Obrázky na stránke

Quey, a cow from one year Refus't, refufed

to two years old


AGWEED, the plant


Raible, to rattle nonfenfe Rair, to roar; rair't, roared; rairing, roaring Raize, to madden, to inflame

Ramblin, rambling Ram-feezl'd, fatigued, overspread

Ram-ftam, forward, thought-
Rantin, ranting

Rarely, excellent, very well
Rafh, a rush; rash buss, a
bush of rashes
Rattlin, rattling
Ratton, a rat

Raucle, rafh, ftout, fearless
Raught, reached
Raw, a row

Rax, to ftretch

Ream, cream
Receivin, receiving
Reck, to heed-

Rede, counsel, to counfel
Red-wud, ftark-mad
Ree, half-drunk, fuddled
Reek, fmoke; to fmoke;
reekin, fmoking; reekit,
fmoked, fmoky

Remarkin, remarking
Remead, remedy

Requite, requitted

Reft, to ftand reftive

Reftit, ftood reftive, ftunt-
ed, withered
Reftricked, restricted
Rhymin, rhyming
Ridin, riding
Rig, a ridge

Rin, to run, to melt; runin, running

Rink, the course of the ftones, a term in curling Rip, a handful of unthreshed corn, &c.

Rifkit, made a noife like the tearing of roots Roamin, roaming Rood ftands likewife for the plural roods Roon, a fhred

Roofe, to praife, to commend

Roun', round, in the circle

of neighbourhood Roupet, hoarfe as with a cold

Row, to roll, to wrap
Row't, rolled, wrapped
Rowte, to low, to bellow
Rowth, plenty
Rowtin, lowing
Rozet, rofin
Rung, a cudgel
Runkl'd, wrinkled


Runt, the ftem of colewort
or cabbage
Rustlin, rustling

WAE, fo
Saft, foft



Sair, to serve, a fore

Sairly or fairlie, forely
Sair't, ferved
Sang, a fong
Sark, a fhirt

Sarkit, provided in fhirts
Saugh, the willow
Saul, foul

Saumont, falmon
Saunt, a faint

Saut, falt; fauted, falted
Saw, to fow

Sawin, fowing

Sax, fix

Scar, to fcare

Scaud, to fcald

Scauld, to fcold; fcaulding,

Scaur, apt to be scared
Scawl, a fcold

Scone, a kind of bread

Sconner, a lothing; to lothe

Scornfu', fcornful

Screed, to tear; a rent
Scrieve, to glide swiftly a-

Scrievin, gleefomely, fwift-


Scrimp, to fcant; scrimpet,
did fcant, fcanty
See'd did fee
Seizin, feizing

Sel, felf; a body's fel, one's
felf alone
Sell't, did fell

Sen', to fend; fen't, send it
Servan', fervant
Sets, fets off, goes away.
Settlin, fettling; to get a
fettlin, to be frighted in-
to quietness

Shaird, a fhred, a fhard
Shangan, a stick cleft at one
end for putting the tail
of a dog, &c. into, by
way of mifchief, or to
frighten him away
Shaver, a humorous wag,
a barber

Shaw, to fhow; a small
wood in a hollow place
Sheen, bright, fhining
Sheep shank, to think one's
Self nae Sheep Shank, to be

Scraich, to scream as a ben, Sherra-moor, Sheriff-moor,

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[blocks in formation]

Sinkin, finking
Sittin, fitting

Skaith, to damage, to in-
jure, injury
Skelp, to strike, to flap; to
walk with a smart trip-
ping step; a smart ftroke
Skelpin, ftappin, walking
Skelpi-limmer, a technical
term in female fcolding
Skiegh, proud, nice, high-

Skirkling, fhrieking, crying
Skirl, to fhriek, to cry fhril-
Skirling, fhrieked
Skirl't, fhrieked

Sklent, flant; to run aflant, to deviate from truth

[blocks in formation]

Slee, fly; fleeft, flyeft
Sleekit, fleek

Sliddery, flippery

Slype, to fall over, as a wet
furrow from the plough
Slypet, fell
Sma', fmall

Smeddum, duft, powder;
mettle, sense
Smiddy, fmithy
Smoor, to fmother; fmoor'd
Smoutie, fmutty, obfcene,
Smytrie, a numerous collec-

tion of fmall individuals Snafh, abuse, Billinfgate Snaw, fnow; to fnow Snaw-broo, melted snow Snawie, fnowie

Sned, to lop, to cut off Sneeshin, fnuff; fneeshinmill, fnuff-box Snell, bitter, biting Snick, drawing, trick-contriving

Snick, the latchet of a door Snool, one whofe fpirit is broken with oppreffive flavery; to fubmit tamely, to fneak

Snoove, to go smoothly and constantly, to sneak Snoov't, went fmoothly Snowk, to fcent or fnuff, as a dog, horfe, &c. Snowkit, fcented, fnuffed Sobbin, fobbing

Sonfie, having fweet, engaging looks; lucky, jolly Soom, to fwim Sooth, truth, a petty oath Souple, flexible, swift Souter, a fhoemaker Sowp, a spoonful, a fmall quantity of any thing liquid

Sowth, to try over a tune,

with a low whistle Sowther, folder; to folder,

to cement

Spae, to prophefy, to divine
Spairge, to dash, to foil as
with mire
Spak, did speak
Sparin, sparing
Spaul, a limb

Spaviet, having the spavin
Speakin, fpeaking
Speat, a fweeping torrent,
after rain or thaw
Speel, climb

Spence, the country parlour
Spier, to ask, to enquire
Spier't, enquired
Spitefu', spiteful
Splatter, a fplutter; to fput-


Spleuchan, a tobacco-pouch Splore, a frolic, a riot, a noise

Sportin, sporting
Sprattle, to fcramble
Spreckl'd, fpotted, fpeckled
Spring, a quick air in mu-
fic, a Scottish reel
Springin, fpringing
Sprit, a tough-rooted plant
fomething like rushes
Sprittie, full of fprits
Spunk, fire, mettle, wit
Spunkie, mettlesome, fiery;
will-o'-wifp, or ignis fa


Squad, a crew, a party Squatter, to flutter in water, as a wild duck, &c. Squattle, to sprawl Squeel, a fcream, a fcreech; to fcream Stacher, to stagger Stack, a rick of corn, hay, &c. Staggie, dimin. of stag Stampin, famping Stan', to ftand; ftan't, did ftand Stane, a ftone


Stank, a pool of ftanding Stoor, founding hollow,


Stap, ftop

Stark, ftout

Startin, starting

ftrong and hoarfe

Stot, an ox

Stoup or ftowp, a kind of

jug or dish with a handle

Startle, to run as cattle ftung Stoure, duft, more particu

by the gadfly

Starvin, ftarving
Staumrel, halfwitted

Staw, did fteal; to furfeit
Stech, to cram the belly
Stechin, cramming
Steek, to fhut; a stitch
Steer, to moleft, to stir
Steeve, firm, compacted
Stell, a ftill

Sten, to rear as a horse
Sten't, reared

Stents, tribute, dues of any

Stey, fteep; fteyeft, fteepest Stibble, ftubble; ftibble-rig, the repear, in harveft, who takes the lead

Stick an' ftow, totally, altogether

Stilt, a crutch; to halt, to limp

Stimpart, the eighth part of a Winchester bushel Stirk, a cow or bullock a year old

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larly duft in motion Stowlins, by stealth

Stown, ftolen

Strack, did ftrike

Strae, straw; to die a fair

ftrae death, to die in bed Straik, to stroke; straikit, ftroked

Strappan, tall and hand


Straught, ftraight

Streek, ftretched, to stretch;
Streekit, stretched
Strewin, ftrewing
Striddle, to ftraddle
Stringin, ftringing
Stroan, to spout, to pifs
Stroan't, fpouted, piffed
Strunt, fpiritous liquor of
any kind; to walk ftur.
Studdie, an anvil
Stuff, corn, or pulfe of any

Stumpie, dimin. of stump
Sturt, trouble; to moleft

Stock, a plant of colewort, Sturtin, frighted

cabbage, &c.

Stockin, stocking

Sucker, fugar

Sud, fhould


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