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(2) Simplification of the English Language..

II. MISCELLANEOUS.-(1) Changes in Words; (2) Webster's Unabridged aud Pictorial
Royal Quarto Dictionary

III. PAPERS ON PRACTICAL EDUCATION.-(1) Free-hand Drawing; (2) Music in the
Public Schools; (3) Ornamentation of Houses and Schools; (4) School-girls in
Society; (5) The Fallen Great of 1875.

IV. SCHOOL MATTERS IN ONTARIO. (1) The Revised Programme, and the Regula-
tions for the Apportionment of the Grant; (2) Charges Against the Chairman
of the Ottawa Board of City Examiners...


VI. DEPARTMENTAL NOTICES. (1) High School Programme, Interim Committee; (2) Authorized Text Books Special Notice; (3) School Census of 1875 the basis of Apportionment in 1876; (4) Trustees' Supplementary Returns...







No. 1.

nish, as the law prescribes, "adequate school accommodation for all the school residents of the Section or division." This

they have ample powers to do. No public meeting or other

3 parties can deprive them of this power, or interfere with them

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His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor in Council has been pleased to approve of the new High School Programme and Regulations adopted by the Interim Committee of the Council of Public Instruction on the 13th of November, and published on pages 178, 179 of this Journal for December. The first intermediate High School Examination, under the approved Programme and Regulations, will be held in June of the current year. (See Explanation of Programme, &c., on pages 2, 11 and 16.



"Free Schools" and "Compulsory Education" are the necessary complement the one of the other; and the ratepayers, especially those in cities and large towns, have a right to demand that the one part of the Act should be reasonably enforced, while they are prepared to comply with the demands made under the other for the support of Free Schools.

To show the great impetus which the law of 1871 gave to school building, &c., in Ontario, we may mention that in 1870 the expenditure for school sites and buildings only reached the

sum of $207,500; in 1874 it was $650,000, or more than three times as much.

We have, therefore, great reason to congratulate ourselves and the large majority of the School Corporations on the zeal and enterprise with which they have generally complied with the law in regard to school accommodation. Upwards of $2,000,000 have been expended during the four years (1871-1874, inclusive,) since the new law came in force, in the purchase or enlargement of school sites, and the erection and repairs of school-houses.

As a necessary consequence of increased school accommodation, the employment of a second teacher, when the number of pupils on the roll exceeds 50, is essential. Inspectors have, in some cases, interpreted this regulation to mean attendance of 50;" but this is not the provision of the law or regulation on the subject.


an average

THE taking of the School Census in December, under the authority of the Trustees, and as required by law, will no doubt bring under the immediate notice of the School Inspectors the fact that the school accommodation in many sections, and in some villages, towns, and cities, is not at all equal to the requirements of the law, and the school necessities of the neighbourhood. It is to be hoped, therefore, that the InspecTo the inquiry of an Inspector on the subject the following tors will see that while, on the one hand, the law requires reply was sent :-"The interpretation which you have given that each child should receive at least four months' tuition to the regulations in regard to two teachers, and the average

the Public School Trustees should, on the other hand-atten in a school, is one which they do not bear. Such


"O delight

And triumph of the poet -who would say

A man's mereyes,' a woman's common 'no,'
A little human hope of that or this,

au interpretation in other counties has led to serious embarrass- is something in the influence of a great soul upon another soul ment and complaint on the part of parents and others. While produce the same effect upon the mind and heart as the reading of which defies analysis. No analysis of a poem, however subtle, can the Department holds that the regulations should be interpreted the poem itself. as they read, yet it will be happy to act, as far as possible, upon the advice and recommendation of Inspectors in all doubtful cases, where the regulations cannot be carried out, and the circumstances of the locality would warrant a temporary suspension of them; but it is not competent for an Inspector to authorize a departure from the regulations without the sanction of the Department."


(In connection with the new High School Programıne.) On the introduction of higher English into our schools, J. M. Buchan, Esq., M. A., Inspector of High Schools, has addressed the following letter to the Rev. G. P. Young, M.A., Chairman Central Committee of Examiners. We insert it for the information of all parties concerned, and commend it to their consideration. Mr. Buchan says:—

And says the word so that it burns you through
With a special revelation, shakes the heart
Of all the men and women in the world,
As if one came back from the dead and spoke,
With eyes too happy, a familiar thing
Become divine i' the utterance !'

"But though the works of Shakespeare and Milton and our other great writers were not intended by their authors to serve as textbooks for future generations, yet it is unquestionably the case that a large amount of information may be imparted and a very valuable training given if we deal with them as we deal with Homer and Horace in our best schools. Parsing, grammatical analysis, the derivation of words, prosody, composition, the history of the language, and, to a certain extent, the history of the race, may be both more pleasantly and more profitably taught in this than in any other way. It is advisable for other reasons, also, that the study of these subjects should be conjoined with that of English Literature. Not only may time be thus economized, but the difficulty of fixing the attention of flighty and inappreciative pupils may more easily be overcome.

"In consequence of the action which the Council of Public Instruction has lately taken, in order to promote the study of higher "In order that it may be understood in what way the study of English, you recently requested me to put into a shape fit for pub- the subjects mentioned in the preceding paragraph may be carried lication, any information or advice which I might deem it judicious on along with that of an English classic, I shall now detail at some to give, in regard both to the way in which the prescribed poems length the work which an advanced class ought to do. I shall give and prose writings should be studied, and to the particular editions a brief notice of a number of topics which I must mention in some which would be most suitable. It is difficult to treat the former of order, but it must not be inferred that the order here given is that these subjects in a satisfactory manner within the brief compass of in which a class should deal with them. Whether a class should a letter; but, as the Committee are of opinion that there are a take them up separately, or concurrently, or in groups, must be degreat many teachers and students who will welcome even the slight-termined in each case by the teacher, after considering the length est indication of the path which they ought to pursue, I shall write and character of the classic about to be read, the training of the class, a few paragraphs on the topics on which information is most likely and the way in which he can do his work to the greatest advantage. to be sought or needed. I shall, besides, give the names of any I shall indicate the topics the consideration of which may be omitted suitable editions of the works prescribed which have fallen under by junior classes. my observation.

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(i.) A synopsis of the contents, plot, or general meaning of the work to be read should be required from each pupil, not only as a proof that he has read it, but also as a useful exercise in composition. This abstract should be first given orally and afterwards committed to writing. In the case of a work like the Lady of the Lake,' which cannot be read through at a single sitting, it will be found convenient to require the synopsis to be made out in parts, which should afterwards be combined.

"At the beginning of this year the study of English Literature, as distinguished from that of the History of English Literature, is to be introduced in the Normal and High Schools. Candidates for first-class certificates are to read Macbeth,' Il Penseroso,' ten Essays from the Spectator,' and Johnson's Lives of Milton and Addison; pupils in the higher department of the High Schools are to read Macbeth' and 'Il Penseroso,' and pupils in the lower department are to read the 'Lady of the Lake' and Gray's "(ii.) The work should be read aloud, with due attention to Elegy!' Of these three classes of pupils, the first two approxi- elocution. Short poems and the finer passages in long poems should mate sufficiently in regard to knowledge, mental training, and ripe- be committed to memory and recited. But no passage should be ness of intellect, to render it advisable that they should be taught read aloud or recited in the class before it is tolerably well underin the same way. The third class of pupils will require to have stood. A classical composition appeals to the ear as well as to the the method of instruction adapted to their less mature years. understanding, and much both of its melody and of its meaning will "It is impossible, and were it possible, it would not be desirable, be missed if it is not read aloud. The educative influence of good to lay down a set of rules for the guidance of teachers in teaching reading is a subject to which the attention of many Canadian the works named in the preceding paragraph, which would meet the teachers requires to be directed. The teacher or pupil who can read case of every teacher and of every class. Not only do teachers a fine poem with expression, who differ in their mental constitution, not only do classes vary in ability, thoroughness of training, and in other respects, but the selections to be read differ in length, in subject, in form, and in character. Some are in prose, some in verse. Of those in verse, one is is a power and a refining influence in a school. Of course, many, dramatic, another lyrical. All that I can do is to state the principles on account of natural defects, can never become very good readers, which should, in my opinion, be acted upon by teachers of English but all can be taught to read with some degree of expression. There Literature. The application of these principles must be made by are, moreover, always some in a school who can be taught to read the teachers themselves. well, and the aesthetic benefit of good reading is not confined to the reader-it is shared by the listeners.

"Says the word so that it burns you through With a special revelation,'

"With all classes of pupils alike, the main thing to be aimed at by the teacher is to lead them clearly and fully to understand the '(iii.) The life and times of the author should be studied, and meaning of the author they are reading, and to appreciate the the connection between the characteristic features of the literature beauty, the nobleness, the justness, or the sublimity of his thoughts of his era and the general history of the period developed. Any and language. Parsing, the analysis of sentences, the derivation of illustrations of the modes of thought, manners, customs, political words, the explanation of allusions, the scansion of verse, the point-views, etc., of the period that can be drawn from his pages should ing out of figures of speech, the hundred and one minor matters on be brought under the attention of the class. which the teacher may easily dissipate the attention of his pupils, "(iv.) The attention of the class should likewise be directed to should be strictly subordinated to this great aim. The masterpieces all difficulties in parsing or analysis that occur in the work under of our literature were written, not to serve as texts whereon exer- consideration. It will serve a good purpose if the regular exercises cises of various kinds might be based, but to convey to others, in in parsing and analysis be taken from its pages. As occasion offers, the most attractive form, an account of the thoughts and feelings explanations bearing on the history of the grammatical structure of which pervaded the minds of their authors: so that if we wish to the language should be given to advanced classes. benefit in the highest degree by their perusal, we must make our- "(v.) Junior classes cannot be expected to know much more of selves at home with their writers, and inhale for a time the mental etymology than the outlines of the history of our vocabulary and atmosphere which they breathed. It is essential that the mind of the more easy and obvious derivations. The attention of advanced the reader should be put en rapport with that of the writer. There classes should be directed to any words that are interesting on ac

count of the history of their meaning or on account of the fragments dates at that examination in the Sixth Book of Voltaire's Charles of history which they embody. In any class in which all the pupils are studying some other language, so much of the fundamental principles of the science of language as can be readily grasped by them may be discussed with advantage.

"(vi.) All allusions should be explained, any peculiar use of words should be noticed, proper names should receive their share of consideration, and the meaning of sentences or clauses that present difficulties should be discussed. The explanation of the meaning of difficult passages in verse will be much facilitated if the pupils be required to render them in prose.

"(vii.) If the subject of study be a work in verse, attention should be paid to its metrical construction.

"(viii.) Some attention should be paid to figures of speech by advanced classes.

"(ix.) Advanced classes should attempt to form a critical estimate of the work under consideration. It will be impossible for any pupils except those who have read a good deal, and difficult for them, to do this with even moderate success. But a good teacher may, by judiciously chosen exercises, lead his pupils up to a point at which they can form a critical estimate of greater or less value. They may be required to state in their own language what they consider the author's conception of a particular character to be, or his views on some important point. They may be required to state the impressions produced on them by reading the work, what they think its leading features are, or what they imagine to be the object which its author had in view in writing it. If there be a plot, its probability may be discussed. If the subject of the work be one which has been treated by other writers, the attention of the class should be directed to differences of treatment, and parallel passages should be cited. Numerous topics of a similar character will be suggested by every classical work, and the discussion of some of them, both orally and on paper, will form the best preparation for an attempt at a critical estimate of it.

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XII., instead of in the Advanced Reader. Candidates who take
French at the first intermediate examination will, accordingly, be
examined in De Fivas' Elementary Reader and Charles XII.,
Book VI.

There would obviously be a hardship in requiring all classical
pupils to stand an examination in the First Book of Cæsar next
June. Many of the pupils in the higher forms are reading Cicero,
Livy, or Horace, but have not read the First Book of Cæsar. Some
of them are preparing to enter the University or to pass the pre-
liminary examination for some profession, and it would be unwise
to insist that they should break in upon their plans to any consider-
able extent. We accordingly purpose to exempt, with the permis-
sion of the Council, from the examination in Cæsar, all such ad-
vanced classical pupils as satisfy us at our inspectoral visits that
they are entitled to exemption by reason of the quantity and quality
of their knowledge of Latin. All candidates in Latin must, how-
ever, be examined in the first three hundred lines of the Second
Book of the Æneid.
We have the honour to be, Sir,
Your obedient servants,

Toronto, 30th Dec., 1875.




Some teachers, who are unable to attend either of our Normal Schools, have asked for information as to the works on Natural Philosophy which it would be best for them to consult with a view to the examinations for First Class Certificates.

The treatises on Elementary Statics and Elementary Hydrostatics, by Hamblin Smith, and Balfour Stewart's Lessons in Elementary Physics, have been sanctioned by the Council of Public Instruction; and they contain all that is necessary on the subjects of which they treat. It is recommended that particular attention be given to Chapters I., II., III., and to Lesson 16, Chap. IV., of Stewart's work, as they furnish a key to the modern treatment of Mechanics. A First Book on Natural Philosophy by Samuel Newth, embracing all the subjects on Natural Philosophy required at the matriculation examination of the University of London, may be studied with advantage. It contains a number of happily chosen examples. The part of it devoted to Dynamics is clear and simple.

It would be of great advantage to intending candidates to work over the papers in Natural Philosophy that have already been set. Solutions of these have appeared in the Journal of Education and in the Ontario Teacher.

"Those who are acquainted with the admirable suggestions on the teaching of English, prefixed to Hales's 'Longer English Poems,' will see that my views in the main coincide with his. This book is one which every teacher of higher English, and every candidate for a first class certificate, ought to possess. The Longer English Poems' are accompanied with notes, and include 'Il Penseroso' and Gray's Elegy. The price of the book is about $1 35. Several editions of 'Macbeth' have been published at one shilling sterling. The only one of these of which I can recall the name is that of the Rev. John Hunter, in Longmans' Series. There is, in the Clarendon Press Series, a good edition, of which Mr. Aldis Wright, a scholar of some reputation, is one of the editors. It is sold for about forty cents. In Seeley's Cheap School Books there is a volume contain- Students who possess Clerk Maxwell's Theory of Heat (Longing Il Penseroso' and other selections from Milton, with notes man's Text-books of Science, $1 05) should carefully read Chap. IV., and an introduction by the Rev. H. R. Hickin, M. A. Its price is" Elementary Dynamical Principles." eight pence sterling. There is a volume of selections from Milton, likewise including 'Il Penseroso,' in Collins's Series, which contains an introduction and notes by J. G. Davis. Its price is one shilling sterling. The edition of the 'Spectator' which will best meet the needs of candidates for first class certificates is that by Professor Morley, of University College, London. It is sold at five shillings sterling. A cheap edition of Johnson's 'Lives of the Poets' is to be found among the Chandos Classics. Among Chambers' Cheap Reprints of English Classics may be found an Edition of Gray's Elegy,' at four pence sterling, and one of the 'Lady of the Lake' at one shilling sterling, in paper covers, with memoirs and notes. "The preceding paragraph contains all the information that I am able to furnish in regard to cheap editions of the English Classics which have been prescribed. I desire it to be noticed that of the books I have mentioned I recommend only Hales's 'Longer English Poems' and Morley's 'Spectator.' All the others contain notes of some value with the exception of Johnson's 'Lives,' in the Chan- is needed for the study of the following pages, with the exception dos Classics, but I do not feel warranted in saying that they are so good as to be entitled to be preferred to other cheap editions. There may be others which contain better notes, but this, after all, is a matter of minor importance. Good notes are a good thing, but the student who puts his faith in notes and neglects the study of the text does not take the course from which he will reap the greatest benefit."

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HIGH SCHOOL INTERMEDIATE EXAMINATION. To the Editor of the Journal of Education.

A friend, in whose judgment I have confidence, has furnished me with the following notes on some works, which are highly spoken of, but which I have not myself seen :

First Lessons in Theoretical Mechanics, by the Rev J. F. Twisden. London: Longmans, Green & Co. $2 05.-This work is well suited to one unacquainted with Trigonometry. The mathematical knowledge demanded of its readers is thus stated in the preface :— :-"A very large portion of the principles of mechanics admits of exposition and illustration without demanding of the student a knowledge of more than arithmetic, a few rules in mensuration, enough geometry to make accurate diagrams with compasses, scale and protractor, and enough algebra to solve a simple equation. No more than this of Chapter VI., on motion in a circle, and a few articles and examples occurring for the most part towards the end of the book." Attention should be given to Chapter V. (including Section 93 on the absolute unit of force) and to Ex. 137, "Newton's Laws of Motion, and proof of the parallelogram of forces." There are 423 exercises for the student and 171 solved examples.


Principles of Mechanics, by T. M. Goodeve. London: Longmans, Green & Co. $1 05.-This is one of Longman's Text-books of SciThe reader is required to have a very slight knowledge of Trigonometry. The introduction, to which special attention should be given, may be substituted for Chapter 1. of Stewart's Elementary Physics. The work is peculiarly valuable on account of its illustrations of the application of the principles to the construction of machines.

SIR,-In view of the fact that there is likely to be a difficulty in obtaining a supply of the proper French Readers at a sufficiently early date to render it possible for the French Classes in the High Schools to read the prescribed work before the June examination, The advanced student desirous of a purely theoretical work may we desire to announce that it is our intention, if the Council of consult Todhunter's Mechanics for Beginners. The work contains Public Instruction approve of the substitution, to examine candi- 350 exercises in Statics and 253 in Dynamics, many of considerable

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difficulty of their kind. A fair knowledge of Trigonometry is re- The average attendance in aided schools (day and night) has risen quired to read this book. from 1,225,764 in 1870 to 1,727,449 in 1874. There were, in 1874, Elementary Problems in Statics and Dynamics, by H. Walton. 2,497,602 names of scholars on the registers of inspected schools, of London: Bell & Daldy. $3 15.-A full collection of examples of whom 2,070,727 were present on the day of inspection, and this is methods of solution and of exercises to be solved; these are of all the number of children (out of some four and a-half millions for degrees of difficulty. This work might be advantageously consulted | whom elementary schools are required) who received more or less by candidates for First Class Certificates, Grade A. of efficient instruction in such schools during the past year. Of these scholars, 916,591 were below and 1,581,011 above seven years of age.



In the last ten years, the sum of £4,258,099 (to meet Government grant of £5,958,976) has been subscribed towards the maintenance of elementary schools under inspection; and the annual amount derived from this source has risen from £277,760 in 1864 to £616,326 in 1874. The number of subscribers in these two years was respectively 145,856 and 251,185. Voluntary effort in the past year further contributed £172,166 towards the erection of those elementary schools to which building grants were made, and £22,395 towards the maintenance of training colleges under inspection.



The Inspectors found 18,714 certificated teachers at work in the aided schools which they visited, while the 40 training colleges, from which the supply of such teachers is mainly recruited, were attended in 1874 by 2,982 students.



The following table of statistics, abstracted from the reports of the Inspectors on the schools visited by them in 1870, and in each of the last three years, shows clearly the rate of progress in the period which has elapsed since the passing of the Elementary Education Act of 1870 :


YEARS ENDING 31st August.









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It further appears from the reports of the Inspectors that military drill, which (as distinguished from the ordinary school drill practised in every good school) was introduced by the New Code, is systematically taught, with more or less satisfactory results, to the boys attending 1,137 day schools. The 12,167 elementary day schools in England and Wales, inspected in 1874, provided accommodation in 17,646 departments, for 2,871,826 scholars, The average daily attendance in these schools amounted to 1,678,759, so that each department, while providing accommodation for 162 scholars, had an average attendance of only 95. It has been calculated that, under the operation of the Education Acts, the average attendance will rise to 120. * * * The accommodation provided in 1875 by the training colleges under inspection in England and Wales is sufficient for 3,076 students, and 2,975 are in residence. In 1865, the colleges held 2,500 students, and 1,822 were in residence. The colleges can, therefore, at present furnish a yearly supply of some 1,500 teachers who have been trained for two years. The first object of the Education Act of 1870 was to secure a supply of suitable school accommodation sufficient to meet the requirements of the country.

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The sum expended by school boards in England during the year under review amounted to £1,825,957, as compared with £1,126,956 in the previous year; and in Wales to £132,168, as compared with £48,029.

About £1,304,004 of the expenditure in England, and about £93,853 in Wales, was incurred in the purchase of sites for schools, and in building, enlarging, and furnishing schools; leaving £521,053 in England, and £38,315 in Wales, as the current I. Estimated Population... 22,090,163 23,067,835 23,356,414 23,618,609 expenditure, in contradistinction to the capital expenditure of the

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The walls are covered with the most recently published maps, and in some cases with excellent prints as well. At one school (Harbridge, near Ringwood), recently built by Lord Normanton, 2,034,007 really beautiful engravings a very good one of "The Queen," 36,720 amongst others-adorn the room, and give to it an air of comfort and refinement. The " prints in this instance were the gift, I 1,678,759 was told, of Mr. Graves, of Pall Mall. Mr. Graves would be doing 48,690 a good and great educational work, if he would visit and beautify, in a similar manner, 602,836 all the schools in my district. For too much 135,991 stress cannot be laid on the importance of having our school-rooms 814,283 as clean, as light, and as cheerful as it is possible to make them. 919,857 1,050,259 Not only are the health and spirits of the teachers and children benefited by these things, but their eyes are also educated to appreciate order and beauty, and to detect and dislike untidiness and 59,304 dirt.-Rev. W. F., Treganthen. 32,192

2. Night scholars.

Voluntary contributions..


School pence

Government Grants.

£418,839 493,385
£502,022 599,283
£587,490 789,689

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GOOD EFFECTS OF DRILL UPON THE DISCIPLINE OF BOYS' SCHOOLS. The discipline of boys' schools and of mixed schools under a 18,714 master, has been greatly improved and strengthened by the intro2,489 duction of drill. It has tamed down the restlessness and turbulence 27,031 of many unruly spirits, and has brought about a much greater degree 2,982 of quiet submission to authority, and a more prompt obedience to orders than any which existed heretofore. Changes of lessons, dismissal, &c., are effected with less noise, and with a smaller waste of time. The task of an examiner is also rendered less troublesome in proportion as the scholars are more steady and obedient in their behaviour. The habits of order, respectful manners towards others, and ready compliance with legitimate commands are invaluable as helping to form the character and promote the welfare of the youth who cultivates them in after life.-Rev. B. J. BINNS.


An addition of room in aided schools for 1,105,882 children in five years is satisfactory. The increased accommodation to which we allude has been supplied in several ways. The school boards have availed themselves freely of the power of borrowing, on the security of the rates, given by the Acts of 1870 and 1873. We have recommended to the Public Works Loan Commissioners to make 986 loans, amounting to £4,179,173 19s. 3d. to 502 school boards, by means of which new accommodation will be furnished for some 370,956 scholars.

* * *


The supply of books and apparatus is, in many of the schools that fall under my observation, still too limited and imperfect. Local

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