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at page 9. I have sent thin paper sheets of part, as I have no other, but as the same sheets will be reprinted in a few weeks, I could then give you better paper copies of these sheets. You will observe that the pages do not tally with press, but you will find the matter otherwise to agree. Please let me know what further (if any) pages you require. Your vols. are sent to-night under cover to Menzies, Edinb.* and the Facsimile Vols. will be ready in about two months.

I am, Gentlemen, Yours truly,

*Carriage free to Edinburgh.


If any collector wishes to possess the holograph letter mentioned, I may be disposed to accept offers for it. of Burns on the first page.

There is a nice lithograph


"Cairnchina," 23 Ashley Road, Aberdeen,

21st August, 1915.



The Kilmarnock Burns Museum, as will be seen from the brief summary of its treasures which appears in our advertising columns, is the richest in the world so far as MSS. and Editions of the Works of the Poet are concerned. The latter, which is substantially the collection of the late James M'Kie, publisher, Kilmarnock, is perhaps the most unique and complete in existence. Amongst its rarities was a copy of the first Kilmarnock edition, which was stolen on the evening of Saturday, May 16th, 1908, along with a gold watch which belonged to John Wilson, the printer of the celebrated volume, by a gang of burglars who are said to have come from London with the nefarious purpose in view. A considerable amount of indignation was occasioned by the outrage, not only in Kilmarnock but among admirers of the Poet all over the country, and every possible effort was made by the police to trace the thief or thieves, but without success. Several weeks afterwards Captain Sneddon received information which caused him to make a thorough investigation into the circumstances, and the result was that he learned that the book had been deposited by the burglars-for it has transpired that there were three of them on the job-in the safe keeping of a friend. The return of the book was offered to Captain Sneddon

through an agent, who, although he had not seen it, was perfectly satisfied it would be got if the necessary money was forthcoming. The amount at first proposed was so high that it could not for a moment be entertained. The thieves, it seems, were under the impression that the book was of at least the same value as the copy which Mr W. H. Dunlop, of Doonside, bought from Mr Veitch, of Paisley, for the Burns Cottage, Alloway, at a cost of £1000. They had intended to send it to America, and it is stated that a steward on one of the Atlantic liners had agreed to undertake the risk of negotiating a sale on the other side of the " herring pond." Captain Sneddon, however, persuaded the agent that it would be vain to attempt such a thing, as any likely purchaser would require to be satisfied that it was a genuine copy of the First Edition, and before any collector would purchase it he would require to be absolutely sure of its genuineness. He pointed out that if the book were offered for sale the possibility was that inquiry would be made at Dr Hew Morrison, Edinburgh; Dr William Wallace, editor of the Glasgow Herald; Mr Duncan M‘Naught, editor of the Burns Chronicle; himself, as secretary of the Burns Federation. With this information before them the thieves seemed to think their game was a risky one, and the book was subsequently offered at a lower price, after which negotiations continued between the agent and Captain Sneddon for some time, and the price was again reduced to some extent. About two months ago the parties to the negotiations very nearly came to terms, and at a meeting of the Burns Monument Committee it was agreed that the necessary money should be raised by public subscription. Meantime the money has been advanced by Captain Sneddon, and it is expected that the balance will be made up from further public subscriptions or from the funds of the Museum Committee.


As for the book itself, it was presented to the Museum Committee, through the late ex-Bailie John Baird, by the late Dr A. C. M'Laren, a distinguished native of Kilmarnock. The book has not the original binding, having been rebound in "full calf," but the front board was wrenched off and left in the bottom of the case at the time it was stolen. The book remains in the same condition as it was before except in one respect, viz., a strip of about half an inch broad has been clipped down the margin of the title page, so that the embossed stamp of the museum has been removed. None of the printing, however, has been affected by this maltreatment of the volume. Although the amount paid for its return has not been, and is not likely to be, revealed, we understand that it is just about one-fifth of what was originally demanded.


-Glasgow Herald.


The Burns Federation.


Hon. Presidents-The Right Hon. The EARL OF ROSEBERY, K.G., K.T. ANDREW CARNEGIE, LL.D., Skibo Castle.

Hon. Vice-Presidents-WM. WALLACE, LL.D., 42 Athole Gardens,.


Professor LAWSON, D.D., The University, St. Andrews.
Sir JAMES SIVEWRIGHT, K.C.M.G., Tulliallan Castle,


President-DUNCAN M'NAUGHT, J.P., Benrig, Kilmaurs.

Vice-Presidents J. JEFFREY HUNTER, 89 Bath Street, Glasgow.
A. M CALLUM, News Office, Pollockshaws.

JOSEPH MARTIN, 163 West George Street, Glasgow.
ALEX. POLLOCK, 52 West Nile Street, Glasgow.

W. H. TURNER, 9 The Oaks, Sunderland.

JOHN CARMICHAEL, 49 Park Road, Glasgow.

P. PATERSON, 23 Bruce Street, Dunfermline.

Ex-Bailie MUNRO, J.P., Howard Park Drive, Kilmarnock.
Provost M. SMITH, J.P., Glencairn Square, Kilmarnock.
Ex-Provost WILSON, 149 Howard Street, Glasgow.


Col. R. J. BENNETT, Gordon Street, Glasgow.

HUGH M'COLL, 278 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow.

DAVID MAIN, Lowther Street, Carlisle.

HENRY S. MURRAY, Glenmayne, Galashiels.

CHARLES R. CowIE, Blythswood Square, Glasgow.

J. C. EWING, Baillie's Institution, West Regent Street, Glasgow.
PETER GLASSE, 185 Byres Road, Glasgow.

Hon. Secretary-THOS. AMOS, M.A., 19 Glebe Road, Kilmarnock,

Hon. Treasurer-G. A. INNES, F.E.I.S., South Hamilton Street,. Kilmarnock.

Editor "Burns Chronicle "-D. M'NAUGHT, J.P., Benrig, Kilmaurs. Auditors-Captain D. YUILLE, Burns Avenue, Kilmarnock, and ADAM MACKAY, The Crescent, Prestwick.

Local Representatives

London-JAMES THOMSON, F.S.A.(Scot.), 85 Fleet Street, E.C.
North of England-W. H. TURNER, Sunderland.

Glasgow and District J. JEFFREY HUNTER, 89 Bath Street,

Hon. Secretary of Children's Competitions-ALEX. POLLOCK, 52 West Nile Street, Glasgow (to whom all communications should be addressed).


1. The Federation shall consist of Hon. Presidents, Hon. Vice-Presidents, Executive Council, and members of each affiliated


2. The Executive Council shall consist of a President, VicePresidents, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer, Editor of the Burns Chronicle, and two Auditors—all of whom shall be elected annually, and be eligible for re-election; also of the President, Vice-President, and Secretary, or any other three members of, and nominated by, each affiliated Club, and other gentlemen of eminence as Burnsians nominated by the Executive Council.

3. All Past Presidents of the Federation shall ex officio be members of the Executive Council.

4. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Office-Bearers of the Federation, who shall meet quarterly, or when called by the Hon. Secretary, for the transaction of the business of the Federation.

5. Federated Clubs outwith the United Kingdom may be represented by proxy at the meetings of the Federation.


1. To strengthen and consolidate by universal affiliation the bond of fellowship existing amongst the members of Burns Clubs and kindred Societies.

2. To superintend the publication of Works relating to Burns. 3. To acquire a fund for the purchase and preservation of Holograph Manuscripts and other Relics connected with the life of the Poet, and for other purposes of a like nature, as the Executive Council may determine.

4. To repair, renew, and where advisable mark with suitable inscriptions any buildings, tombstones, etc., interesting from their association with Burns.

5. To encourage and arrange School Competitions in order to stimulate the teaching of Scottish History and Literature.


1. The Headquarters of the Federation shall be in Kilmarnock, the town in which the Federation was inaugurated and carried to a practical issue, and which contains the only properly organised Burns Library and Museum in the United Kingdom.

2. Properly organised Burns Clubs, St. Andrew's Societies, and kindred Associations may be admitted to the Federation by application in writing to the Hon. Secretary, enclosing a copy of Constitution, Rules, and list of members, which shall be submitted to the Executive Committee at their first meeting, and the Clubs shall be enrolled if there are not more than two dissentients.

3. The Registration Fee is 21s, on receipt of which the Diploma of the Federation shall be issued, after being numbered and signed by the President and Hon. Secretary.

4. Members of every Burns Club or kindred Association registered by the Federation shall be entitled to receive a pocket Diploma on payment of ls. These payments are final-not annual.

5. The funds of the Federation shall be vested in the Executive Committee for the purposes before-mentioned.

6. A meeting of the Executive Council shall be held annually on the first Saturday of September, at such place as may be agreed upon, when reports on the year's transactions shall be submitted by the Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer, and Office-bearers elected for the ensuing year.

7. A meeting of the Executive Committee shall take place some time before the Annual Meeting of the Executive Council to make the necessary arrangements for the same.

8. All nominations for the office of Vice-President must be lodged with the Hon. Secretary two months before the Annual Meeting.

9. Each Federated Club shall subscribe 10s 6d per annum towards the fund for the publication of the Burns Chronicle. Clubs failing to pay this subscription for two consecutive years may be struck off the Roll of the Federation. Any surplus profits resulting from the sale of the Chronicle shall be added to the general funds.

10. Notice of any amendment or alteration of the Constitution or Rules of the Federation to be considered at the Annual Meeting must be lodged in writing with the Hon. Secretary not later than 30th June.

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