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IN selecting from the biographical stores of the "Society of Ancient Scots," the present collection of "Lives of Scottish Poets," the Editor has proceeded on the plan of including not only all Scotsmen, who have cultivated poetry with success; but all who, though less fortunate in their endeavours, have had at least the merit of aspiring to excel in so honorable a path to distinction, and who must therefore be consi

dered as more or less connected with the

poetical history of their country.

With a few exceptions, the lives of the more eminent poets are narrated at length, and the merits of their productions critically discussed. In a SUPPLEMENT, which concludes the work, will be found briefer notices of those of a minor rank, as also of others, who, though distinguished for occasional displays of poetic talent, have possessed it in subordination to some other excellence, by which they have become better known to the world.

The Editor cannot feel certain that names may not have been overlooked, which ought in justice to have found a place in such a collection; but he believes it will be found

to contain as complete an enumeration of the Poets of Scotland, and as ample information respecting their history and works, as has been yet presented to the public.

London, March 25, 1822.






Amid the bards whom Scotia holds to fame,
She boasts, nor vainly boasts, her James's name;
And less, sweet bard! a crown thy glory shews,
Than the fair laurel that adorns thy brows.


Few characters in history present greater claims to admiration and sympathy, than James the First, King of Scotland. With a right by birth to supreme rule, he possessed all the qualities by which it is most deservedly, but rarely, acquired. Far advanced beyond the lights of the age in which he lived, in knowledge and refinement; of a creative genius and cultivated taste; of talents fitted equally to charm and to command to brighten the sunshine of repose, and to rule amid the whirlwind and the tempest; wise, genePART 1.]


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