A History of English Rhythms, Zväzok 1William Pickering, 1838 - 318 strán (strany) |
Vyhľadávanie v obsahu knihy
Strana 13
... burn and cauldron bubble . Not less happy are the following passages , Gloster stumbled , and in falling Struck me , that thought to stay him , overboard Into the tumbling billows of the main . Fountains , and ye that warble as ye flow ...
... burn and cauldron bubble . Not less happy are the following passages , Gloster stumbled , and in falling Struck me , that thought to stay him , overboard Into the tumbling billows of the main . Fountains , and ye that warble as ye flow ...
Strana 17
... Where each old poetic mountain Inspiration breath'd around , Every shade and hallowed fountain Murmur'd deep a solemn sound . C Burns . Gray . Even Johnson , notwithstanding the ridicule he has thrown upon C. II . 17 IMITATIVE SOUNDS .
... Where each old poetic mountain Inspiration breath'd around , Every shade and hallowed fountain Murmur'd deep a solemn sound . C Burns . Gray . Even Johnson , notwithstanding the ridicule he has thrown upon C. II . 17 IMITATIVE SOUNDS .
Strana 37
... Burn's Epistle to Lapraik . Those domestic traitors , bosom - thieves , Whom custom hath call'd wives ; the readiest ... Burns points clearly to the loss of a syllable , supposing that the word is , as it ought to be , written ac ...
... Burn's Epistle to Lapraik . Those domestic traitors , bosom - thieves , Whom custom hath call'd wives ; the readiest ... Burns points clearly to the loss of a syllable , supposing that the word is , as it ought to be , written ac ...
Strana 49
... Burns ' Letter to John Goudie . These words should have been written as pronounced , inkhornisom , syllogisom , & c . N is one of the two letters , which form consonantal syllables . It is difficult to say when it first obtained this ...
... Burns ' Letter to John Goudie . These words should have been written as pronounced , inkhornisom , syllogisom , & c . N is one of the two letters , which form consonantal syllables . It is difficult to say when it first obtained this ...
Strana 51
... Burns . It may be here observed , that the elision of the vowel is generally the first step towards corruption . Ed'nburg was merely introductory to E'enboro ' . The short vowels were also very frequently elided before n , when that ...
... Burns . It may be here observed , that the elision of the vowel is generally the first step towards corruption . Ed'nburg was merely introductory to E'enboro ' . The short vowels were also very frequently elided before n , when that ...
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accented syllable adjective alliteration alliterative couplet Anglo-Saxon poems Anglo-Saxon verse Bonduca Bruce Burns Cadmon century Chau Chaucer common compound section Comus consonant couplet Cynthia's Revels dialects dipthong dissyllable doth doubt dramatists Drayton elided elision English rhythms eyes final rhime five accents Fletcher four accents gret hallig hath House of Fame Jons King Knightes Tale lable language Latin Layamon Lear letters Lord metre middle pause Milton occasionally Olaus Wormius old English orthography Othello Ploughman poetry poets preposition Prol pronounced pronunciation Puttenham quantity rare rhime rhiming syllables rule Sackville Samson Agon sectional pause short vowel Shrew Siege of Leith six accents sometimes Song sound Spenser substantive thee ther thou three accents triple measure tumbling verse Tusser unaccented syllable verb verse of four verse of six Verses beginning verses of five vowel wæs Wallace word writers