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was made man, who taught us the way of salvation, gave us a supernatural birth by water and the Spirit, made us an assembled people, and cleansed us by his Holy Spirit," &c. Page 14.

From the Coptic Liturgy used by the Eutychians, called the Liturgy of St. Gregory. Renaudot, tom. i.


Priest. “O Lord God Almighty ...... make me worthy to assist at thy holy altar. . . . . to offer to thee this rational and unbloody sacrifice...... to thy glory, with thy only begotten Son, our Lord, GOD, and Saviour Jesus Christ, and with thy enlivening Spirit, consubstantial with thee, now and for ever." Page 26.

"O Eternal Son, who subsistest for ever, consubstantial with the Father, ...... who by thy pure goodness didst make man out of nothing, and didst place him in a paradise of delights; who didst vouchsafe to renovate him and to restore him to his former dignity, when he had fallen by the deceit of the enemy, and by the transgression of thy precept...... thou didst take flesh without change, and becoming man, like to us in all things, excepting sin, thou wert made our mediator with the Father .... we offer glory and honour, magnificence and adoration to thee, with thy Father, infinitely good, the author of life, and consubstantial with thee, now and for ever." Pages 26 and 27.

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"The charity of God the Father, the grace of the only begotten Son, our Lord, GOD, and Saviour Jesus Christ, and the communication and gift of the Holy Ghost, be with you all." Pages 27 and 28.

"Our Lord GOD, and Saviour Jesus Christ, make this bread thy holy body, which is given for the remission of sins, and eternal life to those who partake of it by the holy communion," &c. Page 31.. From the Coptic Liturgy used by the Eutychians, called the Liturgy of St. Cyril. Renaudot, tom. i.

Priest." Eternal Lord, Lord God, Father Almighty, thou didst create man to thy image and likeness, thou didst create all things in thy wisdom, in thy true light, thy only begotten Son, our Lord, GOD, Saviour and King Jesus Christ; wherefore we give thanks to thee, and offer to thee, and to him, and to the Holy Ghost, to the holy, consubstantial, and undivided Trinity, this reasonable sacrifice, this unbloody ministry, which all people offer to thee, from the rising to the setting sun; from the north to the south; because thy name, O Lord, is great in all nations, and in every place they offer incense to thy -holy name, and a pure sacrifice, together with this sacrifice and this oblation." Page 40.

"Now, O God the Father Almighty, we announce the death of thy only-begotten Son our Lord, GoD, Saviour, and King Jesus


We profess our faith in his holy resurrection, and his ascension to the heavens above, and his sitting at thy right hand, O Father. We expect his second coming, from heaven, terrible and glorious, at the end of this world; when he will come to judge all mankind in equity; and will give to each one according to his works, either good or evil." Page 47.

Such is the uniform language of all the Oriental Liturgies, not only of those which have been in use in the four Patriarchal sees, and of all the orthodox churches dependent on them, but even amongst the Nestorians and Eutychians, and the churches which have branched out of these heretical sects. Such is the uniform language of the Schismatical Greek Church to this day, which for a thousand years has constantly used the Liturgy of Constantinople, called the Liturgy of St. Basil and St. Chrysostom. Such has been the language of all the Oriental Churches, from the first establishment of Christianity in them, and particularly of that of Jerusalem, where the Apostles officiated; of Antioch where St. Peter presided twelve years; and of Alexandria where the Christian faith and form of Christian worship were introduced by St. Mark, the disciple of St. Peter.

These religious doctrines of the Trinity of Persons in one God, of the creation and fall of man, of the Incarnation of God the Son for the redemption and salvation of mankind, of the divinity of Christ, who as God is consubstantial and coequal to the Father, and of the divinity of the Holy Ghost-these doctrines are diffused through the prayers of all these Liturgies, they form the substance of divine worship, and are the subject of all the acts of adoration, praise, glory, and thanksgiving, which have been at all times, from the beginning, uniformly offered to God by the priests and people of all the churches in the East, where the light of Christianity first rose on the horizon of the world.

NOTE [D] page 98.



From the Liturgy of St. James. Renaudot, tom. ü.

Priest. "O God the Father, who, through thy great and ineffable love for men, didst send thy Son into the world, to bring back the wandering sheep, turn not away thy face from us, whilst we celebrate this spiritual and unbloody sacrifice." Page 30.

was made man, who taught us the way natural birth by water and the Spirit, . and cleansed us by his Holy Spirit,"

From the Coptic Liturgy used by the
St. Gregory. P


Priest. "O Lord God Almight at thy holy altar...... to offer sacrifice...... to thy glory, wit' GOD, and Saviour Jesus Christ, substantial with thee, now and fo "O Eternal Son, who subsis Father, who by thy p nothing, and didst place him i vouchsafe to renovate him and t when he had fallen by the de gression of thy precept......: and becoming man, like to u wert made our mediator with t honour, magnificence and adora good, the author of life, and co ever." Pages 26 and 27.


"The charity of God the F Son, our Lord, GOD, and Saviou. tion and gift of the Holy Ghost,

"Our Lord GOD, and Saviour J holy body, which is given for the to those who partake of it by the ho

From the Coptic Liturgy used by t of St. Cyril. Re Priest. "Eternal Lord, Lord create man to thy image and like things in thy wisdom, in thy ti Lord, GOD, Saviour and King J to thee, and offer to thee, and to hi consubstantial, and undivided T unbloody ministry, which all peop setting sun; from the north to the is great in all nations, and in eve -holy name, and a pure sacrifice, to oblation." Page 40.

"Now, O God the Father Almig


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in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of st." Page 41.

Lakes the body of Christ, saying, "Grant, O Lord, that ay be sanctified by thy holy body, and, that our souls nied by thy propitiatory blood," &c.

stributes the Eucharist to the Priests, Deacons, and Laity, The body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ is given to e pardon of offences, and the remission of sins, in this in the next." Pages 41, 42.

From the Liturgy of St. Mark. Renaudot, tom. i.

"We offer to thee this rational and unbloody worship, "I nations, from the rising to the setting sun, from the north to h, offer to thee: because thy name is great in all nations; every place, incense is offered to thy holy name, and sacrifice, lation." Page 145.


ke. Holy, Holy, Holy Lord."

Priest signs the holy mysteries with the sign of the cross, saying : heaven and earth are full of thy glory, by the manifestation Lord, and GOD, and Saviour Jesus Christ. Grant, O God, s sacrifice may be also full of thy blessing, by the coming of t Holy Spirit. Because our Lord, and GOD, and Sovereign us Christ, in the night in which he delivered himself for our ' underwent death in his flesh for all, sitting at table with his ples and apostles, took bread in his holy and immaculate ent hands, looking up to heaven to thee his Father, and our the God of all; he gave thanks, blessed it, sanctified it, nd gave it to his holy and blessed disciples and apostles, eat."

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"Be ye all attentive."

ing his voice." For this is my body, which is broken stributed for the remission of sins."


ning says,
"In like manner, also taking the chalice,
1, and mixing wine and water, looking up to heaven
and our God, and the God of all, he gave thanks,
tified it, he filled it with the Holy Ghost, and
oly and blessed disciples and apostles, saying,
ages 154, 155.

›ray more earnestly."


"For this is my blood of the New Testa ed forth for you and many, and is distributed for

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and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.. now, and for ever." Choir. "Amen." Page 64.


"Let us commend ourselves, and one another, and all our life to Christ, GOD."

The Priest, raising his voice. "Because all glory, honour, and adoration are due to thee, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, now and for ever. Amen." Page 65.

The Priest, raising his voice. "Thou art Holy our God, and we give glory to thee, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, now and for ever." Choir. "Amen." Page 68.

Priest. "O Lord our God, who dwellest on high, and beholdest things that are low, who didst send salvation to mankind thy only begotten Son and GOD, our Lord Jesus Christ, look down on thy servants the Catechumens.... unite them to thy holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, and number them with thy chosen flock." Raising his voice. "That they together with us may glorify thy adorable and magnificent name, of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, now and for ever," &c. Choir. "Amen." Page 70.

From the Liturgy used by the Nestorians, called the Liturgy of the Holy Apostles. Renaudot, tom. ii.

"We will sing a hymn to thy glorious Trinity, O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." Page 585.

"Thou art holy, O God the Father, truly the only one, from whom all paternity in heaven and in earth is named. Thou art holy, O eternal Son, by whom all things were made. Thou art holy, O holy eternal Spirit, by whom all things are sanctified." Pages 589, 590.

"Glory be to thee, O God the Father, who didst send thine only begotten Son, for our salvation." Page 593.

From the Liturgy used by the Nestorians, called the Liturgy of Theodorus. Renaudot, tom. ii.

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"We offer praise, glory, thanksgiving, and adoration, to the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, now and for ever.... We bend our knees before thy great and tremendous name, and we offer our adorations. May the choirs above unite with us in praising and thanking thee, because through thy ineffable goodness to man, and for our salvation, the only begotten Son, GOD, the Word, being the image of God, who thought it no robbery that he should be equal to God, debased himself, taking the form of a servant, descended from heaven, assumed our human nature, a mortal body, and a rational, intelligent, and immortal soul, of the Virgin Mary by the virtue of the Holy Ghost: and thus perfected and completed this great and wonderful dispensation, which had been prepared by thy prescience, before the foundation of the world." Page 618.

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