Characters of Shakespeare's PlaysWiley and Putnam, 1845 - 229 strán (strany) |
Vyhľadávanie v obsahu knihy
Výsledky 1 - 5 z 26.
Strana 1
... honours ; statesmen , warriors , divines , scholars , poets , and philosophers , Raleigh , Drake , Coke , Hooker , and higher and more sounding still , and still more frequent in our mouths , Shakspeare , Spenser , Sidney , Bacon ...
... honours ; statesmen , warriors , divines , scholars , poets , and philosophers , Raleigh , Drake , Coke , Hooker , and higher and more sounding still , and still more frequent in our mouths , Shakspeare , Spenser , Sidney , Bacon ...
Strana 2
... honour'd once avails them not : " though they were the friends and fellow- labourers of Shakspeare , sharing his fame and fortunes with him , the rivals of Jonson , and the masters of Beaumont and Fletcher's well - sung woes ! They went ...
... honour'd once avails them not : " though they were the friends and fellow- labourers of Shakspeare , sharing his fame and fortunes with him , the rivals of Jonson , and the masters of Beaumont and Fletcher's well - sung woes ! They went ...
Strana 35
... honour him . Valdes . These books , thy wit , and our experience Faustus . As resolute am I in this As thou. Shall make all nations to canonize us . As Indian Moors obey their Spanish lords , So shall the spirits of every element Be ...
... honour him . Valdes . These books , thy wit , and our experience Faustus . As resolute am I in this As thou. Shall make all nations to canonize us . As Indian Moors obey their Spanish lords , So shall the spirits of every element Be ...
Strana 41
... honour , Oh , ' tis so sweet ! they'll lick it till they burst " - shows the utmost virulence of smothered spleen ; and his con- cluding strain of malignant exultation has been but tamely imi- tated by Young's Zanga : " Now , tragedy ...
... honour , Oh , ' tis so sweet ! they'll lick it till they burst " - shows the utmost virulence of smothered spleen ; and his con- cluding strain of malignant exultation has been but tamely imi- tated by Young's Zanga : " Now , tragedy ...
Strana 61
... honour , and my credit . Where shall you find such witty fellows now - a- days ? Alas ! how easy is it in these weaker times to cross love - tricks ! Ha ! ha ! ha ! Alas , alas ! I smile to think ( I must confess with some glory to mine ...
... honour , and my credit . Where shall you find such witty fellows now - a- days ? Alas ! how easy is it in these weaker times to cross love - tricks ! Ha ! ha ! ha ! Alas , alas ! I smile to think ( I must confess with some glory to mine ...
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admiration Æschylus affections Beaumont and Fletcher beauty Ben Jonson blood breath Cæsar Caliban character comedy Coriolanus critic D'Ol death delight Desdemona dost doth dramatic Duke effeminacy Endymion equal Eumenides eyes Falstaff fancy fear feeling fire fool fortune friends genius give grace hand hast hath hear heart heaven Henry honour human Iago imagination Jonson Julius Cæsar king kiss lady Lear learning live look lord Macbeth MALVOLIO manner MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM mind moral nature never night noble Othello passages passion person pity play pleasure poet poetical poetry pride prince quincunxes racter rich Richard Richard III scene seems sense sentiment Shak Shakspeare Shakspeare's sleep soul speak speech spirit striking style sweet tell tender thee things thou art thought tion Titus Andronicus tragedy true truth unto wife words writers youth