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cessary to be believed', so you will find, at the same time, every necessary direction for the performance of your duty; this book, therefore, must be the rule of all your actions; and it will prove your best friend in all the journey of life`.


Definition and Rule.-The penultimate member is the last limb or member in the sentence but one. As the final member takes the falling, the penultimate adopts the rising inflection.

Example.-The soul, considered abstractly from its passions, is of a remiss and sedentary nature`; slow in its resolves, and languishing in its execution.


Whenever the member of a sentence, claiming the rising inflection, terminates with a strongly emphatic word, the falling inflection is applied; for strong emphasis always dictates the downward slide of the voice.

Example. I must therefore desire the reader to remember that, by the pleasures of the imagination, I mean those only that arise from sight`; and that I divide them into two kinds'.

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Definition.-Series implies that succession of similar or opposite particulars, or portions of a sentence, whether single, double, triple, or compound, or whatever other variety they may assume, which frequently commence or close a comund sentence. These may be divided into

1st, The Simple Series;

2d, The Compound Series; 3d, The Series of Serieses.


Definition. The simple series consists of two or more single particulars, following each other in succession, either in commencing or closing a sentence.

RULE 1.-When the sentence commences with two particulars, the 1st takes the `, and the 2d the inflection.

Example.-Manufactures and agriculture', give steady employment to thousands of the poorer order.

RULE 2.-When the sentence closes with two single particulars, the 1st takes the ', and the 2d the inflection.

Example. Example is generally more forcible than pre cept or discipline`.

RULE 3.-When the sentence commences with three single particulars, the 1st and 2d take the `, and the 3d the inflection.

Example. The head`, the heart`, and the hands', should be constantly and actively employed in doing good.

RULE 4.-When three single particulars form the concluding series, the 1st and 3d take the `, and the 2d the ́inflection.

Example. Whatever obscurities involve religious tenets, the essence of true piety consists in humility`, love', and devotion'.

RULE 5.-When four single particulars form the commencing series, the 1st and 4th take the`, and the 2d and 3d the inflection.

Example.-Health', peace, fortune', and friends', constitute some of the ingredients of the cup of human happiness`. RULE 6.-When four single particulars form the concluding series, the 1st and 4th adopt the ', and the 2d and 3d the` inflection.

Example. The four elements into which the old philosophers classed the material world, are fire', water, air, and earth'.

RULE 7.-When the commencing series contains a long list of particulars, they are divided from the right, into periods of three members each, and set off by the dash; the last period may be read after Rule 3, the others after Rule 4, and odd particulars after Rule 1.

Example of 5 particulars.-Gold, silver-copper, iron, and lead', are found in many parts of the new world'.

Example of 6 particulars. The elk`, deer, wolf`,—fox`, ermine, and martin', abound in cold climates.

Example of 7 particulars.-The Amazon,-La Plate`, Missisippi', Missouri,-St. Lawrence, Oronoco, and Ohio', rank among the largest rivers upon the globe.

Example of & particulars.-Cotton, coffee,-sugar, rum ́, molasses, spice`, fruits`, and drugs', are imported from the West-Indies.

Example of 9 particulars.-Love, joy', peace`,-long-suffering, gentleness', goodness',-faith, meekness, and temperance, are the fruits of the divine spirit,

Example of 10 particulars. Metaphors, enigmas`, mottos', parables,-fables`, dreams', visions, the drama, burlesque, and allusion', are all comprehended in Mr. Locke's definition of wit.

RULE 5.-When this long list of particulars forms the closing series, they admit of the same division, and are read ac cording to Rule 4th; but odd members agreeably to Rule 1st. Example of 5 particulars. The productions of Brazil, are grain`, fruits",-dye-woods`, metals, and diamonds`.

Example of 6 particulars.-The chief towns in the United States of America, are New-York`, Philadelphia', Baltimore`, -Boston, Charleston', and New-Orleans'."

Example of 7 particulars.-The Americans export from the fertile shores of their leagued domain, to foreign climes, a variety of lumber,-fish, beef', pork,-butter, cheese', and flour.

Example of 8 particulars.-The soul can exert itself in many different ways; she can understand`, will',-imagine`, see', hear`,-feel`, love', and frown`.

Example of 9 particulars. The fruits of the spirit are love`, joy, peace,-long-suffering, gentleness', goodness,-faith`, meekness, temperance`,-against these there is no law`.

Example of 10 particulars.-Mr. Locke's definition of wit comprehends every species of it;-as metaphors,-enigmas`, nottos', and parables,-fables, dreams', visions,-the drama', burlesque', and allusion`.


Definition. The compound series consists of two or more successive particulars, composed of two words or members of a sentence, which though not perfectly similar, are sufficiently so to admit of classification.

RULE 1.-All the compound members which form the commencing series, take the `inflection, except the last, which takes the inflection.

Example. The whole system of the intellectual powers`, the chaos and the creation, and all the furniture of three worlds', enter into the subject of Milton's Paradise Lost`.

RULE 2.-When the compound members form the concluding series, they all adopt the inflection, except the penultimate member, which takes the inflection.

Example. Notwithstanding all the pains which Cicero took in the education of his son, he nevertheless remained a mere blockhead. Nature rendered him incapable of improving by all the rules of eloquence, the precepts of philosophy`, his father's endeavours', and the most refined society of Athens.


The only exception to the above rule is, when the sentence commences with a conditional or suppositive phrase; for in that case the members take the 'inflection.

Examples. Whatever contributes to promote the principles of virtue, and strengthen the bonds of brotherhood', whatever tends to calm the ruffled feelings, and regulate the passions', is undoubtedly a source of happiness`.

So, when the faithful pencil has design'd
Some bright idea of the master's mind';
When a new world leaps out at his command',
And ready Nature waits upon his hand';
When the ripe colours soften and unite',
And sweetly melt into just shades and light';
When mellowing years their full perfection give',
And each bold figure just begins to live';
The treacherous colours the fair art betray',
And all the bright creation, fades away`.


Definition.-Two or more simple particulars, combined with two or more compound particulars, and all united in forming an independent member of a sentence, constitute what is termed a series of serieses.

GENERAL RULE.-When several compound members occur, composed of similar or opposite particulars, and forming a simple series, they may be divided according to their natures into couplets or triplets, and pronounced, singly according to the appropriate rule of the simple series; but altogether agreeably to the number of compound particulars in the whole period, and according to the appropriate rule of the compound series.

Example.-For I am persuaded, that neither life', nor death`; nor angels, nor principalities', nor powers; nor things present, nor things to come; nor height, nor depth; nor any other creature', shall be able to separate me from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord'.


GENERAL RULE.-To those members of a sentence separated by the Dash, the same inflections must be applied, according to their nature, as would be applied were the parts set off by any other points.

Example. In general, the manners of Mr. Henry were those of the plain Virginian gentleman-kind-open-candid'-and conciliating- —warm without insincerity—and polite without pomp-neither chilling by his reserve-nor fatiguing by his loquacity`—but adapting himself without effort to the character of his company`.

INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES. RULE 1.-Those interrogative sentences which are commenced with a verb, always adopt the inflection.

Examples. Is justice lame among us, my friend, as well as blind? Can he exalt his thoughts to any thing great and

noble, who believes that, after a short turn upon the stage of this world, he is to sink for ever into oblivion'?

RULE 2.-Those interrogative sentences that commence with a verb which is followed by the disjunctive conjunction or, adopts, at the close of the first part, the inflection, and at the end of the second, the inflection.

Examples-Shall we, in your person, crown the author of the public calamity, or shall we destroy him? Will the trials of this life continue for ever, or will time finally dissipate them?

RULE 3.-Those interrogative sentences that commence with the interrogative pronoun or adverb, always close with the inflection.

Examples.-Who will take the trouble of answering these questions? How will he collect the necessary evidence`? Whence derive his authorities`? When adjust all the contending points?

RULE 4. When the interrogative sentence consists of several members following in succession, commencing with a pronoun or adverb, all those members adopt the inflection, save the penultimate, which takes the 'inflection.

Example.--Where can he find such cogent exhortations to the practice of virtue'; such strong excitements to piety and holiness; and, at the same time, such assistance in attaining them, as are contained in the Holy Bible?

RULE 5.-When the interrogative sentence commences with a verb, and consists of several succeeding members, they all adopt the inflection.

Example.-Would an infinitely wise being make such a glorious creature as man, for so mean a purpose'? can he delight in the production of such abortive intelligences', such short lived rational beings? would he give him talents that are not to be exerted', and capacities that are not to be gratified'?

RULE 6.-When the interrogative sentence presents a combination of particulars, forming a series of serieses, they adopt, according to their natures, both the and the inflections. The last member, however, upon which the question` turns, must always have the inflection.

Example.-Do you imagine the hours wasted in idle prate`, the days devoted to vain amusements`, the weeks lavished on dress and parade, and the months squandered without end or aim', are all lost in the great account of eternity? or will they, like an army of departed ghosts, rise to your affrighted memory, and condemn you`?

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