Obrázky na stránke

Sakles, I, 106, facklefs, innocent, guiltless.
Sal, hal.

Sale, I, 191, Salle, a hall: falle, F.

Salmes, pfalms.

Sambus, I, 211, a houseing, or faddle-cloth: fambué, F. Same, Samen, Samin, Samyn, In or Yn fame, together.

Samyte, II, 36, a rich filk, or stuf, more precious than Saye. See Memoires de chévalerie, II, 223.

Sarazynes, Saracens, Pagans, heathens, Danes, North


Sar, Sare, fore. Sari, forry, forrowful. Sarily, forrowfully.

Saugh, Saw.

Savage, I, 946, wild. Savagelych, I, 175, wildly, inconfiderately. Mister Ellis prints it fan gelyth, and fuppofees this unintelligible word may posfiblely " be a mistake in the MSS." [MS.] which, however, is not the cafe. If favagely mean fagely, the poet must be ironical.

Sawe, Speech, words, fayings. Sawes, fpeeches, fayings. Sawnfaile, without doubt.

Sawter, the pfalter.

Sawtry, a pfaltery.

Say, II, 4, a fort of stuf.

Sayn, I, 63, Jay. Sayne, III, 13, 120, fign. Sayned him, 26, cross'd himself, or made the fign of the cross. So Cryste me fave and fayne (III, 13).

Sayde, asfay'd.

Scath, harm.

Schalmufes, II, 75, halms.

Schare, Share, fhore, cut.

Schawe, II, 48, III, 64, Shaw, shade, grove, copfe, within a wood. Schawys, II, 258, Shaws, &c. scead, S. Q.

Sche, he.

Schend, II, 86, put to death, kil, flay; Schende,

I, 193, defame, degrade, injure, hurt. Schent, ruin'd,


Schene, fhineing.
Schepe, a fhip.

Schere, I, 188, as fkere, free, clear.

Schilde, fhield. Schelde, I, 177, Shield, prevent.

Scho, fhe.

Schold, Schud, fhould, fhould go.

Schome, fhame.

Schop, fhape'd, form'd, made, createëd.

Schrede, I, 187, II, 2, Screed, screen, clothe, dress himfelf.

Schrewe, II, 80, Shrewes, Shrew, fhrews, atrocious rascals.

Schrive, Schryve, confefs (to a priest). Schrofe, Shriveën.

Schyre, I, 180, III, 5, clear.

Scill, fkill, caufe, reafon; advice, counsel; art, knowlege. Sclaveyn, II, 135. See the note on V. 1060 of King Horn.

Sclawe, flain.

Sclegh, II, 16, fly.

Sclo. To fclo, to be flain, or put to death.

Scryed, III, 15, discover'd, defcribe'd.

Scyverede, fhiver'd.

Se, fee, look to, regard, preferve.

Seek, Seke, fick.

Seende, II, 162.

Segge, II, 297, fay. Seggeth, 297, Jays.

Seh, faw.

Seker, Sekyr, fucker, certain, fure. Sekyr me, asfure me. Sekerly, furely. Sekernes, certainty, furety, asfurance.

'Selcouth, ftrange.

Selde, feldom; II, 108, Of kunde me ne felde. Selly, I, 5, 147, filly, fimple, foolish. A grete felly, 147, a great folly.

Selve, I, 4, felf, fame, felf-fame.

Sembelde, asfemble'd.

Sembland, femblance, appearance.

Semblant, welcome.

Sembyll, asfemble.

Semelant, II, 261, resemblance.
Semelych, feemly.

Sen, fince.

Sendell, III, 8, a thin filk like cypress.
Sent, III, 11, asfent, confent.
Senfours, cenfers, incenfe-pots.
Ser, I, 61, Sere, feveral, different.
Sere, I, 181, fir. Serrys, firs.
Sered, cere'd (with a cere-cloth).

Serewe, Serwe, forrow.

Serke, II, 225, fark, fhirt.

Servandes, fervants.

Sefe, fees; ceafe. Sefed, ceafe'd.

Sefowne. This day was us fet fefowne, This day was

the feafon, or time, appointed to us.

Sete, fat.

Seth, feeth'd, boil'd.

Sethen, Sethin, Seththe, Seythen, fince, afterward. Sevé, Seven.

Seyde, I, 195, V. 569. Mister Ellis perverts Seyde to Geyde, and explains it, upon whatever authority, "Thought."

Seygh, faw.
Seylys, fails.

Shame, I, 10, afhame'd,

Share, fcar, cut.

Shaws, coppiceës.

Shenche, II, 106, ferve, minister (wine or other drink). Shene, Shineing.

Shent, Shente, hurt, vex'd, ruin'd, undone, blame'd. See Schend.

Shete, Shoot.

Sho, he.

Shonde, harm, mischief.

Shoope. See Schop.

Shrede, to clad, or clothe.

Sibbe, II, 94, relateëd, ally'd.

Sicles, III, 178.

Sith, Sithes, time, times.

Skalde, I, 4, fcold, Speaker of scandal, il tongue'd.

Skapy, to escape.

Skath, harm, lofs.

Skere, I, 204, 208, 213, II, 13, fheer, free, clear, quit,

acquit. Mister Ellis explains it " fecure, asfure.”

Sket, II, 21, ready, apt: sceot, S.

Skyere, fquire.

Skyll, II, 78.

Slake, I, 199, to cool, flacken, decline.

Slape, fleep.

Slen, flay.

Slik, Slike, fuch.

Slo, flay. Slogh, flew. Slon, Sloo, flay. Slogh,

I, 86,

Slod, fid.

Slope. On flope, III, 69, afleep.

Slouthe, III, 105, floth.

Smertly, quickly.

Snell, quick, fharp, keen, fwift, nimble, active: ifnel, F.

[blocks in formation]

Snytes, Snipes.

So, as.

Softe, fought.

Sold, Solde, Suld, fhould, fhould be.

Solers, I, 35, uper rooms, enjoying the light and heat of the fun, for the purpose of retirement; garrets, lofts.

Somers, Somer-horses, fumpter-horfeës, loaded, or carrying baggage: Sommiers, F.

Somned, fummon'd.

Sond, Sonde, a message, or messenger.
Sonde, fand.

Sote, Sweet.

Soth, truth. Mister Ellis has printed this word, corruptly, for, and explain'd it, abfurdly, fure.

Sothely, truely.

Sothen, fodden.

Sotheyr, foother, more true.

Sowdears, foldiers.

Sowles hele, Sowle-hele, the health, or falvation, of the foul.

Sowpeth, Sup'd.

Soyorne, fojourn.

Sparryd, par'd, shut, faften'd, bolted.

Spec, Spoke, or bespoke.

Spell, I, 37, Speech, narrative, relation, flory, tale: Lutel fpelle, few words.

Sper, Spir, to afk, or enquire. Speryd, Spird, ask’d, enquire'd. Evyr speryng ther gatys gane, ever asking their near ways.

Sperd, Sperred. See Sparryd.

Spred, A bytter fpred, III, 78.

Spreteth, I, 181, Spreadeth.

Spylle, dye, be put to death. For drede fche fchulde

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