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her father, fays, in answer to an old calumny, that he had attempted to lye with his daughter,

"Y wys ich hit with sugge,
Ne fhal ich hit ner agynne
Er ich Sudenne wynne ;
Thou kep hyre mi astounde,

The while that ich founde,

Into my heritage."

He is now arrive'd, in a ship, “under Sudennes fide.” He, afterward, tels the knight, Athulfs father,

"Icham icome into Sudenne,

With fele Yriffhemenne."

So that, it is evident, that the poet has either, in some placeës, confounded the two kingdoms of Weftnesse and Sudenne (or Britain) with each other; or, in others, has fplit that of Suddene otherwise Weftnesse into two, V. 1499. He made Rymenilt a lay,

And hue feyd weilaway.]

A lay, as before obferve'd, is generally an amorous, tender, and elegiack fong. He feems, on this occafion, to be acting the part of a minstrel.

The interjection of sorrow, weil-a-way, which mister Tyrwhitt found variously orthographife'd in the MSS. of Chaucer, he, uniformly, fpels walawa, conformablely to its Saxon etymology pa la pa, which was not only inexcufable, but inconfistent with his own practice, as a MS. is very rarely uniform in its orthography. It seems to have been the burthen of fome ancient popular fong. Thus, in the Coventry-play, Abraham says to Ifaac,

"Thy meekenes, childe, makes me afreay,...
My fonge maye be waile-a-waye."


Mi leve frende dere,

Herken, and ye may here,

And ye wil under-ftonde, Stories ye may lere

Of our elders that were

Whilom in this lond.

Y wil you telle of kinges tuo,
Hende Hatheolf was on of tho,
That weld al Ingelond;

Fram Humber north than walt he,

That was into the wan fee,

Into his owen hond.

He no hadde no child, as ye may here,
Bot a fone that was him dere,

When that he was born.

The king was glad, and of gode chere,
He fent after frendes fer and nere,

And bad men calle him Horn.
Eight knave childer he fought
To Horn his fone bitaught,

Alle were they frely born,

With him to play and lere to ride,
Five yer in that ich tide,

With baner him biforn.

Hende, and ye me herken wold,
The childer name as it is told

Y wil you reken aright:

Hathrof✶ and Tebau[1]de,

Athelston and Winwold,

Garüs, wife and wight, Wihard that was ever trewe, Seththen first him Horn knewe,

To serve with al his might, Witard, and his brother Wikel, Sethen Horn fond hem ful fikel, Lefinges on him thai light.

Arlaund, that al thewes couthe,
Bothe bi north and bi fouthe,
In herd is nought to hide,
On hunting was him most couthe
For to blowe an horn with mouthe
And houndes lede bifide;

To harpe wele, and play at ches,
And al gamen that used is,

And mo was in that tide;
Hathrolf Arlaund bitaught,
Horn and his children aught,
To lern hem to ride.

Out of Danmark coman here
Opon Inglond for to were,

With ftout oft and unride,

With yren hattes, fcheld, and fpere,
Alle her pray to schip thai bere,
In Clifland bi Tefe-fide.†

*Hayidf, MS. but in p. 13, &c. Hatherof.

+Now Cleveland, in the north-weft corner of Yorkshire.

Schepe and nete to schip thai brought,
And al that thai have mought,

In herd is nought to hide;
When Hatheolf it herd fay,
He busked bothe night and day,
Oyain hem for to ride.

Within that ich fourtennight,
Barouns fele, and mani a knight,

Al were thai redi boun,

With helme on heved, and brini bright, Alle were thai redi to fight,

And rered gonfeynoun,

On Alerton-more al they mett,
Ther were her dayes sett,

Failed hem no roum ;

Seth then to Clifland thai rade,
Ther the Danis men abade,

To fel the feye adoun.

In a morning thai bigan,
Of al that day thai no blan,

That baleful werk to wirke,

Sides thai made blo and wan,

That er were white so fether on swan,

Whiche gamen man aught irke.

When that even bicam,

The Danis men were al flan,

It bigan to mirke.

Whoso goth or rideth therbi,

Yete may men fee ther bones ly,

Bi feynt Sibiles kirke.

Hende Hatheolf, as y you say,
Duelled ther the nighen day,

The folk of him was fain;
Thai toke anon that ich pray,
Schepe and nete that ther flain lay,
And yaf it the folk oyain;
Armour and brini bright,

He yaf to fquier and to knight,
To fervaunt and to fwayn;
Schipes he dede to lond drawe,
And yaf to bond men on rawe,
For her catel was flayn.

Tho he feye that were wight,
With helme on heved, and brini bright,
And wele couthe prike a stede,
And tho that were doughti in fight,
Sexti dubbed he ther to knight,

And yaf hem riche mede.

Sum baylis he made,

And fum he yaf londes brade,

His yiftes were nought guede;
And feth then he dede chirches make,
To fing for the dedes fake :

God quite him his mede l

Setthen king Hatholf fore,

For to hunten on Blakeowe-more,*

With a rout unride,

*Blackmore, in the wapontake of Rydale, in the northriding of Yorkshire, whence Helmsley obtains the addition of Blakamore.

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