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79. Q. What is said of the origin of the principal industries of England? A. It is foreign.

80. Q. Until long after the middle of the eighteenth century how was commerce strangled? A. By the impossibility of conveying goods from one part of the country to another.

81. Q. Shortly after the middle of the last century for what did a passion arise in England which ultimately passed into a species of mania? A. The formation and improvement of canals and highways.

82. Q. By what inventions were some of the obstacles that barred the progress of England to manufacturing greatness removed? A. Watt's steam-engine, Compton's spinning-mule, Cartwright's power-loom, and Whitney's cotton-gin.

83. Q. Name four of the great inventions of the nineteenth century that are victories of peace. A. The steam-ship, the locomotive, the electric telegraph, and the steam printing press.

84. Q. In what departments for the amelioration of the ills of mankind has wonderful progress been made during the present century? A. The healing of bodily diseases, the practice of surgery, and the treatment of the insane.

85. Q. Name three of the more recent discoveries or inventions. A. Friction matches, the sewing-machine, and photography.

86. Q. What was the first of the great associations formed for sending the Christian religion to heathens? A. The Baptist Missionary Society.

87. Q. What is said of the formation of all the great missionary societies of Europe and America? A. They were formed during the first quarter of the present century, and missionary work was organized into a system.

88. Q. In all how many Protestant missionaries are there now at work in heathen countries? A. Two thousand, and the churches sustain the work by an annual contribution of about one million sterling.

89. Q. What is said of the cost of Christianizing the inhabitants of the Sandwich Islands, a people that had sunk to the lowest depths of degradation? A. Its entire cost has been two hundred and fifty thousand pounds, greatly less than the cost of one ironclad ship of war.

90. Q. What is the greatest of all fields of missionary labor? A. India. Thirty-five societies carry on their operations among the swarming millions who own British rule.

91. Q. What is one of the noblest traits of the nineteenth century? A. The growth of organized voluntary effort to relieve the suffering and raise the fallen.

92. Q. What is said of the charitable societies of London? A. London has upwards of five hundred charitable societies, which expend annually about one million sterling, voluntarily contributed by benevolent individuals.

93. Q. When, and from whom, did the East India Company obtain a charter and commence trading with India? A. In 1600, from Queen Elizabeth.

94. Q. What career was unwillingly 'thrust upon this company established for purely commercial purpose? A. A career of military conquest in India.

95. Q. What is the extent of the territory of the British possessions in India? A. It is equal in area to that of all Europe, excepting Russia.

96. Q. What uprising of the natives occurred in 1857 which was attended with great barbarities on both sides? A. The Sepoy rebellion.

97. Q. What is the population of the territory over which British rule extends in India? A. About two hundred and forty millions.

98. Q. Where are the largest colonial possessions of Great Britain? A. On the North American continent. 99. Q. Over what proportion of the world does Great

Britain bear rule? A. Fully one-seventh of the surface of the globe, and one-fourth of its population. Her possessions abroad are sixty times larger than the parent state. 100. Q. How many different British colonies are there? A. There are thirty-eight separate colonies, or groups of colonies.


The Required Reading for the month of March is books first and second of Mackenzie's Nineteenth Century; and in THE CHAUTAUQUAN, Mosaics of History, Mental Philosophy, Christianity in Art, and Political Economy. In this number of THE CHAUTAUQUAN are elsewhere printed one hundred questions and answers, based on the Required Reading in Mackenzie's Nineteenth Century. The work for the month we suggestively divide into four parts, one for each week:

FIRST WEEK.-1. The Nineteenth Century, book first, chapter first, The Opening of the Century, and chapter second, Napoleon Bonaparte.

2. Questions and Answers on the Nineteenth Century, from No. 1 to No. 25, inclusive.

3. Mosaics of History, in THE CHAUTAUQUAN.

SECOND WEEK.-1. The Nineteenth Century, book first, chapter third, The Congress of Vienna; book second, chapter first, Social Condition of Great Britain; chapter second, The Reform Bill.

2. Questions and Answers on the Nineteenth Century, from No. 26 to No. 50, inclusive.

3. Mental Philosophy, in THE CHAUTAUQUAN. THIRD WEEK.-1. The Nineteenth Century, book second, chapter third, The Redress of Wrongs-I; chapter fourth, The Redress of Wrongs- II; chapter fifth, Chartism; chapter sixth, Our Wars.

2. Questions and Answers on the Nineteenth Century, from No. 51 to No. 75, inclusive.

3. Christianity in Art, in THE CHAUTAUQUAN. FOURTH WEEK.-1. The Nineteenth Century, book second, chapter seventh, The Victories of Peace-I; chapter eighth, The Victories of Peace-II; chapter ninth, Christian Missions; chapter tenth, The Charities of the Nineteenth Century; chapter eleventh, Our Indian Empire; chapter twelfth, Our Colonies.

2. Questions and Answers on the Nineteenth Century, from No. 76 to No. 100, inclusive.

3. Political Economy, in THE CHAUTAUQUAN, and Poor Richard.

What was said at the conference of the conductors and officers of local circles, at Chautauqua, in August of last summer, will be found full of interesting suggestions. An extended report of the same is given in this number of THE CHAUTAUQUAN.

Montclair, N. J., has a progressive local circle that meets once a week, on Thursday evenings. The meetings are held at the residences of the members. The circle was organized with a membership of twenty-three. The exercises are conducted by a leader appointed monthly.

The Sullivan, Ohio, local circle was organized in March, 1880. The regular meetings are held every Tuesday evening. The present officers are: Mrs. Rosetta M. P. Mann, President, and Miss Celia L. Pritchard, Secretary. The meetings are opened with singing and prayer. Each member reads some portion of the lesson assigned. The president asks the

*All communications from local circles intended for THE CHAUTAUQUAN should be addressed to Albert M. Martin, General Secretary of the C. L. S. C., Pittsburgh, Pa.

leading and most important questions. The members of the circle spend from one to two hours together at a meeting. The memorial days have been observed by meeting and reading extracts from the authors. An essay read by the president, Mrs. Mann, on Bryant Memorial Day, was specially interesting. The class is small, but earnest and enthusiastic in the work.

At Hastings, Mich., there is a local circle composed of five members, all women. One of the members writes as follows: "We have no officers, meet every week informally, and read and talk over the different subjects before us, and find much profit and enjoyment. None of us would willingly give up our study, I am sure, as we realize the benefit derived from reading a prescribed course carefully selected, with valuable notes and suggestions, as is the C. L. S. C. We do not find that a course of reading is a course of regimen for dwarfing the mind,' as some have said, but rather a grand guide to mental culture and progress. Surely to have the mind fixed upon a few topics attentively is far more profitable, both to mind and character, than promiscuous study."

The third lecture of the second annual course of free lectures under the auspices of the C. L. S. C., of Cincinnati, Ohio, and vicinity, was given at the Seventh Presbyterian Church of that city, on Friday evening, January 20th, by Prof. John Mickleborough, principal of the Cincinnati Normal School. The audience was very large, and the lecture throughout was listened to with the most earnest attention. The subject of "Man's Antiquity and Language" was ably presented by the lecturer under the following heads:

I. Geological evidences of man's antiquity. A number of specimens from the Society of Natural History were used to illustrate the subject. Among the specimens were an elephant's tooth, head of an ape, skeleton of a bat from Ceylon, bones of the horse and deer, and casts of various famous skulls, including one of a flat-headed Indian and of the fossil known as the Neanderthal skull.

II. Philological evidences of man's antiquity. Languages compared.

III. Physiological relations of man to lower forms of animal life. Man's superior endowments, etc.

The next lecture of the course will be delivered at the Y. M. C. A. Hall, February 23d, by Dr. G. D. Watson, of Newport, Ky., on the subject, "Science in the Bible."

From a letter addressed to Dr. Vincent we take the following interesting history of a local circle: "In the fall of 1879 four busy 'Brooklynites' joined the C. L. S. C. Three of the party were young women under thirty, teachers in three different public schools in Brooklyn, the fourth a young man who had not yet attained his majority, holding a responsible business position in New York. Living neighbors to each other we found it convenient to meet on Monday evenings and read and study together. Speaking for our little circle I can say we have all found Chautauqua helpful, and although business duties have pressed heavily, often causing us to fall behind in the work of the C. L. S. C., we have managed to make up back work during our summer vacation, so that October found us ready and anxious to take a fresh start. Until last April our band remained unbroken, and then our youngest and most faithful worker left home to take, as a matter of health, a long sea voyage to China. In a letter mailed from Hong Kong, and begun on the China Sea when ninety days out, he writes: 'The jib-boom is a very comfortable resort, but I like the main cross-tree best, where I often take my Chautauqua books and spend a couple of hours. Every Monday evening since leaving I have devoted to C. L. S. C. work, as we used to when our little circle met. It is not nearly as interesting to sit cooped up in a bunk with a swinging lamp near your nose, reading 'Art of Speech,' as it would be stretched out in

that big rocker of yours, listening to you all.' Thus you see the long voyage of 15,590 miles was profitably varied by reading the books and papers he had received up to the time of his departure, and 'while on the ocean sailing' the Circle was not forgotten. So it is Chautauqua is wafted to the distant seas, and the land of the Celestials."

A local circle was organized in Winchester, Ill., last October, comprising seven members, with Miss Maggie Huston as President, Mrs. W. C. Day, Secretary, and Miss Belle Eddings, Treasurer. Meetings are held regularly every two weeks, and occasionally an extra meeting is appointed when the members are not quite up with the work. The secretary says, "We are delighted with the reading, and spend many profitable hours discussing interesting topics."

We have before us a printed report of a recent meeting of the Hillsboro, Ohio, local circle, which shows the organization to be in a flourishing condition. Forty members were present, and about twenty visitors. At the close of the review exercise Dr. Starr gave an interesting talk on scenes in the European cathedrals, mentioning among others Melrose Abbey, near which was the home of Sir Walter Scott. A selection from Ruskin, entitled "Choice Books, Good Company," was finely rendered by Miss Mattie Van Cleve. The meeting was held at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Fullerton, who, by unanimous vote of the members present, were made honorary members of the circle.

On January 5, death entered the Memphis, Tenn., local circle for the first time, and robbed it of one of its most active and zealous members. Miss Mattie W. Baker, late vice president of the local circle, was removed in the prime of her youth and usefulness. Belonging to the class of 1884, she joined the circle in October, 1880, and entered into the work with all the enthusiasm of her nature, manifesting a desire, not only for her own improvement, but a warm interest in the welfare of the circle. No accumulation of

other duties ever prevented her performing the task assigned her, with profit and pleasure to the members and credit to herself. It is seldom we are called upon to mourn a more lovely character. Her pastor, who was intimately acquainted with her, paid her a well deserved tribute when he said of her, "She united the characters of the 'Sisters of Bethany.'"

The Franklin, Pa., local circle was organized in October, 1878, with Rev. S. J. M. Eaton, D. D., President, and Miss Anna M. Dale, Secretary and Treasurer. It now sends greeting to its sister circles throughout Christendom. It has kept on its way steadily since the origin of the parent Circle in 1878. In not a single instance has it failed to hold its regular semi-monthly meetings, and in not a single instance has the president of the circle failed to be present to conduct its exercises. Its members have kept up promptly with the reading each month, except in two instances, when the books were not out in season. During the past years the exercises have been a regular and close review of the reading, with conversations on the same. Occasionally there have been essays and papers on historical characters that have been under review, with a lecture on important subjects. When possible, the subjects have been illustrated by pictures and object lessons. Connected with these meetings, in opening and closing, there have been devotional exercises. As the older members approach the close of the four years' course, the conviction deepens as to the immense practical value of the Circle, and its studies. There is also a feeling of devout thankfulness to the Great Giver of knowledge and the Revealer of truth that the way has been opened up to privilege and enjoyment and satisfaction in the pursuit of knowledge through the Circle.

An officer of the Oberlin, Ohio, local circle writes: "This being a college town, and many literary societies connected with the college, they seem to take in our young people, and our circle is composed mostly of middle aged people. Several of us are mothers, and we went into it to be better mothers and companions for our children. My three little boys are members of a small reading circle, and are also interested in my reading when it is anything they can comprehend. Our reading this year has been rather large for them, but I have so much enjoyed our art work that I have told them in a way that they could understand about it. We do a good deal of writing in our circle. For instance, in connection with our art book, an artist would be assigned to a member to present a sketch of his life and principal work, or some noted palace or cathedral, or any of the questions for further study.'"

The Stockton, Me., local circle numbers ten members. The names of the officers are: Miss Lillie Simmons, President; Miss Lena Randall, Vice President; Miss Lillie Staples, Secretary. The secretary writes as follows: "The circle meets every Friday evening at half-past six, and never closes until later than nine, and then with reluctance. Our meeting opens by reading from the Bible, the selection being chosen and read by the lady at whose home we meet. After this comes the recitation of whatever lessons may be in the week's course, and as every member is assigned a part, each becomes both teacher and pupil. When there are essays and 'questions for further study' we do not each attempt to prepare ourselves on all, but each takes either an essay or a question, obtains all the information possible, and reads it at the meeting, after which the papers are exchanged and copied into our note books kept especially for this purpose."

The Secretary of the Brushland, N. Y., local circle, reports as follows: "We have eight names on our roll, and all seem to be very much interested in the readings. Our officers consist of a president, secretary and leaders. The secretary holds office for three months, while the others change at each weekly meeting. The president's duty is to appoint leaders, one to each subject, to conduct the recitations at the next meeting. The president also appoints a president for the next weekly meeting. We have adopted this plan that every one may have an equal share of work to do. As we did not organize until about the middle of December, we have been obliged to take very long lessons in order to get up with the reading as it is distributed in THE CHAUTAUQUAN, and some of our members declare that they 'never studied so hard in their lives' as they have since they became members of the C. L. S. C. The meetings are held at the homes of the different members."


A member of the class of 1884, writes from Maine, as follows: "We have no local circle, no triangle, not even a straight line-only a dot, and that a very small one. I persue my studies alone but hope for company by-and-by. Several persons in town are reading a part of the books, and I hope before another year begins to be able to report a circle here."

A member of the C. L. S. C. writing from Bermuda says: "We have formed no regular local circle, but as I am an inmate of a family which contains three members besides myself, it might almost be called one, as the Chautauqua reading is the center about which the whole household revolves. I suppose it answers the same purpose so long as ideas are stirred up somehow. .. I enjoy it all, but fear I read too much to retain it all. One can not help getting interested, and as I have plenty of time I get all the books I can on the same subjects. We do not read together as we all go at different paces, and it takes a good many books to have a volume for everybody. I have to read my White Seal course to keep busy until the first volume is disengaged, and in odd minutes, while waiting in the carriage, I try to commit the outlines."

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The following letter speaks in behalf of the practical side of the after-school idea of the C. L. S. C.: "I enjoy the C. L. S. C. very much. It gives me courage to feel that, although I am forty-five years old, I am a scholar, and am in a school, and really learning something. My chance for school education was but little. After I was twelve years old I staid at home and worked summers, and then had only three or four months of schooling in winter, and for that had to walk a mile and a half through unbroken snow roads. Do you wonder that the C. L. S. C. comes to me like a God-given gift? Those that have been scrimped as I can appreciate what it is to have a course of reading laid out for them. I do get discouraged at times when the work is hard and I am so tired I can not understand what I am reading. I hope to go to Chautauqua for a week next summer. That seems to me to be the nearest heaven I shall ever get on this earth."

The "History of the World," published in THE CHAUTAUQUAN as a part of the Required Reading last year, still lingers in the memory of many for very significant reasons. One member writes, "I used to skip the dates, when on or

before that Noah's family was such a multum in parvo affair; his sons seemed interminable. Do not consider it treason if I say I was thankful when the last bit of 'Ham' was disposed of."

A local circle at Lafayette, Ind., has a membership of thirty-six. The organization has been named the "Vincent Local Circle." The membership represents churches of three denominations, and includes a Presbyterian minister and the pastor of a Methodist church, five city school teach-dinary occasions I usually devoured them. I never realized ers, two lawyers, one physician, several business men, and single and married women. The meetings are held twice each month in the Y. M. C. A. rooms. The officers are: President, Prof. John A. Maxwell; Vice President, Mrs. Ada B. Falley; Treasurer, Mrs. F. V. Erisman; Secretary, Miss Lilian G. Smith. The secretary reports as follows: "We have two kinds of members, regular and annual. The regular members are those who pledge themselves to read the four years' course. The annuals are those who read what they can, but do not wish to pledge themselves to a four years' course. So far some of our annual members are proving themselves to be invaluable helpers."

Some of the many ways in which the C. L. S. C. has proven a help and a blessing are stated in the following extracts from recent letters: A member of the class of 1883, writes: "The C. L. S. C. has been of untold good to me. On account of ill health for the past six years I have been unable to attend school. During the four years previous to the past year I was a confirmed invalid, being confined to


bed or lounge the greater part of the time. In that condi- C. L. S. C. LOCAL CIRCLE LEADERS" tion my first year's work in the C. L. S. C. was mostly accomplished. At present I am enjoying comfortable health, and I am happy to say that I consider the C. L. S. C. as an important element in my recovery; it not only directed my thoughts in a new channel, but by the interest it awakened in me, it in a great measure enabled me to forget my sufferings." Another member of the same class says: "Your Circle, or rather the books I have read, were instrumental in causing me to consider the subject of religion, and I am glad to say I am at present a member of the

church here.

The C. L. S. C. has been much to me. It has shown me how little I know; my eyes seem opening to a new world." A lady member writes from Indiana: "I find the course has been invaluable in Sunday-school work and home, and there is where I am most interested. Eleven years have I been looking for something systematic in the way of reading, and I am happy to say that the C. L. S. C. fills every want. I am a better mother, wife, friend, and neighbor by trying to keep 'God in the midst,' and 'never getting discouraged.'" One of the class of 1882, writes: "The three years' work and reading of the C. L. S. C. is and will be of great benefit and use to me as superintendent and chaplain of this school. Though my duties are arduous and cares innumerable I need the recreation of the C. L. S. C."

The C. L. S. C. is carried into Africa. From Swellendam, Cape Colony, South Africa, the principal of a girls' public school writes as follows: "I am one of a little band of American teachers in South Africa, and I write this at the request of the minister of the Dutch Reformed Church in this place for information in regard to the course of reading arranged by the C. L. S. C." The information has been sent, and we shall hope for interesting C. L. S. C. reports in the future from this part of the globe.

An Ohio member says of the C L. S. C.: "I is a great and good work, this instituting a regular course of solid reading and study throughout the country, and the good and culture that will arise from it can not be estimated, especially as it is so much carried on by the mothers of our land, and for that reason will, of course, affect the children in the years to come."

A teacher pays the following tribute to the C. L. S. C. course: "I am very enthusiastic on the Chautauqua subject, and am doing all I can to increase the interest and Circle. I consider the course as of a great benefit to me. I am a teacher, and want to advance in my profession. I feel that my mental horizon is expanding since I began

the course."

A lady member writes as follows: "I have enjoyed the reading in the C. L. S. C. course very much, and I feel it has been a great benefit to me. I have tried to do it as thoroughly as I could so I might remember as much as possible, but I feel that each topic which we have taken up is like a great river in which I have just dipped my fingers; still I must have gained something, as I find there are great streams of knowledge close to everyone's hand."

In the December number of THE CHAUTAUQUAN, page 174, is printed a letter from Prof. J. L. Corning, giving information in regard to pictures of ancient cities. He names a number of publishers from whom he states he has no doubt many electrotypes could be procured at a moderate figure. The inquiry is made as to the full address of the publishers referred to, and Prof. Corning furnishes them as follows: E. A. Seemann, Kunst-Verlag, Leipsig, Germany; Edward Halleberger, Verleger "Ueber Land und Meer," Stuttgart, Germany; Paul Neff, Verlags-Buchhandlung. Stuttgart, Germany; Ernst Wachsmuth, Kunst-Verleger, Berlin, Ger


DR. EATON: I suppose this meeting was called chiefly for the purpose of comparing notes, and will therefore be a kind of experience meeting on the part of officers of local circles. We will be very glad to have remarks or suggestions from any person present, either in regard to the value of local circles or the best means of conducting them, or the best ways of making them interesting and profitable.

MR. TURRILL: I have been attempting to help in one of the local circles of Cincinnati. We organized last October with twenty-one members. We agreed to meet on the firstFriday of each month. We were to do our studying at home and to meet and compare notes. A few days before the meeting a copygram notice was sent to each member reminding him of the meeting, and asking him to bring at least two questions from the required reading in THE CHAUTAUQUAN, and also to prepare some short statement from eight to twenty minutes on a special point of interest, if he chose to do so, or to be ready with a reading on some author. Of course this did not happen at every meeting; but the object was to get every member interested. We were very nearly equally divided as regards gentlemen and ladies. We met at different houses. We almost always had a full meeting, although we had some very cold weather. When we had the query box questions read by the presiding officer any member who could answer a question would do so, or some person was called upon to answer it, or the President would answer it himself. On these questions the page could be read if not thought of at the time. We also had of THE CHAUTAUQUAN was designated so that the answer essays and papers and music. We had no visitors except members of the family where we met. We call it the Cummingsville Circle of Cincinnati. We had three addresses or readings toward the close of the year. We had an address from Rev. Mr. Walden and from another individual whose name I do not recall; and Mrs. Alden, who is our pastor's wife, read us a part of her book she is preparing for the Circle. It was very interesting indeed. Those are the only public exercises we had, the lectures and the reading. Our work was done principally at home.

DR. EATON: Did you have any examination of the reading for the month?

MR. TURRILL: Yes, sir; each Friday evening we met we reviewed the work of the previous month. The whole time occupied by the meeting would not be over an hour and a quarter. I was the only one the first year. I joined down here at the old tent, about the time Rev. Dr. Bugbee did. The second year we had eleven or twelve members. Last year we started off with eight or ten old members, and obtained enough new ones to make twenty-one.

MR. ROGERS: I am confident that no one thing would help local circles so much as having every branch of our studies put into the shape of the small text-books such as we had on English History, and such as is now prepared on the History of Art. Our circle at Dundee, New York, numbers thirty-three on the roll, but I can not say that more than twenty-three are really reading. We have meetings each Saturday evening. At the close of each, I announce the lesson for the coming meeting. In reviewing the lessons I have found those questions of Mr. Martin in THE CHAUTAUQUAN were just the thing needed. If we could have them, or something similar, on every branch it would be a great blessing to local circles so far as my local circle experience extends. We do not find much encouragement in

*Meeting of leaders of local circles held in the Hall of Philosophy, Chautauqua, Tuesday, August 16th. 1881, at 5 o'clock p. m., the Rev. Dr. S. J. M. Eaton presiding.

observing the Memorial Days. Somehow we have not succeeded with them very well.

A VOICE: Our Memorial Days are the most interesting we have, and every year they grow more and more so. At our first Milton Day there was very little to be said, but our last was so full of Milton that we could hardly find time to put it all in.

MR. B. F. SEITNER: Three years ago my wife, two other ladies, and myself, began reading the C. L. S. C. course. We read by ourselves the first two years, and found it was doing us so much good we felt rather ashamed we were not carrying the same blessing to others. I spoke to the pastor of our church, and he seemed willing to have a circle organized; it was given out, and, to our great surprise, some fifty at once enrolled their names. We have held meetings the first Tuesday of every month. Our meetings have been increasing in interest from month to month. Our plan has been to have a review of the books read the previous month. We have an executive committee, composed of three members, that has entire control of the interests of the circle. This committee meet and project ahead for three months what we shall review and how. We have selected, so far as possible, the very best men in the community to make those reviews. We have recognized the fact that it would have been perhaps more profitable to have had some of the members of the circle drawn out, but we found such diffidence among them, especially the first year, that it was difficult to do it. We had Mr. Hancock, the superintendent of our schools, give a review of the "Art of Speech." We have made our meetings public. We have inserted a notice of the meetings in our papers, and sent postal cards to different persons in the community who are interested in literary matters, and also to young men and women not interested in such things. We recognize the fact if we want to interest the young men and women in the community in literary matters we must also enlist those whose influence goes for something. We have found that by getting such persons to make reviews we have enlisted them. By having out meetings public we have brought in a great many that have become members who otherwise would not have joined the Circle. We have held our meetings at the church. We had a conference at first as to whether we should meet at the church or at private houses. The majority decided to meet at the church, because it was common ground, and all would know where the circle was to meet. Our meetings have been earnest and profitable.

A VOICE: Where is your circle?

MR. SEITNER: At Dayton, Ohio. We do not go around from one church to another. The majority of our members are Baptists.

A VOICE: I would like to know of any classes where they have recitations.

DR. EATON: You mean a regular examination on the reading?

A VOICE: Yes, sir.

A VOICE: I would like to ask how the reviews were conducted-whether in the form of an address, or class-drills? MR. SEITNER: Sometimes as a class-drill, and sometimes as an address, stating the facts and salient points in the reading.

MR. TURRILL: My reviews were from these small Chautauqua text-books. Each member would have a book open in his hand and look at those initial letters and read them off.

MR. HARRIS: The question was asked whether any classes had recitations. We have a small circle in Crawfordsville, Indiana. We have weekly meetings, Tuesday afternoons at two o'clock. Those meetings have been conducted upon the recitation principle altogether. The whole of the work that was done during the year was done upon that principle.

A VOICE: Was it a success? MR. HARRIS: It was a success so far as we are able to know.

A VOICE: Did a person ask questions of individual members?

MR. HARRIS: Yes, sir. The president asks the questions. A VOICE: I represent the circle in Galion, Ohio. We find the questioning part successful with some. Rigid questioning in the field of history had the very desirable effect of bringing out information on the part of readers, but another effect of it was that out of thirty-five members at the start we have left only about eighteen or nineteen. But it was good stuff that was left behind, I think. I would like to know whether there is any intermediate way between rigid examination and reading without any examination?

DR. EATON: I would state the experience I have had. We have no constitution; we have regular officers. We meet twice a month. We have regular class drills on everything that is read in the course of the year. We occupy about an hour and a half each evening, and we go over the whole of the reading very closely. We examine very particularly, but we obviate the difficulty suggested by simply asking the questions generally, not personally, and all persons are requested to answer. They answer at the same time, and if there be persons present who are not able to answer the questions they are not under any embarrassment. They learn the answers whatever they are, and I have heard members say they learned more from the classdrill than they did at home.

A VOICE: Don't you find that a very few do all the answering? DR. EATON: Oh, no. Sometimes that is the case where the questions are very difficult to answer. Sometimes twothirds or three-fourths answer.

A VOICE: When you get the correct answer do you have the class repeat it?

DR. EATON: No, sir; we take up the lesson, as for instance, the History of the World, and go over that as a teacher in school would examine his class, bringing out every point there is in it; or, if it is something different, merely literary, we just ask in regard to the general drift as in the extracts from ancient classics of last year. In addition to that we have had essays on subjects assigned at one meeting to be read at the next meeting, as in history, on some notable historical character. We have also had some lectures. My observation is that members of the circle have kept up this systematic study. We have in our town a great many not connected with the circle who are reading, and my observation is that those are generally behind. There is not the inducement to keep up, and not the stimulus that is given to the regular members of the circle.

A VOICE: In our circle we have had an executive committee that would appoint a person who would prepare questions upon the lesson for the next meeting. These questions, twenty-five or thirty in number, are passed around on slips of paper at the beginning of the meeting, and each person is expected to answer the questions that come to him. If not, he reads the question and some one else answers it for him. The questions are numbered, so that it gives a thorough review of the subject under consideration. We have taken that course with the most important subjects.

REV. O. S. BAKETEL: I have had two circles this year We had a circle in Manchester, N. H., that was very interesting, and I removed in the spring to Methenen, Mass., where they had a circle. I found what worked well in one place was not likely to work so well in another. In Manchester our plan of organization was very simple. Everybody was admitted that wanted to come. We had members of the class from all denominations. We conducted

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