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are now in this Island 160,000 Catholics. In 1826 there were but twelve Priests, and in 1844 there are one Bishop and fifty Missionaries. There are moreover twenty-one pupils for this Vicariate in European Seminaries, some of whom are soon to be raised to the Priesthood. The new Cathedral of this Island is truly the pride of the West-Indies: it is 210 feet long, 120 feet wide and 80 feet high, and was erected at the cost of 50,000 pounds sterling; to which the English Government has contributed upwards of 16,000 pounds. Since 1828, eighteen new Churches and twenty-two Chapels have been erected, and six others are now in progress of completion. No less than two hundred and fifty pupils frequent the new College erected for the education of boys, and the Convent of the "Ladies of the Sacred Hart," for the education of young ladies. There are also numerous Catholic Schoools for the poor all over the Isle.

SOUTH-AMERICA.-British Guiana.-The state of our Holy Religion on this unhealthy soil, owing to the resignation of Bishop Clancy and the deaths of several efficient Missionaries bears a gloomy aspect. We are happy to learn, however, that new and vigorous efforts are on hand for its revival. The London Tablet in a late number says: "The Right Rev. Dr. Hynes, Bishop of British Guiana, embarked on board the Tweed steamer for Demerara, accompanied by the Rev. Messrs. Knaresborough, Kelly and Costi. His lordship will be speedily followed by the Rev. Messrs. Balfe, Caldente, Fillanueva, &c., and by two religious ladies, to superintend the female schools, &c., in Georgetown. The Very Rev. J. Taylor, President of Carlow College, has accepted the office of Vicar General of the Guiana Vicariate, and active steps are being taken to promote the advance of religion and sound education; and several distinguished prelates, both in England and Ireland, are co-operating most zealously to place this important diocese in a flourishing condition, both by present assistance and by provisionary regulations."

Brazil. Not only a devoted band of Jesuits, but also of Capuchins have lately left Europe to labor for the salvation of the savages of this Empire. The Rev. Father Gregory Mary de Bene embarked at Genoa, on the 25th of February, with three other Capuchins, namely, the Rev. Fathers Louis de Ravenne, Francis Anthony de Faberne and Paul Anthony de la Nouvelle Maison, for this work of love.

ITALY.-Rome.—On the Saturday before Pentecost the election of a general of the Dominican order took place in Rome. The Most Rev. P. M. Vincent Ajello was elected to this high and important office. After the election the various provincials and deputies assembled in chapters for several days, and drew up many important rules and regulations for the benefit of the order in general.

ENGLAND.-A magnificent building at Brewood, Staffordshire, designed for the performance of divine service according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church, was opened with all the ceremonies of consecration, on Thursday

last. The Rev. Dr. Wiseman, Bishop of Melipotamus, officiated, and was assisted by a large number of the Roman Catholic clergy within a circuit of several miles. The proceedings were of an interesting character, and attracted many visitors.-Morning Post.

FRANCE. The Constitutionnel announces, that the Pantheon will be restored to Catholic worship on the occasion of the anniversary of the revolution of 1830; that a solemn service will be celebrated in it on the 29th of July next, for the repose of the souls of the combatants who fell in the Three Days; and that the edifice will be afterwards open for religious worship on Sundays.

GERMANY.-The king of Bavaria, in his wonted liberality, in behalf of the monuments of Religion, has appropriated 80,000 florins for the erection of a Franciscan Convent at Oggersheim. The king of Prussia has given up his pretentions to interfere in the election of an Archbishop of Posen: whereupon the Metropolitan chapter entered upon a free election for that dignity, to be submitted to the approval of the See of Rome.

Switzerland.-The Canton of St. Gall has proposed to erect a new Bishopric for its precinct, which was readily approved of by the Holy See.

CONVERSIONS IN EUROPE.-Among the numerous conversions to our Holy Religion that take place in Europe and come to our notice, we are wont to mention only those which are of a remarkale character, and in which the power of God is peculiarly manifest. Since the miraculous conversion of M. Marie de Ratisbonne, two years ago, from Judaism to Catholicity, similar abjurations have been very frequent among the Israelites, principally in France and Italy. Late accounts tell us that several of this once favoured people have entered the pale of the Catholic Church in Rome: and in Paris no less than thirty Israelites have made their abjuration in the little but beautiful chapel of the "Sacred Heart," erected by M. Marie de Ratisbonne, in thanksgiving for his wonderful conversion. This chapel is attached to that church of our Lady of Victory," in which many devout prayers of the members of the "Arch-Confraternity of the Sacred Heart of Mary for the conversion of sinners," ascend up to Heaven, especially in behalf of the lost sheep of Israel. In Germany, during the last ten years, conversions have been very frequent among the literati of the country: the learned and the wise among the Germans, a nation so remarkable for deep feeling and inquisitive intellect, finding no repose in the aberrations of rationalism, in the sophistry of Hermesianism, or in the variations of Protestantism have fled to the ark of Catholic unity: witness such names as Count Von Stolberg, Schlegel, Charles Hue and others. By one of the late arrivals we have learned that one of the brightest names in German literature has been added to the fold of Christ. Mr. Hurter, late President of the Protestant Consistory of Schaffhausen in Switzerland, author of the life of Innocent III, to prepare which he spent twenty years in diligent researches, has embraced Catholicism. His abjuration of Lutheranism took place on the 16th of June in the chapel of Cardinal Orsini at Rome. Mr.

Hurter, says the London Standard, intends shortly to publish an account of the circumstances that led to his conversion.

AFRICA. Algiers.--The Trappists of Algiers, now 40 in number, are destined to contribute greatly to the civilization of Africa. They have upwards of three hundred Arab youths, who under their special care are formed to religion and society in the noble pursuit of husbandry. They afford work and sustenance to poor laborers, who are in a destitute condition, the number of whom is seventeen. They keep an accurate agricultural journal of the soil, times, seasons, seeds, expenses &c. A correspondent of the Semaphore, a french paper, speaking of their industry and loyalty says: "The worthy monks, now engaged in erecting their monastery within a short distance of the spot where the French landed, and on the very field of battle of Staoueli, have not forgotten that it is in consequence of that event they are now enabled to raise the sign of redemption on the ancient soil of Mauritania, where the religion of the Cross so long flourished. At ten o'clock on the morning of the 14th June, the Trappists will celebrate Mass at Sidi Feredgi, in honor of the landing, and for the repose of the souls of those who were the first to seal with their blood the re-occupation of the land of Africa." A letter from Gigelli of the 31st May, states, that on Whit-Sunday a Catholic church was inaugurated, and a parish priest installed in the place, to the great joy of the inhabitants and garrison.

Isle of Mauritius.-This Island, formerly a French colony, did not abandon the religion of its first founders, on being transferred to England. The ecclesiastical administration, paralysed for a long time in its action, is now completely organized. A Bishop with a few Priests administer the spiritual wants of eighty-five thousand Catholics. A late number of the London Tablet has the following particulars: "We are informed by a communication from the Mauritius, that the Rev. Mr. Larkin, one of the estimable ecclesiastics who accompanied the Rt. Rev. Dr. Collier into the colony, having been appointed curate of the parish of Grand Port, has lost no time in erecting, at his own expense, a gratuitous school in the district. Our correspondent says:- In the beginning, and even for some time, he had but two or three pupils; this very limited number excited the laughter of the inhabitants, but the perseverance of the Rev. Mr. Larkin never gave way, and the number of his pupils gradually inereased. He established his school in a more proper manner, and within a short time, such was the number of children that came in, that the Protestants have lately been compelled to shut up their principal school, in consequence of the total desertion of their pupils, who have passed over to the Rev. Mr. Larkin's school. The archipelago of Seychells is totally deprived of Catholic priests; some ministers, members of the Church of England, or Dissenters, have visited these islands, but their proselytism has made no progress. The inhabitants remember that they are of a Catholic origin, and they wish to stand faithful to the creed of their fathers.""

ASIA.-Catholicity is daily making new progress in the vast Asiatic posses

sions under English Dominion. The Bengal Catholic Herald informs us that the Bombay Government have lately made provision for the support of a British Catholic Bishop for that Presidency, and that official notice was received from them, within the last month, that 150 rs. per mensem will be given to fit and proper Catholic chaplains at Kurrachee, Hydrabad, and Sukkur, in Scinde. We understand also, that a new chapel has been ordered by Government for the use of the Catholic Military at Poonah, and another at Aden. Let us hope that these are the first fruits or rather the symptoms of a sincere disposition in the British rulers of India, to place the Catholics of the Indian army on an equality with their Protestant comrades. Seven Missionaries, viz: Rev. Fathers Pedro Pellicei, Dr. Bartoine Sandoiui, Dr. Joze Hovella, Dr. Quernbino Bianqueri, Italians of the Franciscan Order, and Rev. Mr. Pedro Colombier, of Versailles, Dr. Francisco Leam, native of Canton, and Dr. Joaquim Kuoh, native of Hu-quoong, Chinese priests had arrived at Bombay, all destined for the China Mission, and who were to have left that presidency in the latter end of last month on board the Julia, Captain Jones. They left Rome on the 12th February last in company with eight other fathers of the Society of Jesus: the latter took their passage on board the Hindostan steamer for Madras and are destined for the Jesuit mission at Madura. A Diocesan Synod has been held at Pondicherry, India, at which the Provincial of the Jesuits, twenty-five European and three native Priests were present. A letter of the Rev. Mr. Beurel, written at Singapore on the 26th March last, to the Rev. N., Missionary Apostolic in the Bengal Vicarate, gives the following very interesting news:-"Two of our brethren of Bangkok, the Rev. Mr. Grandjean and the Rev. Mr. Vachal, have happily reached the capital of Laos, on the 18th of January last. It is called Xiong-Ma-i. They have been well received by the Laosian king and princes, who have built, at the Government expense, a house for them. No Catholic or Protestant missionaries have yet penetrated thither."

AUSTRALIA. Owing to the increase of Catholics, Australia has been organized into a complete eclesiastical hierarchy. The Archbishop resides in Sydney, where a Metropolitan Church has lately been erected in elegant style on a piece of ground, given by Mr. Wm. Davis Churchhill, valued at 15000 dollars. In February last his lordship visited the interior of New-SouthWales and opened the Churches of Burragorang and of Yass, laid the corner stone of a new church at Springfield, and was about to perform the same ceremony at Gouldburn. His suffragan, Dr. Wilson, has left Europe with two priests and a Trappist brother. He is to take the title of Bishop of Hobarttown, and his jurisdiction will extend over the Islands of Van Dieman's-land and of Norfolk.

POLYNESIA. Sandwich Islands.-Notwithstanding the encroachments on Religious liberty, so shamefully practised, a few years ago, by Protestant American

Missionaries, Catholicity is gaining daily laurels in these Islands; we extract from a letter, written by an officer of the French Navy, lately published in la Presse of Paris : "The Catholic Mission, persecuted for some years, but protected by our treaty of La Place, imposed on the government, as Protestants accuse us, by force of bayonets, seems destined to gain the ascendency in these Islands. Already eleven thousand neophytes fill her temples. The Catholic church of Honolulu, composed of white coral and erected by the zeal of the neophytes, would do honor to many a city of the second order in France. What is most striking is the wonderful superiority of the Catholic children over the rest of the population. Catholic education here is gratuitous. On New-Year's day, upon the request of Abbé Maigret, the commander and officers of the French Squadron resorted to the Catholic Mission house and assisted at the examination of the children and adults, all pupils of the school, to the number of upwards of five hundred. They were examined in Arithmetic, Geometry, Geography and in the French language, and gave general satisfaction to the large assembly.

• See tract No. 3 on Religious Intolerance, just published by the Metropolitan press of Baltimore.

ENCYCLICAL LETTER OF THE POPE.-The translation of this document which was copied into the Cabinet of last month from an Eastern paper, has been found inaccurate, by a comparison with the original Latin which the Catholic Herald has published in full. We give in a note the passage which the translator rendered least correctly, and which has given occasion to a good deal of misrepresentation by those who did not find it agreeable to their interests to consult the general tenor of the letter to explain what might be ambiguous in a particular sentence.* Defective as the translation undoubtedly was, no one who would read the whole document could mistake the meaning of the sentence in question. Accordingly we find the Churchman of New York, although by no means favourable to Rome, thus rebuking the fault-finders of that document.

"The Circular of the Pope, assumes, for the most part, principles which are practically conceded by the professedly orthodox of every denomination. It

(ORIGINAL.) "Confirmamus insuper et renovamus auctoritate apostolica supermemoratas præscriptiones jamdui editas SUPER editione, divulgatione, lectione et posessione librorum Sacræ Scripturæ in vulgares linguas translatorum." In translating this passage, the word "super" which here means "concerning"-was rendered by the English word "against"a blunder so palpable that it requires all our charity to suppose it to have been a mere mistake. The correct translation is as follows.

"We moreover confirm and renew by our apostolic authority the before mentioned regulations already published CONCERNING (AGAINST) the publishing, distribution, reading, and possession of the books of the Holy Scripture translated into the vulgar tongues."

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