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Write a short account of the Lives of the following Eminent Characters.


I.-Henry the Second.

First of the Plantagenet dynasty-Origin of the name -Early History of Henry II.-Acquires Guienne and Poitou by his marriage with Eleanor-His claims to the throne of England-Compromise with Stephen-He succeeds to the English Crown-Early part of his government-Cause of the disputes between Henry and the clergy-Thomas á Becket-Council of Clarendon -Flight and return of Becket-His fate-Conquest of Ireland-Rebellion and ingratitude of Henry's sonsEffects upon Henry-His death and character-State of the country during his reign.

II.-Christopher Columbus.

State of navigation and geographical discovery previous to the time of Columbus-Erroneous notions regarding the figure of the earth-Theory of Ptolemy forgotten during the middle ages-Columbus-His early history-His theory of a western continent founded on the supposition of the earth's sphericity-Proposal of Columbus to the government of Genoa-His treatment by the Portuguese-Visit to Spain-Reception by Ferdinand and Isabella-His disappointments-Father Perez-First voyage of Columbus-Fears and mutiny of the crew-Dignity and fortitude of Columbus-Discovery of land-Triumph of Columbus-San SalvadorHe establishes a colony-Returns to Spain-His reception-His second, third, and fourth voyages-Neglect of Columbus-Death-Estimate of character-Grandeur of his conception-Intrepidity of his design-Effects upon Spain-Upon the destinies of mankind-Reflections


upon the treatment of the aborigines of America by lumbus-Manner in which America obtained its name. III.-Martin Luther.

State of religion in Europe previous to the Reformation-Preparation of the public mind for a changeRevival of letters-The great Schism-Wickliffe and the earlier Reformers-Moral character of the PopesLeo X.-Luther-Origin and early history-University of Erfurth-The Bible-The monastery of the Augustines -Professor of Philosophy in Wittenberg-Effects of his visit to Rome-Theological Professor-Tetzel and the indulgences-Luther's ninety-five propositions-His excommunication-The Elector of Saxony-The Diet of Worms-Retirement to Wartburg-Translation of the New Testament-Its influence upon the German language-Abjures the monastic life-Marriage-Subsequent history-Death and character-Remarks on the Reformation.

IV.-John Milton.

His birth-Education-St Paul's School-Christ's College, Cambridge-His talents-Purity of manners and conversation-His desire to enter the Church-Dislike to the oaths prescribed-Quits the UniversityLives in retirement-Comus-L'Allegro-Il Penseroso -Visits France and Italy-His reception abroad-Returns to England-Becomes a schoolmaster-Engages in politics-Is appointed Latin Secretary to Oliver Cromwell-His controversial writings-Cause of his blindness-The Restoration-Milton's adherence to principle-His poverty-Anecdote of James, Duke of York-Poetical labours-Paradise Lost-Paradise Regained-Samson Agonistes-Purity of his genius contrasted with the literary character of his own age-His death and character.

V.-John Bunyan.

His parents-Their poverty-Neglect of Bunyan in his early years-His profligacy-Enlists as a soldierHis marriage-Conduct of his wife-Effects upon Bun

yan-Change in his character-Death of his wife— Bunyan's preaching-Persecution of Nonconformists during the reign of Charles I.—Bunyan's imprisonment -Pilgrim's Progress-Devotedness of his second wife -His release-Effects of his preaching-His death— Remarks.

VI.-Sir Isaac Newton.

Brief review of the different theories of the Solar System-Pythagoras-Ptolemy-Copernicus-Galileo -Vortices of Descartes-Sir Isaac Newton-His parentage-Education-His early taste for mechanics-His analytical discoveries-Remarkable coincidence in the pursuits of Leibnitz-Newton's researches in Natural Philosophy at Woolsthorpe-Story of the apple-Discovery of the principle of gravitation-His experiments on light-Is appointed Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge-His Principia-Represents the University in Parliament-Investigations in Chemistry-Anecdote of his dog Diamond-President of the Royal Society— Knighted by Queen Anne-Employment of time during his latter years-Death and character-Effects of his discoveries-Remarks on the Baconian method of in


VII.-Lord Clive.

Birth and parentage of Clive-His early character— Is sent to India-Capture of Madras by the French— Clive a prisoner on parole-A glance at the state of affairs in the Carnatic-Dupleix the French Governor -His intrigues with the native Princes-Success of the French-Clive a military officer-His advice-Arcot -Its capture and defence-Clive's victories-His fame -Return to England-Reception-Engages in Parliamentary life-Returns to India as Governor of Fort St David The pirate Angria-Surajah Dowlah takes Calcutta-The Blackhole-Invasion of Bengal-Battle of Plassy-Death and deposition of the Nabob-Grant to Clive-He defeats the Dutch in India-Returns to England a second time-His honours-Again returns

to India-His reforms-Mutiny amongst the officers—Decisive measures of Clive-Effect of his policy in India -His final return to England-Death-Character.

VIII.-John Howard.

Preliminary remarks upon the advantages that have resulted to the human race from the philanthrophic efforts of individuals-Examples-Howard-Amiable disposition-Piety-Circumstances-Health-Captured by the French on a voyage to Lisbon-Imprisonment in France-Return to England-Domestic life-Sheriffdom of Bedford-Sketch of the state of prisons in England in the time of Howard-Jail fever-Howard's exertions in favour of the prisoner-His philanthropic tours in Britain and Ireland-Parliament acts upon his reports -His continental tours and their object-His death -Character-Consequences of his noble exertions in the cause of humanity-Mrs Fry a praiseworthy imitator.

IX.-Oliver Goldsmith.

His birth-Education-Dublin College-Edinburgh University-Removal to Leyden-His tour on foot through Flanders, France, Switzerland, and Italy-He returns to England-Engages as usher in a schoolAdopts the profession of an author-Conducts a department of the Monthly Review-His intimacy with Johnson-His various works-His death and characterContrast between his writings and his conversation— His improvidence-His difficulties.

X.-Horatio Nelson.

His early years-Midshipman at twelve-Accom.panies Commodore Phipps in an expedition to the North Pole-Rises to the rank of Post Captain-Distinguishes himself on the American station-Appointed Commander of the Agamemnon-Joins Lord Hood in the Mediterranean-Loses an eye at the siege of Calvi -Gallantry in the battle off Cape St Vincent-Made a Knight of the Bath and Rear-Admiral of the Blue-The

attack on Santa Cruz-Amputation of his right arm— Action in the Bay of Aboukir-Honours conferred on him-Copenhagen-Trafalgar-Estimate of his char


XI.-Sir Humphrey Davy.

Origin of Chemistry - Alchymy-Boerhaave the founder of philosophical chemistry-Black-Priestley— Cavendish-Davy-His early taste for chemistry-His introduction to Dr Beddoes-Superintends the Pneumatic Institution of Bristol-His discoveries—Publishes the "Chemical and Philosophical Researches"-Appointed Lecturer on Chemistry at the Royal Institution-His extraordinary success as a lecturer-Obtains the prize of the French Institute in 1810-Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry-Discovery of the Safety Lamp-His various works-His character--Effects of his discoveries on the Science of Chemistry.

XII.-Admiral Blake.

Born at Bridgewater-Circumstances-Education— Attaches himself to the Puritan party-Member of Parliament for Bridgewater in 1640-Serves in the Parliamentary army-Is appointed to the joint command of the fleet in 1649-Destroys Prince Rupert's feet-Warden of the Cinque Ports-Sole admiral in 1652-War with the Dutch-The broom-The three days' fight-The Protectorate-Blake's address to his officers-Reception by Cromwell-Sent to the Mediterranean-Exploits-Sickness-Expires in sight of England-His character-Introduction of a new era in Naval Tactics.


1. Henry IV. 2. Queen Elizabeth. 3. Peter the Great. 4. Alexander the Great. 5. Washington. 6. Demosthenes. 7. Sir Walter Raleigh. 8. Marlborough. 10. Cardinal Wolsey. 11. Shakspere. 13. Cowper. 14. Johnson. 15. Franklin. 17. Mungo Park. 18. Captain Cook. 20. Sir Joshua Reynolds.

9. Chatham. 12. John Knox. 16. Melancthon. 19. Lord Bacon

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