Obrázky na stránke


The pictures on the wall are portraits of the signers to the Declaration, and the chair is the one which was occupied by the presiding officer of Argentina at the historic meeting

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A CEYLONESE ISLAND CONNECTED WITH INDIA BY BRIDGE The sacred island of Rameswaram, belonging to Ceylon, has recently been connected with the Indian mainland by a viaduct over a mile long, consisting of 145 spans. Trains are now transported from Rameswaram to Ceylon by ferries, but it is expected that the present viaduct will be extended eventually to the larger island. This is a striking example of the entrance of Western enterprise into the Orient

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The Hon. William Woodville Rockhill, lately Ambassador to Russia, has been secured by the Chinese Republic as Special Adviser. Mr. Rockhill's twenty-nine years' experience in diplomatic affairs as representative of the United States in Europe and the East makes his selection for this important position a most sensible move on the part of the Chinese Government. See editorial comment

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NOTABLE OPPONENTS OF PRESIDENT WILSON'S POLICY ON THE CANAL TOLLS The leaders of the three parties in the House of Representatives, with the Speaker ofthe House, constitute an Opposition which might

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