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Incipe, vivendi recte qui prorogat horam,
Rufticus exfpectat dum defluat amnis: at ille
Labitur, et labetur in omne volubilis ævum.

Quæritur argentum, puerifque beata creandis
Uxor, et incultæ pecantur vomere filvæ.
Quod fatis eft, cui contingit, nihil amplius optet.
Non domus, et fundus, non æris acervus et auri
Ægroto domini deduxit corpore febres,
Non animo curas. valeat poffeffor oportet,
Sic comportatis rebus bene cogitat uti.



Qui cupit aut metuit; juvat illum fic domus, et res,
Ut lippum pictæ tabulæ, (a) fomenta podagram,
Auriculas citharæ collecta forde dolentes.

Sincerum eft nifi vas, quodcunque infundis, acefcit.
Sperne voluptates; nocet emta dolore voluptas.
Semper avarus eget : certum voto pete finem.
Invidus alterius macrefcit rebus opimis:
Invidia Siculi non invenere tyranni


Majus tormentum. qui non moderabitur iræ,
Infectum volet effe, (b) dolor quod fuaferit et mens,
Dum pœnas odio per vim feftinat inulto.


Ira furor brevis eft. animum rege; qui nifi paret,
Imperat: hunc frenis, hunc tu compefce catena.
Fingit equum tenera docilem cervice magister
Ire viam, qua monftrat eques: venaticus, ex quo 65
Tempore cervinam pellem latravit in aula,
Militat in filvis catulus. nunc adbibe puro
Pectore verba, puer; nunc te melioribus offer.
Quo femel eft imbuta recens, fervabit odorem
Tefta diu. quod fi ceffas, aut ftrenuus anteis:
Nec tardum opperior, nec præcedentibus infto.


(a) Fomenta podagrum. Benil. (b) Dolor quod fuaferit exmens, H. Steph.


Jently. He who poftpones the hour of living well, like the hind in the fable, waits till all the water in the river is run off: whereas it flows, and will flow ever rolling in a continued ftream.

Money is fought for, and a wife fruitful in bearing children, and wild woodlands are reclaimed by the plow. To what end all this? He that has got a competency, let him wish for no more. Not a house, and farm, not a heap of brafs and gold can remove fevers from the body of their fick master, or cares from his mind. The poffeffor must be well, if he thinks of enjoying the things he has heaped together. He that is a flave to defire or to fear, his house or estate does him just as much good as paintings do a fore eyed perfon, fomentations do the gout, mufic does the ears that are afflicted with collected matter. Unless the veffel is fweet, whatever you pour into it turns four. Despise pleasures: pleasure bought with pain is hurtful. The covetous man is ever in want: fet a certain limit to your wishes. The envious perfon wastes at the thriving condition of another: Sicilian tyrants never invented a greater torment than envy. He that will not curb his paffion, will wish that undone which his wild grief and refentment prompted him to, while he violently plies his revenge with unfated rancour. Rage is a fhort madness. Rule your paffion; which commands, if it does not obey; do you restrain it with a bridle, do you with fetters. The groom forms the docile horse while his neck is yet tender, to go the way which his rider directs him: the young hound, from the time that he barked at the deer's fkin in the hall, campaigns it in the woods. Now, while you are young, with an untainted mind imbibe inftruction; now apply yourfelf to the best mafters of morality. A cafk will long preferve the flavour, with which, when new, it was once impregnated.-But if you lag behind, or vigoroufly push on before; I neither wait for the loiterer, nor strive to overtake those that precede me.

* Brafs was a very valuable part of the Roman currency.






Quædam de Tiberio ac fuis amicis percontatus, Florum ad fapientiæ ftudium cohortatur.

ULI Flore, quibus terrarum militet oris

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Claudius Augufti privignus, fcire laboro.
Thracane vos, Hebruíque nivali compede vinctus,
An freta vicinas inter (a) currentia turres,
An pingues Afiæ campi collefque morantur?
Quid ftudiofa cohors operum ffruit? hoc quoque curo.
Quis fibi res geftas Augufti fcribere fumit?
Bella quis et paces longum diffundit in ævum ?
Quid Titius, Romana brevi venturus in ora?
Pindarici fontis qui non expalluit hauftus,
Faftidire lacus et rivos aufus apertos:

Ut valet? ut meminit noftri? fidibufne Latinis
Thebanos aptare modos ftudet, aufpici Mufa?
An tragica defævit et ampullatur in arte?


Quid mihi Celfus agit? monitus, multumque monen


Privatas ut quærat opes, et tangere vitet

Scripta, Palatinus quæcunque recepit Apollo:



Ne, fi forte fuas repetitum venerit. olim,
Grex avium plumas, moveat cornicula rifum
Furtivis nudata coloribus. ipfe quid audes?
Quæ circumvolitas agilis thyma? non tibi parvum
Ingenium, non incultum eft, (b) et turpiter hirtum,

(a) Currentia terras. (b) Nec turpiter hirtum.




After enquiring after Claudius Tiberius Nero, and fome of his friends, he exhorts Florus to the ftudy of philofophy.



Long to know, Julius Florus, in what regions of the earth Claudius, the ftep-fon of Auguftus, is -leading war. Do Thrace and Hebrus bound with icy chains, or the narrow fea running between the neighbouring towers, or Afia's fruitful plains and hills detain you? What works are the studious † train planning? In this too I am anxious. Who takes upon himself to write the militaryatchievements of Auguftus? Who diffufes into diftant ages, the glory of his wars, and the prudence of his peaces? What is Titius about, who will shortly be celebrated by every Roman tongue? who dreaded not to drink of the Pindaric fpring, daring to difdain common waters and open ftreams; How does he do? How mindful is he of me? Does he employ himself to adapt Theban measures to the Latin lyre, under the direction of his mufe? or does he form and fwell in the pompous style of tragic art? What may I expect from Celfus? He has been advised, and the advice is still often to be repeated, to acquire a stock of his own, and forbear to touch whatever writings the Palatine Apollo has received; lest, if it chance that the flock of birds fhould fome time or other come to demand their feathers, he, like the daw ftript of his stolen colours, be exposed to ridicule. What do undertake? What thyme are you busy hovering about? Your genius is not fmall, is not uncultivated, and shamefully rough. Whether you edge your tongue for pleading causes, or whether you pre


*The Hellefpont, between Seftos and Abydos.

Young gentlemen of learning, who formed the court and guard of Auguftus.

Or, his military and peaceful honours?


Seu linguam caufis acuis, feu civica jura
Refpondere paras: feu condis amabile carmen ;
Prima feres ederæ victricis præmia. quod fi
Frigida curarum fomenta relinquere poffes;
Quo te cœleftis fapientia duceret, ires.

Hoc opus, hoc ftudium parvi properemus et ampli ;
Si patriæ volumus, fi nobis vivere cari.

Debes hoc etiam refcribere, (a) fi tibi curæ, Quantæ conveniat, Munatius; an male farta Gratia nequicquam coit, et refcinditur; ac vos Seu calidus fanguis, feu rerum infcitia vexat, Indomita cervice feros? ubicunque locorum Vivitis, indigni fraternum rumpere fœdus, Pafcitur in veftrum reditum votiva juvenca.





AD ALBIUM TIBULLU M. Dotes ejus prædicat, et propofita mortis cogitatione ad

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bilaritatem convertit.

LBI, noftrorum fermonum candide judex,

Quid nunc te dicam facere in regione Pedana ?
Scribere quod Caffi Parnienfis opufcula vincat:
An tacitum filvas inter reptare falubres,

Curantem quidquid dignum fapiente bonoque eft? 5
Non tu corpus eras fine pectore. Di tibi formam,
Di tibi divitias dederant, artemque fruendi.

Quid voveat dulci nutricula majus alumno, (b) Qui fapere, et fari poffit quæ fentiat; et cui Gratia, fama, valetudo contingat abunde, (c) Et mundus victus, (d) non deficiente crumena ? Inter fpem curamque, timores inter et iras, Omnem crede diem tibi diluxiffe fupremum.

(a) Sit tibi curæ. Si tibi curæ eft, Bentl.

(b) Quam fapere, et fari ut poffit, quæ fentiat; utque Qui fapere, et fari ut poffit, quæ fentiat, et cui, Lamb. (c) Et modus et victus. Et domus, et victus, Bentl (d) Non deficiente Camena, Boivinas.


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