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Nature; and he that attempts to do it must be a Man of much Vanity, and an Impoftor. His Vanity is manifested in asserting what is in its own Nature abfurd; which no Man of Learning, Piety, and Integrity ever effayed; and his impofing upon the Credulity of the World, his empty Arguments, SelfContradictions, and ridiculous Sophistry, declare him to be a Knave.

I Believe that the Inferior Clergy are a Sett of Clean, Spruce, Sociable, Fashionable, Spiritual Beaus.

I Believe that King GEORGE (whom God long preferve) has a juft Title by the Laws of God and Man to the Imperial Crown of thefe Realms; and that the Perfon called the Pretender was not begotten by King JAMES, or came from the Body of his Queen MARY.

I Believe that it is neceffary to have a Regimen in the Church, fuch as is now Established; and that they ought not to be Independent on the State.

I Believe


I Believe that the Clergy exercise a Jurisdiction, which Chrift and his Apostles never did, or ever gave them Authority to do.

I Believe that few of the Inferior Clergy adhere to the Canons of the Church, or to the Oaths they have taken, or the Subfcriptions they have made.

I Believe there are three Things, which will prove a Blot to Old England for ever: The Cafe of the ROCHELLERS, the horrid Regicide of King CHARLES the First, and the Sacrifice of the brave CATALANS.

I Believe that Church - Organs are not very edifying to fuch who have no good Ear, or Judgment in Music.

I Believe that the Nonjuring Clergy are Men of more Confcience and Probity than Those who for Interest Swear Allegiance to King GEORGE, yet disown him in their Hearts, and countenance Rebellion. It was not my Enemy did this; but thou my Familiar, my Friend, and Acquaintance, whom I trusted.

I Believe

I Believe that St. PAUL was no Prevaricator, maugre the Opinion of Mr. Secretary H-gs; but I concur with that pious Gentleman in saying there are many erroneous Tranflations in the Bible; and 'tis hoped that he will speedily favour the World with his new Verfion of the Revelations; a Piece of many Years Work.

I Believe his Subfcribers would rejoice to fee their Money returned, or to have the long promised Book.

I Believe that the Apoftles and Primitive Chriftians foon wrought the Redemption of their Brother's Covering, when St. Paul told them that he left his Cloak at Troas; but had that Declaration been made in our Days, I Believe it might have laid dormant till MothEaten.

1 Believe it was once deemed a Crime to speak in Favour of the Hanover Succeffion: I Believe fuch evil Times will never return.

I Believe I fhall not be hanged for plotting againft his Majefty King George, or any of his Family, being Proteftants.

1 Believe it is no Crime to drink to the Memory of the Dead, especially to a certain Monarch lately deceased; with Submiffion to that once great lover of King WILLIAM, of ever Glorious and Immortal Memory, Dr. PETER BROWNE, the prefent Bishop of CORK.

I Believe the fureft way to get a good Place is not to stand in need of one.

I Believe I fhall displease fome People, and please others.

I Believe that as the Corruption of the Army in the late Wars proceeded from the many Upftarts who were in it, feeing there were Men in Commiffion, who had no other Qua·lifications to recommend them than their being Pimps, Pages, or Valets; fo the Corruption of the High Clergy proceeded from the Ordination of Beardless Young Men, and Indigent Souls.

I Believe that Religion is not a Cheat, though many of its Profeffors do juftly fall under that Denomination.

I Believe that St. Paul spoke Truth, when he faid, He that covets the Office of a Bishop. covets a good Thing.

I Believe that all Men have Portions in this World; and therefore I advise them to follow my Example, and each Man take unto him a Wife.

I Believe it is better to Marry than Burn; yet Marriage produces many a Heart Burn.

I Believe that a Rich Man's getting into a Shopkeeper' Book is like a Lawyer's getting a Foot into a Poor Man's Eftate; if he can make no farther Encroachment, he will be fure to keep his Poffeffion.

I Believe that Daniel de Foe was in the Right when he said,

Of all the Plagues with which Mankind are Curst, Ecclefiaftic Tyranny's the worst.

I Believe that the People of England talk more of Religion, and Practise it less than any one Nation under the Sun.


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