grows originally among us, besides hips and haws, acorns... | |
 | 1803 - Počet stránok 436
...of quality is often the product of an hundred climates. The muff and the fan come together from the different ends of the earth. The scarf is sent from...beneath the pole. The brocade petticoat rises out of the bowels of Indostan. If we consider our own country in its natural prospect, without any of the benefits... | |
 | Spectator The - 1808 - Počet stránok 348
...of quality is often the product of an hundred climates. The muff and the fan come together from the different ends of the earth. The scarf is sent from the torrid zone, and the tippet from heneath the pole. The hrocade petticout rises out of the mines of Pern, and the diamond necklace out... | |
 | 1810 - Počet stránok 286
...quality is frequently the product of " an hundred Climates. The Muff and the Fan " come together from the different ends of the " earth. The Scarf is sent from...diamond necklace out of the bowels of Indostan."* Having paid the tribute of an admiring smile to the pleasantry of this paper, I laid down the volume,... | |
 | Joseph Addison, Richard Hurd - 1811 - Počet stránok 504
...of quality is often the product of an hundred climates. The muff and the fan come together from the different ends of the earth. The scarf is sent from...barren uncomfortable spot of earth falls to our share! Natural historians tell us, that no fruit grows originally among us, besides hips and haws, * To have... | |
 | Joseph Addison - 1811 - Počet stránok 508
...of quality is often the product of an hundred climates. The muff and the fan come together from the different ends of the earth. The scarf is sent from...commerce, what a barren uncomfortable spot of earth tails to our share ! Natural historians tell us, that no fruit grows originally among us, besides hips... | |
 | William Scott - 1814 - Počet stránok 424
...ot quality is often the product of an hundred climates. Tiie muff and the fan come together from the different ends of the earth. The scarf is sent from...Peru, and the diamond necklace out of the bowels of Jnclostan. If we consider our own country in its natural prospect) •without any of the benefits and... | |
 | Spectator The - 1816 - Počet stránok 348
...of quality is often the product of an hundred climates. The muff and the fan come together from the different ends of the earth. The scarf is sent from...benefits and advantages of commerce, what a barren and uncomfortable spot of earth falls to our share ! Natural historians tell us, that no fruit grows... | |
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