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on the right hand, the second and glorious coming," (With a loud voice), "Of thy gifts, we offer to thee what is thine own, through all things, and in all things."

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The Priest again bowing down, prays secretly.

"Even we offer to thee this rational and unbloody worship, and we beseech, we pray and entreat, send down thy Holy Spirit upon us, and upon these offerings."

The Deacon goes to the Priest, and both adore thrice before the holy table, and they pray secretly, "O God, be propitious to me a sinner."

The Deacon bending his head, shews the holy bread on the stole, and says secretly, "Bless, O Lord, the holy bread." And the Priest standing erect, signs the holy mysteries thrice with a cross, and says secretly, "Make indeed this bread the precious body of thy Christ." -The Deacon. "Amen."

And again the Deacon, "Bless, O Lord, the holy chalice." And the Priest blessing it, says, " And what is in this chalice, the precious blood of thy Christ."-The Deacon. "Amen."

And again the Deacon, shewing both the holy mysteries on the stole, says, "Bless, O Lord." The Priest blessing both the holy mysteries with his hand, says, "Changing by thy Holy Spirit."-The Deacon, "Amen, Amen, Amen."

The Priest prays secretly,

"That it may be to those who receive it available to sobriety of soul, to the remission of sins, to the communication of the Holy Ghost, to the plenitude of the kingdom of heaven, to confidence in thee, not to sin or damnation." Page 77.

The Priest prays in secret,

"Look down on us, O Lord Jesus Christ our God, from thy holy dwelling, and from the throne of the glory of thy kingdom, and come to sanctify us, thou who sittest together with the Father in the highest heavens, and art here invisibly present with us; and vouchsafe, with thy powerful hand, to impart to us thy immaculate body and thy precious blood, and by us to all the people."

The Priest. "Holy things for holy persons."

The Priest with attention and devotion; dividing (the holy bread) into four parts, says, "The Lamb of God is broken and divided, the Son of the Father; he is broken but is not diminished; he is always eaten, but is not consumed; but he sanctifies those who are made partakers." Page 81.

The Priest holding the holy bread, presents it to the Deacon, and the Deacon kissing the hand presenting it, receives the holy bread, saying, "Give me, O Lord, the precious and holy body of our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ." The Priest says, "I give to thee the

precious and holy and pure body of our Lord and God and Saviour Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins unto life everlasting."

In like manner the Priest receives the holy bread, and bowing down his head before the holy table, prays in this sort, "I believe, O Lord, and I confess, that thou art the Christ the Son of the living God," Page 82,


"Deacon ap,

Likewise the holy chalice: the Priest receives three draughts; at the first he says, "In the name of the Father;" at the second, "and of the Son;" at the third," and of the Holy Ghost." Holding the chalice, he calls the Deacon, saying, proach ;" and the Deacon approaches and adores once, saying, “Behold I come to the immortal King;" and, "I believe, O Lord, and confess," &c.

And the Priest says, "Servant of God, Deacon N., thou dost com, municate of the precious and holy body and blood of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, for the remission of thy sins and everlasting life."

Page 83.

From the Syriac Liturgy of St. Basil, one of the most ancient in use among the Syrians. Renaudot, tom. ii.

The Priest. "O Lord.... make us worthy to stand before thee, with a pure heart; and to administer and offer to thee this venerable and unbloody sacrifice, for the destruction of our sins," &c. Page 549.

The Priest. "In that night, in which he was delivered up for the life and redemption of the world, taking bread into his holy, immaculate, pure, and innocent hands, he gave thanks, he blessed it, he sanctified it, he brake it, and gave it to his disciples, and to his holy Apostles, saying: take, eat ye of this: this is my body, which is broken for you, and for many, and is divided for the expiation of faults, and the remission of sins, and for life everlasting." The People, "Amen."

The Priest. "And in like manner, after they had supped, he took the chalice of wine, the fruit of the vine, he mixed it with water, he gave thanks, he blessed it, sanctified it, and tasted, and divided it amongst his disciples and holy Apostles, saying: take, drink ye all of it: this is my blood of the New Testament, which is poured forth for you, and for many, and is sprinkled, for the expiation of faults, and the remission of sins, and for life everlasting." The People, "Amen." Page 552.

The Priest. "May thy Holy Spirit come down upon us, and upon these gifts which we have presented, and may he sanctify them....and make this bread, the glorious body of our Lord Jesus Christ, the heavenly body, the life-giving body, the precious body,

for the expiation of faults and the remission of sins, and eternal life, to those who receive it." The People, "Amen."

The Priest. "And this chalice, the precious blood of Jesus Christ the Lord God, who has dominion over all things, the redeeming blood, the life-giving blood, the expiating blood, which was poured forth, for the redemption and life of the world, for the expiation of faults and the remission of sins and eternal life to those who receive it." The People, "Amen." Page 554.

The Priest. O Holy of Holies, O Lord God of armies, we offer to thee this venerable and unbloody sacrifice, for the holy churches which exist from one end of the earth to the other."

Page 555. The Priest." Do thou, therefore, our God, who sanctifiest these sacraments, vouchsafe to cleanse us from all defilements of the flesh and of the spirit, and to teach us to do that which is holy, in thy fear; that with the sincere testimony of our conscience, we may be made partakers of thy holy mysteries; may be united to the body and blood of thy Christ, and may be made fit for him to dwell in us, according to his promise, and that our hearts may be the residence of his holy spirit. Grant, O Lord, that no one of us may be guilty of the body and blood of Christ thy Son," &c. Page 559.

From the Liturgy used by the Nestorians, called the Liturgy of the Holy Apostles. Renaudot, tom. ii.

The Priest bows down before the Altar, and says in secret, "O Lord our God.. by thy inexpressible grace, sanctify this sacrifice," &c. Page 587.

"Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, pray for me to thy only Son.. that he would vouchsafe to forgive me my offences and sins, and receive this sacrifice from my weak and sinful hands," &c. Page 588.

The Priest breaks the host, which he holds in his hands, into two parts; places that which is in his left hand on the paten, and with the other, which he holds in his right hand, he makes a sign over the chalice, saying, "The precious blood is signed with the holy body of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen."

Then he dips it to the middle into the chalice, and with it signs the body, which is on the paten, saying, "The holy body is signed with the propitiatory blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen." Then he signs the host with his right thumb in the form of a cross.. he signs himself and those around him on the forehead with the sign of the cross. Page 594.

During the communion, the responses are said. "Brethren, receive

the body of the Son,-the voice of the Church, and drink his chalice with faith, in the house of the Kingdom."

The Priest. "Christ our God, Lord, King, Saviour and giver of life, has graciously made us worthy to receive his body and his precious and sanctifying blood," &c. Page 596.

Priest. "We confess, O Lord and our God, the abundant riches of thy grace upon us: although sinners and of low condition, thou hast made us, through thy manifold clemency, worthy to administer the holy mysteries of the body and blood of thy Christ." Page 588. "Mother, &c.," as above.

From the Liturgy used by the Nestorians, and called the Liturgy of Theodorus. Renaudot, tom. ii.

The Prayer before the Altar.

The Priest. "O Lord God.. grant by thy grace and thy abundant mercies ... that while we stand before thee, with pure consciences, and offer to thee this living, holy, acceptable, glorious, rational, excellent and unbloody sacrifice, we may find grace and mercy with thee." Page 616.

Priest. "When he (Christ), in that night in which he was betrayed, celebrated, with his Apostles, this great, tremendous, holy and divine mystery; taking bread, he blessed and brake it, and gave it to his disciples, and said, 'This is my body, which is broken for you for the remission of sins.' In like manner, also, the chalice: he gave thanks and gave it to them, and said: This is my blood of the New Testament, which is poured forth for many, for the remission of sins. All you therefore take, eat of this bread, and drink of this chalice, and so do, as often as you shall be assembled together, in remembrance of me.''

"We offer before thy glorious Trinity, with a contrite heart, and in the spirit of humility, this living and holy sacrifice, which is the mystery of the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world." Page 619.

Priest. 66 May the grace of the Holy Ghost come down upon us, and upon this oblation; may he dwell and infuse himself on this bread and on this chalice; may he bless, and sanctify, and sign them, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: and may the bread, by the virtue of thy name, this bread, I say, be made the holy body of our Lord Jesus Christ: and this chalice, the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ; that whoever, with true faith, shall eat of this bread, and drink of this chalice, to him they may be, O Lord, the pardon of faults and remission of sins," &c, Page 621.

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From the Liturgy of Nestorius. Renaudot, tom. ii.

The Priest having invited the people to raise their minds to heaven, where the Seraphim are perpetually singing hymns to the Sanctity of God, extends and raises his hands, and says, “The living and rational oblation of our first fruits, and the unbloody (non-immolata) and acceptable victim of the Son of our race, which Prophets mystically foretold; which Apostles have openly preached; which martyrs have testified by their blood; which doctors have explained in the church; which priests have offered and immolated on the holy altar; which Levites have carried in their arms; which the people have received for the expiation of their sins, is now being offered to God, the Lord of all, for all creatures." Answer, "It is meet and just." Pages 626, 627.

Priest. "He (Christ) left us a memorial of our salvation, this mystery which we are offering before thee. For when the time was come in which he was delivered up for the life of the world, after he had supped, according to the Pasch of the law of Moses, he took bread into his holy, immaculate and undefiled hands, he blessed and brake it, and ate, and gave it to his disciples, and said, ‹ Take, and eat all ye of it. This is my body, which is broken for you for the remission of sins.' In like manner, he mixed in the chalice, wine and water; he blessed and drank, and gave it to his disciples, and said, Drink 6 ye all of it: this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins; and so do, in remembrance of me until I come." Page 629.

Priest. "We offer to thee this living, holy, acceptable, excellent, and unbloody sacrifice, for all creatures." Page 630.

"May the grace of the Holy Ghost come, and dwell, and rest on this oblation, which we are offering before thee; may he sanctify it, and make it, i. e. this bread and chalice, the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, thou transmuting them, and sanctifying them, by the operation of the Holy Ghost; that the receiving of these holy mysteries may avail all who receive them, unto eternal life, and resurrection from the dead, and expiation of bodies and souls, enlightening of knowledge, confidence before thee, and everlasting salvation, &c.... May we be worthy with a pure conscience to par-" take of the body and blood of thy Christ," &c. Pages 633, 634.

After Communion.

"Since we have externally received thy body, may thy virtue internally dwell in us..grant that thy living body, O Lord, which we have ate, and thy pure blood, which we have drunk, may not turn to our detriment, but to the expiation of our crimes and the remission of our sins, O Lord of all." Page 634.

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