Characters of Shakespeare's PlaysWiley and Putnam, 1845 - 229 strán (strany) |
Vyhľadávanie v obsahu knihy
Výsledky 1 - 5 z 67.
Strana 66
... sweet as balm , as soft as air , as gentle . Oh Antony ! " It is worth while to observe that Shakspeare has contrasted the extreme magnificence of the descriptions in this play with pictures of extreme suffering and physical horror ...
... sweet as balm , as soft as air , as gentle . Oh Antony ! " It is worth while to observe that Shakspeare has contrasted the extreme magnificence of the descriptions in this play with pictures of extreme suffering and physical horror ...
Strana 75
... Sweets to the sweet , farewell . I hop'd thou shouldst have been my Hamlet's wife : I thought thy bride - bed to have deck'd , sweet maid , And not have strew'd thy grave . ” Shakspeare was thoroughly a master of the mixed motives of ...
... Sweets to the sweet , farewell . I hop'd thou shouldst have been my Hamlet's wife : I thought thy bride - bed to have deck'd , sweet maid , And not have strew'd thy grave . ” Shakspeare was thoroughly a master of the mixed motives of ...
Strana 80
... sweet airs , that give delight and hurt not . Sometimes a thousand twanging instruments Will hum about mine ears , and sometimes voices , That if I then had waked after long sleep , Would make me sleep again ; and then in dreaming , The ...
... sweet airs , that give delight and hurt not . Sometimes a thousand twanging instruments Will hum about mine ears , and sometimes voices , That if I then had waked after long sleep , Would make me sleep again ; and then in dreaming , The ...
Strana 81
... ( The wild waves whist ) ; Foot it featly here and there ; And sweet sprites the burden bear . [ Burden dispersedly . Hark , hark ! bowgh - wowgh : the watch - dogs bark , Bowgh- wowgh . ARIEL . Hark , hark ! I hear 7 THE TEMPEST . 81.
... ( The wild waves whist ) ; Foot it featly here and there ; And sweet sprites the burden bear . [ Burden dispersedly . Hark , hark ! bowgh - wowgh : the watch - dogs bark , Bowgh- wowgh . ARIEL . Hark , hark ! I hear 7 THE TEMPEST . 81.
Strana 82
... sweet air ; thence I have follow'd it , Or it hath drawn me rather : -but ' tis gone.- No , it begins again . ARIEL'S SONG . Full fathom five thy father lies , Of his bones are coral made : Those are pearls that were his eyes , Nothing ...
... sweet air ; thence I have follow'd it , Or it hath drawn me rather : -but ' tis gone.- No , it begins again . ARIEL'S SONG . Full fathom five thy father lies , Of his bones are coral made : Those are pearls that were his eyes , Nothing ...
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admiration Æschylus affections Beaumont and Fletcher beauty Ben Jonson blood breath Cæsar Caliban character comedy Coriolanus critic D'Ol death delight Desdemona dost doth dramatic Duke effeminacy Endymion equal Eumenides eyes Falstaff fancy fear feeling fire fool fortune friends genius give grace hand hast hath hear heart heaven Henry honour human Iago imagination Jonson Julius Cæsar king kiss lady Lear learning live look lord Macbeth MALVOLIO manner MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM mind moral nature never night noble Othello passages passion person pity play pleasure poet poetical poetry pride prince quincunxes racter rich Richard Richard III scene seems sense sentiment Shak Shakspeare Shakspeare's sleep soul speak speech spirit striking style sweet tell tender thee things thou art thought tion Titus Andronicus tragedy true truth unto wife words writers youth