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well as the young. You will find out this fact, as you go along, that the stories that are really entertaining to the little people are just as entertaining to the older people. It is not a children's affair, but for the youth not quite ready to enter the C. L. S. C., and thousands among the C. L. S. C. will take the Wide Awake, and also read up these stories. On the next page you see advertised a series of articles on "Ways to Do Things." The first paper will be entitled, "Knots, Hitches and Splices." It will give instructions on how to make knots and splices, and how to do all sorts of things boys want and should know how to do. The articles for girls will be prepared by Shirley Dare. On the next page is the announcement of a series of articles on adventures, entitled "Old Ocean." These articles will consist of twelve illustrated papers by Ernest Ingersoll. On the next page is announced "The Traveling Law School." Law will be brought down to the comprehension of the average American and the average child. On the, next page is the announcement of "Little Biographies." Under this head several illustrated series of biographies are in preparation-music, art, literature, science, affairs, &c. The musical biographies will be from the pleasant pen of Mr. Hezekiah Butterworth, and the first will be, "Jubal Cain, and the Hebrew Oratorios." Each paper will have an illustration, a portrait, and some famous "measure." Then comes another series of "Health and Strength Papers." Next we have miscellaneous papers on natural history, astronomy, chemistry, geology, botany, etc. Then comes "What to Do About It." Probably one of the most interesting and really helpful specialties in the reading course will be the page upon which the wise blackbird will do its best to answer all questions which the members of the C. Y. F. R. U. may ask it.

Now we shall have a day in which an hour or more shall be devoted to the inauguration of this movement, and young members of the C. L. S. C. can do a great deal wherever you go in the way of enlisting the young people in this course of reading. For when girls and boys begin to delight in the right kind of reading they are forever saved from the wrong kind. The C. L. S. C. begins with the older people, the youngest perhaps about eighteen or nineteenthere are some few younger than that-but we want something for the little people between 'ten and eighteen, and the people over eighteen who hardly feel qualified to enter upon the course of the C. L. S. C. I am not financially interested in this any more than I am in the C. L. S. C. It is a creature of Chautauqua, and it touches a more youthful class, just as our Theological School at Chautauqua will reach on up to a theological department for the ministry. There are many things about the Circle I would like to speak of that we will talk about later on, but this afternoon I want to ask Prof. Corning for fifteen minutes to give us an idea of what we might do in a local circle with this little text-book on art, that being the first book we have to take the coming year. First, I would like to know how many of the class of 1882 are present. [Hands raised.] By that I mean those who expect to complete the course, and say by the first of next August that they have read all the required reading, or a recognized and accepted equivalent. It will not do for us to lower the standard to help people over. That would make it uncomfortable for those who have done their work well. Those who are not able to say they have at that time must take the next year. To make the course so easy, and the graduation a matter of writing out a diploma, and no more, would be to annoy everybody who had done the work with any degree of faithfulness, and weaken our hold upon those in the future. So those only who expect to do the required reading, or accepted equivalents, of the four years by the first of next August, will constitute the class of 1882, and they will organize here, and begin to hold separate meetings, and "put on airs" as I prom


ised you a year ago. I will now introduce to you Prof. Corning.

PROF. CORNING. In order to speak intelligently and profitably to an audience like this, representing a systematically organized association, one should have been through the mill. I never went to a C. L. S. C. meeting but once before in my life, and I had not the slightest idea of their method of procedure. I was in pagan darkness then, and I am in pagan daylight now, so that I am sure anything I should say will be of such foggy, general, and unsatisfactory character as not to be very profitable. And if it is, you may attribute it to the fact that I am in the alphabetical department, and know next to nothing about the machinery of your work. I do not consider myself fit to tell local circles, or great circles, how to study art. I am willing to tell you how I studied it myself. I am willing to resolve this into an experience meeting, if you please, and I will do that. I went to Germany a good many years ago with a kind of general, hazy idea about art. When I was a pastor I used to lug into my sermons everything I could get hold of about paintings, and sculptures, and in looking over my old sermons to-day I find them full of mistakes. I find that I talked about Michael Angelo executing a Jupiter, for example, which he never did in the world. After I got to Germany I went to Dresden, and there I got the work called "Monuments of Art." There was a large edition, and then there was a popular edition. I got the cheap edition-I need not tell you why. There was more in that than I had ever seen before. We found our way from there to Stuttgart, and there we found Lübke. That was one reason I got my family to go there; Lübke was professor in the Polytechnic Art School there. I went to his lectures at once. When I went to the first lecture I did not understand one-quarter of what he said, so imperfect was my knowledge of the German language.. But I sat day after day and listened to him, and looked out the words in the dictionary I did not understand, and the winter had not passed until I understood three-fourths of what he said, and the next winter I understood all. It took me four or five years there. I asked Lübke one day if he would get one of his students to write down his lectures and I would pay him for it, and I would dig it out with the dictionary at home. He promised to do so, but he never did. I never could find a man that would report him. He was a most unreportable man. But I had not felt my way yet to the proper method of studying art. Finally, this idea came to me by chance: "Now, John Smith, the grocer, when he wants to find out how much Tom Jones owes him for butter, codfish, sugar, and everything else, goes to a book he has alphabetically arranged, and he can turn to the page and find out instantly. Is not knowledge of all kinds." I asked myself, "worth more than codfish? Is not a knowledge of art, which to me is glorious, and always has been glorious, worth more than any commodity of a grocery store? Why then do I not treasure up knowledge in that way?" I got me a book alphabetically arranged, so many pages for A, so many for B, so many for C, and so on. As fast as I could get any information about any art work under A, I would set it down there. For instance, take Apollo Belvedere; discovered so-and-so; place in such a period of Grecian art, etc. Under L I would have Laocoön; discovered under such and such circumstances; who was present; restored by so-and-so; arm was missing, etc.-all I could get about it. The thing begun, amplified. In the meantime I was hearing Lübke all the time, and the general idea of the great field of art was looming up. I saw the great outlines-I saw the outlines of the continents. Then I saw the continents divided into states, little by little, and then the states divided into counties and the counties into towns. In this way I spent ten years, and I recommend that method to every individual. It has done me great good. Keep a book.

if you can. Do it in a systematic way, so that if anybody asks you about any art subject you will be able to turn to the information at once. You will be astonished at how much information you will be able to get together in a few years on the subject of art. Then you will have the new booksthe books that are accessible in the English language, and all in the German and French if you can read them. If you cannot, you will find in almost every local circle somebody that can read German and French. Make it the duty of anybody in your circle who has been favored with a knowledge of German or a French book to tell you the contents of that when you come together. Another thing, there is no such thing as studying art without pictures. That is the fascinating quality of it. That is what would make it attractive to this nursery department the Doctor has been talking about. Show the child the picture of the transfiguration, the last work that Raphael ever painted, or show him the Apollo Belvedere, and the first question will be, "Who did this, and when was it done?" If you had not the picture he would feel no interest in it whatever. I wonder if it is not practicable for every local circle represented here to have possession of a little gallery of art reproductions? John P. Soule, Washington street, Boston, sells them at a dollar and a half a dozen, I think, fac simile copies of the paintings of the great masters. It seems to me every local circle might have a little collection of this kind. If not, let them have a little loan collection. Let the pictures owned by the members, or borrowed for the occasion, be brought to the meeting, and let it be the duty of each one to tell what he knows about them. I am not interested in Mr. Soule's sales, but I will say if anybody wants a catalogue he will send it, of a large number of reproductions of the masterpieces of art. I think the price is one dollar and fifty cents a dozen. If I had charge of a local circle, and we were to meet next week Monday, say, I would announce, "We will devote our attention to ancient art. Let every one who can bring a picture. If you can not get a photograph or engraving separately, bring the book that has got the picture in it." Get together as many pictures of ancient art as you can. Suppose you should then devote another day to Egyptian art. Then another day to Assyrian art. Let all bring all the pictures they can. There are many art treasures in the libraries. Those who live in New York can see the works of art that are in the Astor library. There are the great works that were issued under the auspices of Napoleon First, during his campaign in Egypt, where all the scholars of France followed on the trail of his conquering legions. They are glorious pictures. You can draw some of them by putting a piece of tissue paper over them. I have many pictures I got in this way. I got the loan of a work, and I had a young student put a piece of transfer tissue paper right over a picture, and draw it, and then put on the color through the lines, and paste it on a pasteboard, and I would have a treasure. I have some specimens I would not sell for ten dollars that I procured in this way that cost me about twenty-five cents. I have copies of Egyptian work that I copied line for line, and color for color, but I should have great difficulty in getting hold of them again. We need all these things little by little in local circles. Thus you can get wealthy in art collections.

MR. FOSTER: Where can we get the transfers of any of these copies of art works on the lantern slides?

PROF. CORNING: John P. Soule makes them. several I am going to exhibit to-night.

I have

The Rev. Henry Ward Beecher has retired from the editorship of The Christian Union. The Rev. Lyman Abbott, D. D., one of the counselors of the C. L. S. C. succeeds Mr. Beecher, and will in the future, as in the past few years, be the real editor of this valuable paper.


WE ARE sorry to disappoint our readers, but it is not within our power to furnish the story that has been promised in THE CHAUTAUQUAN, from the pen of Judge Tourgee, to be entitled "A Shorn Sampson." We made a contract for the story in good faith, offering a large sum of money for it. We advertised in good faith that it would appear. After telegraphing, writing, and finally visiting Judge Tourgee in Philadelphia, we find that it is absolutely impossible for him to prepare the story. That our readers may know the facts as they exist, we will quote from the contract we made with Judge Tourgee last August. He said:

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"In reply to your proposition, I will say:

"(1) To furnish you a serial, to commence with the October number is absolutely impossible, consistently with my own health and numerous engagements.

(2) I will write you a serial to begin with your December number and be completed in eight numbers, the story to contain from 60,000 to 100,000 words, as the necessity of its plot may require. The manuscript to be in hand upon such day in each month as you may name."

This proposition we accepted in writing. The Judge, in the meantime, has been sorely afflicted, and, not being able to carry out his contract, has written the following communication for publication:

To the Readers of The Chautauquan:

Last August Mr. Flood solicited me to write a serial story for THE CHAUTAUQUAN. I frankly informed him that I was very full of literary engagements, having on hand a work that was promised in September, then nearly done, and another contracted for November of which the greater part was still to be written. After much hesitation his proposal was accepted, and I undertook the work. I had written so much under such untoward circumstances before, law books and fiction, year after year in quick succession that I had come to regard a book as just so many days and nights of steady application and perhaps not unnaturally somewhat underestimated the task I had undertaken.

Having selected a subject for THE CHAUTAUQUAN serial, I set myself at work to prepare to write upon it. It is my misfortune, perhaps, that I can not write without the most elabthoroughly imbued with my subject. The one I had selected orate preparation, I must know every detail and become proved more difficult to master than I had anticipated, but the difficulty only impelled me to greater exertion. The excitement attending our national bereavement told not a little on my power of application, but I still kept at work. So anxious was I not to disappoint the readers of THE CHAUTAUQUAN that I deferred one of my pre-existing engagements till next year, and cancelled the other entirely. At this point, the strain I had put upon a previously weakened vision began to tell. My physician said I must give my eyes a short rest, or they would take a long one without my leave. I borrowed other eyes to do my reading, and got a stenographer to write for me; but I found that while I could dictate a lecture or a treatise, I could not write a story by proxy. So it came about that when the first installment 11 copy was required, I had nothing at all satisfactory to myself, and I would not offer to you what did not meet my own approval. I asked the editor to wait a month or two, that I might rest my eyes, and increase the size of the monthly installments during the latter part of the season. This, he said, he could not do; he must have the parts for December and January, to avoid crowding the regular matter of his journal thereafter. I regret to think that any reader of THE CHAUTAUQUAN should be disappointed, but I feel that I have done all I could to serve you, and more than I ought to have done in justice to myself. To have missed an opportunity to address THE CHAUTAUQUAN readers is in itself a sore disappointment to one who appreciates as fully as I do the great underlying idea of which Chautauqua-great as it is-is only the first feeble offshoot. ALBION W. TOURGEE.


Yours sincerely,

Philadelphia, November 9, 1881.

The next best thing we could do, we have done, viz: T furnish a story from another author. "Lavengro" is the title, and George Borrow is the writer. He is scholarly and accomplished in all his utterances with the pen. "Lavengro is laid in the British Isles-it is a dream or a drama-a

a large portion of the time required to direct their proper work is consumed in reading voluminous recommendations, hearing personal appeals, etc., till it would appear that their chief function was that of a bureau for the distribution of party favors. The legislator finds his table piled with letters from office-hunting constituents, till there is serious question whether his chief function is that of law-maker in the capitol or lobbyist in the departments or at the White House.

story of a Scholar, a Gypsy and a Priest. The author was himself an Englishman, a Christian and the son of an English soldier. Those who read "Lavengro" carefully, will, as the author says, derive much information with respect to matters of philology and literature-of the principal languages from Ireland to China, and of the literature which they contain. It is full of adventure-in sympathy with Christianity, and written in a pure and elevated style. We are satisfied that this generation know very little about George Borrow or his works. He wrote "Lavengro" twenty-five years ago, but he has put so much of real genius into the volume, that it will be a standard work as long as the English lan-vice, robs the government of a large portion of her revenues. guage is spoken.

NO SECULAR question is receiving more attention from the best class of our citizens to-day than that of Civil Service Reform. It is not a party question, for each of the two great parties has a record upon it precisely like that of the other. It never will be a party question, for the line which divides its enemies from its friends will naturally not run between the parties, but between the upper and lower moral strata of both. Most pertinently is our system of civil service called a "spoils system," for it finds its key-note in the famous announcement of Andrew Jackson, "To the victor belong the spoils " We shall not do it the honor to write its history. A system whose maxims are so opposed to every principle of pure and free government deserves only obscurity. Out of consideration for the pride of American posterity a hundred years hence, the historian should leave the page of its history blank.

We undertake to assign a few of the reasons why the "spoils system" ought to be reformed without delay, and at another time will endeavor to suggest how the reform may be accomplished:

First, it is tyrannically intolerant. The American people would denounce as contemptible tyranny the prescribing of a religious test in politics. We denounce the Test Act of Charles II, and yet we have seen under our civil service usages, from seventy-five to a hundred thousand public servants whose duties have no political character, upon a mere change of administration, dismissed from their employment, proscribed for political opinion. Now, intolerance in politics is no better than intolerance in religion. Political bigotry is no better than religious bigotry. Intolerance in the nineteenth century is no better than the same article in the sixteenth century, or in the feudal age.

Second, the spirit and manner in which our civil service is constituted is utterly self-degrading. The question is asked, why is it that our civil service does not receive that respect and honor which the public accords to the military or naval service? The answer is at hand. Because a service into whose ranks to be admitted requires, often, little brains and less character, a service which has no mental test either for admission or promotion, a service whose door is swung to and fro to the music of the politicians, such a service has no title to public respect. And the honorable, worthy civil servant-and such we know there are-unlike the military or naval servant, feels that the air of suspicion is around the position he holds. There can be no pride of position, no esprit de corps under such conditions. The publie say that he holds the position because he has been influentially recommended and has probably mortgaged himself to do a certain amount of mudthrowing and wirepulling at the next election. Not always, but too often, the public is

not a liar.

Third, the system of partisan change takes the time of executive and legislator from their legitimate duties and gives it to a business never contemplated by the nature of their offices. The President and heads of departments find

Fourth, our "spoils system" of civil service, by reason of providing much incompetency and dishonesty for the ser

Not much time is needed to sustain this charge. Its truth is too well known by any one who reads the daily newspapers. A high official in the New York Custom House once testified before a special committee on retrenchment that the government was robbed of thirty-five per cent. of her revenue from that port. Mr. David A. Wells in his report as Special Commissioner of Revenue in 1868, expressed his belief that "not over fifty per cent. of the internal revenue taxes is received into the national treasury." It is hoped the condition of things is better at the present time, but the main statement is still emphatically true.

Are we curious to

Fifth, the present system tends to drive the best men from our politics and to bring in the worst. Do we ask why so many rowdies, strikers and repeaters come to the surface during every political campaign. The system of spoils may furnish the answer. know why so many sixteenth-rate politicians, men whose good character and ability are alike "past finding out." Ask the "spoils system." Dethrone this system, eliminate patronage from politics and this class will bid adieu to a business which has lost all relish for them. Better men will take their places, men of real intelligence and worth, men with taste and capacity to grasp questions of state; and we should see in this country as may be seen in England, a heated, vigorous, enthusiastic campaign conducted solely upon questions of national policy.

The foregoing are not all, but a few of the reasons why good men of all parties ought to rise up and crush the spoils system. They constitute the sufficient reason for serious discussion and ceaseless agitation of civil service reform.

IT IS only the thorough student who succeeds in systematizing his time and labors so as to do the greatest amount of labor in the shortest period of time. Many well-informed people prosecute their studies in a most desultory manner. Books are partially read and laid aside because something more interesting has come to hand. Different subjects, having but a remote connection with each other, are kept in an irregular way before the mind at the same time. Knowledge thus obtained must ever remain in the mind more or less in a chaotic condition. But this lack of method in study is very bad for the mind itself. Such conditions forbid the existence of even an approach to mental discipline. The mind is not held in any one position long enough to develop its strength. Mental dissipation is a very unhealthy state of mind.

The organization of the C. L. S. C. has led thousands of people to adopt a systematic course of study who had never thought of it before. Order and system are not natural or highly developed characteristics of all people. In this deficiency the organization of the C. L. S. C. finds its greatest difficulty. Many local circles are but imperfectly organized, and many members find it difficult to bring themselves into the line of systematic reading and study. In order and system, there is a sort of slavery against which these desultory habits rebel. Not the least of the benefits the

world will derive from the organization of the C. L. S. C. is systematic study. Many members will drop out by the way, but others will be induced to persevere, and order will be brought out of irregularity and confusion. The influence of a few stable minds will control the wavering. The influence of association will be a perpetual inspiration to those who need it.

The establishment of system in the use of time is quite as important as order in the reading of books. To do this an effort must be made, but the task is not an impossible The achievement is within the reach of every one who shall make a suitable effort. Order in labor and system in the use of time are the first steps to success.


THE LONG-CONTINUED agitation in Ireland, accompanied with riots and bloodshed, has given that unhappy country an unwonted notoriety, and has been the source of no little perplexity and trouble to the English government. The Irish are known all the world over as a mercurial people and have always been considered a difficult nation to govern, and since their subjugation under British rule have been notable for frequent attempts at rebellion and revolution.

These results, however, have not been due alone to the character of the Irish people. Every one who is acquainted with Irish history knows that Ireland has suffered many and grievous wrongs at the hands of England since it became a part of the British kingdom, which have alienated the Irish people from, and embittered their feelings toward their English rulers; and the civil commotions to which we have referred have been mainly the results of the oppression and misrule to which they have been subjected. Our space will only permit us to make this general statement without entering into details, but its correctness can easily be ascertained by consulting the historical records.

Since the passage of the Catholic Emancipation Bill in 1829, England's policy toward Ireland has undergone a radical change, and of late years has been conciliatory and liberal. Especially has this been the case during the time Gladstone has been at the head of English affairs. The great premier has shown himself to be a steadfast friend of the Irish people and has always manifested a deep interest in their welfare, and has given the weight of his influence and name to every reformatory measure proposed to ameliorate their condition. The disestablishment of the Irish Church, which took place during the former premiership, was a government measure, and was the means of ridding the Irish rate-payers of a heavy burden, and served to allay for a season the discontent of the Irish subjects.

The present difficulties have arisen from the system of land tenure which has prevailed in Ireland ever since its occupation by the English, and which has proven most oppressive and disastrous both to the Irish peasantry and to the laboring classes in general. The land bill, which during the last session of Parliament was brought forward by the administration, and by its influence was carried successfully through both houses and thus became a law, is designed to afford the Irish peasantry immediate relief from the oppressions to which they have been so long subjected by grasping and rapacious landlords, and thus free them from the miseries and misfortunes which have been the chief causes of the present difficulties.

It is evident that England is now desirous of treating her Irish subjects of all classes, with fairness and justice and the earnest efforts of the present administration to adjust the differences between the landholders and peasants, or cottiers, as they are called, should receive the support of all

parties. The prompt action of the government in carrying out this much needed reform and in seeking to repress the revolutionary measures of the Land Leaguers can not but meet with the approval of all law-abiding and right-minded people. It is well, however, for both parties to remember that no difficulty can be permanently settled except upon the basis of right and justice. Force may avail for a time, either to repress an outbreak or to quell a disturbance, but just and righteous measures can alone produce and preserve a stable equilibrium either in social ог civil


IN THESE days when so much is being said and written concerning mental culture, there is great danger that the physical department of man's nature may be overlooked and the need of physical culture be ignored. While it is true that the mass of mankind fail to develop their intellectual powers as they should, and make but little attempt after menta! culture, it is equally true that a large majority of both laboring and professional men fail to give the attention they ought to physical culture, and as a consequence of the lack of intelligent care of the body, but few persons can be found who have arrived at middle life who are in a healthy or even comfortable physical condition. So universally is this the case that the question is frequently and seriously asked, “Is not the race degenerating physically?" The body is a machine formed for the use of the man who possesses it. Every one knows that a machine of any kind can only do the best quality of work when it is kept in the best possible condition. No matter how skillful the operator, if the machine is not kept in good order, the work wrought by means of it will be deficient both in quality and quantity. Hence the body can only do well the work assigned it when it is thoroughly cared for in all its departments, and thus kept in the best possible condition. Viewed from this standpoint it becomes at once apparent that physical culture is in direct relation to mental culture of the highest and best type, and only as the culture of mind and body are conjoined, does the individual attain to a complete and harmonious development of his whole nature.

The world has been slow to learn the truth of the old Latin adage sana mens in sano corpore. The proverb has been repeated, parrot-like, for ages, and yet the schools of learning, which have been making vigorous efforts to secure soundness of mind by mental culture, have almost entirely neglected to teach anything concerning the right care of the body, and until lately none of them had incorporated into their curriculum any studies pertaining to physiology or hygiene, and many of their students lived in constant violation of every commandment of the physical decalogue. Through lack of this many a promising student has dropped into an untimely grave or has been compelled, while yet the dew of youth was upon him, to retire permanently into the invalid


It is high time that men should learn that well-trained muscles and steady nerves and good digestive powers are as essential to continued success as well-trained intellectual faculties. When one is possessed of sinews of iron and thews of steel, and of healthy, vigorous, digestive organs, work of any kind, either mental or manual, becomes a pleasure and delight. There is no necessary antagonism between the highest mental culture and a healthy, vigorous, physical development. The typical scholar of the future will not possess a countenance "sicklied o'er by the pale cast of thought," nor will he be recognized by his "scholarly stoop," flaccid muscles and lack-lustre eye, but will doubtless have a well-developed body and will move with an erect form and brisk step, and the flush of health will be on his cheek and the fires of thought will burn brightly in his eye.


The New York Herald denominates Chautauqua "the visible centre of the greatest university in the world."

Dr. Edward Eggleston prepared the article on Dr. Holland's "Life and Character" for The Century (Scribner's Monthly) for December.

At the annual meeting of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union held in Foundry Church, Washington, D. C., the last of October, there were one hundred and fifty delegates present. Delegates from the South joined in the work of the convention for the first time. United States Senator Blair, of New Hampshire, addressed the convention and explained his proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which is iron clad prohibition, though it will not go into effect till the year 1900. The following officers were elected: President, Miss Frances E. Willard, of Illinois; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Caroline B. Buell, of East Hampton, Conn.; Recording Secretary, Mrs. Mary A. Woodbridge, of Ravenna, O. This lady re-appointed as assistant Mrs. L. M. N. Stevens, of Maine. A story was started in a Washington paper to the effect that the convention was divided and broke up in an unwomanly strug

Father Gavazzi speaks a timely word in his lecture in this number of THE CHAUTAUQUAN, on the mistake of Protestants in sending their daughters to Roman Catholic schools. The Evangelical Churchman says: "Another warning comes from a father who gives to others the benefit of his dearly-bought experience. In a letter to an English publication he says: 'One of the leading establishments in Bavaria for the education of young ladies is known as the English Institute in Eichstatt. To this institute, which has many branches throughout Germany, I was, in the year 1879, induced to send my three daughters, aged eleven, thirteen and eighteen respectively, stipulating at the time that they should regularly attend the Protestant church, and that the faith in which they had been brought up should not in any way be interfered with. I was startled a few days since on hearing that my second daughter had been secretly bap-gle over the question of "woman suffrage." It proved, howtized in the Roman Catholic Church, unknown even to her sisters; and that three daughters of a Scotch gentleman, sent here to be educated, have been induced to do the same, unknown to their father. Upon making inquiries in the town of Eichstatt I find it has become quite a scandal in the place, the number of English and other Protestant children, sent here to be educated, who have (all unknown to their parents) been secretly instructed and baptized in the Roman Catholic faith.'"

Lasell Seminary, Auburndale, offers its pupils two prizes; one of $25 for the best Lasell Song; one of $25 for the best story of not over 4,000 words.

The famous collection of the old masters, to which allusion has been made in our October issue, are photographic reproductions by the Braun process, in Paris, of the finest works of art in Europe; there is nothing, regarding at once beauty, accuracy and completeness, equal to them. Studies of the truest and most spirited records of genius, which are carefully and jealously preserved in the European Museums, are so exactly reproduced as to be scarcely distinguishable from the original sketches. To the technical art student they are invaluable, and scarcely less to the amateur. These pictures are teachers in the highest sense of the word, and inculcate a noble standard of taste. The collection com

ever, to be a false alarm. We are gratified to know that this excellent organization was united in all the deliberations of its delegates, and that it begins the work of the year with union and harmony in all local and state organizations. Indeed the prospect for a year of earnest and successful work was never better than at the threshold of the one upon which they have just entered.

Next July the Rev. Dr. Vincent will have charge of the Vincent, of Philadelphia. A tabernacle is to be erected on Lakeside Assembly, assisted by his brother, the Rev. B. T. the grounds for the use of the German Methodists.

The North American Review has sold out to Mr. Ingersoll. The announcement of the sale may be found in the November number, which yields forty-six pages, six pages less than half the entire number, to his sneers and scoffs against God and the Bible. Its majority of Christian readers took no exception to the previous number, which permitted him to pour out his first instalment of ridicule and sarcasm, because Mr. Black was allowed to speak at the same time. But the case has a very different look when Ingersoll monopolizes half the succeeding number, and Judge Black announces through the daily press that he was denied the privilege of another rejoinder. We are informed that the Appletons have refused to be its publisher after this year on this account. We are greatly mistaken if the North American does not have a chance to learn a little of the

prises actually over 15,000 numbers from studies, paintings, frescoes, and statuary. It is one of the greatest chances to adorn the mansion of the cultured with veritable works of art. These pictures are now for sale at J. O. Stornay's, 1,516 public sentiment when it comes to look over its subscripChestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. The prices are very moderate and within the reach of all. See advertisement.

Dr. Vincent writes that the studies for the C. L. S. C. for 1884-85, will be substantially the same as they were for the years 1880-81.

The Rev. H. C. Farrar, of Gloversville, N. Y., a talented preacher and valuable worker in the C. L. S. C., writes: Our local circle in this village is a decidedly live institution. We number some thirty-three members, meet monthly, and review by essays, questions and conversations the month's reading. The subject of art is just enthusing our circle, and we shall create an "Art Gallery," and so help to master the great principles of art and their periods, and the masters and their masterpieces. We shall have a geological room, and gather all the specimens the town and the townspeople can give. Rich inspirations are in store for us. Our circle sends its greeting to every member of the C. L. S. C. the world over, and especially to its originator.

tion list for the new year.

It is desired that all members of the Chautauqua Normal Class of '78 who have changed their name or residence since 1878, will communicate the same, as soon as possible, to the Secretary, Miss Anna E. Fish, Meadville, Pa.

The first of a series of articles on "Health at Home" is published in this number of THE CHAUTAUQUAN, in the Required Reading. No other subject is attracting more attention than that of sanitary science and these articles will be found sensible, practical, and helpful. The article in this number is from the pen of B. W. Richardson, M. D., F. R. S., who is regarded as eminent authority in such matters, perhaps second to none in England or in America.

Mr. W. H. Gilder, who the last ten years was the late Dr. Holland's assistant in editing Scribner's Monthly, will become editor of The Century.

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