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Miracles, wrought by Christians, 57,
note u, 59. when they ceased, ib. 58.
not with the Apostles, ib. done by
Christians, 217.

Miraculous shower, 14, note z.
Mithra, use of crown in his rites, 184.

his rites, 475, notes z, a. see Water.
Mixtus, applied to two natures in
Christ, 48, note h.

Money, evils of borrowing from heathen,

Montanism, Tertullian's early bias to-

wards it, 151, note e.
Montanists, cannot baptize, 287. the
contrary a mistake in St. Dionysius,
288. their view of penance, 349.
their quarrelsomeness in prison, 151,
note c, 159, note g.
Monuments, proof that resurrection was
naturally desired, 105.
Moors, 78.

Niger, 76.

Non-resistance, a Christian duty, 106,

note a.

Novatians, accounted heretics by St.
Cyprian, 287.

Numa, his nicety in superstition, 65.
Numa Pompilius, 52, 195. strictness of
his ritual, 475.


Oaths, by false gods sinful, 249. even
in money contracts, 250. essence of
in the mind not the tongue, ib. though
dictated by another, ib. or in writing,


Obelisk, in honour of the sun, 197.
Obstinacy,seeming, of Christians,its good
effects, 106.

Oil, used in miraculous cure, 147.
Olive, a sign of peace, 265.

Moses, a prophetic shepherd, 170. his Operatio, 310, note y.

date, 43.

Mourning, rules of, 339.

Mucius, 104.

Mulier, 313, notes d, h.

Murcia, 198.

Musaus, 52.

Music, invention of, 172.

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Oracles, silenced by Christians, 58, note.
Origen, his objections to a [carnal]
Millennium, 126. the first who openly
impugned the doctrine, ib. doubtful
if he means to speak of that held by
the Church, ib. 127, note h.
Orpheus, 52.

Osiris, 171, 172.

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as modern Romanists suppose, ib.
Tertullian's opinion upon it, ib. other
opinions, ib. harmonize, ib. St. Aus-
tin averse to determining the place
of, 120.
Parthians, 78.

Paschal vigils, 426, note n.
Papian law, 11, note m.

Passion, the, reality of, 302, note q.
Patience, T.'s treatise on, when writ-
ten, 327. his confession that he
lacked it, ib. 328. needful for any
good work, ib. 337, 343. praised by
heathens, ib. 347. God the rule of
Christian, 328, 333. how displayed
in Christ's ministry and childhood,
329. and in His Passion, 330. how a
witness of His divinity, ih. want of
it the cause of the fall of Satan and
of man, 332-36. and of all sin, 334.
example of in Abraham, 335. came
not by the Law but by Christ, ib.
gains God for our Father, ib. use of in
loss of goods, 336. in almsgiving, 337.
and Christian endurance, ib. 338.
in times of mourning, ib. 339. or
injuries, 340. under chastisements,
341. enters into the beatitudes, ib.
and into penitence, 343. and charity,
ib. its fruits in the body also, 344. as
instanced in Nebuchadnezzar, ib.
and the case of continency, &c. ib.
345. and in Isaiah, Stephen, and
Job, ib. 346. portraiture of, 347. is
the abode of the SPIRIT, ib. on what
grounded, 348.

Patriarchs, not yet crowned, 117. laws
from, 165, 180. attended idolaters
within bounds, 244, note p. appear-
ance to, 447, note f.

Paul, St. his counsel like a divine com-
mand, 166, note 1. his baptism, 269,
272. agrees with other Apostles, 456.
made great use of by heretics, ib.
does not blame St. Peter for error in
teaching, 457. not superior in teach-
ing to St. Peter, 458. committed his
whole doctrine to St. Timothy, 459.
his death, 471. equal to St. Peter,

Paulianists, reject form of Baptism, 289,

note g.

Pay-days, mention of, 238.
Penance, public, see Confession. when
dropped, 406.

Pentecost, 240. why fit season for Bap-
tism, 278. no fast on it, 240. note a.
Pepuzenes, cannot baptize, 287.
Peregrinus, the cynic, 155, note r.
Persecutors, infamous character of, 13.
their death-bed, 145. visited with
bodily scourges, ib.

Persecution, began with Nero, 13.
local, 78, note s. grounds of, note t.


not retaliated, ib. waste of life in, 91.
increases the Church, 105, note a.
leads to increase of the Church,

Persians, incestuous, 23. worship sun,

Peter, St. why reproved by St. Paul,
457, notes p. and q. his ordination of
St. Clement, question of, 465, note s.
his death, 471. see Rock. Keys.
Pharaoh, the type of impenitence, 369.
Pherecydes, 170.

Philosophers, named from founders of
places, &c. 9.
Philosophy, Christianity thought to be
a kind of, 93. its powerlessness against
dæmons, ib. contrasted with Chris-
tianity, 94, 95. its wrangling cha-
racter, 96. may not blend with Chris-
tianity, 442.

Philumene, 440. her feigned revelations
written by Apelles, 463.
Phlegon, on the darkness of the cruci-
fixion, 51, note.

Phrygians, cannot baptize, 286.
Pictures, scanty in four first centuries,
111. disapproved when common, by
St. Austin, ib. of Christ, &c. 114.
St. Mary, &c. 113. prohibited by
Conc. Eliber., ib. St. Paulinus' rea-
son for them, ib. Epiphanius, his
zeal against one of them, 112. not of
Martyrs but Martyrdoms, ib. of Abra-
ham's offering common, ib. import-
ance of observing that they were of
histories not of persons, 112. of the
living placed on Churches, 113, of
one set over a workshop for a guar-
dian, ib. disallowed by Pope Gregory
I. 114. confusion on the subject at
Deutero-Nicene Council, ib. sum-
mary historical statement concerning,
116. see Images.

Pilate's acta, their account of Christ,
13. his report sent up to Tiberius,


Pileus, 211, note a.
Pindar, 33.
Pius, 14.
Piso, 16, 195.

Places, defiled by the things done in
them, 198.

Plank, emblem of repentance, 354,

note o.

Plato, 85, 94, 95. believed the creation,
27. his views of spirits, 53, note.
believes in angels, 54, and note.
believed body would not rise, 136.
Platonists, their opinions on Providence,
96. the creation, 97. state of the
soul, ib. fluctuating, ib.
Pleasing men, St. Paul's way of, 239.
Pleroma, 441, note u.
Pliny, his testimony, 5.

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Pompey, 29. his entering the temple,

Pomps of the devil, 181. see Renun-

Possession by devils, 147.
Præsumptio, 136, note t.
Prayer, force of, 13. manner of with
Christians, 70. forms of, 70, note 1.
mode of, 71. for all conditions, 82. by
night, 83, note z. and at feasts, 84.
preparatory to Baptism, 278, note t.
of beasts, 321. of birds, ib. of our
Lord, ib. Lord's prayer a means of
remission, 394, 395, 398, note p.
T.'s treatise on date of, 298. tit. not
Montanistic, ib. new form of suits
the all-renewing Gospel, ib. reason
why St. John Baptist's prayers are
lost, 299. reasons for secrecy of, ib.
for forgiveness, is confession, 304. can
only be fittingly taught by God, 306.
cbedience to commandments paves
the way for, ib. 319, 320. instances
in proof of this, ib. undone by persist-
ing in wrath, 307. defiled, gloomy,
and enthralled spirits cannot pray, ib.
pure hands needful to it, ib. washing
not so, ib. though usual, ib. note m.
superstitions to be avoided in, 308.
humility befitting it, 309. loud crying
in, with the heart, note v. proof of
this from Jonah's case, 310. dress of
women at, 312. kneeling at when
dispensable, 317, note u. right always
at private morning prayer, ib. and on
fasts and stations, ib. meaning of in-
junction to, 'every where,' ib. hours
for, 318. to use before bathing, ib.
and food, ib. and parting with bro-
thers, ib. and strangers, 319, is the
spiritual victim, ib. to be in spirit
and in truth, ib. 320. might and dis-
tinctive character of Christian, ib.
Prayer, the LORD'S, 299. its sincerity
and fulness, ib. 300. the first words of,
express honour to the Holy Trinity
and Mother Church, 300. see Fa-
ther. first petition praises God and
prays for all men, 301. its fulness
reason of its stopping short, ib. second
petition fulness and universality of
its request, ib. figurative and simple
meaning of, ib. asks for the substance
and power of God's will, ib. special
meaning of as applied to the Father,
302. premonishes patience, ib. third
petition does not pray for the pro-
longing of the world, but for sooner
reigning, 303. fourth petition, its con-
nection with the foregoing, ib. under-
stood by T. of earthly, but, rather, of

spiritual wants, ib. specially of the
Eucharist, ib. and by other Fathers,
note z. of Christ by some, ib. prays
for union with the Church, 304. ex-
cludes luxuries, ib. and thought for
the morrow, ib. fifth, its connection
with fourth, ib. what it implies, ib.
305. sixth petition, its connection
with fifth, ib. does not imply that
any is tempted of God, ib. but by the
devil as seen in the Lord's tempta-
tion, ib. its fulness and efficacy, 306.
Prayers and Eucharists universal, 3.
Preaching, only introductory to Bap-
tism, 273. more honourable to the
officiator, ib. note r. must be backed
by consistent life, 327.
Prescription, T.'s book on, 434. written
before his fall, ib. as shewn by his
mode of speaking of the Paraclete,
ib. the Church, ib. and the Incarna-
tion, ib. and from other arguments,


Priapus, 170.

Priests, their character belongs to all
Christians, 206, note p.
Priscillianists, allegorize away the force
of Scripture, 451, note o.
Prison, house of the devil, 151. those
in it relieved by the Church, 150, 152.
hides the world's sins from those in it,


Processio, 478, note x.
Proculus Torpacion, 47.
Proeleusis, the, 47.
Prompters, used by heathen in prayers,
10, and note b.
Prophecy, instances of, 44. warrant for
future fulfilments, ib. its time one,
ib. foretold the coming in of the
nations, 46.

Prophets, heathen drew from them, 96.
obscure, ib.


Proverb, from sky to stye,' 214.
Providence, attested by soul, 134.
Psalms, used at feasts, 84. the Alle-
luiah, 319, notes i. and k.
Ptolemy Mendesius, 43.
Ptolemy Philadelphus, his zeal for let-
ters, ib. sends for Hebrew Scrip-
tures, 42. and gets them trans-
lated, ib.

Pudens, mild to Christians, 146.
Punishment, eternal, 92. not to be re-
joiced in by the uninspired, 218, note
a. of the bad, good, yet not to be re-
joiced in, 209. civil, whether to be
administered by a Christian, 244,

note r.

Purgatory, see Note on Paradise. Dead,
prayers for.

Purple, dress of rulers, 245. mark of
high birth with Barbarians, ib. when
idolatrous, ib.

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Raven, of what a type, 252, note f.
Reason, source of law, 165. justifies
Christian traditions, 166, note n. of
God, 298, note b. heathen devoid of,

Rebecca, veiled herself, why, 165. her
veiling, 317.

Records, Egyptian, Chaldean, and Phe-

nician, 43. heathen, far later than
Scripture, 42.

Regeneration, none by heathen lustra-
tions, 260, note c.
Regulus, 104, 155.

Religion, of Romans, whether the cause

of their prosperity, 63-66, 70. the
way to national prosperity, 74, 77.
Reminiscence, absence of a proof of the
soul's being created, 100.
Remission, three sorts of, 395, note o.
Renunciation, in Baptism, 162, note p.

181, 193, 196, 204, note m. 227. its
place in different rituals, ib. 163, note
q. forms of, ib.
Repentance, in man's power, 267. date
of treatise on, 349. heathen notions
of, ib. 350. not to be repented of, ib.
note r. 352, 356. in God what, 350,
note g. prepares for faith and abode
of the Spirit, 351. how it fulfils
righteousness, 352. needful for sins
of the mind as of the body, 353.
God's desire of it in man, 354. His
attestation that it is good, 355. re-
lapse from, a preference of Satan to
God, 356, 357. is perverse and hypo-
critical, ib. precedes pardon even in
Baptism, 358. needfulness of this as
preventing a fall, 359. fear instru-
ment of, 360. ought not to be needed
by Christians, 361. in what sense, ib.

note b. but once in public, for seven
centuries, 362, note d. hopes of en-
couraged in our Lord's threatenings
and parables, 363. mode of true, 365,
and note o. is not to be delicate, 347.
backwardness in, contrasted with the
self-degradation of candidates for of-
fice, ib. 368.

Representanea, explained, 68, note b.
Rescript of M. Aurelius, in favour of
Christians, 14.

Resurrection of man most probabili-
ties in favour of it, 100, 101. of the
body, disbelieved by heretics, 466.
Revelation, a, 242.

Revelations, sought by Christians, 217,
note u. Allix makes this a tendency
to Montanism, ib. to St. Cyprian, ib.
Revenge, to be left to God, 340.
Rhadamanthus, 60.

Rhodes, 85.

Ring, nuptial, used by Romans, 15.
Rites, heathen from Jewish, 260, note

c. idolatrous from Satan, 474, 475.
Rock, on which the Church is founded,
interpreted by T. of St. Peter's per-
son, 492. though in an heretical
sense, ib. opinions of other fathers
the same way, in what sense, ib.
St. Austin retracts his personal ex-
planation, ib. as does Tertullian, ib.
others understand it of the faith of
St. Peter, 493. this not opposed to
the former, since each Apostle could
be a rock only through faith in the
Rock, ib. the same fathers use the
two interpretations, ib. 494. yet
chiefly refer it to Christ and faith in
Him, 494, 495. St. Leo's testimony
to its meaning the faith in Christ as
confessed by St. Peter, 495-497. the
rock according to him revealed faith
in Christ the Rock, 497.
Romanists, modern, their opinions, see
Images, Paradise, &c. &c.
Romans, disregarded sumptuary laws,
15. change old customs, 16.
Roman Empire, supposed to be Anti-
christ, 72, note u.

Rome, its suburbs under the Bishop,
469, note g. nature of authority of
discussed, 470, notes i. and k. her
orthodoxy, 471, 472.
Romulus, his disappearance, 52, 195,


Rudis, 211, note d.


Sabeans, trade with, 89.
Sabbath, done away by Christ, 219,
240. wrong not to kneel on, 317.

[blocks in formation]

Sabellians, cannot baptize, 286.
Sacrament, its original meaning pre-
served, 153, note m. the, see Bap-
tism. Cainites anti-baptists, 255,
note b.

Sacrifice, Christians tempted to, 66.
Sacrifices, for Emperor's health, 76.
Saints, their state short of perfect in
Paradise, 117. see Paradise. see
Christ's Humanity only, 118. three-
fold habitation of (in S. Irenæus),
122. enjoy the Millennium, 123.
nature of their reign, ib. to judge
the world, 152.
Salii, 26, 83.

Salvation, a name of Christ, 351.
Samosatenes, cannot baptize, 284.
Satan, secret author of hatred towards
Christians, 7, note h. 8. implied men-
tion of his name by heathen, 135,
note p. his attributes according to
Christians, 135. his imitations of the
truth to cozen men, 260, note c. 261.
his rage against men, 362. to be
judged by the saints, ib.
Satisfaction made for things past, 279.
Note K, p. 369. Estius' definition of
it, ib. illustration of the use of the
word from the classics, 370. how
used by the Fathers, ib. by S. Cy-
prian, of penitential acts to Godward,
371. and by St. Augustine, 372. or
also to the Church, ib. and by St.
Ambrose, ib. of St. Peter's confes-
sion by tears, ib. by St. Leo as equi-
valent to repentance, 373. as by St.
Chrysostom, ib. of penitential acts
by St. Maximus and St. Gregory, ib.
no equivalent to it in Greek, 374,
and note d. as implying self-affliction
held of old acceptable to God, ib.
St. Ambrose's instances of it, ib. and
of other Fathers, 375. inherent fit-
ness of it, ib. St. Augustine's scien-
tific statement of it as such, 376.
contrasted with the Roman view,

Saturn, 134, 170. human sacrifices to,

21. Baal or Moloch, note k. first
god, 25, 26. Italy named after him,

Saturnalia, 89.

Saturninus, 145. Claudius, commended,
171, 175, 178, 181.

Scapula, address to, 142. date of, ib.


Schism, see Heresy.

School-masters, their office involved
idolatry, 232.
Scipio, 29.

Scripture, the majesty of divine, 44.
read at feasts, 84, note a. what it
does not command it forbids, 161,
note m. width of its bearing, 192.

its sense sometimes general though
the terms are special, ib.
Scriptures, used only by Christians, 132.
their antiquity, 140. removed on per-
secution, 150. do not belong to here-
tics, 449. all heretics profess to fol-
low them, ib. note 1. discussion for-
bidden by them and of ill conse-
quences, 450. and inexpedient as
confirming heretics, 451, note q. the
guide in reading, 453, note
reading of a proof of a Church's
Apostolicity, 470, note h. agree with
the Church's teaching, 473. framed so
as to supply heretics with matter, 474.
Scylla, 29.

Scythians, 22.


Secret crimes, Christians charged with,
17, 20. source of the charge, 20.
Seneca, declaimed against superstition,
30, 106.

Senones, seized the capitol, 86.
Senses, their ministry in attaining know-
ledge, 167, 208.
Septuagint, account of, 41.
Serapis, 16, 317. feasts of, 83. the

LXX kept in his temple, 42.
Serenus, destroys images, 114.
Serpent, made by Moses why allowable,
225, note f. 226. full meaning of the
type, note g. other views of, ib. may
be combined with this, ib.
Sessiæ, 197.

Seventh Day, a feast with heathen, 39,
note 1.

Severus, repeals Papian laws, 11, note
m. incurs his conniving at escape of
Christians, 146. father of Antonine,
mild to Christians, 147, 151, note g.
Shows, objection to 169. public, T.'s
treatise on, in Greek, tit. date of, ib.
187. not Montanistic, ib. kinds of
objected to, ib. note a. forbidden by
Theodosius at what times, ib. and by
Zeno, ib. fascination of, 188. and
note b. arguments for and against
them, ib. 189. their furnishing a use
of the things of God no excuse and
why, ib. note m. abstinence from not
commanded in Scripture, 191. yet
implied, ib. whole apparatus of idol-
atrous, 193. and the origin of them, ib.
194. from Etruria, ib. and tit. (in-
stances of these, ib.) and equipments
of, 196, 200. and the places of, 197.
and the performances, 198, 201. sa-
crifices to appease the dead, 202, 203.
attended by devils, 203. and so not to
be partaken of by Christians, 204. by
worse pollutions than eating things
offered to idols, ib. further grounds
against, ib. opposed to the quiet in-
dwelling of the Spirit, 205. proverbial
madness of, 206, note n. shocking im-

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