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your loss, and your soul must be tortured with the expectation of impending ruin and the carking of hidden sin.'—rure paterno: G., 412, R. 1; A., 55, 3, c, R.

25. far modicum: Modicum with a sneer. The young man keeps up a show of Stoic moderation.-salinum-patella: two. articles of plate, to which every respectable family aspired. Compare the apostle-spoons and the caudle-cup of the Elizabethan period. The salinum and the patella were exempt, when all other gold and silver plate was called for to meet the necessities of the state.―purum et sine labe: literally and metaphorically. 26. quid metuas: ex animo iuvenis. The young man is supposed to ask quid metuam? See v. 19. 'I have nothing to fear on the score of poverty.'-cultrix foci: The patella was used in the worship of the Lares. Conington preserves the possible double sense of 'inhabitant' and 'worshipper,' by rendering ‘a dish for fireside service.'-secura: 'that knows no fear' (of want).

27. hoc satis? This is very well, but is it enough?―an deceat: The connection is not very plain, and Jahn thinks that another person is apostrophised. PERSIUS is attacking the same man, now as to his fortune, now as to his family. That this is not clearly brought out, is simply his own fault.-ventis: 'with airs' (Pretor). See 4, 20.

28. stemmate: Abl. as a whence-case. 'Comp. Juv., 8, 1–6; SUET., Nero, 37. These stemmata were genealogical trees or tables of pedigree, in which the family portraits (imagines) were connected by winding lines. Comp. stemmata vero lineis discurrebant ad imagines pictas, PLIN., H. N., 25, 2, and multae stemmatum flexurae, SEN., de Benef., 3, 28' (Pretor, after Jahn).-Tusco: The Etruscans were great sticklers for family, as PERSIUS well knew. Comp. HoR., Od., 3, 29, 1; Sat., 1, 6, 1; PROP., 4, 9, 1. Your aristocratic philosopher can afford to be disdainful of birth. A Stoic commonplace: si quid est aliud in philosophia boni, hoc est quod stemma non inspicit, SEN., Ep., 44, 1.—ramum = lineam.millesime a thousand times removed' (Pretor). On the case, 1, 123. Conington recognizes a side-thrust, and compares Savage's 'No tenth transmitter of a foolish face.'

29. censoremne: So Casaubon. Jahn (1868) reads -que, thus

abandoning the reading which is best supported by MSS., but utterly unsupported by grammar, -ve. The careless use of vel after ve is one of those slips that are simply incredible, nor can -ve-vel be successfully defended by connecting the latter close.ly with trabeate. Pretor explains, 'because you have a censor in your family, or are yourself a knight of distinction (sc. quodve censorem tuum salutas vel quod ipse trabeatus es'). Heinr.'s conjecture, fatuum, with a reference to the censorship of Claudius, is itself almost fatuous. If we are to resort to conjecture, Heinr.'s other suggestion, vetulum, would be mild. Jahn explains this line (after Niebuhr) of the municipales equites, 'Because you are a great man in your own provincial town.' Comp. 1, 129. 'In any case the allusion is to the annual transvectio of the equites before the censor, who used to review them (recognoscere) as they defiled before him on horseback. If censorem is understood of Rome, tuum will imply that the youth is related to the Emperor, like JUVENAL'S Rubellius Blandus, 8, 40; otherwise it means "your local censor (Conington).—trabeate: The trabea is the official dress of the equites. Comp. 1, 123. 30. ad populum phaleras: The phalerae included all the trappings of the horse and rider. They were on occasion much ornamented with metal, and POLYBIUS (6, 23) says that they were given as rewards of merit to cavalry soldiers' (Pretor, after Jahn). 'To the mob with your trappings, your stars and garters.'-intus et in cute: 'inside and out;' a rough equivalent. In cute (Gr. v xp) means 'closely' ('to a dot, a T'). See Lexx. s. v. xpwc. 31. non pudet: 'You are not ashamed?' (you ought to be). See G., 455.-discincti: Comp. discinctus aut perdam nepos, HOR., Epod., 1, 34 (Schol.). The discinctus is a man of loose habits.'-Nattae: taken at random from HOR., Sat., 1, 6, 124.

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32. stupet: ȧvaioInteĩ (Casaubon). He is 'past feeling,' his conscience is benumbed, is 'seared with a hot iron.'-fibris increvit opimum pingue: his heart is overgrown with thick collops of fat' (Conington). The Scriptural parallels are familiar: Psa., 119, 70; Matt., 13, 15; John, 12, 40. The Delphin ed. comp. TERTULL., de Anima, 20: Opimitas impedit sapientiam. On opimum pingue, comp. 1, 107.

33. caret culpa: Perhaps because the Stoic would not hold

him responsible, EPICTET., Diss., 1, 18.

Conington well re

marks that Casaubon's quotation from MENAND., Mon., 430—¿ μηδὲν εἰδὼς οὐδὲν ἐξαμαρτάνει—does not meet the case. In MENANDER we have to do with 'a sin of ignorance' against others. Here the sin is against the man's own nature. Possibly culpa is conscientia culpae.—rursum non bullit: he makes no bubbles,' 'makes no further struggles,'' he is down among the dead men.' 34-43. The terrors of remorse.

36. velis: 'deign.' Velle gives a reverential turn to the wish. 37. moverit: Perf. Subj. Attraction of mood. G., 666; A., 66, 2.-ferventi tincta veneno: The gelidum venenum chills, this poison fires the blood. Comp. ALCIPHR., 1, 37, 3: Jepμóтεpov pápμakov, of a love potion. Occultum inspires ignem fallasque veneno, VERG., Aen., 1, 688. Tincta is a reminiscence of the shirt of Nessus and the bridal-gift of Medea to Glaucé.

38. intabescant: belongs to the same sphere of comparison. Intabescere, Karaтýкɛσ9αι, is hopeless pining for a lost love. Comp. THEOCR., 1, 66; 11, 14. For the figure, see Ov., Met., 3, 487: ut in tabescere flavae | igne levi cerae-solent, sic attenuatus amore | liquitur.-relicta: sc. virtute. Conington comp. VERG., Aen., 4, 692: quaesivit caelo lucem ingemuitque reperta. Relicta quod reliquerint.

39. annean.-Siculi iuvenci: Every one has heard of the brazen bull made by Perillus for Phalaris of Agrigentum, Cic., Off., 2, 7, 26, and the sword of Damocles, in the next verse, is a proverb in English. Comp. HOR., Od., 3, 1, 17; Cic., Tusc. Dis., 5, 21, 61.-aera: poet. Plur. Vivid personification and identification.

40. auratis laquearibus de a. l. Laquearibus, 'sunken panels (lacus) between the cross-beams of the ceiling.' See VERG., Aen., 1, 726.-ensis : a poetic word, 'glaive,' 'brand.'

41. purpureas cervices: Damocles was arrayed in royal purple; hence purpureas (Casaubon). Others apply the expression to tyrants generally. Comp. HoR., Od., 1, 35, 12: purpurei tyranni.

42. imus: Better to have a sword hanging by a hair over your neck than yourself to be hanging above an abyss of misery. The commentators refer to Tiberius's letter to the senate (TAC., Ann., 6, 6; SUET., Tib., 67), by way of illustrating the shuddering perplexi

ty of the sinful tyrant.-dicat: The subject is loosely involved.intus palleat: This 'not very intelligible expression' (Conington) is paralleled by SHAKSP., Macb., 2, 2: 'My hands are of your color, but I shame | to wear a heart so white.'

43. quod: dependent on the notion of fear contained in pallere. G., 329, R. 1; A., 52, 1, a.—proxima uxor: 'the wife at his side,' 'the wife of his bosom.'-nesciat: 'is not to know.'

44-51. You have not the excuse of an unenlightened conscience, nor have you the plea of the ignorance of boyhood. Boys will be boys. I was a boy myself, played boyish tricks, loved boyish sports. My training was bad, my behavior only to be justified by my training.

44. parvus: ‘as a small boy:' Memini quae plagosum mihi parvo | Orbilium dictare, HOR., Ep., 2, 1, 70.-olivo: The boy would tip (tangere) his eyes with oil, in order to make believe, by the use of the remedy, that he was suffering from the disease. For the anointing of sore eyes, see HOR., Sat., 1, 3, 25; Ep., 1, 1, 29.

45. grandia: 'sublime.' Grandia verba is the American 'tall talk.'-nollem: Iterative conditional. G., 569, R. 2; A., 59, 5, b. -morituri Catonis: Such compositions were very much in vogue as rhetorical exercises. Comp. Juv., 1, 16 (oration to Sulla, advising a withdrawal from public life); 7, 161 (speech made for Hannibal). SENECA (Ep., 24, 6) does not seem to regard the theme of Cato's death as threadbare.

46. discere: better than dicere. The boy shirks the learning rather than the speaking, and the sore eyes would be a better excuse for the one than for the other.—non sano: Comp. PETRON., cap. 1; TAC., Or., 35, on this system of training. Hermann reads et insano.-laudanda quae laudaret, the free adjective use of the Gerundive, which is more common in later times.


47. quae pater audiret: Juv., 7, 166: ut totiens illum pater audiat.-sudans: from excitement; hardly 'in a glow of perspiring ecstasy' (Conington). Sudans is thrown in maliciously as a comment.

48. iure: εikóτws, 'and well I might.'-etenim: is kai yap. Theoretically the predicate of the preceding sentence is to be repeated with the et. Practically it is often best to leave et un

translated. G., 500, R. 2 and 3; A., 43, 3, d.—senio, etc.: 'The game was played with four tali, which, unlike the tesserae, were rounded on two sides, while the other four faces were marked with one, three, four, or six pips, and called respectively unio, ternio, quaternio, senio. The canis was the worst throw, when all four tali showed single pips (Ov., A. A., 2, 206; Trist., 2, 474; MART., 13, 1, 6; PROP., 4, 8, 46), and the Venus the best, when all the faces turned up were different (LUCIAN, Amor., p. 415); or else, for it varied upon occasion, when all showed sices. The ace was a losing throw and the sice a winning one, when the pips were counted' (Pretor, after Jahn). PERSIUS wanted to know the value of each throw, what one brought in (ferret) another swept off (raderet).

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49. scire erat in voto: Hoc erat in votis, HOR., Sat., 2, 6, 1. 50. angustae collo non fallier orcae: The allusion is to a game at nuces, called τpóñα, or ‘cherry-pit.' 'Tis not for gravity to play at cherry-pit with Satan,' SHAKSP., Twelfth N., 3, 4. Fr. à la fossette. Comp. RABELAIS, 1, 2. The modern equivalent of nuces is marbles, and the modern тρóñа is 'pitch-in-the-hole,' or 'knucks.' Instead of the hole in the ground (Bópoc), the ancients used a small jar (orca), and to enhance the difficulty of getting in, the neck of this jar was made narrow (collo angustae orcae = angusto collo orcae, by Hypallagé, v. 4). So the modern hole admits but one marble. Comp. [Ov.] Nux, 85, 86: Vas quoque saepe cavum spatio distante locatur, | in quod missa levi nux cadat una manu.-fallier: like dicier, 1, 28.

51. neu quis et ne quis. G., 546. 'Et [erat in voto] ne quis callidior [esset].'-buxum: 'top,' because made of 'boxwood.' Comp. VERG., Aen., 7, 382: volubile buxum.-torquere: See Prol., 11, and 1, 118.

52. You have had a better training. You have reached years of discretion. You know Right from Wrong.-curvos=pravos. Comp. scilicet ut possem curvo dinoscere rectum, HOR., Ep., 2, 2, 44, and PERSIUS, 4, 12; 5, 38.

53. quaeque docet: Quae depends by Zeugma on some notion involved in deprendere, such as tenere. G., 690; M., 478, Obs. 4. -sapiens porticus: Comp. sapientem barbam, HoR., Sat., 2, 3, 35; eruditus pulvis, CIC., N. D., 2, 18, 48.-bracatis inlita Medis: The

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