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1 to 35, Now Ready
36 to 50, March 13th, 1908
51 to 60, April 10th, 1908
61 to 70, May 15th, 1908
71 to 100, Later



1. Treasure Island and Kidnapped-STEVENSON.
2. Adam Bede-ELIOT.

3. East Lynne-WOOD.

4. The Essays of Elia-LAMB.

5. Ivanhoe-SCOTT.

6. A Tale of Two Cities-DICKENS.
7. Poems, 1830-1865-TENNYSON.
8. Westward Ho !-KINGSLEY.

9. Sesame and Lilies, Unto this Last,
and The Political Economy of Art
10. The Scarlet Letter-HAWTHORNE.
II. The Cloister and the Hearth-READE.
12. The Christmas Books-DICKENS.
13. Tom Brown's Schooldays-HUGHES.

14. King Solomon's Mines-HAGGARD.


15. Poems (Selection, 1833-1865)—BROWNING.
16. John Halifax, Gentleman-CRAIK.

17. Essays and other Writings-BACON.

18. The Mill on the Floss-ELIOT.

19. The Autocrat of the Breakfast Table-HOLMES.
20. Kenilworth-SCOTT.

21. Jane Eyre-BRONTË.

22. Robinson Crusoe-DEFOE.

23. Waverley-SCOTT.

24. The Old Curiosity Shop-DICKENS.

25. Essays and other Writings-EMERSON.
26. Cranford-GASKELL.

27. Silas Marner-ELIOT.

28. Poems (Selection)—LONGFELLOW.
29. The Last Days of Pompeii-LYTTON.
30. Esmond-THACKERAY.

31. Pride and Prejudice-AUSTEN.

32. The Tower of London-AINSWORTH.

33. The Bible in Spain-BORROW.

34. The Last of the Mohicans-COOPER.

35. The Opium Eater and other Writings-DE QUINCEY.
36-39. Complete Works-SHAKESPEARE,

40. Barnaby Rudge-DICKENS.

41. The Last of the Barons-LYTTON.

42. Fairy Tales (Selection)-ANDERSEN.

43. The Vicar of Wakefield and Poems-GOLDSMITH.

44. The Deerslayer-COOPER.

45. Sense and Sensibility-AUSTEN.

46. Poems and Songs-BURNS.

47. The Three Musketeers-DUMAS.

48. The Channings-WOOD.

49. The Ingoldsby Legends-BARHAM.

50. Oliver Twist-DICKENS.


"The paper, printing, and binding of each volume are
excellently contrived and produced, and must inevitably give
a book-lover genuine pleasure to examine and handle.

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51. The Little Minister-BARRIE.
52. Fairy Tales (Selected)-GRIMM.
53. Meditations-MARCUS AURELIUS.

54. Uncle Tom's Cabin-STOWE.

55. The History of Selborne-WHITE.

56. The Two Paths and Other Essays—RUSKIN.

57. The Pathfinder-COOPER.

58. Tales from Shakespeare-LAMB.

59. The Woman in White-COLLINS.

60. Sartor Resartus and Essays on Burns and Scott-CARLYLE.

61. It is Never Too Late to Mend-READE.

62. The Pilgrim's Progress-BUNYAN.

63. Shirley-BRONTË.

64. Tales, Poems, and Sketches-BRET HARTE.

65. Hypatia-KINGSLEY.

66. Essays-HUXLEY.

67. Handy Andy-LOVER.

68. Voyages of Discovery-COOK.

69. Mr. Midshipman Easy-MARRYAT.

70. Heroes and Hero Worship & Essays on Goethe-CARLYLE.
71. Masterman Ready-MARRYAŤ.

72. Our Village-MITFORD.

73. Origin of Species-DARWIN.

74. The Three Midshipmen-KINGSTON.
75. Gulliver's Travels-SWIFT.

76. The Talisman-SCOTT.
77. Harold-LYTTON.

78. Plays-SHERIDAN.

79. Ravenshoe-H. KINGSLEY.

80. Vanity Fair-THACKERAY.

81. Peter the Whaler-KINGSTON.

82. Wonder Book and Tanglewood Tales-HAWTHORNE.
83. Charles O'Malley-LEVER.

84. Historical Essays & Lays of Ancient Rome-MACAULAY.
85. Wüthering Heights-BRONTË.

86. Guy Mannering-SCOTT.

87. Hard Cash-READE.

88. Whitefriars-ROBINSON.
89. Poems-WHITMAN.

90. Legends-PROCTER.

91. Two Years Ago-KINGSLEY.

92. The Heart of Midlothian-SCOTT.

93. Barchester Towers-TROLLOPE.

94. Peter Simple-MARRYAT.

95. Life of Nelson-SOUTHEY.

96. Tales of Mystery and Imagination-POE.
97. Life of Christ-FARRAR.

98. Faust-GOETHE.

99. Swiss Family Robinson

100. The Compleat Angler-WALTON.

Other volumes to follow.


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