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Hendelich than thanked he
The maiden of hir yift fre,

And feyd, So god me fpede,"
Rimnild, for the love of the,
Y fchal jufte that thou fchalt fe
Opon this ich stede.
Horn, in that ich stounde,
Yaf the maiden love wounde,

So neighe hir hert it yede,

And fche wel trewely hath him hight, Yif that he be dubbed knight,

Hir maidenhod to mede.

Within that ich fourtenight,
Horn was dubbed to knight,

And Hatherof, as i wene,
And other mani that were light,
Has Houlak king hadde hem hight,
So were thai ful fiftene.
A turnament the king lete crie,
Thider com wel on heye
Knightes that wer kene.

Maiden Rimneld biheld the play,
Hou Horn wan the priis that day,
To wite and nought to wene.

Houlac king yaf Horn leve

In his bour for to acheve


The maidens that were fre,

Riche of kin and hondes fleye,
Thai hadde frendes fer and neighe,
He might avaunced be,

And maiden Rimnild him bede

That he fchuld take non other rede
No nother than chofe he,

For fche wel trewely hath him hight,
Yif that sche live might,

His leman wald fche be.

Tebaud went biyond fe,
And Winwald, that was fo fre,
To leren hem to ride;

With the king of Fraunce duelled he,
Mani time thai gat the gre*

In turnament that tide.

The king feighe that thai wer wight, Bothe he dubbed hem to knight,

With wel riche pride;

Wiif thai toke, and duelled thare,
In Inglond com thai no mare, .
Her werdes for to bide.

Gariis into Bretein went,

And Athelfton with him was lent,

To an erl fo fre ;

At juftes, and at turnament,
Whiderward so thai went,

Ever thai gat the gre;

And th'erl hem bothe knightes made, And yaf hem londes wide and brade With him for to be:

Thus thai duelled ther in pes,

While that Criftes wil wes:

In boke fo rede we.

* The degree, or prize.

Houlac king yaf gold and fe

To hem, that thai might the better be,

And bad thai fchuld wive;

Hatherof, a knight fre,

And, Horn, he feyd, i love the,

Man moft olive:

And Wiard, treuly, he hath hight,
That he schal dubbed be to knight,
At another fithe;

Wigard and Wikel hem bithought
How thai Horn bitray mought,
God lete hem never thrive!

On a day, as Houlak king
Schuld wende on his playing,
To late his haukes fleye,
Horn than, withouten lefing,
Bilaft at hom for blode-leteing,

Al for a maladye.

Wikard bi the king radę,

Wikel that lefing made,

Horn gan thai wray,

And feyd, Sir, y feighe yisterday
Hou Horn by thi douhter lay,
Traitours bothe be thai.

The king leved that thai fede,
Forthi yaf fche him the stede,
Lefing it is nought;

He went hom as he wern wode

Into boure anon he yode,

And maiden Rimnild he fought.

He bete hir so that sche gan blede,
The maidens fleighe oway for drede,
Thai durst help hir nought;
Giltles fche was of that dede,
Horn hadde nought hir maidenhede,
Bot in word and thought.

Houlac his awerd hath tan,
And feyd Horn schuld be flan,
For wretthe he wald wede;

"He hath me don michel schame,
Y wende wele have fuffred nane
For mi gode dede.”
Knightes com the king biforn,
Alle prayd thai for Horn,

No might ther non spede;
The king into his chaunber is gon,
And fchet himself therin alon,
Til his wretthe overyede.

Thei that Horn was fore adrad,
Into boure he was ladde,

The maiden for to fe,

He fond hir ligge and on hir bedde, Mouthe and nofe al for-bled: "This haftow for me."

"Bi god of heven that me bought, Of mi felve is me nought,

Way is me for the.

Fals men hath on ous leyd,

And to mi fader ous biwraid,

Y drede he flemes te.

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Bot, Horn, yif it so schal bitide
That thou schalt out of lond ride,

And flemed fchaltow be,

This feven winter y schal abide,
Mi maidenhed to hele and hide,

For the love of the;

Thei an emperour come

King, other kinges fone,

For to wedde me,

Of no love ne fchal he fpede,

That y ne schal kepe mi maidenhede, So help me god to the.

Horn, to morwe in the morning

Thou fchalt fare on hunting,

To take the wild ro,

Yif god the fpede an hunting,
Loke thou bring it bifor the king,

What fo thou may do,

As he fittes at his des,

Yferved of the first mes,

Haughtel the now fo, Fare as thou wist nought,

And he fchal telle the al his thought, Er thou fram that bord go."

A morwen Horn to hunting is gan, To take the wilde with the tam,

In the morwening;

Fine hertes hath he tan,

Bi midday brought hem ham,

Bifor Houlak king.

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