An Account of Corsica: The Journal of a Tour to that Island : and Memoirs of Pascal Paoli

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Edward and Charles Dilly in the Poultry, 1768 - 384 strán (strany)

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Strana 345 - ... it was told him besides, how they destroyed and brought under their dominion all other kingdoms and isles that at any time resisted them...
Strana 358 - That some of them have been adopted by him unnecessarily, may perhaps be allowed ; but in general they are evidently an advantage, for without them his stately ideas would be confined and cramped. "He that thinks with more extent than another, will want words of larger meaning.
Strana 132 - For it is better for us to die -in battle, than to behold the calamities of our people and our sanctuary. Nevertheless, as the will of God is in heaven, so let him do.
Strana 74 - The rugged soil allows no level space For flying chariots, or the rapid race; Yet, not ungrateful to the peasant's pain, Suffices...
Strana 367 - On this subject he told me a very remarkable anecdote, which happened during the last war in Italy. At the siege of Tortona, the commander of the army which lay before the town, ordered Carew an Irish officer in the service of Naples, to advance with a detachment to a particular post. Having given his orders, he whispered to Carew: 'Sir, I know you to be a gallant man. I have therefore put you upon this duty. I tell you in confidence, it is certain death for you all. I place you there to make...
Strana 352 - Thus Sallust, the great master of nature, has not forgot in his account of Catiline to remark, that his walk was now quick, and again slow, as an indication of a mind revolving with violent commotion.
Strana 368 - Sir, I know you to be a gallant man. I have therefore put you upon this duty. I tell you in confidence, it is certain death for you all. I place you there to make the enemy spring a mine below you.
Strana 313 - I fhewed him my letter from Roufleau. He was polite, but very referved. I had flood in the prefence of many a prince, but I never had fuch a trial as in the prefence of Paoli. I have already faid, that he is a great phyfiognomift. In confequence of his being in continual danger from treachery and aflaiTmation, he has formed a habit of ftudioufly obferving every new face.
Strana 345 - Galatians, and how they had conquered them, and brought them under tribute; and what they had done in the country of Spain, for the winning of the mines of the silver and gold which is there; and that by their policy and patience they had conquered all the place, though it were very far from...
Strana 355 - I made light of moral feelings. I argued that conscience was vague and uncertain; that there was hardly any vice but what men might be found who have been guilty of it without remorse. 'But, said he, there is no man who has not a horrour at some vice.

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