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They considered of whom they spoke. If they turned to the origin of evil, or to any dark and unfathomable question, they first called upon man to consider the limits of his understanding. They warned him, with most peculiar emphasis, to beware of those aλuroi atopia, which are but increased by defences or arguments ill-constructed. They implored him affectionately to avoid all that tends to overthrow, to trouble or disturb, those principles which conduct to peace and to right action. Their advice was to strengthen the intellect, and to compose the passions, not by braving and insulting the all-powerful, all-wise, and all-merciful Creator, but by an humble, patient inquiry into his works, and by submission to his dispensations. They seemed to be well aware that, to him who understood all the bearings and relations of the word, RESIGNATION TO THE WILL OF GOD was the whole of piety."

Alum, si sit stalum, non est malum,
Beerum, si sit clearum, est sincerum.

Dog Latin of the Hudibrastic cast."If ale be stale, old, it is not bad. If beer be clear, it is pure, unadulterated." Alumnus. Lat.-" Pupil, one who receives literary food, mental nourishment, food for the mind." An alumnus of University College, King's College.

Amabilis insania. Lat. HORACE.-"A fond enthusiasm, an amiable madness, a pleasing phrensy, illusion, infatuation, delirium, a delightful insanity."

Αμαθια μεν θρασος, λογισμος δ' οκνον φερει. Gr. prov. “Ignorance, stupidity, want of education, begets boldness, audacity of speech; but · reflection [the result of good training] diffidence, hesitation, in giving one's opinion." Who so bold as blind BAYARD?

Amantium irae. Lat. TERENCE.-"Lovers' quarrels.'

Amantium irae amoris integratio 'st. Lat. TERENCE.-" The quarrels, falling-out, of lovers is the renewal, renewing, revival, revivification, resuscitation of love." The disputes of lovers generally end in a warm reconciliation.

Amanuensis. Lat.-"A secretary, scribe, clerk, a person who writes what another dictates."

Amarae mulieres sunt, non facile ferunt. Lat. TERENCE.— "Women resent strongly, and do not easily put up with affronts." Compare Menander: Φυσει γυνη δυσηνιον εστι και πικρον : “Woman is naturally difficult to rein in, unrestrainable, unguidable, intractable, undrawable, unleadable, and harsh, bitter, sour, austere, implacable."

Amaranth. From the Gr. word auapavros [amarantos], "unfading." A flower incorruptible. The "Celosia cristata." Amaranth," says CLELAND, "is a name given to the flower-gentle, from its never withering it is currently derived from a signifying not, and μapaivo [maraino], to fade, wither; a derivation so agreeable to sense seems to fix it there: but there occurs to me a still more plausible one; the termination anth is so obviously the Gr. avoc [anthos], flower, that I rather suspect the etymology to stand thus :


a, privative [that is, signifying not],
pap [mar], the Celtic word for death;

whence papaivo, a fading, or tending to death. avdos, flower: un-dying-flower, a-mar-anth :

That the one was taken from the other, there can be no doubt.

Amateur. Fr.-" A lover of any particular pursuit or system." "It must always be to those who are the greatest amateurs or even professors of revolutions, a matter very hard to prove, that the late French government was so bad, that nothing worse, in the infinite devices of men, could come in its place."-BURKE.

Ambigendi locus. "Reason for doubt, doubting."

Ambiguum pactum contra venditorem interpretandum est. Lat. Law maxim.—" An ambiguous deed or contract is to be expounded against the seller or grantor." Thus if a man has a warren in his lands, and grants the same land for life, without mentioning the warren, the grantee will have it with the land.

Ambizione di primeggiare. Ital.-" Personal ambition; attain a position of eminence, a distinguished position."

Desire to

Ambulances. Fr.-" Itinerant or movable military hospitals."

Ame damnée. Fr.-"A tool, drudge, one who will do any dirty work." "The [late] DUKE OF WELLINGTON is not the man to compromise the interests of his glory to the paltry ends of any; nor will he allow himself, we are assured, to be played as their puppet, their áme damnée, by such a body as the Oxford Heads."

Ame de bouc. Fr.-"A soul of mud." A debased, degraded,


Ameer [or Emir]. "A nobleman." The term is Asiatic and African. Its origin is Moslem.

Ami du peuple. Fr.-"A friend to the people [at large]; the people's friend.”

Amici vitium ni eras, prodis tuum. Lat. PUBLIUS SYRUS."Unless you bear with the faults of a friend, you betray your own." If you do not concede a little, you disclose your want of temper or of friendship.

Amicitia semper prodest, amor et nocet. Lat. LABERIUS. "Friendship is always profitable, and love is [frequently] injurious."

Amicum ita habeas posse ut fieri hunc inimicum scias. Lat. LABERIUS.- -"Be on such terms with your friend as if you knew that he might one day become your enemy."

Amicum perdere est damnorum maximum. Lat. PUBLIUS SYRUS.-" To lose a friend is the greatest of all losses."

Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur. Lat. ENNIUS.-" A sure friend is discovered, discerned, in a doubtful matter, when you are on your beam ends; or, to use a LONDONISM, when you are hard up." It is only in situations of hazard that we can prove the sincerity of friendship.

Amicus curiae. Lat.-"A friend of the court." This appellation is given in Courts of Law to the person who gives his advice, or opinion, when not immediately concerned in the cause.

Amicus humani generis. Lat." The friend of the human race." The most glorious title that man can obtain, and which but few Howards and FRANKLINS are found to claim.

Amicus Plato, amicus Socrates, sed magis amica veritas.

Lat.- "Plato is my friend, Socrates is my friend, but Truth is more my friend." By this quotation the speaker or writer intimates that he is not without his personal feelings and attachments, but that nothing can make him swerve from the sacred interests of truth.

Amicus usque ad aras. Lat.-" A friend even to the altar.” who will sustain his friendship even to the last extremity.


Amittit merito proprium qui alienum adpetit. Lat. PHAEDRUS. -"He deservedly loses his own property, who covets, keenly endeavours to get for himself, that of another."

Amme brea is swieter az memme koeke. Frisian prov."Nurses' bread is sweeter than mothers' cake." A warning to mothers who do not nurse their children, that the affections of the infant will be transferred to those who have the care of them.

Amoebaéan. From apoßalos. Gr.—“Alternately responsive."

"Amoebaean verses."

Amor a nullo amato amar perdona. Ital. DANTE.—
"True love permits no loved one not to love.”

Amor al cor gentil ratto s'apprende. Ital. DANTE.-"True love in gentle heart is quickly learnt, or, True love the gentle, noble, highsoul'd heart soon apprehends."

Amor e signoria non vogliono compagnia. Ital. prov.-"Love and lordship like no fellowship." The French proverb is, "Amour et seigneurie ne se tinrent jamais compagnie," which has the same meaning.

Amor et deliciae. Lat. CICERO.-"The loved one and the darling favourite." "ANACREON was the favourite, the amor et deliciae, of his own age, and he has had the singular fortune to preserve to our days, not only his fame, but even his popularity, in the verses of imitators, whose very names are long since lost."

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Amor gignit amorem. Lat.-"Love begets, or gives rise to, love." Amor nummi. Lat. JUVENAL.- "The love of money." Amor omnibus idem. Lat. VIRGIL.—“ Love is lord of all, and is in all the same."

Amor patriae. Lat.-"The love of our country, native soil, native land, the land of our birth."

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Amor soli. Lat.-The meaning the same as 'amor patriae." Amor tussisque non celantur. Lat.-"Love and a cough cannot be hidden, concealed."

Amoto quaeramus seria ludo. Lat. HORACE." Setting raillery aside, let us now attend to serious matters. Laying aside mirth, let us reason seriously."

Amour fait beaucoup, mais argent fait tout. Fr. prov.-"Love does much, but money does everything." Beauty is potent, but money is OMNIPOTENT. Talk is but talk; but 'tis money that buys land.

Amour fait rage, mais argent fait mariage. Fr. prov.-"Love causes raging, but money marriaging."

Amour-propre. Fr.-"Self-love." The true meaning, however, of the term is "a modification of pride."

Amphibious." Having two modes of existence, living :" applied, though not, strictly speaking, correctly, to animals that can live both on

land and in water. The true meaning of appßios, amphibious, is "partaking of both sexes.'

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-Amphora coepit

Institui; currente rota cur urceus exit? Lat. HORACE.“A large jar was begun to be formed: why, as the wheel goes round, does it turn out to be an insignificant, paltry, pitcher or water-pot? The metaphor [an implied comparison, the use of a word in a sense different from its ordinary import, meaning] is taken from the potter's wheel. The quotation is applied to those who, having promised a magnificent work, produced in the end something inadequate, and perhaps contemptible.

Ampliat aetatis spatium sibi vir bonus. Hoc est

Vivere bis, vita posse priori frui.

Lat. MARTIAL.— "A good man enlarges the term of his own existence. It is living twice to be enabled to enjoy one's former life." He lives the preceding years over again in pleasing recollection.

-Αμφι δ' ανθρω

πων φρασιν αμπλακίαι αναρίθμητοι κρέμανται,

τούτο δ' αμαχανον εὑρειν,

ὁ τι νυν εν και τελευτα φέρτατον ανδρι τυχειν. Gr. PINDAR.
"Deep wrapt in error is the human mind,

And human bliss is ever insecure :

Know we what fortune yet remains behind?

Know we how long the present will endure ?"

Αμφότεροι κλωπες, και ὁ δεξαμενος και ὁ κλεψας. Gr. prov.-PHOCYLIDES. "Both are thieves, the receiver and the thief." The receiver is as bad as the thief.

-An haec animos aerugo et cura peculi
Quum semel imbuerit, speramus carmina fingi
Posse linenda cedro, et levi servanda cupresso?

Lat. HORACE."When once this rust and love of gain has taken hold of the soul, got possession of the soul, can we imagine it capable of noble thoughts, or of worthy to be kept in cases of cypress and cedar ?"—

"But when the rust of wealth pollutes the soul,
And moneyed cares the genius thus control,
How shall we dare to hope that distant times

With honour should preserve our lifeless rhymes?


N.B. The ancients, for the better preservation of their manuscripts, rubbed them with oil of cedar, and kept them in cases of cypress.

An nescis longas regibus esse manus ? Lat. OVID.-"Do you not know that kings have long hands ?" "It were to be wished," says SWIFT, "that they had as long ears."

An praeter esse reale actualis essentiae sit aliud esse necessarium, quo res actualiter existat? MARTINUS SCRIBLERUS.—“Whether, besides the real being of actual being, there be any other being necessary to cause a thing to be?" A question humorously put to ridicule the absurdity of metaphysics run mad.

An quisquam est alius liber, nisi ducere vitam
Cui licet, ut voluit ?

Lat. PERSIUS.— "Is any man free, a freeman, but he that may live as he pleases?"

Anachronism. "A transposition of dates." "Major R. was once riding near a building which presented to his admiring gaze a fine specimen of antique Saxon architecture. Desirous of learning something respecting it, he made some inquiries of a man, who, as it turned out, was the cobbler of the village. This learned wight informed the inquisitive stranger that the building in question was reckoned a noble specimen of Gothic architecture, and was built by the Romans, who came over with JULIUS CAESAR Friend,' said the Major, 'you make anachronisms.' 'No, no, sir,' replied the man, 'indeed I don't make anachronisms, for I never made anything but shoes in all my life.'"

Anagrammatism, or, Metagrammatism. The lattter is the correct term. Anagrammatism means, literally, the art of writing backwards, in which sense Amor [Love] is an anagram of Roma [Rome and evil of live: but metagrammatism implies a transposition of letters, which has become the popular sense of anagrammatism. A metagram, then, is the transposition of the letters in one or more words to form a new word, or new words. "Father Finardi, with great felicity, said of Magliabechi, the celebrated librarian of the Grand Duke of Tuscany, Is unus bibliotheca magna, that being the metagram [transposition of letters] of his Latinised name, Antonius Magliabbechius:" that is to say, He alone, or in himself, is a great library, that being, &c. There seems to be a secret meaning in the very letters of a name, which only require to be decompounded and newly arranged, to reveal the life and character of the wearer. Let those, who may be disposed to laugh at this theory as fanciful, remember, that they might in this manner have read the history of the battle of the Nile at the christening of HORATIO NELSON: Honor est a Nilo" (a sentence composed of the letters of Lord Nelson's Christian name and surname, a metagram]: "Honor est a Nilo" means Honour is from the Nile. The metagram is said to have been made by a SCHOOL-BOY.

Anakim. Hebrew.-"Giants."

Ancien régime. Fr.-"The former, old, government, old form of government, former administration."

Ancienne noblesse. Fr.-The "old nobility" [of France], nobility prior to the Revolution of the last century.

Andare stretto. Ital.-"To go about a business in a miserly manner." To lose a sheep for a halfpenny-worth of tar.

Avopos dikaιov KaρTOÇ OUK añoλurαι. Gr." The good deeds [literally,

fruit] of a righteous, just, upright, man perish not.”

Ανδρος κακως πρασσοντος εκποδων φίλοι. Gr. prov. in difficulties, is ill to do in the world, his friends stand of the way." A friend is never known till one have need. felix, &c."

When a man is aloof, keep out See "Donec eris

Ανδρων ήρωων τεκνα πήματα. Gr. prov. The children of brave men are often a disgrace to them." Many a good cow hath but a bad calf.

Avnp arvxwv ow?erai raiç eλmioi. Gr. prov.-"The man who is in ad

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